}, .. , On the Inside·. The Weather .. " Good Reeds Eliminate "Squawb" ... Pcroe 5 PartlY cloudy today. cooler east cmd Summ.r V.. pen BeQSn ceDIrCIl. Hlqh today, 71: low. Y"t.... " •• PaQe 5 u.. Peace Officen Meet Tomorrow d.cry'. bJqh. 13: low. n. ... PaQe • Eat. 1868 - AP Lea8ed Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP LeaMd Wire - Five·Cen. Iowa City, Iowa, SuDday, June 19, 1949 Vol 83, No. 171 Ignore 'Conf~ssions/, New Rains Threatening Beran Tells Czechs PRAGUE (UP ) - ArehbishQIi Josef Beran I!Ppealed \ast night to his Catholic followers in Communist-ruled Czechoslovakia not to Flood A-rea; Six Killed believe any II conf ssions" he might m~ke in the future. His words, recalling a similar plea by Josef Cardinal ~inds· senty of Hungary before he was tried aJld' imprisoned for life, * * * * * * touched off one of tbe mOllt spontaneous demonstrations seen here Flash Floods Fail to FoR Fisherman West Virginia's since the Communists took over. I ROMNEY, W. VA. (AP)- De!.tructive Oa.h {Ioods failed to Inter. The 64-year-old Catholic arch­ (ere with the opening of the bus selson yesterday for one hardy fish­ bishop spoke to his followers from Lowlands Face erman. the pulpit of the chapel of the Textbook Checkup Stahov munastery a few minute. He abandoned his car near here, put on hl:J hip boots and Waded after he left his palace where Stirs Angry Denials up the road. A short time later he returned with a dandy two and A Higher Crest Czech secret pclice still stood one-balf po u n d e r CIUght swlmmlllJ" riaht in ~e middle of U.S. PETERSBURG, W. VA. (IP) - guard. Route 26. New rain! brouJht fresh threats In tones unusually fervent for Among Wood Group him he sajd: ot disaster last nieht to the WASHINGTON (.4") - Angry fIDOOed Shenandoa h-Potomac \'al­ "Perhaps very soon YOU wtll members of the house un-Amer­ ley lowlands. At 1 1 six pc m IIt.r &11 sorts of thlnp eon­ ican ,ctivities commit~~ !laid y~­ Ford UA W Pay Ilready had perished 1n the rag­ ~ernlng Reiects me from the radJo. You terday they weren't even COnt lIIay tha~ J hear have maele suIted about a t~xtb<ok checkup in, waters and another 20 wert conrellllions or other thlnp. J that has dumped them into their miss!n,. bope you will }telJeve In me." Demands, Asks 'Freeze' hottest controversy of the year. The latrs! downpour Jed statl' He also warned his followers: """'... bI,. 'he madde. 01 the DETROIT (UP)-The Ford Motor company yt'8terday r~ · police to p dlct branch . of the "One day If you learn about Potomle and Shenandoah rlv rs the conclusion of an agreement bUDeh Is Rep. MeSweene,. (D- jected wllge and pen ion demand of the em united auto work· Ohio). ' O~ of ~"'e lehool, plek­ ers, suggesting an l8·month wage freeze instead which th!' UA W - which !lut ru hed over their between church and state, you bankt Friday nlaht - would eel at random aDd. uked for a promptly brand d lIS •• economically unsound and unreali tic." soould know that I would never reach hleher cres\.J early 1hl conclude an agreement which lIa' of boob was hi. alma ma­ Ford' rejection of the union's contract. demands came in a iL· ter, In hili homelown - Woo. mornln, In NorUt Virginia and would infringe thc rights of the ter to President Walter P. Reuther. .ter eollen. Wooster, Ohio. UA W Weft Virginia', east rn pan­ church and the bishops. Signed by Industrial Rel"-I----------- handle. "Nobody shall force me to do to The request to Wooster and to that. some 70 o.ther colleges and uni- tiona Chjef John S. Bups, it Th A I' eel AnIon .. th_ 1I."'d d~a.d "No true Cath'( lie can exist versitles, plus boards of educa­ said bluntly" Tl1e postwar bug. ree re nJur WN two·yev-old WlnaIon V. Beelnvtth, whose half Iter where the bishops are not In the tion in all states, was intended gy·ride of ever h~6her wages A 2C C II'd told .tate pollee he tht' C06ts prices over." w church. to ,ive the committee a start on Temperature, Lemonade Sal~s cli;;;~I:i;g;th~~'~' ~~r> and is S ars 0 I e bo,. , .nd two othn-. wep an y "There arc Judases whom even findiri, out whether any Commu­ .. ," Ford cilled on the UAW to drop . '. Three perSOIl.! were injured by catc:adlnr walu which Iud the love of Chrivt cannot deter nlst propaganda has gotten into it. "Iene~al econ ~ mlc demands" SOL SOLD SOFT DRINKS YESTERDAY u Sasan and She.,.,. .....,. (len to rtf)lt) wUl acne. ~,. about 1:.5 last night as a result cn>erlurned tb Ir automobll . from treason. schwlbooks. Five of the nine com- se\ up a lemonade stand In front of ~elr house at I 8. J;lnD Itreet 10 ~et Ule' d ....... 1N7ba and alree to freezln, present :JAatoU'de c f a two car collision at a coun- Mrs. John G"U1U, the h U­ "Not all whose names are mlttee members sald they were wa,~ rates for 18 months. Bugas are (left 10 rll'bt) Hiram Galloway, 33Z S. Llnn I'ree~; Pa,.t Brink, .u, 'and 'Carl ~ .. .u.. 'FUa&, sister, said he and her h band published In the newspP.pen are not told about the request in ad­ Mich. .. ... •. r '. said the "stablUzation period" was try road Intersection two nules I th d is south of West Llbert:y. , were drivinl with the mlant and ru.lly III Bl'reement with what vance. necessary n, ese ays of . r Ina Admitted to University hos. ... \ •.... .. ,., " I'''''' ...... , \f # .: ~ . : t.'J two airls near Petcrsowa, abou Is bdDI' done - many are not The members said McSween­ *. unemp)oyment and lower indus- ltals e e J eKing 2:1 * * trlel production. p w r an "re- 55 mflt. south 01 Cumbl'rianrt, even aware of what hall been ey's reaction was so "violent" that . ported driver of one ot the cars Md . They idenliCil!d th other done." it was mainly responsible for a Reuther turned a qul~k thumbs and her tw C' children, Margaret, young victims aa ~ot Redmond, This s tat erne n t referred to follow-up letter which went out Heal Reaches ' Le'wi·$ Hrfs ;~( r ~ H. ·.. ·~·Re·p: eaJ down on the wa,e freele, charl- 2 1-2 and Vernon 8 months all 16. and Nato Walker, 18. All liv~d clalm.5 o[ thl' Prague press durin/! yesterday assuring educatcrs for­ WASHIll{GTOf<f (.4") :- John L. we . are ;.,olnt to ',' wih "on that," In, ,the oompany with "Propos1nl ot W~t Liberty. ' , In Petersbura. the past wepk of growlng support maUy that: Lewis yesterday indirectly ac- Taft saier. He' is cOuhiini OIl.abOut the aamt! kind of economic patent The rather, also In the car, was The Galthc" iJJe tln for thE' new ilovernmrnl - spon- ''Tlle eomm!ttee does not de­ cused senate DemQcratlc' leailers It! ,' berrloCr'atlc . vOtes, !be ' said, medicine . that steered our reported uninjured. were llIared wpen a "yfr IICred "CathoUc action commit- .Ire 10 Interfere in any mUiner Mark of 93 of "flamb9yantly'" dlshonorinl ' , ' , .. , '. , . ,. economy illto the cltastrophli: de· State "ighway patrolmen said .pot&e41 them ann they hid tee." Several hundred priests have with academJe freedom, nor "their party pled"e" to re .... al the while' ~O$Ltt,~nly fo~ 'or.fiv, Re- presal(;J1 of 1929. the driver of the other car, a ItIOrt The temperature soared to a • .. ~ publican•. ' ,' , . .' . .pent than 1Z houra with been listed in the press. .~ It Intend 10 eenaor. text- Taft·Hartley,law. .. ; .. '. "Unemployment Is growln, Ul- farmhand near Nicholl, Iowa, was muddy Iwlrllnl' a~t record high of 93:3 degrees here -ten Monsignor Beran's public ap- books." The U nit e d . Mine workers' '~~is, .. .~lt~rly 9.P'pos~ til tb,e liay because the American people sli,htly Injured. them. pearance put the lie to reports Chairman W": ~ (D-Ga) yester­ yesterday, exceeding the previous chief let fly with that chlJ:le as InjuncUon.exprusecl his',views in clo not have enough money to Two . ambulances from a West J..lto dead w N Cpt. A.M. Hur$t he was under house arrest in his day took the responsibility for high of 92 degrees registered May Senator 'Taft (R-Ohio) expressed ~ telerram' to Sel?ltol ~p~ . (D­ spend for gOro5 and services to Liberty funeral home brought the of the Well Virginia state pollc. palace which police took ~ver the original letter. He told re­ 5. confidence the senate will vote ·to Fla} fihn'r.tuta~n( . hlm , illld .Sen­ sustain the purchllsln, power for injured to Iowa City. and Mrs. Mllrgart~ Frances Brick­ three days ~go. por~er~ there was "no formal de­ keep ' the Taft-Hartley law 'pro- .tor$ ~l1H"y . (Q-,Mont) : an~ a full employment economy," he "No doubt the drivers were er of Mount Crawford, Va. 1\ clslon" on it by the c01l'\mlttee Iowa CiUans sought some re­ lief from1he stto)ty sumrrier heat vision which lets the. go erpmeilt N_J,y (0-~a) fQr . fJ,btln, . all said. Tj1e UAW has demanded bUnded by the dust at the Inter­ sbeth victim was IL,ted by polle!' but "it never occurred to me any­ by consuming cold drinks and gei injunctknll 'arainst national "crlpplin,·1 amend~enb to . the cor'np8ny flnanclal $100- a-mon\h lection," one or the ambulance 81 a man named "Moa .
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