St. Joseph Marello Parish at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 15, 2019 PASTOR ’S CORNER PARISH NEWS WEEKLY OFFERING REPORT Sep 7/8 Sunday Collecon: $5,388.20 Dues: $2,618.75 Total Collecons: $8,245.95 We are grateful to all those who financially sacrifice every week to support our parish. WEEKLY PARISH STATISTICS REPORT : DEAR PARISHIONERS,ON ER S, Sep 7/8 Number of envelopes issued: 1,306 Number of envelopes received: 381 Today's long and familiar gospel; known as the prodigal Weekly financial goal: $10,000.00 son, reminds us of the importance of one. It reminds us of How much (under) /over goal : ($1,754.05) how one, especially one who is missing can offer complete- Total Mass aendance: 591 ness to the whole. The son in the gospel, the one who leaves, undergoes an important transformaon. It is a transformaon that many people go through. Thankfully, he CONGRATULATIONS went through this experience and returned to his father and Congratulaons to Gabriella May Guarneri, brother alive! The merciful father expresses this when he daughter of Claire and Joseph Guarneri explains to the distraught older son that this brother of who was Bapzed into our Parish this yours was "dead" and has been brought back to life past weekend. May God bless her and guide her as she begins her life of faith! again! The mercy and overwhelming generosity of the fa- ther should help us to understand the uncondional love of SYMPATHY God. O en we do not realize this unl we "hit boom" like We offer our deepest condolences to the families of Florence the son in the parable. Too o en, we may not realize it at Chiumento, James Ratchford, Ned Linnen and Antoinee Bauman. all; connuing to seek pleasure and a carefree life without Let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. thought of who gave us our life and how we should "spend" it. O en we must "die" to our own pride, self -assurance and resources realizing that all we have is a gi from the St. Joseph Marello Parish Father. The son did not earn this money on his own, but instead felt a right to his share. He did not realize the bless- Craft Fair ings and wealth he had as a member of a family. It seems strange and perhaps silly that someone would worry about Sponsored by the Altar and Rosary Society the "one". Unless WE are that one. I have known a number - - - - - - of people who "ran" or le in one way or another. Some made it back. Many did not. They sought happiness and Saturday, October 12 fulfillment in dangerous and harmful ways. They searched 10am to 3pm in the Parish Hall for what they could not find, and unfortunately not finding it, many did not find their way back. God's love must tri- ~~~~~~~ umph through us. When we catch sight of the son, from a Vendors! Gifts! Handmade Goods! long way off, we must run to him, embrace him with God's love, and welcome him home. Fr. Elston Knights of Columbus Council 16071 Chicken Barbecue Sunday, September 22 DIOCESAN ANNUAL APPEAL This weekend, we will mark the kick -off of this years DIOCESAN Take – Out Dinner from 11am - 1pm ANNUAL APPEAL. We will be playing a regional video outlining the wonderful work brought about by the funds raised in this - 1/2 BBQ Chicken annual appeal. There are so many ways we can be a part of so - Baked Potato much that is happening to assist more people than we can imagine! It is a great way to be part of something so much larger - Baked Beans than ourselves! Please prayerfully consider how you might be - Cornbread part of this years campaign. Your kindness and generosity goes a long way. Every gi is important and needed. We will have much $10 per Dinner - Pre-sale Only Contact the more on this in the weeks to come. Parish Office to purchase tickets FROM THE ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY “AN HOUR WITH OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL ” To All Women of St. Joseph Marello Parish: Please join us on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6:30pm - The St. Joseph Marello Altar and Rosary Society is the 7:30pm in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church at St. Joseph Marello women ’s spiritual and fundraising organizaon of our par- Parish for an evening of prayer, spirituality, and devoon dedicat- ish. We meet at 6:30pm on the third Thursday of each ed to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. This will be an ongoing monthly meeng featuring: month from September through June to pray the Rosary, hold a short business meeng, and share friendship and Devoonal Prayers to Our Lady refreshments. Recitaon of the Rosary Our fundraising work provides the altar bread for our par- Spiritual Reflecon: Focusing on ish, as well as equipment and supplies needed for our Understanding Your Prayer Life ” Church, along with monetary contribuons toward Parish This extraordinary program will be led each week by Marn Sowa, projects. O.C.D.S. with the support of St. Joseph Marello Parish and the Throughout the year, we sponsor events, such as the Fall Knights of Columbus Council 16071. Loery Drawing, Mass for deceased members of the society, an annual Christmas Party, and a Penny Aucon in the FORTY VOICE CHAMBER CHOIR CONCERT spring. The Slovenian group Megaron will be performing a concert at St. As our dedicated older members become unable to ac- Jon the Evangelist Church on Sunday, September 29 at 7:30pm. vely parcipate, we lose strength without new members. The cost of the concert is free and it is open to the public. - We are asking all women of the parish to become a mem- This internaonally acclaimed chamber choir come to us all the way from Slovenia! This group is comprised of both young men ber. Bring your faith and talent to our Society. Becoming a and women who have dedicated themselves to spreading the member is a wonderful way to meet other women of St. great gi of music throughout Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Germany, Joseph Marello Parish while helping with projects that en- Belgium, Poland, the Netherlands, Canada, and here in the United hance and strengthen our parish life. States. This award -winning group has built a stellar reputaon, Please join us on Thursday, September 19 at 6:30pm in noted for its rich sound, gorgeous vocal blend, and excing inter- the Parish Center and look for future meeng announce- pretaon of musical styles from so many different ments in the bullen! styles and me periods. We hope you can join us for what promises to Sincerely, be a great evening! Officers and Members of the Altar and Rosary Society PARISH BIBLE STUDY St. Joseph Marello Parish will be sponsoring a Parish Bible Study, be presented by Deacon Santo Agolino. “Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother ” is an 8 week Bible Study centered on a spiritual and biblical perspecve of the Virgin Mary. This program will begin on September 26 from 6:00 - 7:30pm in the Parish Center Meeng Room. If you are unable to aend the meeng but sll wish to register for the program, please contact the Parish Office of St. Joseph Marello at 570 -654 - 6902 to do so. Thank you! MASS OFFERING POLICY The Slovenian Megaron Please note that Mass offerings have been made available through Chamber Choir is comprised of 40 young the end of 2019. There will be a change in the Mass offering poli- cy for the year 2020. adults who are in need of housing for The updated policy will be as follows; one night only! Masses for the ENTIRE YEAR (January 1, 2020 through December This is a remarkable chance to create 31, 2020) can be offered beginning October 1, 2019. Along with these dates, other procedural changes will come into effect for lasting memories for these amazing and 2020 Masses. Offerings will be limited to 4 Masses per person, talented young men and women! including 1 weekend Mass. Masses being offered for the recently Please consider opening your homes to one, two, or deceased will be added to the list of Mass Intenons offered more of these singers! through the appropriate Funeral Homes. A Mass will be offered Contact either St. John’s Office at 570 -654-0053 or from this Intenon list within one month of the date of the funer- St. Joseph Marello’s office at 570 -654-6902 if you are able! al. The remaining Masses will be offered in as mely a manner as possible. We thank you for your paence, cooperaon, and un- derstanding as we implement this necessary change to our policy in order to ensure fairness for all. If there are any quesons, please feel free to contact the Parish Office. Thank you! Call 570 -654 -6902 to make a reservation! ADULT CHOIR COLD HARD CA$H Adult choir pracces will connue on Monday, September 16 at 7pm in the Church Choir Lo . Cold Hard Cash is back, If you are curious about the choir and are interested in becoming involved, now is a perfect me to come and sing with us! New and it’s better than ever! members are always welcome and encouraged to join! Tickets cost $20 each for the chance to match the For more informaon, please contact the Parish Office at Pick 3 evening number! 570 -654 -6902. We hope to see you soon! COLD HARD CA$H COMMUNITY NEWS Runs from January 1, 2020 through Feb- NOTICE REGARDING REPORTING OF SEXUAL ABUSE OF A MINOR ruary28, 2020 It is the policy of the Diocese of Scranton to report any allegaon Prizes are $75 daily, except of sexual abuse of a minor to law enforcement.
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