CADTH COMMON DRUG REVIEW Clinical Review Report SODIUM ZIRCONIUM CYCLOSILICATE (LOKELMA) (AstraZeneca Canada Inc.) Indication: For the treatment of hyperkalemia in adults. Service Line: CADTH Common Drug Review Version: Final Publication Date: May 2020 Report Length: 125 Pages Disclaimer:Disclaimer: The The informationinformation in in this this document document isis intended intended toto help help CanadianCanadian healthhealth carecare decisiondecision--makers,makers, health health care care professionals, professionals, health health systems systems leaders, leaders, andand policy policy--makersmakers make make well well--informedinformed decisions decisions and and therebythereby improve improve the the quality quality of of healthhealth care care services. services. 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CADTH COMMON DRUG REVIEW Clinical Review Report for Sodium Zirconium Cyclosilicate (Lokelma) 2 Table of Contents Abbreviations................................................................................................................... 7 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Stakeholder Engagement ........................................................................................................................... 9 Clinical Evidence ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Conclusions................................................................................................................................................. 14 Disease Background ................................................................................................................................. 16 Standards of Therapy ................................................................................................................................ 16 Drug.............................................................................................................................................................. 17 Patient Group Input.................................................................................................................................... 19 Clinician Input ............................................................................................................................................
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