Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86231-8 - Cambridge World Archaeology: The Archaeology of Prehistoric Arabia: Adaptation and Social Formation from the Neolithic to the Iron Age Peter Magee Index More information INDEX Aali, 87–8 , 163–7 , 177 Belghalem, 234 Abu Khamis, 68 , 71–3 Bell, Gertrude, 4 ad-Durayb Yala, 205 , 245–9 Beth Shemesh, 244 ahlamu, 180–1 Bida al-Mutawa, 57 Ain-Ghazal, 49 Bida Bint Saud, 216 , 219–20 , 236–7 Ain-Qannas, 68 , 73 Bidya, 100 Akab, 72 , 79–81 Bisyah, 98 , 100 Amlah, 100 Bithna, 238 Ancient South Arabian (language), 244–5 Burqu, 27, 50 Aquifers Saudi Arabia, 32–3 Carchemish, 208 , 210 , 257 , 264 , 266 UAE and Oman, 25–6 Childe, V. G., 46 Asimah, 100 , 238 Climate (ancient), 42–5 Asir, 29 , 36 , 41 , 56 , 150 Climate (today) Ass domestication and appearance in Arabia. Dhofar, 27 See donkey Saudi Arabia, 29–31 Assabiya (social cohesion), 11–12 , 62 , UAE and Oman, 25 251 , 275–6 Yemen, 28–9 Assurbanipal, 271 battles in northern Arabia, 271–2 Dadna, 189 Assur-bel-kala, 207 Dalma, 57–8 , 71–2 Assyrian empire Dar Kulaib, 163 and the Arabian Gulf, 271–2 date palm and northern Arabia, 268–72 early domestication, 58 Azraq 31, 50 Dhahran, 89 , 173 , 178 , 254 Dhahret al-Hasa, 216 , 219–20 Babylon, 1 , 3 , 178–9 , 195 , 270 , 272–4 , 281 Dhamar Bahrain Bronze Age, 128 Bronze Age. See Dilmun early agriculture, 126–8 Barbar, 163 Dhofar, 26–7 , 38 , 42 , 55 , 78 , 97 , 137 Barbar temple, 158–61 , 164 , 177 Dilmun Barqa el-Hetiye, 262 Bronze Age burials, 163–5 Bat, 98 , 100–1 , 225 , 282 Bronze Age seals, 166–70 Batinah coast, 23 decline of Bronze Age state, 176–7 Baynunah, 199 discovery, 87–8 305 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86231-8 - Cambridge World Archaeology: The Archaeology of Prehistoric Arabia: Adaptation and Social Formation from the Neolithic to the Iron Age Peter Magee Index More information 306 Index Dilmun (cont.) Haza’el, king of northern Arabia, 271 emergence in the late third millennium Highlands, 37 BC, 152–4 Bronze Age, 126–32 Iron Age occupation, 271–2 rainfall, 37–8 Kassite control, 177–9 Hijaz nature of Bronze Age state, 173–6 Bronze Age, 144–5 use of the term before 2500 BC, 90–3 Egyptian imperialism and settlement donkey (ass) growth, 258 domestication and appearance in Iron Age, 252–8 Arabia, 105–6 Hili Dosariyah, 57 , 68 , 70–2 Umm an-Nar burials, 122–4 Dromedary camel Hili 1, 100 evidence for domesticated dromedary in Hili 14, 215 , 236 southeastern Arabia, 205 , 210–12 Hili 15, 215 , 219 , 236–7 evidence for domesticated dromedary in Hili 17, 215 , 220 , 227 southwestern Arabia, 205–6 Hili 2, 219–20 evidence for domesticated dromedary in Hili 3, 186 Syria, 207–10 Hili 8, 94–5 , 98 , 102–5 , 107 , 186 , 199 , 218 , 283 hunting of wild, 201 Hilprecht, Hermann, 4 markers of domestication, 203–4 Hindanu, 265 , 267 textual sources, 203 Hodeidah, 138 and trade to Syria, 264–8 Hofuf, 33–4 , 57 , 90 , 93 and trade to the southern Levant, 263 Hommel. Fritz, 4 , 7 Dumat al-Jandal (ancient Adummatu), Hoota Cave, 42–3 , 74 256–7 , 267 Husn Awhala, 225 Husn Madhab, 225 , 236 Ea-na ṣir, 166 , 168 , 173–5 Ibn Khaldun, 11–12 , 275 Fadak, 267 , 273 Indian Ocean monsoon, 14 , 25 , 28 , 35 , 40 , 42 , Failaka, 109 , 164 , 169–70 , 178 , 181 44 , 61 , 74 , 76 , 275 Bronze Age, 170–2 Iron Age in northwestern Arabia, 252–8 Kassite control, 180 Iron Age in southeastern Arabia Falaj system, 215–21 Iron Age I period, 189–95 Fasad points, 48 Iron Age II bronze production, 225 Frankincense, 38–9 Iron Age II burials, 240 Iron Age II ceramic production, 222 Guabba, 167 Iron Age II pilgrimage, 239 Iron Age II settlement patterns, 214–35 Hadabah, al-, 127 Iron Age in southwestern Arabia Hafi t culture evidence for agriculture, 249–50 burials, 93–4 , 96–7 Hadramawt culture, 250–1 settlements, 94–6 ‘Sayhadic tradition’, 249–50 Hajar bin Humeid, 245 , 249 Izki, 272 Hajar Yahirr, 242 Hajjar mountains, 15 Janub al-Mutabthat, 56 geological history, 15–18 Jebeeb, 216 , 219 Hama, 264 , 266 Jebel Arrayig al-Yusri, 59 Hammat al-Qa, 128 , 132 , 286 Jebel Buhais, 189 Hamriya, 190 , 227 Jebel Buhais (Iron Age building), 236 Harrat Khaybar, 148 Jebel Buhais (Wadi Suq period burials), Hasa, 32 189 Hawa, al-, 48 Jebel Buhais 18, 62–7 , 198 Hayt al-Suad, 78 , 126 , 131 Jebel Faya, 47–8 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86231-8 - Cambridge World Archaeology: The Archaeology of Prehistoric Arabia: Adaptation and Social Formation from the Neolithic to the Iron Age Peter Magee Index More information Index 307 Jebel Hafi t, 93 Midianites and Midianite pottery, 261–2 Jebel Jidran, 136 Mowaihat, 100 , 106 , 120 , 297 Jebel Qara, 200 Moyassar, al-, 114 Jebel Ruwaiq Mundigak, 109 Bronze Age burials, 136 Muweilah, 24 , 204 , 210 , 216 , 218 , 227–31 , 234 , Jiladah, 56 237–8 , 245 , 267 Jiroft, 107 Jubabat al-Juruf, 78 , 126 , 131 Nabonidus, 267 sojourn in Tayma, 272–4 Kalba, 100 , 186–7 , 190 , 196 Nafud, 7 , 30 , 36 Karib’il Watar, 242–3 , 248 vegetation, 32 Kashwaba, 138 Naram-Sin, 116 , 118 Kawr al-Jaramah, 44 , 74 Nashshan, 242 Khalwan Neolithic period Bronze Age, 131–2 climate, 49 Kharayb, 133 economy, 50–1 Kharimat Khor al-Manahil, 57 obsidian use, 54–5 Khaybar, 267 , 273 origins, 49 Khirbet el-Meshash, 261 rock art, 60–1 Khor al-Manahil, 57 trade with Ubaid Mesopotamia, 68–74 Khor al-Milkh, 72 Niebuhr, Carsten, 4–7 , 9 , 39 Khor-ile Sud, 178 Ninurta-kudurri-usur, 266 Kilwa, 58 Nippur, 177 Kites. See mass-kill traps Nisaba, 93 Nizwa, 190 , 192 Lagash, 90 , 116 , 167 Nud Ziba, 186 Lake Awafi , 187 Late Bronze Age in southeastern Arabia, Oasis North Arabian (language), 256 189–95 Obsidian trade in the Neolithic period. Lawrence of Arabia (movie), 14 , 31 See Neolithic period obsidian use Lizq, 236 Oryx, Arabian, 32 , 34 Lothal, 169 Lu-Enlilla (Ur III period merchant), 116–17 , Palaeolithic period, 47 119 , 173–4 Palmyra, 266 Punt, 143 Ma’layba, 138 Puzur-Inshushinak, 167 Magan discovery of ancient name, 99–100 Qala’at al-Bahrain, 154 , 156 , 177 , 182 Makaynun, 250 period III, 177 Manayzah, 51–2 , 55–6 period IV, 271 Manishtushu, 116 , 118 periods I and II, 152–4 Marawah, 49 , 52 , 57–8 Qanat. See Falaj system Marhashi, 92 Qataban, 243 Mari, 176 Qattara, 190 Marib, 242 , 258 Queen of Sheba, 7 , 282 , 286 Markh, al-, 69 Qunf Cave, 42–3 , 74 Masafi , 237–8 Qurayyah, 255 , 262 Masirah, 184 Qurayyah ware, 253 , 255 mass kill traps, 147–50 Qusais, al-, 190 , 234 , 237–8 Massanah, al- site 1, 131 Qutran, 54 Maysar, 100–1 , 103–5 , 114–15 , 199 , 220 Midamman, al-, 138 , 141–3 Rajajil, 84 Midianites, 244 Ramesses III, 145 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86231-8 - Cambridge World Archaeology: The Archaeology of Prehistoric Arabia: Adaptation and Social Formation from the Neolithic to the Iron Age Peter Magee Index More information 308 Index Ramlat as-Sabatyn, 28–9 , 38 , 136 , 243 , 267 Suhu, 265 Ras Aburuk, 69 Sumhuyafa, 242 Ras al-Hadd 6, 96 Sur Ju’reh, 264–5 Ras al-Hamra 5, 75–8 Susa, 114 , 169 Ras al-Jinz 1, 96 , 186–7 Suwayh 1, 74 Ras al-Jinz 2, 101 , 105 , 111–12 , 117 Ras Ghanadha, 100 Tarut, 90–1 , 109 , 173 Rawk, 83–4 Tawilan, 262 Raybun, 137 , 245 , 250 Tayma, 150 , 205 , 256–7 , 264 , 267 Rayhani, 206 , 245 , 248–9 Bronze Age, 144–5 Rock art Iron Age, 210 , 252–5 Bronze Age, 146–7 , 200 and Nabonidus, 272–4 Neolithic, 59–61 Tell Abraq, 100–1 , 103–6 , 109 , 117 , 120–1 , 182 , Rub al-Khali, 18 , 27 , 42 , 56 , 233 186–7 , 190 , 193 , 199–200 , 204 , 218 , vegetation, 56 226–7 , 238 in western imagination, 18–21 Tell el-Oueli, 58 Rufayq, 227 Tell Halaf, 3 , 208–10 , 255 , 264 , 266 Rumeilah, 216 , 219 , 238 Tell Ischali, 169 Tell Jemmeh, 201 Saar, 114 , 154–7 , 164 , 175 , 177 , 182 Tell Masos, 262 Sabaean Federation, 240–4 , 251 Tell Nami, 201 and relations with Assyrian empire, 270 Tell Sheikh Hamad, 207 Sabir (archaeological site), 138–40 Tepe Gaz Tavila, 58 Sabir (culture). See Tihama, Bronze Age Tepe Yahya, 90–1 , 109 , 157 Sabiyah, as-, 68–9 , 71–2 Thayyilan, 54 Sabkha Hammam, 90 Thesiger, Wilfred, 9 , 14 , 18 , 301 Safouh, al-, 120 , 199 Thumamah, 52 Salut, 216 , 220 , 238 Thuqaibah, al-, 216 , 220 Sargon II, 87 , 217 , 270 Tiglath-Pileser III battles in northern Arabia, 270 battles in northern Arabia, 269–70 Sarouq al-Hadid, 227 , 232 , 237–8 Tihama, 29 , 36 , 53–4 , 138 , 141 , 243 , 291 , 304 Sayl irrigation, 138 , 143 Bronze Age, 138–44 Sedd adh-Dhraa, 127 Timna, 205 , 261–2 Sela, 273 Tukulti-Ninurta II, 265 Sennacherib, 272 Shabwa, 136–7 , 245 , 288 Uaite, king of northern Arabia, 271 Shahr-i Sokhta, 109 Ubaid pottery, 68–9 Shalmaneser III, 210 , 265 , 268 Ubaid trade with Arabia. See Neolithic battles in Syria and capture of dromedary period trade with Ubaid Mesopotamia camels, 268–9 Ugarit, 203, 244 Shamshi-Adad, 165 , 176 Ula, al- (ancient Dedan), 84 , 255–6 , 273 Shamsi, Queen of the Arabs, 269 Umm al-Quwain (Neolithic burial site), 58 Sharm, 192 Umm an-Nar island, 89 , 101 , 103–4 , 106 , Sharorah, 56 119–20 , 199 Shi’b Kheshiya, 79 Umm an-Nar period Shi’b Munaydir, 250 burials, 120–3 Shimal, 106 , 114 , 120 , 187 , 189–90 , 194 ceramics production, 107–8 Shulgi, 116 , 118–19 copper trade, 114–17 Shuwaymas, 60 , 200 discovery, 88–9 Sibakhan stone tools, 47 settlements, 101 Sibal, al-, 128 , 132 softstone production, 108–9 Sirwah, 242 , 270 subsistence, 102–7 Solubba (nomads of northern Arabia), 149 Umm an-Nussi, 90 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge
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