TONIGHT Clear, partly cloudy late. Low of 18. Search for The Westfield News The WestfieldNews Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.comTODAY IN WESTFIELD HISTheTORY: WestfieldNews “MUSIC EXPRESSES 1905 Towne Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TTHATIME IS WHICHTHE ONLY WEATHER voted to apply CANNOTCRITIC BE WITHOUT SAID TONIGHT to legislature AND WHICH CANNOTAMBITION .” Partly Cloudy. for City Charter. REMAIN SILENTJOHN STEINBECK.” Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com Search— V forICTO TheR Westfield HUGO News Westfield350.comWestfield350.org The WestfieldNews VOL. 86 NO. 151 Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME IS THE ONLY WEATHER TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 75 cents VOL.87 NO. 275 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2018 CRITIC75 CentsWITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com SpringfieldVOL. 86 NO. 151 Road developmentTUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 moves forward 75 cents By AMY PORTER ment will be in conjunction with a the agreement with the tenant is on a Correspondent MassWorks grant of $1.93 million that fairly tight timetable. WESTFIELD – Rob Levesque of R. will be paying for a new traffic light at Levesque said the proposed site for the Levesque Assoc. came before the the intersection, widening the road, and second building and parking areas will Planning Board on Tuesday on behalf of adding a turning lane. be marketed but not touched at the Nabil Hannoush and N & J, LLC for a The development at 99 Springfield moment. proposed development on 99 Springfield Road was previously approved in 2014, The project will be going before the Road. Levesque said the application is with the condition of adding traffic Conservation Commission on Nov. 27. for two proposed buildings on either side improvements. In conjunction with the Ward 1 Councilor Mary Ann Babinski of the Shortstop Grill; one, a 17,400 MassWorks grant and Westfield’s invest- also requested that the Flood Control square foot building for a gym tenant, ment in its design, Hannoush entered Commission be advised of the plans which he did not name. However, City into an agreement with the city to invest prior to their meeting on Nov. 28. Planner Jay Vinskey said the sketch in the property, expand the development Levesque asked for clarification, saying shows Planet Fitness as the proposed and create jobs, according to City he had never submitted anything to the tenant. Advancement Officer Joe Mitchell. Flood Control Commission previously, The other building on the East side Levesque said the design for the road but has submitted to the Conservation will be 9,000 square feet, and does not improvements is at 25% and will go out Committee regarding the Wetlands currently have a tenant, although the to bid over the winter, with construction Protection Act. He said the Conservation speculation is for more traditional retail, beginning in April. He said it would lag An artist rendering of the Hannoush property located at 99 Levesque said. He also said the develop- behind construction on the site, because See Springfield Road, Page 8 Springfield Rd. (WNG file photo) Southwick businesses DPW preparing for Small addresses Business Saturday leaf By GREG FITZpaTRICK Correspondent SOUTHWICK – Residents and people in the community of Southwick and the surrounding hilltowns will have the opportu- collection nity tomorrow to take part in Small Business Saturday. Small Business Saturday is a one-day nation-wide event start- ed by the American Express corporation in 2010 that takes place delays on the Saturday after Thanksgiving and encourages holiday By PETER CURRIER shoppers to buy locally. According to American Express, since Correspondent 2010, customers have spent a total of $85 billion at independent WESTFIELD — The retailers and restaurants. It’s also noted that 90% of consumers Julie Leavitt demonstrates how Celina Collier creates orange and Westfield Department of Public that completed a survey from American Express said that Small meals would have been prepared in clove pomanders in the formal Works responded to complaints Business Saturday had a positive impact on their community. the “new” kitchen at the Dewey parlor at the Dewey House. of a delay in the leaf pickup Locally, Michael McMahon, a member of Southwick’s House. (Submitted photo) (Submitted photo) schedule Wednesday. Economic Development Commission, has said that businesses in DPW Deputy Superintendent Casey Berube stated that the See Southwick Businesses, Page 8 recent inclement weather com- Dewey House among plicated the schedule to pick up resident’s leaf bags. “We had a snowstorm that delayed things,” said Berube, homes showcased “We were told it would be three to five inches of snow, but it ended up being eight inches, so that set us back.” during holidays The DPW plans to have crews By LORI SZEPELAK Admission is free that day at the doing leaf collection on the Correspondent Dewey House. Friday and Saturday following WESTFIELD — As community “The house will be decorated Thanksgiving, but the holiday leaders and a legion of volunteers with its holiday finery, filled with itself may complicate that plan begin celebrations leading up to the the sights and smells of the season,” as well. city’s landmark 350th birthday in said Julie Leavitt, who serves as “It depends on the turnout of May, one home on South Maple second vice president of the Western workers on those days,” said Street has literally stood the test of Hampden Historical Society, and a Berube, “because of the holi- time. member of the Board of Trustees days we may not be able to do The Dewey House, built around for the Dewey House. The society collections if workers are 1735 at 87 South Maple St., will be owns and operates the Dewey away.” decked out for the holiday season House. Despite the delays, the DPW on Dec. 9 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in “We have several volunteers who hopes to finish the collection conjunction with the Westfield on process by the end of next week Weekends Holiday House Tours. See Dewey House, Page 8 barring further inclement weather conditions. Businesses throughout College Hwy in Southwick could ben- “Residents should be patient,” efit from Small Business Saturday. (WNG File Photo) urged Berube. Application deadline nears for 350th Parade floats By LORI SZEPELAK ties. Additionally, subcommittees will appropriate contacts. Davison and DelMonte Correspondent include an antique car division, bands and are also co-chairing the antique cars division. WESTFIELD — Floats will be an integral musical performances including the “Their job will be to speak to these indi- part of the city’s 350th celebration in May Mummers, and city, state and national groups viduals to see what kind of float will be and businesses and organizations interested including the 104th Fighter Wing at Barnes done,” said Nunez. “At this time we have in participating have until Nov. 30 to submit Air National Guard Base and the Westfield seven floats confirmed.” an application, according to Paul Nunez, Council on Aging. Among those organizations planning a chairperson of the Westfield 350 Parade “We will also have a special heroes of float include the Westfield Kiwanis Club, the Committee. Westfield division,” said Nunez, adding, Boys and Girls Club of Greater Westfield, “As a lifelong resident of the city, I “We want to recognize past mayors, fire and and the Hampton Ponds Association. remember the parade in 1969,” said Nunez, police chiefs, political leaders, and people For Nunez, overseeing the parade that is who is retired from the Westfield Police who have contributed to the city of celebrating his hometown is a labor of love. Department. “Having grown up in the city Westfield.” The parade will begin at Stanley Park on and having worked here all of my life, I Nunez and his volunteers have been meet- Western Avenue and end at Park Square. couldn’t say no when I was asked to volun- ing monthly this year to review the intricate “I’m retired so I have free time,” said teer.” details that will ensure the parade steps off in Nunez, adding, “We are all working together Nunez has a committee of 15 volunteers style. Nunez anticipates the meetings will as a team. My biggest concern is we need to who are overseeing a daunting task – to coor- become more frequent as the May 19 parade know as soon as possible who wants to par- dinate logistics for all of the divisions that date approaches. ticipate since we have opened up the parade will march in the 350th Parade. “We want to ensure that everyone who to the whole city.” “We decided to create subcommittees with wants to be a part of the parade can be, so it For persons interested in volunteering oversight from a committee member,” said is important to submit an application as soon their time to help Nunez and his team on the Nunez. as possible,” said Nunez. day of the parade by coordinating the step- Paul Nunez, chairperson of the Westfield 350 Currently, Nunez said the subcommittees After Nov. 30, Nunez said he has assigned off time for divisions and other last-minute Parade, is seen during a summer meeting with a range from civic organizations, schools, two parade committee members – Ken logistics – or creating a float, visit HTTP:// group of volunteers who have been meeting for businesses and nonprofits, to politicians, Davison and Mark DelMonte – to review all bit.ly/westfield350. For complete details on months on logistics for the 350th parade. civic leaders, churches, and area municipali- float applications and follow-up with the the 350th celebration, visit westfield350.org. (Submitted photo) PAGE 2 - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2018 WWW.THEWESTFIELDNEWS.COM THE WESTFIELD NEWS Many volunteers gave back to the community on Thanksgiving Day yesterday.
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