fA G B P O R Tt WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 19Wg ;|ianrI;?Bter lEti^nittr) IfnraUi 11 Average Daily Net Press Run TTie Weather For Uie Week Ended Oool wlith poeafUe tiiunder* About Town Color Guards Pipe Band June 11; liuee showera tonight, low In BOst Moimtain Lawel Chapter, partly sum«y tomorrow, chanon Sweet Adelines, Inc., will meet Winners in VFW Parade of showers, high 75-SOl and rdiearse tomorrow at 8 p.m. 1 4 ,6 2 9 at the Russian American Center, The VFW Auxiliary color and a member of the County Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm 211 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. guard won first place trophy Council. (fJlasaifled Advertialiig on Page 81) PRICE SEVEN CENT! The event is open to all women for best color guard in Con­ Mrs. Florence Streeter of HOUSE VOL. LXXXV, NO. 218 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1966 Manchester, ■ past departfnent Interested in t>art>ershop-etyle necticut Saturday at a parade ainging. president and National Council in Hartford during a VFW member, opened the Saturday state convention last weekend. morning session of the-conven­ Oub^ Scout Pack 120 of St. b ♦ W ^ M I St. Patrick's Pipe Band of tion. Mrs. Auden was color James’ Church will have its an­ bearer at Friday and Saturday nual recruiting meeting tomor­ Manchester won first place sessions. AND row at 7:80 p.m. at St. James’ trophy for the best pipe band The VFW post color guard, School cafeteria. Boys eight in the parade. Ky Sends Paratroops years old September and led by Cmdr. Edwards, partici­ over, interested in becoming Cub Members of the VFW color pated in the parade. They in­ HALE Scouts, are eligible to Join the guard, led by Mrs. George Ed­ cluded Fred Schuster, Kenneth wards, included Mrs. Thomas pack. Prospective members at­ Asletine, Michael Jutras and ■ Ince tending the meeting should be Hovey. Mrs, Kenneth Asletine, John Falkner. 1858 When its from the store he likes best your gift is the best. • accompanied by their parents. Mrs. George Ek:abert and Mr|, Wilbert Auden. Dad knows the brands we feature and ,they are-his favorites, Lehigh Grad too . Give him cool, carefree comfort all thru the sununer Against Hue Buddhists Sherman Stuart Feir, son of Other awards won by the FATHER'S DAY is tMs Sunday auxiliary include second prize Award Goes with gifts from House & Hale, your store of “ Village Charm.” Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Feir of 16 Thomas Arthur Best, .son of for donations to the VFW Na­ Arcellia Dr., was awarded an as­ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Best, tional Home, a plaque for re­ sociate degree in applfed sci- of 53 Coburn Rd., was awarded To Moriarty habilitation work, three cita­ erce from the school of hotel and a bachelor of science degree in tions for hospital work, and a Curfew Set resteurant management. Paul industrial engineering from Le­ Matthew M. Moriarty will re­ citation for community serv­ Smith’s College, New York, on high University, Bethlehem, ceive the Benjamin Franklin June 6. He is employed at the ice. Mrs. Marie Hale of the Pa., June 13. Quality Award next week at a At 9 O’clock Pine Orchard Yacht and Coun­ auxiliary won a personal Best, a 1962 Manchester High award for her reporting of special award luncheon which try dub. Pine Orchard as as­ School graduate, was a member facts on the national home. will be held at his home at 75 For Saigon sistant to the manager. of the varsity soccer team, ski club, class Glee Club, Cliff Clets Two members of the post Forest St. and two auxiliary members The Master Mason degree will and Residence Halls Council. The award will be presented SAIGON, South Viet were appointed and elected to Nam (A P )— Gunfire punc­ be portrayed when Friendship He served as vice chairman by Gordon Miller, marketing di­ Lodge of Masons meet tomor- state posts at the convention, rector-of the Saturday Evening tuated the government’s of the class gift committee. George Eldwards, post com­ row at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic He will be employed by Unit­ Post on the basis of Moriarty’s campaign today to regain Temple. Senior Warden Ray mander, was appointed de­ ed Aircraft, Windsor Locks. many years of civic activities, control of Hue. Buddhist *■ '1 Bogue’ will preside, and all of- partment assistant deputy charitable contributions and re­ /-I 1 iiirtofajc) demonstrators burned an ficetrs 'Will advance a station. chief of staff. Patrick ligious activites. J Elizabeth Treat, daughter of Humphries was appointed de­ 1.50 4.25 4.99 American automobile in Frank E. Zimmermna Jr., son ' 1 MUkk Hinnov, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Treat of partment assistant deputy in- Unscheduled Stampede in Calgary Saigon. Two U.S. service­ 38 Meadow La., was awarded an .spector. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Zim­ tid 2.50 to 8.00 \ t»A M men were threatened, but Mrs. August Hinnov of 14 El- mermna of 152 Benton St., gen­ Constable Louis Gaal leaps into roundup action as after they trotted into a furniture store, scatter­ dridge St., received a bachelor associate in arts degree in lib­ Mrs. Mary E. LcDuc of 40 both escaped unharmed. eral arts at the 129th com­ Cambridge St. was elected and eral marketing manager of the one of two escaped Highland steers makes a quick ing customers in all directions. They escaped from Premier Nguyen Cao Ky of arts degree from Princeton Lincoln Mercury Division, will Neckties galoK — incliidiiig the .new foul­ Men’s famous Arrow short sleeve dress Henley collar shirts in knits and fabrics — the grounds of the famed Calgary Stampede. University at its 2l»th com­ mencement exercises at Green installed department chaplain of ards and paUleya — aa well as tie aad shirts, including permanent press. Collar about-face on a downtown street in Calgary, Alta. pushed his Buddhist foes farther Mountain College, Poultney, Vt., Uie State Auxiliary. She is past be the principal speaker at the handkerchM aeta. the number one shirt tor summer, ’M. The steers were roped in an alley— but not until into a corner by sending 600 of mencement yesterday. He is a award luncheon. siies 14H ■ 17. WUte and colors. IMS graduate of Manchester June 11. She also received an president of the Manchester his elite paratroopers to rein­ High School. a'ward for outstanding academic unit, past district president, and Friends and business associ­ force government riot police in proficiency in mathematics and currently senior vice president ates of Moriarty have been invit­ Hue, 400 miles north of Saigon, science. While a student at of Hartford Tolland Counties ed. The Chamber of Commerce Talking Ball and slapping a 9 p.m. nightly Green Mountain she was a Council. She has been active in sponsored him for the award. / Whites Among Marchers Curfew on the capital. The gov­ member of Green Key and veterans organizations 15 years. In 1964 Moriarty received the ernment appeared confident of i' ^ LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. Christian Association. iClrs. Jane Fortin of 28 "M ” Award from the CSiamber (A P)— Telephone company crushing the antigovernment, “SPECIAL” ’ Knighton St. was re-elected and of Commerce which nonored and workers in Colorado watch­ antiAmerican rebellion, now in Ladies Auxiliary of the Italian re-appointed department treas­ paid recognition to him for his its fourth month. ..... FROM ed some blind children playi American Society Will meet to­ urer and secretary, respective­ many years of devoted commun­ Provoke Mississippian^ ing with a ball attached to The paratroopers fired on dis­ night at 7:30 at the clubhouse ly. She begins her 15th year as ity service. a bell. When the ball stop­ sident infantrymen of the 1st on Eldridge St. Refreshments secretary. She has been presi­ The limcheon -will be held Jime HOLCOMB, Miss. (AP) “ ■Why are you protctlng that Jobless, living on free govern­ ped rolling, however, the Vietnamese Di'vision who tried SINGER will be served. dent of Manchester auxiliary 23 at 1 :30 p.m. ment foods. Many say tliey are — ^The sight of whites trash,” a woman asked a pat­ bell stopped too, and the to stage a march in Hue with rolman Wednesday. homeless. Most have not regis­ children couldn’t find it. Buddhist banners. A paratroop marchipg with Negroes “ Lady, I’ve got a wife and a tered to vote —and these are As a result, the workers captain said the marchers fired provoked barely hidden re- little boy to feed and that’s the the ones the mafehers hope to developed a “talking bull," first. They fled after a hea'v^ senttnent among the white only reeison,” he said. inspire. Their drive in Grenada burst of fire. One dissrident was' 89c which they demonstrated UP Photofax) 3.99 p^ulace as the Mississip­ As the marchers moved the last two days resulted in yesterday to the Telephone reixirted killed and at least 6.99 3 for 2.05 pi march moved into the southward, the change toward hundreds being registered — Pioneers of America’s an­ three wounded. He’s Well Known^ Even in Saigon .T0UN6 BUDGET' greening delta land today. repressed hostility becomes many by temporary Negro nuel meeting. Soldiers ait the walled citadel marked. More and more ghost clerks. of 1st Division headquarters Lightweight shawl collar robes. Handsome Famous B.V.D. underwear for men ... Permanent prc ” . 'i shorts — nevir “ They can’t be white, they The talking sOftbaU, still Movie actor John Wayne, used to the practice by now, is stopped for an auto­ Isewlng macmnei shacks, where Neglo field hands There has been a change, too, opened fire with rifles and auto­ solid oxfords, tartan rinids, paisleys and superior quality,.
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