*=^** - ,.J..^ i. ' ■•7. .-• ■ '■ • ' ,• ,. >'. • . ■/ -1, K ^ x ^ ,, •;;<• ‘ •' /•'..'>• r?,-;.. <••■/. ..\.' ■..-/ i*.'*.'’ : ' 7 . i-' ' / 4 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY «, ^‘T W E I ^ iiandiPBtier lEwtntnjj Bloodthohile Visits South Methodist Church-TqniorroWf 1:4S to 6:30 p.m, ;•— / K' "ftio About Town Average Daily Net P*esa RoH The Weather ■'-^h ■ _______ Kor the iVeek Ended Forecast dt D. S. Wsetibnr Boiee jJ?lM*trict Deputy Night will be ob- Februnry 2nd, 1857 F j t ’Tid by Iteiicheater Kmblem Cloudy, little change In tompera- • TiCam, No. 351,, At ■ o’clock today , >ln Tinker Halt Gueata from Rock­ 12,425 tare tonight Low 28-88. Partly ville and Putnam are expected. ’ - Member of the Audit cloudy, cqntinued rather mild Fri­ Honored gueata will be Peat Su­ Burenn of Ctrculntion day; High fa) 48s. preme Preaident Mra. George Wil- Manchester^-^^CUy of Villagm Charm lianus Paat Supreme Preaident VALENTINES Mra. George Graxiadlo and Su­ preme Diatrict Deputy Mra. Vivian VOL. LXXVI, NO. 109 (TWENTY. PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., THUfepAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1957 (Claoaltlod Advertizing on Pngn 18) PRICE rnrs c e n t r BMuaoliel of Putnam. Following the meeting refreehmenta will be for Everyone nerved by Mra. Kenneth Hodge and her committee. ‘ We've a wonderful selection for chil­ Lakota Council, No. 81, Degree dren and adults. Many colorful cut New Floor Sought o f Pocahontaa, will meet tonight at outs for the kiddies; plus many sen­ 7:80. in Odd Fellewa' Hall. timental Valentines for the grown " 1 The llancheater Federation of ups. On MMHAddition; Utah Prisoners Free Democratic Women will meet at 7:80 pjn., Feb. 18 at the Com­ munity Y. 1® TO The ntonthly meeting of the May Cost $300,000 Chlldren’a Cyatlc Flbroaia Aaan. of Connecticut, Inc., will be held Feb. ■v — — — 18 at 8 p.m. in the. pariah house of the South Congreg^onal Church, A fourth floor, containings*'to Incresae its ability to care for an additional 38 beds and patients by more than .50 per cent 510 Wethersfield Ava, Hartford. “A flve-floor wing,” Mr. 'Watkina She'd Love One Of These! _ costing about 4300,000, has. aiaW;—'*wa'a the origtnai—recom­ . The adult-prospective member- been included in ravised plans mendation of Dr. Anthony J. J ^ p group of the Zion Lutheran They’re especially nice for Valentine gifts. , Church will meet at the church to­ for the new wing of the M a n -I Rourke, hoapUal consultant, whoee morrow night at 8:80. Chester Memorial Hospital, i “ P n tish M ap G roups Split CnardHurt "KWICK-DRY" PRINTED ^ __ ,__ plans for the expansion. Re- 7^* h 'Rnnrd of atudle.i have borne out Dr. TERRY KITCHEN TOWELS vote(^ by the h^P Rourke'a contention that the 4- U.S., Russia Stenciling Course Truateea. WM announced probably not In 12-H ou r C. mmore^Watl^in*, preaident of „,eet the community's' requlre- On Court Reforms Will Be Repealed the Board. | ^^nU beyond 1980.” Originally, it was planned to "X longer-ranged solution .to the T rade W ar 5 9 - . build a 3-floor wing at a coat of W ild Party / / i problem than this,” he said, "Is ob­ state Capitol, Hartfordre, This put Riscassl, a former The course'in-stencilling, given $1,470.0<K). The revised plana will viously desirable. With the addi­ during the fall as part of the Man­ boost the totarcost of the new wing London, Feb. 7 (ff*)—Britain (JP) ces o f ! Senator from Hartford and MATCHING TERRY AfitONS $1.29 tion of another 38-bed floor to the i-'eb. 7 f : the Senate's Democratic leader In Point of the Mountain, \ chester. YWCA program^ \jrlU be a to an estimated $1,770,000. new wing, the hospital's capacity officially approved today opinion a.s to how 7 ar uon-|’j9 4 5 ^ ^ position far removed' Utaj), Feb. 7 (/P)— Rioting repeated aa part o f the - winter /P Baaed on Long Range Saving* will be increased by 98 beds. This plans to mold western Europe program, beginning Feb. 18. There Lint-free, more absorbent.xRed, blue, green yellow In making the announcement, necticut ought to go in re­ from that of Gov. Rlblcoff, a Dem-1 convicts knuckled under early and blue towels. Aprons iii red,'blue or pink. will bring the total number of beds into a giadt economic unit organizing its court system ocrat who has strongly u r g e d will be eight ciasa sessions, meet­ S i o J u d i t t L Watkins explained the decision to to 265, as compared with the pre­ ........ ^ ’ today after ruling Utah State ing every other week on Monday, erect the additional floor at this capable of competing with developed todffy in the early reorganIzaMon of the minor mu-, CANNON GOLD PRACTICAL EMBROIDERED sent complement of 167.' nicipal coUrtz. Prison in nearly 12 hours of mornings from 0:80 to noon. Add plenty of sugar and spice to your spring wardrobe time waa based on reasons of the United States and Rdssia. 8tag:es of a hearing by the Decoration of furniture, trays, LUREX BORDERED economy and the wisdom of meet­ The ho.spltsI will then be able to The aim is to wipe out tariff Rlblcoff favors a bill, also be­ uncontrolled revolt that was lass and tinware will be featured . select from our array of sweaters. We’ve charming ing the critical problem of today's care for 4,700 more patients a year barriers among 17 West European Legislature’s Judiciary com fore the Judiciary committee to­ a strange mixture of violent the course. TOWEL ENSEMBLES - PILLOW CASES cla.ssics^—cardigan or slipover styles— in colors easy to rapidly increasing demand upon above the 8,000 now admitted 'an­ countries and Join some 250 mil­ mittee on various reorganiza-* day, which proposes much the nually, (Uid thus assure for the res­ firm TirnnnaoU' 'Same form Of reorganization aa destruction and almost tender teacher, Mrs. D. J. Cooney, match with your favorite skirts. We’ve importantly the hospital's service under its lion consumers into a free trade concern for 27 hostagee. an '^ tr u c to r of the Brazier Facer C lo th ................49e ea. idents who rely upon Manchester area and common market for their Traffic Jams Elevator Service .98 bulky sweaters and boleros. See, choose now. Sizes 34 ibnger-range program. ? ^ l e W T t ! h ; house was filled S * S h o u l d '’ V h Z r ' f S l Some prisonerz went on a wild methdd, has ah extensive collec- Hand Size ...........99c'ea. arid * 2 pair The wing. Including the latest Memorial the hospital protection manufactured goods. capacity for the8K.* hearing on that it woulcl Dot Change the tlon ofF^pattama to use, Including to 40. they need, and have a right to ex­ lO’tod Shot aIc(9iol-and-power binge; others sat addition will enable the. hcapital The government of Prime Min­ the Old and highly controversial: around nonchalantly watching tele­ ^ aarty American. Overcrowded conditions at Man­ possible six years ago. it Isn't to­ Bath S iz e ................$1.98 ea. She'll appreciate these good looking Price—SLIP-ON ........ .. $3.98<$6.98 pect. for a good many years to At 10 to 1 odds, William Negiey, 43, of San Antonio, Tex., Um­ ister Harold Macmillan announced Further information may he ob­ chester Memorial Hospital are day, say officials. The plant, they pome.” vision and looking out for the cap- Beautiful gold bordered on white, embroidered cases in florals. Mr. and bers up bow with which he hopes to kill an elephant and collect its approval of the scheme in a Various spokesmen for the tlvea they had seized. tained by calling the local YWCA leading to traffic Jams that hos­ say, simply can not meet the in­ pink, yellow, green and blue grounds. Mrs. and His and Her pkttems. CARDIGANS.......... ....... $5.98-$8.98 ‘The additional floor,” Watkina i $10,000. He leaves Feb. 9 for Belgian Congo to back up hia white paper and propo.sed that the necticut Bar Assn, urged adop­ probate courts, Its president, Fred ofBca. pital officials regard as downright creasing demands the community SPORTSWEAR—SECOND FLOOR Nasser Getting added, "will make it possible to i $1,000 boaat. Council of Ministers of the organi­ tion of a bill reorganizing courts Rundbaken of ^Hartford, told the They jlelded to Gov. George D. dangerous. is placing on it. avoid another capital fimd cam­ zation for European Economic Co­ committee. Clyde's firm insistence that he on every level, including the pro­ Committee members, all but A patient's life, they say. can ’This is the reason for the Man­ paign for expansion purpioses three ' operation (OEEC) eatablish the' bate. would not even consider their de­ depend'on the speed with which he chester Memorial Hospital build­ NEW SPRING FABRICS More, Russian or four years from now. Moreover | machinery to negotiate detailed tv,. /-„,.-.v„ tiiree of whom are Republicans, mands until they turned ibose their ing fund, which will be raised by I Its construction at this time can be j hostages and gave up their wea­ ARE YOU WORRIED? can be wheeled 'to the various diag- arrangements Bar Awn ’ toe largell countv or^ questioned witnesses rep- pons. nostic and tregUnpnt facilities of public subscription, Are arriving daily at Hale’s Fabric. Dept. accomplished at a much lower coat • uar Assn., toe largest countj or , relenting the State Bar Assn, as Madame Vaughn Reds Unveil U.S.
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