image © Ryan Thompson 888-338-7810 888-338-7809 www.believerstewardship.org www.ecsministries.org Emmaus Bible College 2570 Asbury Road, Dubuque, IA 52001 Journey | From the President Principles in Decision-making New Testament believers seeking to follow Christ are often faced with lifestyle choices that are not specifically addressed in Scripture. They could be huge questions such as, “Should I go to this college?” or, “Should I take this job?” They may be more minor ones, such as, “May I see this movie?” or, “May I attend this party?” The New Testament contains a number of principles that can be applied to a wide range of choices that we confront. Proper application of these principles demonstrates maturity in discipleship. 1. I will make the same choices in life that Christ would. 11. I will avoid activities that feed my fleshly appetites. 1 JOHN 2:6 “Walk in the same manner as He walked.” ROMANS 13:14 “Make no provision for the flesh in regard 2. I will choose activities that will help me to become to its lusts.” more Christ-like. 12. I will prevent my mind from thinking ungodly ROMANS 8:29 “Those whom He foreknew, He also pre- thoughts. destined to become conformed to the image of His Son.” 2 CORINTHIANS 10:5 “We are taking every thought 3. I will avoid activities that make it harder for me captive to the obedience of Christ.” to follow Christ. 13. I will avoid activities that will form enslaving habits. HEBREWS 12:1 “Let us also lay aside every encumbrance.” 1 CORINTHIANS 6:12 “I will not be mastered by 4. Everything I do will be in His power and for His glory. anything.” COLOSSIANS 3:17 “Whatever you do in word or deed, 14. If it bothers my conscience, I know it is wrong for me. do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.” ROMANS 14:23 “Whatever is not from faith is sin.” 5. I will choose activities that will help me grow 15. I will do what is best for the other person. spiritually. 1 CORINTHIANS 10:24 “Let no one seek his own good, 1 CORINTHIANS 6:12 “Not all things are profitable.” but that of his neighbor.” 6. I will be ready for Christ to return at any moment. 16. I will avoid activities that offend others. 1 JOHN 2:28 “Abide in Him, so that when He appears, 1 CORINTHIANS 10:32 “Give no offense either to Jews we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him or to Greeks or to the church of God.” in shame at His coming.” 17. I will limit my freedom so as not to offend a weaker 7. I will devote myself to God, not the things of brother. the world. 1 CORINTHIANS 8:13 “If food causes my brother to 1 JOHN 2:15 “Do not love the world nor the things in stumble, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not the world.” cause my brother to stumble.” 8. I will use my body as a tool to serve the Lord. 18. I will avoid activities that hurt my testimony 1 CORINTHIANS 6:20 “Therefore glorify to the unsaved. God in your body.” 1 CORINTHIANS 10:33 “Not seeking my own 9. I will treat my body respectfully. profit but the profit of the many, so that 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19 “Do you not they may be saved.” know that your body is a temple of 19. I will choose the activities that the Holy Spirit who is in you?” make for peace. 10. I will remain in control of my ROMANS 14:19 “Let us pursue the bodily appetites. things which make for peace and the 1 CORINTHIANS 9:27 “I building up of one another.” discipline my body and make it my slave.” Kenneth Alan Daughters President, Emmaus Bible College Journey | magazine Features/Departments Journey Magazine, volume 4, issue 2, Spring 2006 Page 10: The Making of Disciples An introduction from our Editor Journey Magazine is published by Emmaus Bible College, Dubuque, Iowa, USA. Opinions expressed in articles published in Journey Page 18: Overlooking the Obvious Magazine are not necessarily those of Emmaus Dr. Daniel Smith addresses the primary sphere of making Bible College. disciples—the family. Mom and Dad have the greatest Subscriptions to Journey Magazine are sent free opportunity to make true disciples of the children God has of charge to addresses in the United States and Canada, as well as to those serving the Lord entrusted to them. full-time overseas. Please contact “Subscriptions” at the address below for additions, corrections, or deletions. Page 21: Discipling on the Mission Field Kenneth Fleming traces the methods of bringing new converts to Editor: David A. Glock spiritual maturity—a missions pattern that grows out of the work Assistant Editors: Ken Daughters, Ken Murray Bible Editor: Dr. David J. MacLeod in Ecuador and is worthy of duplication at home. Circulation Manager: Angie DeArment Design, Lay-Out: Jesse Lange & Angie DeArment Contributing Editor: Heidi Tanacea Page 24: Mentors that Matter Online-Journey: Mark Woodhouse Read the testimonies of individuals who have been touched by the ministry of a mentor with a life long impact. Become such How to contact us: a mentor! Journey Magazine Emmaus Bible College 2570 Asbury Road Dubuque, IA 52001 Page 26: A Teenage Disciple of Christ Jesse Lange develops approaches to discipling youth of the (800) 397-2425 postmodern era that will be helpful in the local church and in www.emmaus.edu the youth outreach in the community. Editor: [email protected] Subscriptions: [email protected] College Admissions: [email protected] Page 39: Generational Succession Alumni: [email protected] Alex Strauch addresses the subject of transitioning leadership in Correspondence School: [email protected] Believers Stewardship Services: [email protected] Church life while maintaining the unity of the body. A must read! Other: [email protected] A continuing series by Alex Strauch (edited by Dave MacLeod) from messages delivered at Iron Sharpens Iron. Journey Magazine is available on-line at: www.online-journey.com Fellow Travelers. 2 Journey Magazine will consider, but is not responsible for,unsolicited articles. Send submissions to Editor at Travel Guides. 4 the address above. Submissions cannot be returned unless accompanied by SASE. Advanced query is To the Praise of His Glory. 6 recommended. A Word along the Way . 13 Dr. MacLeod Asks . 51 News From Emmaus . 56 On The Road. 58 Journey | Fellow Travelers TravelersFellow Although I no longer attend a Christianity they portray, more intent Myrue Spivey made me realize that “brethren assembly,” I was born, on “brethren distinctives” than on I am okay but not great on the pur- raised, and bred “brethren” for the Jesus! Ultimately perpetuating the poseful part of discipleship but fall first 36 years of my life. My husband focus of that mentality and practice way down on the prayerfully part and I are passionately involved with of “correctness” is a violation and and I need to work on that. Daniel a church camp owned by local assem- assault on our Lord’s command to Dominguez Jr. from Houston, TX hit blies, and consequently have main- make disciples. One clear result is it out of the park for me with his tained close and loving relationships the inability of many to “have love answer for “What does it mean to with these churches through the for one another” (John 13.35), part- be a disciple of Christ?” years. From our vantage point we icularly toward those outside the The article “Musical Expressions in have been able to consider trends “brethren movement”. I believe the Local Church” by Alex Strauch in their growth and (more often) that many in the “movement” have was great. I just wish that the elders decline. Our hearts break to see so crossed that gulf and accepted the in every assembly and evangelical many of them dying. “ways” of non-brethren, but the local church would read this article. assemblies in decline are tenaciously Although we understand that the The church I am at in Lancaster, CA defending distinctives that keep eyes autonomy of each assembly forbids is doing everything suggested but from focusing on Jesus and His inter church meddling, we watch with most churches in the area do not. amazing power to save. amazement as we see many of their There is even one more element that lights flicker faintly. It occurs to me The future of the brethren assemblies they have added; they make sure the that your influence, via Journey, may seems ominous. It’s time to speak songs chosen relate to the message. be the only acceptable input that clearly. I come away from the service each could open their hearts to new ideas. week with something new from the In His Love, Visiting one such dying assembly message and would have to give Brenda Spiro recently, I heard someone recommend credit to the music for much of the Everett, WA your article on Musical Expression by preparation. The suggestion for Alexander Strauch. Bless you! I blended music is great. We really appreciated the Fall ’05 applaud your efforts and encourage issue of Journey. The magazine is This whole attitude about the im- your bold confrontation of issues. A “growing into real maturity” and is portance of music has spread to every thorough reading and sincere consid- meeting needs of Christians and group in our church. The Awana eration of the points made in that assemblies. Varsity has their own worship team article could begin to reverse the using many instruments and usually decline at some assemblies, though it The articles on discipleship were very sings ten songs each night.
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