Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU Commencement Programs RWU Archives and Special Collections 5-19-2001 Commencement Program, 2001 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: https://docs.rwu.edu/commencement_programs Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "Commencement Program, 2001" (2001). Commencement Programs. 32. https://docs.rwu.edu/commencement_programs/32 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the RWU Archives and Special Collections at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CLASS OF 2001 COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY THE NINETEENTH OF MAY Two THOUSAND AND ONE BRISTOL, RHODE ISLAND e:E:ETTER FROM THE CHANCELLOR CLASS OF 2001 COMMENCEME T Williams University serve as you could not take during your your landmarks. Let the undergraduate years, enroll in SATURDAY THE NINETEENTH OF MAY Two THOUSAND AND ONE values you have learned here one of our growing number of ORDER OF EXERCISES serve as your touchstones. graduate programs. Above all As you move out of continue to participate. Attend PROCESSIONAL HONORARY DEGREE RECEPTION familiar territory into the University lectures and arts Roger Willianu, Univcr~ity RECIPIENTS Following Commencement, all frontier of adult life, remember events, and become active in Ceremonial Pipc!:t and Drums, Yogi Berra attendees are invited to join their the sources of your achieve­ the Alumni Association. under the Direction of Former Major League Baseball Player, respective deans, faculty, ;,taff and ments, experience~ and values. Finally, remember that, Pipe Major rric ~1. Armour New York Yankees and Member of the classmates for rcfrc~hment~. In the classroom, vou have contrary to popular impression, Baseball/ /all of fame benefited from co;11prchcnsivc not everyone goes to college. NATIONAL ANTHEM Upper Montclmr, ./. MUSIC study in your chosen field; And even fewer graduate. You Joanne ~ouradjian Doctorof Letters The Ralph Stuart Orchestra and, in studies outside vour are privileged. So many others Wl1cntc111Colleg(' Voice rac11ltyand hmzoris ca11sa major, you have developed are not. Privilege carric~ with it Oarm State l.1sht Opera breadth. You emerge from this obligation: You must use and The Honorable Victoria Lederberg MARSHALS Today's commencement institution as an educated share your talents. B •come Associate justice Gra111/Marshal INVOCATION citizen. You have found and involved in the battle to The S11prc111eCo11rf of Rhode lsla11d Professor George A. Ficorilli celebration marks the begin­ Canon John Van Siclen nurtured friendships through improve the world, to right the Rector, St. Micline/'s C/11,rc/1 Provide11ce,RI. Family Marshal ning of the next chapter of participation in campus wrongs and to save the af­ Bri.,tol, Kl. Doctorof Laws Professor Robert J. Blackburn your lives - a beginning more l,011orisCllllSll Feinstein College of Arts a11dScie11ces than an end of your under­ organizations, in athletics and flicted. You can make a pro­ in community service. As a PRESIDING Gretchen A. Nevins graduate years. My hope is found difference in this country. Anthony J. Santoro L. Denni;, Kozlow;,ki School of Education that you will look back with result of this involvement, vou You can raise the hopes and Cl1a11cellor,Roger \ Villinms Chairma11& C[O Desiree L. Marotta pride, satisfaction, and joy on know the importance of , aspirations of other,. You can School of Architectnre, Art and U11ii.•cr..:,1ftfand Pn.•sident. Tyco l11fen1afio11al your time on this campus; but teamwork, and of service, the make it possible for others to Historic Presen,ation Ralph R Pa1'1tlo dwol of Law Exeter,, .H. my fondest hope is that you richness and of the divcrsitv of dream their dreams. You can Jennifer L. Roy Doctorof B11~i11L~sArl111i11istratio11 will look forward with confi­ differing opinions and new· n1ake this world 111orchumane. Gabe/IiSc/wo/ of Business REMARKS l1011orisrn11sa ideas, and of the humanitv and Small acts of kindness - helping Garrick B. Connelly dence and optimism, prepared Ralph R. Papitto '8511 by your Roger Williams rewards of helping others'. others and simple caring- these Paul M. Montrone School of E11gi11et'ri11g,Co111p11ti11g a11d Clu11rnw11,Board ofTrusters, education for the rigors and The knowledge, values, things change people's live,. It Chair111an& CEO Co11strnctio11Mn11ngeme11f Ifo~er \Villu1111..:,LJ11iiier.;ify the opportunities of adult life. and friendships that you claim is individual kindnes, that most Fiscl,erScie11t1fic Jntcnwtio11al, Inc. Corvah D. Akoiwala today will endure. They are Hamp/011,N./-1. School of Justice St11dies Some of you head toward directly touches and improves Denni::, RL'\'CJh '72 Kristi L. Linkampcr further studies in graduate part of you, and they arc the our lives. This- nothing less Presidt'11/ Doctorof Science l10110risrnusa University Colleges school; others toward careers in invaluable legacy that you than a better world - depends Roger lVillin111::.-U11h.1ersily Open College the arts and sciences, com­ inherit as a member of the not on great leaders or institu­ Al1111111iA::.-,-.ociafi()/1 KEYNOTE Mary Ann Tapley merce, government, industry, or Roger Williams community. tions so much as it depends on Metropolita11College That membership is forever individual women and men Abby clean COMMENCEMENTSPEAKER one of the many service fields. Dawn Christensen yours, and we lool,. forward to President, Senwr Class L. Dennis Kozlow~ki All of you embark today on a helping each other. Chairman & C[O journey of professional and your enduring attachment to Today, we pass the torch to Rogt'r \ Vil/iat1bU11i1.1t•rsity COLOR BEARERS Tyco J11temalio11al personal fulfillment. and affection for your Alma you. I know you will gra~p it, Marybeth Gordon, Student Sennte Exeter, .H. Mater. We welcome vou todav carrv it forward and work in PRESENTATIONOF President On behalf of the Univer­ HONORARY DEGREE sity, I wish to express our as alumni and cncou~agc you., the public interest. I am REMARKS Neil McKiernan, St11de11tSenate CANDIDATES AND Preside11tVice Preside,,t sincere belief that you will, to return again and again to confident that vou will make Anthony J. Santoro Morgan Hutchinson, St11de11tSenate indeed, realize your dreams; this extraordinary campus. this a more just and caring CONFERRING OF CJ1a,1cellor,Roger Williams Secretary that you will fulfill your Know that your Alma society. Go forward then with HONORARY DEGREES l/11iversitv a11dPresirle11t, Mater can be a formidable ally Chairman Ralph R. Papitto 'SSH Ralph R. Papitto School of Law potential; and that you will confidence and purpose. Go Chc111ccllorAnthony J.Santoro CLASS BANNER CARRIERS find and pursue work that as you pursue your course in forward knowing that we look life, your goals. The professors CONFERRING OF Suzanne King, l'reside11t,Class of'02 enriches your life. I believe at you with confidence and who have served as your UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES Michael Pierce, VicePresident, Class of'{ that you will make the transi­ hope. Go forward in peace Chancellor Anthony J. Santoro tion from undergraduate to mentors will continue to care, and embrace with passion the SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS professional, confident in the will relish news of your experiences that await you! Abby McLean, President BENEDICTION knowledge that your Alma progress and will remain ready Kathryn Bohlin, Vice President Canon John Van Siclen Mater has provided you with a to support you as long as you sound education. Use it like a need them. The resources of GRADUATING STUDENT your Alma Mater remain yours RECESSIONAL map. Let your undergraduate SENATORS Roger Williams University achievements guide your for the asking. Come back - Michael Halpin irf?iL~ journey toward the future. Let use the library, take courses Chn11cellor Ceremonial Pipes and Drums Robert Peterson your experiences at Roger Roger Wil/in111sUnii•ersity Steven Woodward Please Note: Out of respect for the Graduates, Honorary Degree recipients and other speakers, 2 we ask that yo11 tum off all cellular p1iot1esand noise making pagers during the ceremony. Tl,a11k yo • 11 3 deoNORARY DEGREERECIPIENTS 2001 Yogi Berr.i L. Dennis Ko,dowski The Honorable Victoria Lederberg Paul M. Montronc For111crMnjor Lcns11cBnsdmlf Pfnycr, Cltnir11tn11& C[O AssocinlrJustin' Clwir11tn11& C[O New Yc1rkY1111kccs nml Mcm/lcr of tl1c Tyco /11fenwfi()l1n/ The S11pre111eCo11rl of Rhodelslnllrf FischerScic1ll1fic /11ternnlio11nl, /11c. 13nsdmllI lnll of {n111,• Exet,,,-,N.11. Proz1irle11cc,R.I. HntJJ/1/011,N.11. Llf'p<'rMo11/c/nir, N.}. Doctorof Business Doctorof Lows Doctorof Scie11ce Oocforo/Letli.!rs Ad111i11islrntio11 /10,wriscnusn ho11orisca11sn lw11orijcnusn lw,wri.; cn11,n \'l,gi Bcrrn nJ1chored//,e Ne11•York Sillce !,is nppoilll111cllleight yenrs A Rhode lslnlld llnlive, /us/ice Pnul M. Molllrolle is ChninnnJ1 YnJ1kccs'd>/J1nst,1 fro"' //,c lnlc ngo ns C/,icf Exernli1<eOfficer of Lederbergl,ns served //,e Ocenu nlld Chief Exewlive Officer of I 940's lo ihe '60s·,n /en1J1//,n/ Tyco llllcrnnliollnl Lid., L. De1111is Stnle iu n variety ofwnys, Fisher SciC11lificllllernnlioJ1nl WOJI 10 World Series iii/cs. / le Ko:/v,,,ski l,ns lmllsfom,ed //,e iHcludiHgeducntor, pul,/ic official, IHc., n kndillg supplier of prod­ wns elccied lo //,e bnsebn/1I /nil of co111pn11yi11lo n 111m111fncl11ri11g nud HOWns n sin le s11prell1ecourt ucts nHd services lo rcsenrcl,nHd Fnn,c iJ11972 nJ1dis n ,,,c,,,l,cr oj pmuerl1011seworth 50 ti111es1110n: justice. She wns born iu Provi­ cliJ1icn/lnbomlories. /-le is nlso Mnjur Lcngue Bnsebnll'sAll lhnJ1wheJ1 l,c look 01,er. Al //,e deHcen11d gmdunled froll1 C/1ninllnHof //,e Bonrd nlld CeJ1/un1Tenn,. eHd of //,e Inst fiscnl yenr, enrniHgs Clnssicn/ /-fig!, School She enmed priHcipnl shnrel,o/derof Ge11Tek, Yo,~iBerm l,ns lrnJ1sceJ1dcd!,is /,nd iHcrensedlo S3.7 l,il/ioH. /,er A.B, A.M., nJ1dP/1.D.frolli !He.,nJ1d /,olds //,e sn/}/eposilioll s1iorllo bccon,eOJI An1cricnJ1folk T11co//}OJI llfnclII res, dislrib- Brow" UHiversih/, nHd received with GeHernlChell1icn/ nlld ico11.With 111c111ornlJ/ecxpn.·ssio11s 11les nud services n brand muge of her /.0.
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