Technical & Scientific Review Committee Revised January 2018 Purpose The plants on this list are species that threaten the health and vitality of native plant and animal communities, humans, and the economy. This list represents all non-native plant species that have been publically listed by Clackamas, Clark, Multnomah, Washington County Cooperative Weed Management Area (4CCWMA) MOU signatories. This list is intended to raise awareness about these species in our region. Most of these species have been documented within our CWMA boundary. Rank Designations The 4CCWMA Technical & Scientific Review Committee has assigned ranks to most of these species to help characterize their establishment and invasiveness in within our CWMA boundary. Rank designations are subject to and in many cases likely to change based on additional knowledge and/or refinement of rank definitions. Rank designations were made based on professional opinion, but do not represent a formal, scientific risk assessment for our region. These ranks are not intended to reflect partner ranks. Rank Definitions: A = red alert, most invasive, still eradicable on a regional or local scale or limited spread B = most invasive, locally abundant C = most invasive, widespread D = less aggressive, wildland invaders, less impact on natural systems E = aggressive primarily in horticultural/agricultural situations; note: this category is incomplete F= needs more info, should be noted if and where it's a problem W= watch list Needs investigation= has not yet been evaluated or not enough information is available to properly evaluate these species 4-COUNTY COOPERATIVE WEED MANAGEMENT AREA P: 503.210.6015 WWW.4COUNTYCWMA.ORG 4CCWMA Designation Scientific Name Common Name Family Listing Partners A Aegilops ovata ovate goatgrass Poaceae CSWCD, ODA A Aegilops triuncialis barbed goatgrass Poaceae CSWCD, ODA, OPRD CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA, Port of A Alhagi pseudalhagi camelthorn Fabaceae Portland A Alyssum corsicum yellow tuft Brassicaceae ODA A Alyssum murale yellow tuft Brassicaceae CSWCD, ODA A Ambrosia tomentosa skeletonleaf bursage Asteraceae CSWCD A Anchusa officinalis common bugloss Boraginaceae CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA A Berteroa incana hoary allysum Brassicaceae CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA, Port of A Bryonia alba white bryonia Cucurbitaceae Portland A Carduus acanthoides plumeless thistle Asteraceae CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA A Carthamus baeticus smooth distaff thistle Asteraceae CSWCD, ODA A Carthamus lanatus wooly distaff thistle Asteraceae CSWCD, ODA CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, ODA, Port of Portland, A Centaurea calcitrapa star-thistle Asteraceae SPVRC, USFS - Mt Hood CoG, CoP, CSWCD, ODA, Port of A Centaurea iberica Iberian knapweed Asteraceae Portland CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, ODA, OPRD, Port of A Centaurea solstitialis yellow starthistle Asteraceae Portland, SPVRC, USFS - Mt Hood A Centaurea virgata squarrose knapweed Asteraceae CoP, CSWCD, ODA A Cuscuta japonica Japanese dodder Convolvulaceae CSWCD, ODA, Port of Portland A Cyperus rotundus purple nutsedge Cyperaceae CSWCD, ODA, Port of Portland A Delairea odorata Cape ivy Asteraceae CSWCD, ODA CoG, CoP, CSWCD, ODA, OPRD, A Echium plantagineum salvation Jane Boraginaceae Port of Portland CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, TNC-WV A Euphorbia oblongata oblong spurge Euphorbiaceae North 4-COUNTY COOPERATIVE WEED MANAGEMENT AREA P: 503.210.6015 WWW.4COUNTYCWMA.ORG CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, A Galega officinalis goatsrue Fabaceae WMSWCD CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, EMSWCD, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, SPVRC, TNC-WV North, USFS - Mt Hood, A Heracleum mantegazzianum giant hogweed Apiaceae WMSWCD CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, EMSWCD, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, SPVRC, TNC-WV North, USFS - Mt Hood, A Hieracium aurantiacum orange hawkweed Asteraceae WMSWCD CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, yellow hawkweed, meadow CWS, ODA, OPRD, Port of A Hieracium caespitosum hawkweed Asteraceae Portland, SPVRC, USFS - Mt Hood CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, A Hieracium pilosella mouse-ear hawkweed Asteraceae TNC-WV North CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA, Port of A Hieracium piloselloides king-devil hawkweed Asteraceae Portland CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA, Port of A Hieracium X floribundum yellow hawkweed Asteraceae Portland, USFS - Mt Hood A Hydrocharis morsus-ranae common frogbit Hydrocharitaceae CSWCD, ODA CoG, ODA, OPRD, Port of A Lepidium chalepensis lens-podded whitetop Brassicaceae Portland CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, A Lepidium draba hoary cress Brassicaceae USFS - Mt Hood CSWCD, CWS, ODA, OPRD, Port A Lepidium latifolium perennial pepperweed Brassicaceae of Portland, USFS - Mt Hood hairy whitetop, upright A Lepidium strictum pepperweed Brassicaceae CoG, Port of Portland 4-COUNTY COOPERATIVE WEED MANAGEMENT AREA P: 503.210.6015 WWW.4COUNTYCWMA.ORG A Limnobium laevigatum West Indian spongeplant Hydrocharitaceae CSWCD, ODA, Port of Portland Ludwigia peploides ssp. A montevidensis Uruguay water primrose Onagraceae CoP, CSWCD, ODA A Lysimachia vulgaris garden loosestrife Primulaceae CCNWCB, ODA, Port of Portland A Nardus stricta matgrass Poaceae CSWCD, ODA CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, ODA, OPRD, Port of A Nymphoides peltata yellow floatingheart Menyanthaceae Portland, THPRD CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, A Onopordum acanthium scotch thistle Asteraceae ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland A Onopordum tauricum scotch thistle Asteraceae CSWCD, ODA A Peganum harmala African rue Nitrariaceae CSWCD, ODA CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, ODA, Port of Portland, A Phragmites australis common reed Poaceae WMSWCD CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, A Potentilla recta sulphur cinquefoil Rosaceae USFS - Mt Hood CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, EMSWCD, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, SPVRC, TNC-WV North, USFS - Mt Hood, A Pueraria montana var. lobata kudzu Fabaceae WMSWCD CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, A Rhaponticum repens Russian knapweed, hardheads Asteraceae ODA, Port of Portland A Saccharum ravennae ravennagrass Poaceae CCNWCB, ODA A Sagittaria platyphylla delta arrowhead Alismataceae CoP CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, A Silybum marianum blessed milk thistle Asteraceae ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland A Solanum elaeagnifolium silverleaf nightshade Solanaceae CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA A Spartina alterniflora smooth cordgrass Poaceae CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA A Spartina anglica common cordgrass Poaceae CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA A Spartina densiflora dense-flowered cordgrass Poaceae CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA 4-COUNTY COOPERATIVE WEED MANAGEMENT AREA P: 503.210.6015 WWW.4COUNTYCWMA.ORG A Spartina patens saltmeadow cordgrass Poaceae CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA A Stratiotes aloides water soldiers Hydrocharitaceae CSWCD, ODA, Port of Portland CSWCD, CWS, ODA, Port of A Trapa natans European water chestnut Lythraceae Portland A Tussilago farfara coltsfoot Asteraceae CSWCD, ODA CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, EMSWCD, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, TNC-WV North, USFS - A Ulex europaeus gorse Fabaceae Mt Hood, WMSWCD A Utricularia inflata swollen bladderwort Lentibulariaceae CoP, Port of Portland A Verbena bonariensis tall verbena Verbenaceae CoG, CoP, Port of Portland A Zygophyllum fabago Syrian bean-caper Zygophyllaceae CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA CoP, CCNWCB, ODA, Port of B Abutilon theophrasti velvetleaf Malvaceae Portland CoG, CoP, Port of Portland, B Acer platanoides Norway maple Sapindaceae SPVRC, USFS - Mt Hood CoG, CoP, CSWCD, ODA, OPRD, B Ailanthus altissima tree-of-heaven Simaroubaceae Port of Portland, USFS - Mt Hood B Alisma lanceolatum lanceleaf water plantain Alismataceae CWS CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, EMSWCD, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, SPVRC, TNC-WV North, THPRD, USFS - Mt Hood, B Alliaria petiolata garlic mustard Brassicaceae WMSWCD CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, ODA, OPRD, Port of B Amorpha fruticosa indigo bush Fabaceae Portland, SPVRC B Artemisia absinthium absinth wormwood Asteraceae CCNWCB B Arum italicum Italian arum Araceae CoP, CWS, OPRD B Betula pendula European white birch Betulaceae CoP 4-COUNTY COOPERATIVE WEED MANAGEMENT AREA P: 503.210.6015 WWW.4COUNTYCWMA.ORG CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, EMSWCD, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, SPVRC, TNC-WV North, USFS - Mt Hood, B Brachypodium sylvaticum false brome Poaceae WMSWCD CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, B Buddleja davidii butterfly bush Scrophulariaceae SPVRC, USFS - Mt Hood CoP, CCNWCB, CWS, ODA, OPRD, SPVRC, TNC-WV North, USFS - Mt B Centaurea diffusa diffuse knapweed Asteraceae Hood CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, ODA, OPRD, Port of Centaurea stoebe ssp. Portland, SPVRC, TNC-WV North, B micranthos spotted knapweed Asteraceae USFS - Mt Hood CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, SPVRC, THPRD, USFS - B Centaurea X moncktonii meadow knapweed Asteraceae Mt Hood CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CWS, EMSWCD, ODA, OPRD, Port of B Clematis vitalba traveler’s joy Ranunculaceae Portland, SPVRC, USFS - Mt Hood B Cyperus esculentus yellow nutsedge Cyperaceae CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA, OPRD CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, EMSWCD, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, SPVRC, TNC-WV B Daphne laureola spurge laurel Thymelaeaceae North, WMSWCD B Euphorbia esula leafy spurge Euphorbiaceae CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, ODA B Euphorbia lathyris mole plant Euphorbiaceae CoP B Fallopia convolvulus climbing bindweed Polygonaceae CoG, CoP 4-COUNTY COOPERATIVE WEED MANAGEMENT AREA P: 503.210.6015 WWW.4COUNTYCWMA.ORG CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS, EMSWCD, ODA, OPRD, Port of Portland, SPVRC, TNC-WV North, THPRD, USFS - Mt Hood, B Fallopia japonica var. japonica Japanese knotweed Polygonaceae WMSWCD CoG, CoP, CSWCD, CCNWCB, CWS,
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