THE LONDON GAZETTE, 24TH JUNE 1977 8345 PANKHURST, Edward James, of 88, Frobisher Green, scription—Bishop, Walter Arthur, Pearl Chambers, East Chelston, Torquay, Devon, PAINTER and DECORA- Parade, Leeds, LSI 5BX, Official Receiver. Date of TOR, lately residing at 19, Cedar Way, Beilfields, Guild- Release—llth Jan., 1977. ford, Surrey. Court—TORQUAY, (by transfer from the High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—38 of 1975. HOLLINSHEAD, Charles, of Sandyway Farm, Walsall Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Seldon, Arthur Road, Lichfield in the county of Stafford, FARMER. John, the Official Receiver's Office, 1st Floor, 63, New Court—WALSALL. No. of Matter—18 of 1971. Trus- George Street, Plymouth, Devon, Official Receiver. Date tee's Name, Address and Description—Hirst, John of Release—29th Nov. 1976. Frederick, Commercial Union House, 22, Martineau Square, Birmingham, B2 4UP, Official Receiver. Date VERSEY, Cliye Anton Paul and VERSEY, Angela Hen- of Release—17th Jan., 1977. rietta, residing and carrying on business at 29, Castle Road, Torquay, Devon, FLATLET PROPRIETORS. Court—TORQUAY. No. of Matter—23 of 1974. Trustee's JOSLIN, Daphne Evelyn (married woman), residing at 23, Name, Address and Description—Seldon, Arthur John, 1st Albion Road, Brownhills in the county of Stafford, and Floor, 63, New George Street, Plymouth, Devon, Official lately carrying on business under the names or styles of "D. E. J. Tarmacadam", " D. E. J. Gardens", and Receiver. Date of Release—29th Nov. 1976. " Neatrim Lawn Edgers", all from the aforesaid 23, Albion Road, and also from 118, Linden Road, Brown- BOSUSTOW, William Herman, of Hillcrest, Prospidnick, hills aforesaid, as a TARMACADAM CONTRACTOR Sithney, Helston, Cornwall, self employed Bricklayer, and LANDSCAPE GARDNER. Court—WALSALL. lately residing and carrying on business at Plot 1, Lender No. of Matter—38 of 1972. Trustee's Name, Address Lane, Mullion aforesaid as a GENERAL BUILDER. and Description—Hirst, John Frederick, Commercial Court—TRURO and FALMOUTH. No. of Matter—122 Union House, 22, Martineau Square, Birmingham, B2 of 1975. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Sel- 4UP, Official Receiver. Date of Release—17th Jan., don, Arthur John, 1st Floor, 63, New George Street, 1977. Plymouth, Devon, Official Receiver. Date of Release—29th Nov. 1976. MURPHY, Francis (described in the Receiving Order as EDDY, Duncan, of 2, Albert Villas, Penrose Terrace, Pen- Frank Murphy), residing at 14, Summer Close, Castle- zance, Cornwall, Personal Assistant formerly a COM- field, Runcorn, carrying on business under the styles PANY DIRECTOR. Court—TRURO and FALMOUTH. of Poster Shop, at 69, Church Street, Runcorn and No. of Matter—18 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address Banjo Unisex Boutique, at 115, Albert Road, Widnes, and Description—Seldon, Arthur John, the Official formerly carrying on business under the styles of Bill- Receiver's Office, 1st Floor, 63, New George Street, Ply- board and Map & Poster, at 76, Church Street, Runcorn mouth, Devon, Official Receiver. Date of Release—29th all in the metropolitan county of Merseyside, RETAILER of FANCY GOODS and CLOTHING, and formerly Nov., 1976. residing at 24, Perryn Road, Acton, London, W.3. Court HARRISON, Peter Michael, of Top Flat, 11, St. Mary's —WARRINGTON. No. of Matter—26 of 1974. Trus- Terrace, Penzance in the county of Cornwall, STUDENT. tee's Name, Address and Description—Miller, Keith Court—TRURO and FALMOUTH. No. of Matter—67 Alexander, Townbury House, 11, Blackfriars Street, Sal- of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— ford, M3 SAB, Official Receiver. Date of Release—12th Seldon, Arthur John, the Official Receiver's Office, 1st Jan., 1977. Floor, 63, New George Street, Plymouth, Devon, Official Receiver. Date of Release—29th Nov. 1976. REYNOLDS, Stephen James, of 67, The Croft, The Brow, Runcorn in the county of Chester. Court—WARRING- JONES, William Roland, of 66, Wallace Road, Berryfields, TON. No. of Matter—8 of 1975. Trustee's Name, Bodmin, Cornwall, THREADING MECHANIC, form- Address and Description—Miller, Keith Alexander, Town- erly residing at 33, Ryecroft, Clewer Hill Road, Windsor, bury House, 11, Blackfriars Street, Salford, M3 SAB, Berkshire. Court—TRURO and FALMOUTH, (by trans- Official Receiver. Date of Release—12th Jan., 1977. fer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—IA of 1975. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Seldon, WILLIAMS, Richard, 1, Kirkstone Avenue, Orford, War- Arthur, John, 1st Floor, 63, New George Street, Ply- rington in the county of Chester, Labourer, lately carry- mouth, Devon, Official Receiver. Date of Release—29th ing on business as a DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR Nov. 1976. under the name and style of R & D Contractors at 1, Kirkstone Avenue, Orford, Warrington, aforesaid. Court KERSEY, Doris Rosamand, and KERSEY, Reginald —WARRINGTON. No. of Matter—31 of 1974. Brandon, of 36, Aneray Road, Camborne, Cornwall, Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Miller, Keith formerly trading in partnership as "Tol Pedn Stores", Alexander, Townbury House, 11, Blackfriars Street, Sal- at Polgigga, St. Levan, Penzance, Cornwall, GENERAL ford, M3 SAB, Official Receiver. Date of Release—12th STORES. Court—TRURO and FALMOUTH. No. of Jan., 1977. Matter—15 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Seldon, Arthur John, the Official Receiver's WEST, Elmer Donavan (described in the Receiving Order Office, 1st Floor, 63, New George Street, Plymouth, as E. D. West (male)), of " Cleeve Guest House ", Church Devon, Official Receiver. Date of Release—5th Nov., Street, Cheddar, formerly of " Pound House " We Wells 1976. Road, Wedmore and previously of " Donnelly", Little- moor Road, Mark all in the county of Somerset, MITCHELL, Clifford James, a Clay Worker, of 13, Poldrea, BUILDER. Court—WELLS. No. of Matter—5 of Tywardreath, St. Blazey, Par in the county of Cornwall. 1970. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Court—TRURO and FALMOUTH. No. of Matter— Ehlers, Geoffrey Collins, 18, Baldwin Street, Bristol, 45 of 1975. Trustee's Name, Address and Description BS1 1SQ, Chartered Accountant. Date of Release— —Seldon, Arthur John, 1st Floor, 63, New George Street, 4th Nov., 1976. Plymouth, Devon, Official Receiver. Date of Release— 29th Nov., 1976. GILFOYLE, Norman, of 17, Carfield, Clay Brow, Skel- STEVENS, Philip Roach, of Rose of Sharon, Gwel-an- mersdale in the county of Lancashire, unemployed PLUM- Wheal Crescent, Trenwith Lane, St. Ives in the county BER. Court—WIGAN. No. of Matter—16 of 1975. of Cornwall, Transport Manager, formerly a COMPANY Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Miller, Keith DIRECTOR. Court—TRURO and FALMOUTH. No. Alexander, Townbury House, 11, Blackfriars Street, Sal- of Matter—72 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and ford, M3 SAB, Official Receiver. Date of Release— Description—Seldon, Arthur John, 1st Floor, 63, New 12th Jan., 1977. George Street, Plymouth, Devon, Official Receiver. Date of Release—5th Nov., 1976. HIBBERT, Kenneth, of 66, Ellesmere Road, Pemberton, Wigan in the county of Greater Manchester. Court— HORSLEY, Terence Michael, of 86, Carr Lane, Glass- WIGAN. No. of Matter—11 of 1974. Trustee's Name, houghton, Castleford in the county of West Yorkshire, Address and Description—Miller, Keith Alexander, Town- COKE CAR DRIVER. Court—WAKEFIELD. No. of bury House, 11, Blackfriars Street, Salford, M3 SAB, Matter—27 of 1975. Trustee's Name, Address and De- Official Receiver. Date of Release—12th Jan., 1977. F 3.
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