SEM Newsletter Published by the Society for Ethnomusicology Volume 40 Number 2 March 2006 Becoming Ethnomusi- Ethnomusicology at the Klaus P. Wachsmann cologists University of Hawai‘i Prize for Advanced By Philip V. Bohlman, SEM President By SEM 2006 Local Arrangements and Critical Essays in Committee Inspired by conversations with Tong Organology Soon Lee, “Becoming Ethnomusicolo- The University of Hawai‘i at Manoa By Margaret Kartomi, Chair, Klaus gists” is a new column in the SEM is proud to host the 2006 SEM Annual Wachsmann Prize Committee Newsletter, in which the President will Meeting in Honolulu, November 16-19. reflect on the historical issues and con- Its Ethnomusicology Program has a long- You are invited to nominate and temporary concerns in the field. standing reputation of excellence in the submit a copy of any book or article on The reflections arise from a mixture study of world music, especially the musical instruments or aspects of orga- of musical and cultural, aesthetic and musics of Asian and Pacific Islands nology published in 2003, 2004, or 2005 ethical, historical and ethnographic con- cultures. to the Klaus Wachsmann Prize Commit- cerns, and they themselves consciously Founded by Professor Emeritus Bar- tee by the deadline of April 1, 2006. mix ethnomusicological practices in the bara B. Smith in the 1950s, its early Nominations, including self nomina- broadest sense. development focused on establishing tions, may be made by submitting one “Becoming Ethnomusicologists” rec- the study of non-Western musics as a copy of the publication(s) to the Klaus ognizes the centrality of the SEM News- viable component of the university’s Wachsmann Prize Committee through letter for the discourses of ethnomusi- course offerings, integrating this with the SEM Business Office, Indiana Uni- cology, and then consciously reaches the other concentrations in the Music versity, Morrison Hall 005, 1165 East 3rd beyond disciplinary boundaries to open Department and with other departments Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-3700. The what we hope will be new channels for of the university, and incorporating the winning entry will be announced at the ethnomusicological engagement with rich group of Asia-Pacific performers SEM meeting in Hawai‘i in November musical, scholarly, and lay audiences. and practitioners already resident in the 2006. For prize guidelines, see (website) Beginning with “cosmopolitanism” community. http://www.ethnomusicology. in this issue (page 4-5), the column will Continued on page 3 turn to subjects such as nationalism, scholarly activism, and musical hybrid- ity in future issues. Inside 1 Becoming Ethnomusicologists 1 Ethnomusicology at the University of Hawai‘i 1 Klaus P. Wachsmann Prize 3 Announcements 6 Obituaries Robert Brown (1927-2005) 6 Andrew Toth (1948-2005) 8 10 People & Places 12 “Fun Stuff” at the SEM 50th Anniversary Banquet 50 Years of “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” 12 A Fly on the Wall 13 The Ethno Double-Dactyls 16 SEM 50th Calypso 18 22 Conferences Calendar Waikiki Beach (Photo by Alan Burdette) 2 SEM Newsletter The Society for Ethnomusicology and SEM Newsletter Guidelines the SEM Newsletter Guidelines for Contributors Editor, SEM Newsletter Tong Soon Lee Emory University •Send articles to the editor by e-mail or on a 3.5" disk with a paper copy. Department of Music Microsoft Word is preferable, but other Macintosh or IBM-compatible software 1804 North Decatur Road Atlanta, GA 30322, USA is acceptable. (Tel) 404.712.9481 (Fax) 404.727.0074 • Identify the software you use. (Email) [email protected] • Please send faxes or paper copies without a disk only as a last resort. (Website) www.emory.edu/Music The SEM Newsletter Advertising Rates Copy Deadlines The SEM Newsletter is a vehicle for exchange of ideas, news, and information among the Society’s Rates for Camera Ready Copy March issue.................. January 15 members. Readers’ contributions are welcome and Full Page $200 May issue ....................... March 15 should be sent to the editor. See the guidelines for contributions on this page. 2/3 Page $145 September issue ................ July 15 The SEM Newsletter is published four times 1/2 Page $110 January issue .......... November 15 annually, in January, March, May, and September, 1/3 Page $ 6 0 by the Society for Ethnomusicology. Inc., and is distributed free to members of the Society. 1/6 Page $ 4 0 Back issues, 1981-present [Vols. 14-18 (1981- 84), 3 times a year; Vols. 19-32 (1985-1998), 4 times Additional charges apply to non-camera-ready materials. a year] are available and may be ordered at $2 each. Add $2.50/order for postage. Address changes, orders for back issues of the SEM Newsletter, and all other non-editorial inquir- Internet Resources British Forum for Ethnomusicology ies should be sent to the Business Office, Society for Ethnomusicology, Indiana University, Morrison http://www.bfe.org.uk Hall 005, 1165 East 3rd Street, Bloomington, Indiana The SEM Website 47405-3700; (Tel) 812.855.6672; (Fax) 812.855.6673; British Library National Sound (Email) sem@ indiana.edu. http://www.ethnomusicology.org Archive SEM Membership The SEM Discussion List: SEM-L International Music Collection: The object of the Society for Ethnomusicology To subscribe, address an e-mail mes- is the advancement of research and study in the http://www.bl.uk/collections/sound- field of ethnomusicology, for which purpose all sage to: [email protected]. interested persons, regardless of race, ethnicity, archive/imc.html religion, gender, sexual orientation, or physical abil- EDU. Leave the subject line blank. Type ity are encouraged to become members. Its aims the following message: SUBSCRIBE SEM- Catalog: include serving the membership and society at large http://cadensa.bl.uk through the dissemination of knowledge concern- L yourfirstname yourlastname. ing the music of the world’s peoples. The Society, SEM Chapter Websites Ethnomusicology OnLine (EOL) incorporated in the United States, has an interna- tional membership. Mid-Atlantic Chapter Free, peer-reviewed, multimedia Web Members receive free copies of the journal journal. For more information, point and the newsletter and have the right to vote and http://www.macsem.org participate in the activities of the Society. Life mem- your browser to: bers receive free copies of all publications of the Mid-West Chapter http://umbc.edu/eol (home site) Society. Institutional members receive the journal and the newsletter. http://www.wku.edu/midwestsem/ EthnoFORUM, a.k.a. ERD (inactive) Student (full-time only) (one year) ............. $30 Niagara Chapter Individual/Emeritus (one year) Archive at: http://www.inform.umd. income $25,000 or less .............................. $50 http://www.people.iup.edu/ edu/EdRes/ReadingRoom/Newsletters/ income $25,000-$40,000 ............................ $70 rahkonen/NiagaraSEM/NiagaraSEM.htm EthnoMusicology/ income $40,000-$60,000 ............................ $80 income $60,000-$80,000 ............................ $95 Northeast Chapter International Council for Tradi- income $80,000 and above ..................... $100 http://web.mit.edu/tgriffin/necsem/ tional Music Spouse/Partner Individual (one year) ......... $35 Life membership .......................................... $900 Southwest Chapter http://www.ethnomusic.ucla.edu/ Spouse/Partner Life ................................... $1100 http://www.u.arizona.edu/~sturman/ ICTM Sponsored* (one year) .................................. $35 Institutional membership (one year) .......... $80 SEMSW/SEMSWhome.html Iranian Musicology Group Overseas surface mail (one year) ................ $10 Southern California Chapter http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ Overseas airmail (one year) ......................... $25 *Donated membership for individuals and in- http://www.ucr.edu/ethnomus/ iranian_musicology stitutions in soft-currency countries. Send spon- sorship letter with dues ($35) and postage (either semscc.html Music & Anthropology $10 Surface rate or $25 airmail) to the SEM Business Office. Southeast-Caribbean Chapter http://www.muspe.unibo.it/period/MA Ethnomusicology: Back Issues http://otto.cmr.fsu.edu/~cma/SEM/ http://research.umbc.edu/eol/MA/ The Society's journal, Ethnomusicology, is cur- index.htm rently published three times a year. Back issues SEMSEC02.htm/ are available through the SEM Business Office, Society for American Music Indiana University, Morrison Hall 005, 1165 East 3rd Ethnomusicology Sites Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47405-3700; (Tel) American Folklife Center www.American-Music.org 812.855.6672; (Fax) 812.855.6673; (Email) UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive [email protected]. http://lcweb.loc.gov/folklife/ http://www.ethnomusic.ucla.edu/ ISSN 0036-1291 archive SEM Newsletter 3 Ethnomusicology in Hawai‘i zation and in spirit—of the Music De- spectives on the jazz tradition and its Continued from page 1 partment. Beginning in 1959 with an legacy. The pages of the journal will be Asia-Pacific workshop in music and devoted to all aspects of—and all ap- These artists and knowledge bearers dance for public school teachers, the proaches to—jazz scholarship. The have contributed to lecture and en- program has been innovative and pio- journal will be an open platform for semble courses, formal concerts of music neering in the application of ethnomu- historical inquiry, music analysis, and and dance, and lecture demonstrations sicology to music education at all levels. cultural studies. Our mission is to that feature them both as performers It is also at
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