September 21, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1781 Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in five years. They are the proud parents of two young man who has exemplified the finest commending Thomas Williams for his accom- lovely and adoring daughters, Heather and qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- plishments with the Boy Scouts of America Cindy. ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- and for his efforts put forth in achieving the Mr. Speaker, it is my distinct honor to take ica, Troop 633, and in earning the most pres- highest distinction of Eagle Scout. the floor of the House today to join with tigious award of Eagle Scout. f Tommy Harrington’s family, friends and broth- Byron has been very active with his troop, ers and sisters of labor to thank him for forty participating in many scout activities. Over the IN RECOGNITION OF THOMAS J. years of remarkable service to the American many years Byron has been involved with HARRINGTON FOR OVER FORTY Labor Movement. I hope my colleagues will scouting, he has not only earned numerous YEARS OF SERVICE TO LOCAL 33 join me in celebrating Tommy’s distinguished merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- OF THE UNITED BROTHERHOOD career and wishing him good health and God’s ily, peers, and community. Byron held the prin- OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS blessing in all his future endeavors. cipal leadership position of Senior Patrol Lead- OF AMERICA f er and has actively supported the ministry of Heartland Presbyterian Center. HON. STEPHEN F. LYNCH RECOGNIZING THE 80TH ANNIVER- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in OF MASSACHUSETTS SARY OF THE DADE CITY WOM- commending Byron Devlin for his accomplish- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EN’S CLUB BUILDING ments with the Boy Scouts of America and for Wednesday, September 20, 2006 his efforts put forth in achieving the highest HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE distinction of Eagle Scout. Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in OF FLORIDA f honor of a man whose professional life has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES been dedicated to improving the lives of work- CONDEMNING THE REPRESSION OF ing men and women in Massachusetts and Wednesday, September 20, 2006 THE IRANIAN BAHA’I COMMU- across our nation. Tommy Harrington is a re- Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. Mr. NITY AND CALLING FOR THE markable labor leader with a long and illus- Speaker, unfortunately, I am unable to be with EMANCIPATION OF IRANIAN BA- trious career in the United Brotherhood of Car- you for the 80th anniversary celebration of the HA’IS penters and Joiners of America, Massachu- Historic Dade City Women’s Club Building. I setts. know that you have worked long and hard to SPEECH OF Tommy joined the Carpenters Apprentice- make this a successful event, and today’s HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH ship Program in 1966 after graduating from ceremony is clear proof that your efforts were OF OHIO Boston Trade High School. During his tenure, successful. Unfortunately, I am unable to at- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he held several prestigious positions in Car- tend the celebration because I have to vote in penters Local 33, the Massachusetts State Congress in Washington, DC. Tuesday, September 19, 2006 Council of Carpenters and the New England For nearly 100 years, the Women’s Club Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I submit the Regional Council of Carpenters. In 1989, after has played a leading role in the Dade City following for the RECORD. twenty-three years in the field as a carpenter community. From city beautification efforts, to [From Time Magazine, Sept. 17, 2006] and Union Steward, he became a Business educational seminars, to helping meet the WHAT WOULD WAR LOOK LIKE? Agent for Local 33. In 1990, he was elected needs of area residents during times of war, (By Michael Duffy) President of the Massachusetts State Council the Women’s Club has many achievements of of Carpenters, an office which he held until which to be proud. The first message was routine enough: a 1993. Following this esteemed position, he be- ‘‘Prepare to Deploy’’ order sent through This year marks the 80th anniversary of the naval communications channels to a sub- came the Business Manager of Local 33 and construction of the current Women’s Club his- marine, an Aegis-class cruiser, two mine- was elevated to the position of Financial Sec- toric building. Since 1926, the clubhouse has sweepers and two mine hunters. The orders retary. been a meeting place for thousands of Pasco didn’t actually command the ships out of In September of 2001, Tommy reached the County women. Today, the site is used as a port; they just said to be ready to move by pinnacle of his career when he achieved the community center for area residents, in addi- Oct. 1. But inside the Navy those messages position of Executive Financial Secretary- tion to being the home of the Dade City Wom- generated more buzz than usual last week Treasurer of the New England Regional Coun- en’s Club. when a second request, from the Chief of cil of Carpenters. Tommy’s personal integrity, Naval Operations (CNO), asked for fresh eyes A building with so much history within its on long-standing U.S. plans to blockade two hard work and determination illustrate the best walls, in 1985 the clubhouse was designated Iranian oil ports on the Persian Gulf. The qualities of those who serve the working men as an historical site by the Pasco Historical CNO had asked for a rundown on how a and women of this country. Society. In 2003 was added to the prestigious blockade of those strategic targets might Although he has held many of the most offi- National Register of Historic Places. Genera- work. When he didn’t like the analysis he re- cial positions in Local 33, Tommy is best tions of Pasco County women have called this ceived, he ordered his troops to work the known for the personal relationships he cul- building home, and today’s anniversary cele- lash up once again. tivated with the men and women he worked bration is a fitting testament to its beauty, lon- What’s going on? The two orders offered with on a daily basis. Anyone who has had the tantalizing dues. There are only a few places gevity and historic value to the entire Dade in the world where minesweepers top the list privilege to call Tommy a colleague or friend City Community. of U.S. naval requirements. And every sailor, knows that he is one of the most thoughtful, Although I was unable to attend the 80th petroleum engineer and hedge-fund manager caring and compassionate individuals, always anniversary celebration, I appreciate the Wom- knows the name of the most important: the putting the safety and welfare of his union car- en’s Club’s continued support and commit- Strait of Hormuz, the 20-mile-wide bottle- penters and their families first. ment to the residents of Dade City. Keep up neck in the Persian Gulf through which Tommy has also set an example as a model the good work and know that you have my roughly 40% of the world’s oil needs to pass citizen. His civic involvement can be seen in thanks for improving the lives and economy of each day. Coupled with the CNO’s request for the numerous causes he has actively sup- a blockade review, a deployment of mine- Pasco County residents. sweepers to the west coast of Iran would ported. Tommy has worked tirelessly on behalf f seem to suggest that a much discussed—but of the pine Street Inn and Rosie’s Place volun- until now largely theoretical—prospect has teering his time and energy. He has partici- RECOGNIZING BYRON DEVLIN FOR become real: that the U.S. may be preparing pated in charity events for organizations like ACHIEVING THE RANK OF EAGLE for war with Iran. the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston and the SCOUT No one knows whether—let alone when—a South Boston Health Center. military confrontation with Tehran will Despite his various accomplishments, as his HON. SAM GRAVES come to pass. The fact that admirals are re- friend I can honestly say that the title that viewing plans for blockades is hardly proof of OF MISSOURI their intentions. The U.S. military routinely Tommy has always been most proud of and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES makes plans for scores of scenarios, the vast which he cherishes most, is the title of hus- Wednesday, September 20, 2006 majority of which will never be put into band and father. Tommy has had the enor- practice. ‘‘Planners always plan,’’ says a mous pleasure and tremendous good fortune Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause Pentagon official. Asked about the orders, a to be married to his wife Ginny for over thirty- to recognize Byron Devlin, a very special second official said only that the Navy is VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:58 Sep 22, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20SE8.044 E21SEPT1 CColeman on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS E1782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 21, 2006 stepping up its ‘‘listening and learning’’ in sense of past glory, this belief that Iran GPS-guided munitions and laser-targeted the Persian Gulf but nothing more—a pru- should play a lofty role in the world,’’ says bombs—sighted by satellite, spotter aircraft dent step, he added, after Iran tested surface- Nasser Hadian, professor of political science and unmanned vehicles—would do most of to-ship missiles there in August during a at Tehran University.
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