***Data is based on submitted maps per region as of March 2018. AREA IN SITE CODE REGION PENRO CENRO PROVINCE MUNICIPALITY BARANGAY DISTRICT NAME OF ORGANIZATION SPECIES COMMODITY COMPONENT YEAR HECTARES 15-060613-0210-0010 VI Antique San Jose Antique Bugasong Igsoro Lone Disirict 10.07 Igsoro Farmers Association Bamboo Bamboo 2015 San Jose Reforestation Management 15-063044-0151-0011 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Lemery Dalipe V 11.31 Narra, Tangitang Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Association San Jose Reforestation Management 15-063044-0152-0061 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Lemery Dalipe V 60.69 Ipil-ipil, Sibucao Fuelwood Reforestation 2015 Association Velasco Alme±ana Nagsulang 15-063044-0143-0028 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Lemery Omio/Nasapahan V 28.39 Reforestation Management Coffee Coffee Reforestation 2015 Association Velasco Alme±ana Nagsulang 15-063044-0144-0015 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Lemery Omio/Nasapahan V 15.41 Reforestation Management Cacao Cacao Reforestation 2015 Association Velasco Alme±ana Nagsulang 15-063044-0145-0039 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Lemery Omio/Nasapahan V 39.38 Reforestation Management Rattan Rattan Reforestation 2015 Association Aripdip Reforestation Management 15-063044-0110-0005 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo San Rafael Aripdip V 5.30 Cacao Cacao Reforestation 2015 Association Aripdip Reforestation Management 15-063044-0111-0005 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo San Rafael Aripdip V 5.18 Coffee Coffee Reforestation 2015 Association Nva Invencion/Del Inampuagan Highland Farmers 15-063044-0155-0057 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Barotac Viejo V 57.11 Nangka, Babana Other Fruit trees Reforestation 2015 Pilar Association Inampuagan Highland Farmers 15-063044-0157-0041 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Barotac Viejo Nva. Invencion V 40.69 Narra, Tamgitang Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Association Narra, Acacia auri, Mt. Agoho, Ipil-Ipil, Badlan, Gogo, Baslayan, Indigenous/Fruit 15-060400-0158-0050 VI Aklan Aklan Nabas Habana Lone District 50.00 THE SURVIVOR Reforestation 2015 Jackfruit, Cacao, Rambutan, Trees Lanzones Kapatiran para sa Progresong Narra, Badlan, Acacia auri, Mt. 15-060400-0002-0050 VI Aklan Aklan Tangalan Nabata, Jawili Lone District 50.00 Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Panlipunan Agoho ***Data is based on submitted maps per region as of March 2018. AREA IN SITE CODE REGION PENRO CENRO PROVINCE MUNICIPALITY BARANGAY DISTRICT NAME OF ORGANIZATION SPECIES COMMODITY COMPONENT YEAR HECTARES Peace Agreement Interbarangay Narra, Badlan, Acacia auri, Mt. 15-060400-0159-0100 VI Aklan Aklan Tangalan Vivo Lone District 100.00 Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Project Organization Agoho, Ipil-Ipil Osman-San Dimas Producers Narra, Badlan, Ughayan, Mt. 15-060400-0018-0025 VI Aklan Aklan Malinao Osman Lone District 25.00 Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Cooperative Agoho Narra, Badlan, Acacia auri, Mt. 15-060400-0001-0102 VI Aklan Aklan Ibajay Mina-a Lone District 102.00 Mina-a Small Farmers Association Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Agoho, Ipil-Ipil Peace Agreement Interbarangay Narra, Badlan, Acacia auri, Mt. 15-060400-0003-0050 VI Aklan Aklan Ibajay Yawan Lone District 50.00 Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Project Organization Agoho Asosasyon it Manugpangabudlay sa 15-060400-0016-0070 VI Aklan Aklan Malinao Kinalangay Viejo Lone District 70.00 Narra, Badlan, Nato, Mt. Agoho Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Kinalangay Viejo 15-060400-0015-0077 VI Aklan Aklan Malinao Capataga Lone District 77.00 Sugnod Farmers Association Ughayan, Narra, Badlan Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Ma. Cristina Forest Developers 15-060400-0014-0015 VI Aklan Aklan Madalag Ma. Cristina Lone District 17.20 Narra, Ughayan, Maganhop Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Association Banus Ka Panipiason Tumandok 15-060400-0013-0060 VI Aklan Aklan Madalag Panipiason Lone District 75.00 Badlan, Agupanga, Maganhop Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Development Association 15-060400-0012-0025 VI Aklan Aklan Libacao Oyang Lone District 25.00 Oyang Upland Farmers Association Toog, Narra, Taghangin Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Mt. Nakueon Upland Farmers Agupanga, Rain Tree, Nato, 15-060400-0010-0050 VI Aklan Aklan Libacao Rosal Lone District 50.00 Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Association Ughayan, Maganhop Alfonso XII Lowland and Upland 15-060400-0011-0050 VI Aklan Aklan Libacao Alfonso XII Lone District 50.00 Rain Tree, Nato, Narra Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Farmers Developers Association 15-063022-0073-0056 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Leon Danao II 56.00 Fruit Trees 2015 ***Data is based on submitted maps per region as of March 2018. AREA IN SITE CODE REGION PENRO CENRO PROVINCE MUNICIPALITY BARANGAY DISTRICT NAME OF ORGANIZATION SPECIES COMMODITY COMPONENT YEAR HECTARES 15-063022-0058-0064 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Leon Cagay, Bucari II 64.00 Fruit Trees 2015 15-063022-0059-0050 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Leon Cagay, Bucari II 50.00 Coffee 2015 15-063022-0060-0010 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Leon Bucari, Cagay II 10.00 Bamboo 2015 15-063022-0064-0057 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Leon Bucari, Cagay II 57.00 Fuelwood 2015 15-063022-0065-0070 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo San Joaquin Lawigan and Igcadlum I 70.00 Fruit Trees 2015 15-063022-0066-0050 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Miag-ao Alimodias I 50.00 Fruit Trees 2015 15-063022-0067-0050 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Igbaras Icabugao I 50.00 Indigenous 2015 15-063022-0068-0050 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Tubungan Igtuble I 50.00 Fruit Trees 2015 15-063022-0069-0060 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Alimodian Bugang II 60.00 Coffee 2015 15-063022-0070-0020 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Alimodian Bugang II 20.00 Indigenous 2015 15-063022-0071-0011 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Alimodian Bugang I 11.00 Fuelwood 2015 15-063022-0072-0083 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo SanJoaquin Nadsadan I 83.00 Indigenous 2015 ***Data is based on submitted maps per region as of March 2018. AREA IN SITE CODE REGION PENRO CENRO PROVINCE MUNICIPALITY BARANGAY DISTRICT NAME OF ORGANIZATION SPECIES COMMODITY COMPONENT YEAR HECTARES 15-063022-0074-0046 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Leganes Nabitasan II 46.00 Mngroove 2015 Ca±apasan-Banate Irrigators 15-063044-0156-0050 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Banate Managopaya V 50.30 Pomelo, Guyabanao, Nangka Other Furit trees Reforestation 2015 Association, Inc. Aripdip Reforestation Management 15-063044-0141-0009 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo San Rafael Aripdip V 9.34 Narra, Tangitang Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Association Aripdip Reforestation Management 15-063044-0142-0058 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo San Rafael Aripdip V 58.53 Nangka, Babana Other Fruit trees Reforestation 2015 Association Nva. Invencion/Del Inampuagan Highland Farmers 15-063044-0153-0110 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Barotac Viejo V 110.06 Ipil-ipil, Sibucao Fuelwood Reforestation 2015 pilar Association Nva Invencion/Del Inampuagan Highland Farmers 15-063044-0154-0030 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Btac Viejo V 30.70 Coffee Coffee Reforestation 2015 Pilar Association 15-063044-0149-0010 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Ajuy Agbobolo V 10.15 LGU Ajuy Nangka Other Fruit trees Reforestation 2015 15-063044-0148-0010 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Ajuy Agbobolo V 10.14 LGU Ajuy Ipil-ipil, Sibucao Fuelwood Reforestation 2015 15-063044-0150-0010 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Ajuy Agbobolo V 10.28 LGU Ajuy Narra, Tangitang Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Pangi Active Community 15-063044-0146-0050 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo San Dionisio Hda. Conchita V 50.39 Empowerment Development Nangka, Babana, Pomelo, Marang Other Fruit trees Reforestation 2015 Association Bungalon, 15-063044-0106-0016 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Batad Alinsulong V 15.75 LGU Batad Bungalon, Pagatpat, Miyape Reforestation 2015 Pagatpat, Miyape 15-063044-0108-0010 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Balasan Batuan/Salvacion V 10.13 LGU Balasan Coffee Coffee Reforestation 2015 ***Data is based on submitted maps per region as of March 2018. AREA IN SITE CODE REGION PENRO CENRO PROVINCE MUNICIPALITY BARANGAY DISTRICT NAME OF ORGANIZATION SPECIES COMMODITY COMPONENT YEAR HECTARES 15-063044-0107-0006 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Balasan Batuan/Salvacion V 6.17 LGU Balasan Cacao Cacao Reforestation 2015 Tangitang, Narra, Acacia 15-063044-0109-0022 VI Iloilo Sara Iloilo Balasan Batuan/Salvacion V 22.42 LGU Balasan Indigenous Reforestation 2015 Mangium 15-063022-0291-0100 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Igbaras Bagay 100.00 Fuelwood 15-063022-0292-0100 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Igbaras Bugang 100.00 Fuelwood ***Data is based on submitted maps per region as of March 2018. AREA IN SITE CODE REGION PENRO CENRO PROVINCE MUNICIPALITY BARANGAY DISTRICT NAME OF ORGANIZATION SPECIES COMMODITY COMPONENT YEAR HECTARES 15-063022-0293-0200 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo San Joaquin Escalantera 200.00 Fuelwood 15-063022-0294-0100 VI Iloilo Iloilo City Iloilo Maasin Punong 100.00 Fuelwood Caimito, lanzones, acacia Coffee, Fruit Pumoloyo sang Lambunao 15-061914-0244-0050 VI Capiz Capiz Tapaz Rizal Norte II 85.86 mangium, antsoan dilaw, narra, Trees, Rattan, Reforestation 2015 Association (PLA) mahogany Indigenous, Timber Coffee, Fruit 15-061914-0227-0050 VI Capiz Capiz Tapaz Rizal Norte II 50.00 Pauswagon Diwata Association (PDA) Caimito, acacia mangium, narra Trees, Rattan, Reforestation 2015 Indigenous, Timber Caimito, nangka, indian mango, Coffee, Fruit lanzones, acacia mangium, narra, 15-061914-0245-0050 VI Capiz Capiz Tapaz Rizal Norte II 50.00 Hulogay Abaga Association (HAA) Trees, Rattan, Reforestation 2015 himbabalod, agupanga, toog, Indigenous, Timber mahogany, coffe, rattan Coffee, Fruit Caimito, acacia mangium, narra, 15-061914-0246-0050 VI Capiz Capiz Tapaz Rizal Norte II 50.00 Kauswagan Association (KA) Trees, Rattan, Reforestation
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