United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,086,851 Boni Et Al

United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,086,851 Boni Et Al

US006086851A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,086,851 Boni et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Jul. 11, 2000 54 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS OTHER PUBLICATIONS CONTAINING INTERDIGITATION-FUSION 66 LIPOSOMES AND GELS Ames, et al., “The Role of Polyamines in the Neutralization of Bacteriophage Deoxyribonucleic Acid”, 1960, J. Biol. 75 Inventors: Lawrence T. Boni, Monmouth Chem. 235, 3,769–775. Junction, N.J.; Andrew S. Janoff, Bally, et al., “Dopamine accumulation in large unilamellar Yardley, Pa.; Sharma R. Minchey; vesicles Systems induced by transmembrane ion gradients', Walter R. Perkins, both of Monmouth S. Chen Phys' lipids, 47 97.07. Junction, N.J.; Christine E. Swenson, Boni, et al., “Aggregation and Fusion of Unilamellar Princeton Junction, N.J.; Patrick L. Sis by Poly(Ethylene Glycol)”, BBA 775, 1984, Ahl, Princeton, N.J.; Thomas S. Davis, Chapman, et al., “Physical Studies of Phospholipids..., X. The Valhalla, N.Y. 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Off herein are interdigitation-fusion liposomes and gels, and 86/OO238 1/1986 WTE) Y . methods of making the Same. 87/OOO43 1/1987 WIPO. 91/10422 7/1991 WIPO. 14 Claims, 33 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 1 of 33 6,086,851 FIG.1A U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 2 of 33 6,086,851 iii. TEMPERATURE ill. TEMPERATURE Ii IIIi N.5. i 33 I I ls ETHANOL I TEMPERATURE LB FIG. 1B U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 3 of 33 6,086,851 A .41 LUVET A- A --9 2u LUVET A V-V V O-- - 0.05u LUVET 5 ?',/O-O- 10 Oiul LUVET 40 O 0.5 1.0 15 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 ETHANOL(M) FIG 2 U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 4 of 33 6,086,851 v0 0--0.05u LUVET O 1 uLUVET - Civ-v 2. LUVET w AA 4). LUVET O 0.5 10 15 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 ETHANOL(M) FIG. 3 U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 5 of 33 6,086,851 50 40 30 20 10 O 1 2 3 4. ETHANOL CONCENTRATION, M FIG. 4a 4 O 3O O20 O 2 3 4 ETHANOL CONCENTRATION, M FG. 4b) U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 6 of 33 6,086,851 100 80 60 40 20 O 1 2 3 4. ETHANOL CONCENTRATION, M FIG. 4C U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 7 of 33 6,086,851 30 TVNHELNI‘EWITTOAWml/?ri|d };N] ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ º– ºZZZZZZZZZZZZZ) o– ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZDHPC — DOPC (]|$ PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINES FIG. 5 U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 8 of 33 6,086,851 CNI TWNHELNI‘EWITTONWri?ni|d ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ5( — ¡?`?— LUVET DIAMETER (MICRONS ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ C)CDO ) F.G. 6 U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 9 of 33 6,086,851 50 40 30 20 10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 MOLE FRACTION DPPG FIG. 7a 100 80 60 40 20 O 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 MOLE FRACTION DPPG FG.7b) U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 10 of 33 6,086,851 100 80 60 40 20 O 20 40 60 80 DPPC, mg/ml FIG. 8a 4O 23OO 10 O 20 40 60 80 DPPC, mg/ml FIG. 8b U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 11 of 33 6,086,851 100 X-7.58 % 50 10mg/ml DPPC 10 100 1000 PARTICLE SIZE (um) FIG. 9a 100 XE7.22 % 50 20mg/ml DPPC 1 10 100 1000 PARTICLESIZE (um) FIG.9b) U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 12 of 33 6,086,851 5O 4O 3 O 2O O O aO O 10 20 30 INITIAL CHOLESTEROL 96. FIG 10a O 10 20 30 INTIAL CHOLESTEROL% FIG. Ob U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 13 of 33 6,086,851 20 C S. S. Lif d B 10 O D - CC 2 H 2 O 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 MOLE FRACTION DOPC 100 80 SS a. 60 D O 40 Q Ol - 20 O Hv 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 MOLE FRACTION DOPC FIG 11b) U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 14 of 33 6,086,851 cro CD TWNHELNI'EWITTOAWri||mdla (— ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ```` INCUBATION TIMES, MINUTES F.G. 12 U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 15 of 33 6,086,851 1 8O 6 O 20 40 60 80 100 120 U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 16 of 33 6,086,851 F.G. 14 O 8 6 O 2O 40 60 80 100 Pressure (1000's psi) 64C 23C S4C dum us us ad up a o e s a Oooo a U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 20 of 33 6,086,851 l C/D O C. L. Lu Cld 2 C) C CVO - r a A U C.) He o r co O CO ChCh- OO co o r O 2 5 an cC L C L N. C - O S CN O C Cd O O O O CY S CN re v- O ld Wr/ WTON TWN IN U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2000 Sheet 21 of 33 6,086,851 ----TOHBISHTOH0/0dd0HI —GHH|0d00/0ddC] |008'0009'0007000Z0000" 310W'N0||0WHHTOHBISHTOHOHO0&00 00'02 ld Wrl/rl WTONIWN-3LN U.S.

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