Votft1Sbfrt. KIRK-Bt1RTON, &c. SHOPKEEPE RS1 &c.-Continutd. Globe, Sarah Gawthorp, Skelmanthorpe Holden Eli, Shepley Tarbutt Chadwick, Cumberworth Grapes, William Redrearn, Kirk-Burton Holden Godfl·ey, Shepley Turton William, Denby Grove, James J nbb, Sl<elmanthorpe Join.-rs' Arms, Ann Lockwooo:l, Den by dale Hollingsworth John, Shepley Tvas George, Denby New Inn, John Brettoner, West Clayton Kaye Charles, Shepley Wainwright William,Skelmanthorpe New Inn, John Hanwell, J)enby Peace John, Cumberworth Wilson Ann, Midgley Red Lion, John lbberson, Hi~h Burton Roebuck J onathau, Shcpley Wood Abraham, CumberwOl"th Red Lion, Geo. Jakeman, Cumb"'rwurth Smith Gad, Shepley Wood John, Shepley Royal Oak, Juseph Hey, Skelmanthorpe Tinker George, Shepley Shoulder of Mutton,NancySutclitfe,Kirk- STONE MASONS. Burton I Clayton Whitaket· John, :Shepley Earnshaw Benjamin, Kirk-Bmton Shoulder of 1\Jntton, Geor~e Tinker, West WOOLLEN MANUFACTURERS Ellis John, High-fiatts Smith's Arms, Henry Carter, High-Burton Barrowclough William & Jonathau, Sovereign, Seth Senior,Shepley lane head Cumberworth Gaunt John, Den by Stag's Head, John Brnoks, Sbepley Hardy Joseph, Kirk-Burton Star, John Firth, Denby BatleyJohn,SIJe~ey Hinchlitfe George, West Clayton Star, Ninah Kilner, Cumberworth Batley Jonas, Shelley bank Lawton William, Skelmanthorpe Star, George Rushy, Cumherworth Berry Matthew, Shepley Moore Miles, Denby Star, Michael Ruberts, ~heliPy Fitton Bejamin & Sons, Shelley Moore Thomas, Deuby Th reeCrowns, M arthaFitton, Kirk-H urton Goldthmp Hemy, Sht'pley Three Horse Shoes, Joseph Goldtborp, Moorhouse George, Kirk-Bmton I Skelmanthorpe Goldthorp .John, Shepley fShepley Moorhouse Jame!l, High-Hurton Waggon~ Horses, Joshua Shaw, Denby GoldthorpJ no.j uu. ( & cloth dresser), Rt!eds Charles, Kirk-Bmton \Vhite Swan, Jonathnn Jubh, High-ftatts Haigh J ohu, Hill toll, Shelley Reyner William, West Clayton \Voodman, Thoma" Hall, West Clayton Hinst Charles & Wm. Cumberworth Rushy James (merchant), Denby n.etailers of Beer. I \'esChas.Greeu house, Cum bet·worth Smith Joseph, Shepley Addy Joseph, Shepley I res Geo. Greenhouse, Cumberwol'th SURGEONS. Armita~e David, Birk-Bnrton Ives J os. Greenhouse, Cum benmrth Dickinson John, Shelleywood house Berry John, Uenby dale Kenyon Jonas & Jam e);, Dogley mill Binns James, Dogley lane Dowse Thoma~, Skelmanthorpe Pick ford Joseph, Shepley Carter Elizabeth, Hh:h-Burton Long Charles, Hig-h Hovland Carter John, High Bnrton Smith Charles, Shepley Turton Thomas, Denby · Goldthorp John, Spepley Smith Gad, Shepley TAILORS. Hardy Jos•ph, Kirk-Burton Smith George, Shepley Hay wood J oseph, Cumberworth Svkes Abraham, Shepley Akeroyd Martin, Hretton Holden George, Skelmanthorpe Batley William, Shepley Holmes Luke, High-flatts Thorp Abraham and William (and Boothroyd Renjamiu, Den by Lock wood Nnncy, Denby dale fnlling miller), Cumberworth Brettouer JfJhn, We:;;t Clavton Moorhou5e George, Kirk-Burton Tinker John, Shepley Brettoner Joseph, West Ciayton l\loorhouse James, Hi;:h.Bttrton WORSTED SPINNERS, Charlesworth Henj. Kirk-Bm·ton 1 Peace Thomas, Cumberworth Sbaw Ann, Kirk-Burtnn Wood & Walker, Spring grove_ Charlesworth Joseph, Kirk-Burton Stringer Charles, Shelley West Clayton Clat·kson Joseph, Bretton WHEELWRIGHTS, Miscellaneous. Dawson George, Denby dale Allatt Richard, Bretton Allott William, linen manufacturer and Dyson William, High-Burton Bur·dett Daule\"ere1·, Denby parish clerk, High-Hoy\and Emmot George, Shelley Burdett Frauci~, High-fhitts Bin as John, registrar of births & dealbs, Firth Isaac, West Clayton [Burton Crowther Georw·, Kirl<-Hurton Kirk-Burton Goldthorp William, Rowley, High­ Rottomley JosPph, woolstapler, Sbelley Dyson Joshua, High Hoyland Earnshaw William and Richard, timber Hall George, Bretton Kaye l\1 atthew, Skelmauthorpe dealers, Hirk-Heaton [Burlolt Kenworthy James, Shepley Kaye Matthew, Kirk-Burton Gee William, bat manufacturer, Kirk. Noble Ezekiel, Denby dale Kilner Thoma!'l, Den by dale Gelder Th()s. & tSon, black beer brewera. Noble John, Cumberworth i\Iilnes John, Denby West Clayton Oates John, Skelmanthorpe Gelder William, drugl!ist, West Clayton Shaw John (and timber merchant), Hinchclitf John & Co. tallow ebandlen, Pinder Isaac Newton, Dogley lane Kirk-B urton Skelmanthorpe [Burtoa Scatcherd Samuel, Skelmauthorpe WOOLLEN DRAPERS- Horncastle William, leather cutter, Kirll· Shaw George, Cumberworth TRAVELLING. Kilner Jose ph, nail maker, Shelley Tinker Joseph, West Clayton Addy David, Shepley Lanndon William, saddler, Den by West Joseph, Kirk-Hmton Mitchell John, dyer, Denby dale Fitton Charles, Cumberwortb Nob le Edward, tanner, Riley (toll "J'AVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Fitton Joseph, Shepley RichardsonThos. arcbilect& builder,Brel· :Beaumont'111 Arms, Luke Longley, Bretton Goldthorp Henry, Shepley SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY, Denby-Peter :Black Bull, Samut:l Cbarlesworrb,Midgley Sl.:et, librarian Black Bull, Edmnnd Hardy, Sbepley Goldthorp John, Shepley Boot & Shoe, Thomas Chambers, Thunder Goldthorp John, jun. Shepley CARRIERS. bridJ\'e, Kirk-Burron Hardy John, Shepley To BARNSLEY,James HeptonRtall,from CommPrcial, Samud Lile!, West Clayton Denhy, everv Wednesday & Saturday. Hardy William, Shepley To H VD DERSFIELD, Cbas. Kay, from Duke W illiam, Thos. Geld er, West Clayton Hey Michael, Shepley Gardeners' Arms, James Battye, Sbelley Kirk-Hurton, Jonatban Fitton1 from Georg.. , Charles Sutclitfe, Kirk.-Burton Heywoorl William, Denby dale High-Burton, and David Green, from Globe, Ely Cleg~;, High Hoyland Holden Benjamin, Shepley , ~J..!lale, every Tuesday. , KIRK-HEATON, DALTON, El\tlLEY, LEPTON, FLOCKTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. KmK-HEATON is a populous township and parish !remote period of eight hundred years back. Richard in the upper dh·ision of Agbrigg wapentake, West Rid- Henry Beaumout, Esq., of Whitley Hall, is lord of the ing, nearly three miles N. E. from Huddersfield. The manor. The parish contained, m 1831, upwards of manufdcture of fancy goods, chiefly woollen fabrics, and 10,000 inhabitants, and the township about 3,000. woollen cloths, preva•ls here to some extent. The One mile from Kirk-Heaton, in that parish, is the places of worship are the parbh church, an ancient township of DALTO!IT. The manufactures here are of edifice, dedicated to Saint John; and three chapels for the same nature as those of Kirk-Heatun. The Swe• methodists. The benefice is a rectory, in the patronage denborgians ha\·e a plac:e of worship in this township. of the Rev. M. Alderson, near Rotherham; the present which contains upwards of 3,000 inhabitants. incumbent is the Rev. Christopher Alderson, and his LEPTON is likewise a populous township, in the same curate the Rev. George Alston. In the cemetery of the I parish as Dalton, about three miles and a half E. bv s. church is a neat monument, erected by subscnptions, fmm Huddersfield. In addition to manufactories "for lo record the awful loss of life from a fire which bmke i woollen cloths and fancv goods, several scribbling and out in l\1r. Atkinsou's f.tctory, at Colne Bridge, on the fulling mills are dispersed throughout the township 14th of February, 1818, by which seventeen children fell and its vicinity. Its population is upwards of 3 300. 1ictims to the flames. In the same church-yard is a EMLEY is a village and parish in the same wapentake large yew tree, measurin,g in girth twenty feet nine 1 and riding as Kirk-Heaton, about 8 miles from Hud· inches; aud ita auti'luitl' liS ~tate(.l to be. t\"a<:ed to the dersfi.eld. This i:i au agticnltural paril!ha and contilil!l ,176 • .
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