Tuesday—june 27, 1944 MONITOR-LEADER MOUNT CLEMENS, MICH.. 7 r " '' * r—- Large Crowd Attends Tea Bride-elect Ron, iite-Sf7arro(i> VupliaL Reception for Sunday Afternoon Honored A CANDLELIGHT CERE, f j Former Resident ELIZABETH BREILING en- MONY in the First Presbyter- MR AND MRS FRANK KIS- THE BEAUTIFUL WEATHER Louis Blank and Mrs. Victor tertained at a red, white, and ian church in Ann Arbor, at H SELL entertained Monday eve* brought a Berger. on Sunday afternoon blue kitchen shower last eve- o'clock Saturday night united rung at their home on Byron 150 with large crowd (approximately The table was attractive ning at her home on 89 High in marriage Mary-Jane Romine, Court, Mrs. cloth, in honor of Dr. and women) to the gardens of the an Italian cutwork linen street, honoring Mathilda Marie daughter of Mrs Robert T. Ro- Georg** Hamm, of Ann Arbor, North, avenue, with large bowl of Gasow home on centered a Carl, bride elect. mine of Ann Arbor and the lac former residents of Mount Clem- sponsored garden in red. white and for a tea, which was flowers Flower arrangements were Mr. Romine and William ens. by the Trinity Young Women's blue, flanked on either side by used throughout the house for Thompson Sparrow, Jr , son of Forty were served from League. Presiding at the tea tall white tapers in crystal can- guests decoration. Games were won Mr and Mr«. William T Spar- a tablp w ,th a lace cloth, table were, Mrs. Herman Timpf, delabra. The guests were seat- jaPv '¦ •* laid by Mrs. Otto Wissner, Mary Carl ¦ row of Hampton, Ya. Dr. Wil- centered of vari* Arthur Rudolph, Mrs. ed at small tables in the garden, with a bowl Sr., Mrs. and Virginia Faulmann. liam P. Lemon officiated at the tall were decorated with colored roses and flanked by which Miss Carl was presented with ceremony. tapers. the flowers. Dainty sandwiches and pastel colored For many gifts. For re- Methodist Guild tea cakes were served by the beautiful The bride, who was given in reception Mr«. Hamm wore a freshments, the guests were suit and corsage of League members. marriage by her brother, Dr. yellow' linen Holds Picnic Supper. seated around a large table, Hugh Pittsburgh, talisman rosebuds. The display of stuffed ani- t E. Romine of and guests Mr. THE YOUNG WOMENS mals. which the League has been covered with a white cloth, chose a gown of ivory satin, Out-of-town were: METHODIST Guild met Monday working on, for the Deaf Insti- centered with a beautiful ar- fashioned in simple lines, with a and Mi>. Ivar Make of Crystal Hamm; evening at the home of Mina tute in Detroit, and the small rangement of pink carnations lace bodice and a full skirt end- Falls, parents of Mrs supper baby mums, and ing a train. fingertip Mr. and Mrs. George Hamm of Lou Bliss for a picnic aprons for the Lutheran Child- and white fc « in Her , of in the garden. After a short ren's Aid Society of Bay City, white burning tapers. Tiny indi- veil fell from a lace cap. Her Schenectady, N Y parents business meeting games were was an added attraction. (J3ride vidual gifts, attractively wrap- bouquet was of white orchids. Dr. Hamm; Miss Lila Wood, guest's place. Schenectady: Mr. and Mrs. Carl played. Mrs. Schock and Flor- ped, marked each ' : < Lorenz THE WEDDING of Evelyn Roberta Stewart, a classmate I Si W v Mrs. Stacey O’Brien assisted ence Blank were co-chairmen Mrs. Otto Wissner and Mrs. E Pray. Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, daughter of Mrs. Nora £ngageil of the bride, at Mount Clemens Mar- the hostess. The next meeting assisted by Mrs. Herman Timpf, Walter Fredericks were co- Elmer Wolff and daughter Jackson, 193 Robertson street, MR. MRS. HARRY High School, was the maid of will be held in August. Jr., Mrs. Patrick O'Grady and hostesses at a miscellaneous AND L. ian of Royal Oak. honor. She was dressed in a « * * Guild who and Stanley Kleino, son of Mr. Moore. 67 Smith street, an- All members of the Mrs. R. Deng. shower for Miss Carl at the for- gown of green taffeta with a • and Mrs. Arthur Kleino, Route 1, the engagement are able to work in the church • • mer’s home on Englewood ave- nounce of their MRS. THOMAS W. CROSS took place June 17, 3:30 daughter Mary to matching headdress of flowers Carol, kitchen will meet at the church at Friday evening. Jane Donald and daughter. are spend- o’clock in the Trinity Lutheran nue last Okopnv, and tulle. Her bouquet was of at 9:30 Thursday, June Child Study Club was son of Mr. and Mrs. ing a few day with Mrs. Leroy o’clock, Church. The refreshment tablft yellow roses. The bridesmaids 29th. Rev. Wilfred Junke Peter Okopnv of Dearborn. No H. Sample and children in Al- Home service. attractively decorated with a were Mary Vedder of Ann Ar- MRS. WILLIAM T. SPARROW • • • Picnic at Green read the date has been set for tile wed- gonac. whore the Samples are wedding cake, miniature bride bor. Charlotte Haas of Monroe MRS. HOWARD G. CHAM- GROUP 2 OF CHILD STUDY Mrs. Arnold Redlawsk was the ding. A reception at the Kappa Al- spending the summer. and red and pink roses. • * • and Jan Alston, a former class- • • Philadelphia, annual pha Theta house, sorority of the m BERLIN, of sister CLUB will hold their matron of honor. Isabel and A mock wedding highlighted mate of the bride when she at- # giv- MacLachlan, edi- picnic at the home of Mr. and # bride at the University, was MR AND MRS. DUANE TRY- of Wallace B. Kathleen Kleino were the the evening's entertainment. tended Oak Grove School in ar- Green, Lodc- en immediately after the cere- LOFF and Mr and Mrs. Henry tor of the Monitor-Leader, Mrs. Stuart 145 bridesmaids. Roger Kleino acted Games were played and prizes Vasselboro, Maine. They wore today Wednesday eve- Congratulations mony by the bride's mother. Tryloff w .11 celebrate their wed- rived in Mount Clemens w'.vck avenue as best man. Lester Jackson were awarded to Evelyn Strass- identical frocks of yellow taffet o’clock. Sparrow ding to spend a 10-day to tw’O-week ning, promptly at 6:30 and Lawrence Nieman were the burg, Mrs. Walter Ostrom and CHARLES FREDERICK with matching headdreses of Mr. and Mrs. are anniversaries tomorrow visit the home of Mrs. James The husbands of members are ushers. reception BAARCK, son of Mr. and Mrs. spending their hones moon at with a dinner and theatre party at A for 400 house prize to Mrs. Bernard Bal- flowers and tulle and carried E. Spier, 20 Byron court, and at to be the guests. guests was held at the Star Ball- Don Baarck, Colonial Court, up- of and yel- Houghton Lake. They will go in Di.tru:t. • • • lantine. bouquets delphinium • * * of brother’s family, 83 on his third birthday annivers- to Md . on Mondav, that her room in Fraser. Miss Carl will become the low roses. Baltimore. North avenue. MRS. EDGAR H. RACINE ary, June 26. The event was where Mr Sparrow will be in- MRS WILLIAMT. KELLY is • • • Mr. and Mrs Kleino w ill make bride of Pfc. Robert F. Juett on Mass, will be hostess to the members celebrated at a family picnic on Alan Donkin of Boston. ducted into the United States entertaining a small supper club at Thursday morning, June 29, at WILLIAM MOELLER, Breit- of the Dresden Club at luncheon their home 26 Stapleton the law n. was the best man. while the ush- Army. at her home tomorrow evening. street. 9 o’clock in St. Peter s Church. meyer Place, spent last week on at 1 o’clock, Friday afternoon • • • ers were I.t. Edward J. Dillon of Small- a business trip to New York Mrs. Lloyd Allen, of Detroit, is MRS. WINANT FOX, whose Kansas City, Mo., Robert man of Akron, O. and Jay Hunt- City. the out-of-town member. birthday anniversary occurs to- • • • • • • day. ington of Ann Arbor. ALLEN, MRS. LLOYD of De- MR. AND MRS. FRED WJillt the doiorS • • • JR., returned Detroit, is spending a few days BREITMEYER, MR. AND MRS. WALTER AL- Buffalo ROY A. HARRIS, son of Mr. cousins, met accidentally in Ha- Births at St. Joseph's with her sister, Mrs. William yesterday from a trip to LOR, Crocker boulevard, upon /$* boulevard. and Niagara Falls in celebration and Mrs. John S. Harris, Route waii, where both are stationed Lehner, South Wilson their 27th wedding anniversary MR AND MRS. CHARLES • * • wedding anniver- 6, has been promoted from the with the U. S. Army. James is Clyair Shores, of their 26th tomorrow. A. BERKEL, St. FOLEY, daughter sary which occurred June 22. grade of Pvt. to that of PFC. at the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard 12"). CAROLYN • • • a son, Charles Alvin 11, June * * • Mclnerny, and William is the ’" of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh V. Foley, the Army Service Forces Train- FRANK G. DR. AND MRS. JOSEPH N. MR. AND MRS. / \ has returned from a week’s visit VIRGINIA A. HEUMAN, 159 ing Center at Camp Claiborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- mi SCHER upon their 18th wed- OSTRAND, 2083 Stafford, a son, with her aunt, Mrs. Betty Grant, No. Wilson, left for Chicago for la. an Army Service Forces in- lnerny. ding anniversary tomorrow’. June 25. in New York City. a month’s vacation. stallation commanded by Col. Holland L.
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