, , CONTENTS M arch 1989 • Vo lume -l- (\0. 3 I The BUSINESS of Broa dcasti ng 8 Just as in any successful business endea vor, the formula that applies to a DEPARTMENTS profitable bottom line in the broadcasti ng industry is to "buy what sells." A listinf! ofSouthern Nevada 's radio and television stations follows this SlOT)". Nort hern Nevada 's Radio and Television Broadcasters To Your HeaUh 12 With a 33 percent increase in revenue dollars predicted by 1992, the picture 29 Seat Belts: Nuisance or . .. ? for Reno's television broadcasters is bright. However. with only S10 million in radio advertisin g dollars and about 20 stations in contention for it. the compet ition on Northern Nevada's radio airwaves is stiff. Nevada Briefs A listing ofNorthern Nevada 's radio and television stat ions f ollows this SlOT)' . 30 Sta rti ng an Advert ising Agency in Las Vegas Silver Dome 15 An executive of a Las Vegas advertising and public relations finn gives advice News from Nevada's Capitol for those who wish to test the shark-infested waters of the industry. 32 Former Head of Porsche Cars Jo ins Reno Ad Firm In the Executive Suite 16 John A.Cook, former president and CEO of Porsche Cars North America. Inc.. 39 Nevada executives on the move contributes his marketing expertise to Mandell and Associates Advenising. Investments: Go for the Specia l Supplemelit: Painted Desert - A Second Look 43 17 With golf-course communities becoming a familiar sight in the Short Term Las Vegas Valley, what distinguishes Painted Desert from the rest is The expe rts say: Until interest their long-standing commitment to quality. rates rise. invest in money market accounts that pay high interest while keeping your funds $14 Million Development Planned for Palnted Desert accessi ble. 23 Michael Andrew Homes of San Diego will showcase their first development venture in Nevada when they open their St. Tropez residential community. 44 Nevada B usiness Plans for Super Office Complex Announced Journal Stock Index 25 The 35-sto ry, S85-million Minami Tower will soon be taking shape on the Las Index Leaps to Vegas skyline. Post-Crash High New Technique 10 Highlighl Grove Business Park 26 The new headquarters of Grove Incorporated will feature a distinctive concrete radius design. On the Cover: Western Stales Digging In at Sun Ctty Summerlin 27 Caliche notwithstanding, Western States Contracting continues installation of utility lines. telephone lines and storm drains at Del Webb' s retirement development. UNLV Receives $5 Million Donation 28 Harrah' s donates the largest single gift ever received by UNLV to the university's College of Hotel Administration. Summa Com pletes Reorgan ization 34 Having divested itself of all non-real estate operations, Las Vegas-based Summa Corporation looks forward to a new chapter in real estate investme nt and development. Executive Profile: Wally Talamas, CHA 37 Despite a long list of industry accolades and educational credentials, Wally The Painted Desert golf-course community Talarnas. general manager of the Best Western Mardi Gras. remains a "life­ flourishes ill Northwest Las Vegas, page J7. long learner" eager to expand his horizo ns. Cover photo by Michael E. Meagher Let the Winds take you.let PUBLI SHE R/EDIT OR cares forsake you on a voyage never to be forgotten. A tall ship to the Caribbean. Where paradise Isa hidden cove. Astretch of sandy beach. Asoft breeze. A flapping sail. And a time that Lyle E. Brennan Will always be remembered as the perfect time. ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Six day cruises Chuck Dandy from $675.00. Box 120 ASSOCIATE EDITOR! Miami Beach. 11. ART DIRECTOR 33119·0120 Barbara L. Brennan Call Toll free 1-800·327-2601 DIRECTOROF LAYOUr (In Florida) & PHOTOGRAPHY }-8oo-432-3304 Michael E. Meagher CO",T RIBVTI:\G EUITO RS Let me unWind With the Wind. Please senda free great Annette Bidan/vicki Bertolino adventure brochure to: Rick Ch ulick/G inger Clayton Larry Denny/K athy Fo ley Bob Gabrielli/David Hofstede Neil Nordby/John Riehl in - James Ross ,\ CCOUST EXECUTIVE Chuc k Dandy ;"lOA TlOSAL R EPRESESTATIVE Pauis International Publishers' Representatives 310 Mad ison Ave .. Suite 1804 Ne....' York. New York 10017 (2 12) 953·2121 FAX; (2 12) 953·2 128 PUBLISH ER'S ASSI ST A:'\"T Melissa Heizer Th e ~ e "ad a Bu,ine", JOUTn. 1i. li.,ed in Standard Rat"'& Data. /112 0A·B usin",s·Metro. Stale& Regional. ."dvenise'" should ,,,,,taCI Chuck Dandy at (7021 735.](0). or "'rit e 10: The ~ e " ad a Business Journal. First Inle",ate Tower. Suite 120..'800 Howard Hugh.. Pkwy. Las Ve8"-S. ~..-ada 89 109. Denlographic infor_ ma,ion is .,-ailable upon re4ueSi. The ~"' ad a Bu'ine"" Journal i' published by Asso­ cia..d \hg.uines Publisher (A'\l Pf. First Jntersla.. Tower. Sui.. 120. .'800 Howard Hughes Pk "' ~'. La, Vegas. ~..'ada 89109. ~ B J i' published "",nIhil'. bulk postage paid. Sub«:riplion rote is S2HlO per year. ~ e "" »l a n d price i, S2.25 and ,pecial order , ingle C<lp~' priee $.1 .00. All e""tenl' 1 98 9 co ~' ri g h t . an d reproduc. lionof marerial appearing in ~BJ i, prohibitod unle'''o aUlrori zcd by the publi,h.. of '.;BJ . CHASGE OF ADDRESS: Please send pre,'ious ad· COMMERCIAL & RESIOENTIAL POOLS· SERVICE & REPAIRS dr"',or mailing label & new address. Allow ,i , ",eeks. EDITORIAL S t.;B\ IlSSI0~S : Address all ,u bm;,· ,ion, to the attenli"" of Carol Che'ko. Un'olicited man· (702) 871 -3900 u""ripes mus, be a<:companied by a self·addre,sed 'lamped en"lope. '.;BJ .., um", no r.,.pon,ibilily for licensed Contractor 24532 ·3560 Polaris '22 <Las Vegas. NV 89103 unsolicited malerial,. 4 AMP . M....RCH I ~ aq Abortion is destroying America's future Photograph of J6th uwk intrauterine child byDr. Rainerjonas ... ONE LIFE AT A TIME One baby dies every 20 seconds from abortion in the United States Sponsored by: PRO LIFE LEAGUE OF NEVADA, INC. & THE NEVADA BUSINESS JOURNAL • FREE INDEX USTINGS • Just return your completed information form no later than April 1S, 1989 COMING Statewide Office, Industrial Editorial Concept: The O ffIce G Uide w Ill be muc h m o r e then Ju s t e d r e c tory. It \/\fIll be a c o rr-o'ec e eo.cce.et package c r-e c \/If,ll p r o­ rnot. e the e-rc.r-e s t a t e o f N eva d a B S e c oec-eee r-e rccetaon des­ t ,nat,on. seecc-e eet acree w ,11 h lghl'gMt the coerc-v e a s p e c t s of our state's oceee e e e ovc - c -vr-e o e. New ccoec-occco ecc-ve t oes o f cee.ce bulid'ogS end ,nc:lu s t r'e' cee.ce c e - e e t hr- ougnout the s t a t e w ,ll be d iscussed Includ ed 8 'SO w ,ll b e c r-c tuee Of s o me of OU'" out s t a nd'ng c er.ce com ple x e s e -cr eeee­ d eve lopers Who W ill US" Tha Guide? L e a SIn g agents a n d brokers. w o r k in g w ,O' c -oe c ecc.ve tenants, WIll c t auz e the GUIde to e cce n ,n f o r m a tIo n to faell.tete t h e off,ce move COn"l­ D en,e s 5eek""g ,n f o r rT"la t .o n on open ing. expan d in g o r r e­ lo c a ting Building Listing: Listings W ill Inclu d e a ll o f the ,n f o r lTla ­ t lon shown on the form on the fsc.n g page O ffice rT"Iarket rT"I SPS With bUilding lo c a tio n s keyed to ecec.nc er-eeae \/VIII b e In clud e d Circulation, 15,000: In add ition to our r egular rT"a ll­ ing lis t s , copies \/V.tI be t argeted to c orporate reel estate oec.e.co -oeee-e w ,th ccmoeo.es most lik e­ ly t o n e e d Nevada o ffic e loca t .o n s .S o nus coo.ea w ,ll b e cjjstr ,buted tt-v--oug h rv evecree v e ....OU 5 Economic Oeveroc-oeoe A uthor,t,es, enc:l CherT'\- • FREE INOEX USTINGS • Just return your completed information form no laterthan April 15, 1989 IN JUNE and Retail Space Guide r-------------------------------------- I For your FREE Space Guide Index Listing , please fill out ... 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