4288 Glasgow, Dumfries, and Carlisle Railway. and carry into effect such arrangements in re- OTICE is hereby given, that it is intended ference thereto as may be mutually agreed on N to apply to Parliament in the ensuing ses- between the said last-mentioned companies and sion, for an Act to make and maintain a railway, the company to be incorporated as aforesaid; and with all proper works and conveniences connected with such objects, or otherwise, to alter and therewith, to commence hy a junction with the amend, extend, or enlarge the Acts relating to the Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock, and Ayr Railway, said Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock, and Ayr fct or near its termination at Kilmarnock, in the Railway, passed in the first and second, the third Laigh Kirk parish of Kilmarnock, in the county and fourth, and the fifth years of the reign of Her of Ayr, and to terminate by a junction with the present Majesty; and the Acts relating to the said Lancaster and Carlisle Railway, the Newcastle Edinburgh and Glasgow Railwa)', passed in the and Carlisle Railway, and the Carlisle and Mary- first and second, the third and fourth, the fifth, port Railway, or some or one of them, at or near •and the seventh and eighth years of the reign of the intended termination, at Carlisle, of the said Her present Majesty. Lancaster and Carlisle Railway, or otherwise at a point at or near the city of Carlisle, and to pass And notice is hereby given, that a plan and from, through, or into the following parishes, section, describing the line or situation and levels townships, burghs, extra-parochial and other of the said intended railway and other works, places, or some of them, Kilmarnock, Laigh Kirk and the lands to be taken and used for the pur- and High Kirk of Kilmarnock, Riccarton, Galston, purposes thereof, together with a book of reference Craigie, Tarbolton, Mauchline, Sorn, Auchhen- to such plan, containing the names of the owners leck, Catrine, Old Cumnock and New Cumnock, or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and in the county of Ayr; Kirkconnel, Sanquhar, occupiers of such lands, will be deposited, on or I)urrisdeer«, Morton, Closeburn, Kirkmahoe, Dun- before the thirtieth day of November in the pre- score, Holywood, Dumfries, Saint Mary's of sent year, in the office of the Principal Sheriff Dumfries, Saint Michael's of Dumfries, New Clerk for the county of Ayr, at Ayr; in the office Church of Dumfries, Torthorwald, Mousewald, of the Principal Sheriff Clerk for the county of Ruthwell, Cummertrees, Annan, Dornock, and Dumfries, at Dumfries; and in the office of the Gretna, in the county of Dumfries; and Kirk Clerk of the Peace for the county of Cumberland, Andrews on Esk, Rockliff, Stanwix, Saint Cuth- at Carlisle; and that a copy of so much of the bert of Carlisle, Saint Mary's of Carlisle, Kirk said plan, section, and book of reference, as relates Andrew's- nether, Rockliff-Churchtown, Rockliff- to each parish and royal burgh in or through Castletown, Kingmoor, Etterby, Stainton, Cargo, which the said railway and works are intended to 'Caldewgate, Botchergate, Upperby, Blackball be made, will be deposited, on or before the thirty* Low, Blackwell Low, English-street, and the city first day of December next, with the schoolmaster, and borough of Carlisle, in the county of Cumber- or if there be no schoolmaster, then with the Ses-1 land. sion Clerk of each such parish, if situated in Scotland 5 and with the parish clerk, if situated in England, And notice is hereby given, that it is proposed, at the respective dwelling-places of each such by the said intended Act, to incorporate a com- schoolmaster and session or parish clerk, and with pany for carrying into effect the said railway and the clerks to the royal burghs of Sanquhar, Dum- other works, and to take power for the compul- fries, and Annan, at their respective offices at sory purchase of lands and houses, and to levy Sanquhar, Dumfries, and Annan. tolls, rates, and duties on and for the use of the said railway and works; and to vary, alter, or Bannatynes and KirkwOod, Glasg'OAv, extinguish all existing rights and privileges which W. 0. and W. Hunt, 10, Whitehall, would in any manner interfere with the objects Westminster, Solicitors for the Bill. aforesaid, and to confer other rights and privi- leges; and power is also intended to be taken, by Glasgow, loth October 1844. the said Act, to divert or alter, within the parishes, townships, burghs, and places aforesaid, the pre- OTICE is hereby given, that application is sent sites of all turnpike and other roads, streets, N intended to be made to Parliament in the railways, tramways, canals, rivers, streams, and next session, for a Bill to authorize the surrender watercourses which it may be necessary to inter- of certain leases, for lives> of lands, tenements, fere with in the construction of the said intended and hereditaments, situate in the parish of Fortlham railway and works. and county of Cambridge, held by or in trust for William Dunn Gardner, Esq. and others, under And it is also intended, by the said Act, to the Lord Bishop of Ely, and being parcel of the empower the Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock, and Ayr Railway Company, and the Edinburgh and possessions of that See, in order to enable the said Bishop to grant new leases thereof; and for other Glasgow Railway Company, both or either of purposes connected therewith.—Dated this 1st them, to raise or contribute funds towards the day of November 1844. construction, maintenance, and use of the said undertaking, and to take shares therein, or other- - Bircham and Dalrymple, 15, Bedford- wise to guarantee a certain amount of interest or row, London; Gunning and Francis^ profit on the capital, and generally to enter into Cambridge,' Solicitors for the said Bill..
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