TOWERTOWER HAMLETS HAMLETS LOCAL LOCAL DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK FRAMEWORK 84 TOWERTOWER HAMLETS HAMLETS LOCAL LOCAL DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK FRAMEWORK 3 Site allocations 85 TOWER HAMLETS LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK What are site allocations? DRAFT SA.1 Sites have been allocated as part of the postive planning proc- Site allocations and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan ess to make sure the borough has the infrastructure needed to sup- SA.4 7KHVLWHDOORFDWLRQVKDYHEHHQLGHQWL¿HGXVLQJLQIRUPDWLRQSUR- port the anticipated level of growth set out in the Core Strategy and vided by the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) (2009) for the Core VSHFL¿FDOO\IRUWKHVWUDWHJLFKRXVLQJVLWHV LHVLWHVWKDWFDQSURYLGH Strategy and the updated IDP (2011). over 500 new net-additional homes) and key regeneration sites. For DVXPPDU\RIWKHVLWHDOORFDWLRQVSOHDVHVHHDSSHQGL[[. SA.5 The updated IDP takes into account the substantial changes to structures used to plan for, fund and govern various forms of infrastruc- SA.2 ,IWKHVHVLWHVZHUHQRWLGHQWL¿HGDQGVDIHJXDUGHGIRUVSHFL¿F ture, such as Primary Care Trusts, that have taken place between 2009 uses, the borough would be at risk of not being able to provide serv- and 2011. ices and facilities for its communities. SA.6 In some instances, sites have not been allocated for certain types SA.3 This chapter does not set out to allocate every available devel- of infrastructure, such as emergency services facilities, and will be opment site within the borough. It only provides guidance for sites of LGHQWL¿HGDQGPDQDJHGXVLQJWKHGHYHORSPHQWPDQDJHPHQWSURFHVV a strategic importance. This provides the opportunity for any forth- )RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHUHIHUWRDSSHQGL[;DQGWKH6LWH6HOHF- coming Neighbourhood Plan to identify and plan for other potential tion Report (2011). local development sites. Gypsies and Travellers accommodation SA.7 The adopted Core Strategy (SP02.7b) states that identifying ad- ditional sites for Gypsies and Travellers accommodation will be carried out through the Sites and Placemaking DPD. In developing the Manag- Managing ing Development DPD, the criteria stated within the Core Strategy and Development Neighbourhood additional evidence base have been used to try to identify potential DPD Plans sites. A number of sites were initially short-listed and stated within the Sites and Placemaking DPD Engagement Document (2011). SA.8 +RZHYHUZKHQDVVHVVHGDJDLQVW&RUH6WUDWHJ\63$QQH[ Site allocations Site guidance Delivering Placemaking these sites did not accord with the visions for - infrastructure - local sites each of the places and component areas or with emerging develop- - strategic hous - non-strategic ment proposals. Therefore we have been unable to identify a potential ing sites uses site for new Gypsies and Travellers accommodation within the bor- ough. For further details please refer to the LBTH Gypsies and Travel- )LJXUH;5HODWLRQVKLSVEHWZHHQWKH0''3'DQGDQ\1HLJKERXUKRRG3ODQV lers Accommodation Note (2011). UHJDUGLQJJXLGDQFHIRUVSHFL¿FVLWHV SA.9 In accordance with Core Strategy SP02(7) the Council will contin- XHWRVDIHJXDUGWKHH[LVWLQJ*\SV\DQG7UDYHOOHUVLWHDW(OHDQRU6WUHHW 86 DRAFT TOWER HAMLETS LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Guidance for all site allocations )LJXUH;([DPSOHSODFHVKRZ- SA.10 The site allocations have been produced using evidence base de- ing site allocations and Spatial veloped by the Council. Where planning consents and/or active planning Policy Areas applications are in place on sites, this information has been considered. B SA.11 The development of sites will be subject to the relevant Core Strategy Spatial Policies, Development Management policies, any relevant Neighbourhood Plans and the latest supplementary guidance. A 6SHFL¿FDOO\VWUDWHJLFKRXVLQJVLWHVZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRSURYLGHDIIRUGDEOH E F housing (including family-sized housing) onsite in accordance with Core Strategy Spatial Policy 02 and policy DM3. D SA.12 All site maps are indicative. These provide strategic guidance C for each site which will be used in the development management proc- ess, including pre-application discussions, and for the development of further supplementary guidance where required. Further supplementary guidance may take the form of masterplans and/or development briefs, especially for large sites or those in areas with development pressure. SA.13 Where the indicative development capacity of the site is known WKLVKDVEHHQLGHQWL¿HG,ILWLVFXUUHQWO\XQNQRZQLWZLOOEHLGHQWL¿HG within any forthcoming supplementary guidance and/or as part of any pre-application advice. Site allocations within their place SA.14 In line with the placemaking aspirations set out in the Core Strat- egy (2010), site allocations are viewed within the ‘place’ they sit in. This Spatial Policy Areas Sites enables each site to look beyond its boundaries and recognise its local FRQWH[W VSHFL¿FDOO\DQ\GHVLJQDWLRQVGHSLFWHGRQWKH3URSRVDOV0DS which helps to deliver the Core Strategy’s Big Spatial Vision and the vi- VLRQVIRUWKHWZHQW\IRXUSODFHV6HH¿JXUH;IRUDQLQGLFDWLYHH[DPSOH of this. SA.15 Not all places have site allocations. Information for these places are shown on the Proposals Map. 87 TOWER HAMLETS LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Where are the site allocations? DRAFT 5 Southern Grove Lodge Bishopsgate5 Goods Yard 1 6 Bow LocksLock Marian Place Gas Works 2 and The Oval 7 Bromley-by-BowBromley- North East Quadrant Goodman’s Fields 3 88Bow Bow CommonCom Gas works News International 4 2 9 Chrisp StreetSt town centre 10 Poplar BathsBa 11 Ailsa StreetStre 7 12 Leven RoadRo Gas Works 5 6 1 8 11 12 13 3 9 10 14 4 15 13 Leamouth Peninsula 16 Blackwall Reach Regen- 14 eration Project 15 Billingsgate Market 17 20 16 Wood Wharf 17 Millennium Quarter 18 19 18 Westferry Printworks 19 Crossharbour town centre 20 Marsh Wall East 88 DRAFT TOWER HAMLETS LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK 89 TOWER HAMLETS LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK DRAFT Shoreditch 90 DRAFT TOWER HAMLETS LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Key 72%(,1&/8'(' 0$372%(83'$7(' !1 Figure ;3URSRVDOV0DSH[WUDFW3ODFHRI6KRUHGLWFK 91 TOWER HAMLETS LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK 1 Bishopsgate Goods Yard DRAFT Address Shoreditch High N Street Size (ha) 4.24 PTAL rating 5 Flood zone(s) 1a London Plan density Central PDWUL[FODVVL¿FDWLRQ Bethnal Green Road ([LVWLQJXVH V Shoreditch High Street Overground- Station and vacant Sclater Street land Shoreditch Site allocation High Street $FRPSUHKHQVLYHPL[HGXVHGHYHORSPHQW Overground opportunity required to provide a strategic Station housing development, a local park, an Idea Store and a district heating facility. The development will also include commercial ÀRRUVSDFHDQGRWKHUFRPSDWLEOHXVHV Shoreditch High Street The site will be required to be developed in accordance with the latest supplementary Brick Lane District Centre guidance for the Bishopsgate Goods Yard. Quaker Street Key Commercial Street Site boundary Development parcel Publicly accessible open space Walking / cycling route Green Grid route New public squares and improved public realm Brick Lane © Crown copyright and database rights 2011 Ordnance Survey, London Borough of Tower Hamlets 100019288 2011 92 DRAFT TOWER HAMLETS LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK What’s the site and surrounding area like? What’s the indicative development capacity? Bishopsgate Goods Yard is located on the western edge of the bor- 7KHDPRXQWRIGHYHORSPHQWVKRXOGDOLJQZLWKWKH¿JXUHVLQWKHODWHVW ough with the portion of the site west of the London Overground supplementary guidance for the Bishopsgate Goods Yard. This cur- Station within the London Borough of Hackney. It is currently a vacant UHQWO\LGHQWL¿HVDSSUR[LPDWHO\VTPRIWRWDOGHYHORSPHQWIRU site with the elevated London Overground line running along its cen- the site comprising: tre. Within the southern portion of the site lies the inactive Braithwaite Up to 2000 homes railway viaduct which is Grade II Listed. To the north, the site is $SSUR[LPDWHO\VTPRIHPSOR\PHQWUHWDLODQG bounded by Bethnal Green Road and to the south by active railway community uses lines. The site is surrounded by conservation areas, containing a $SSUR[LPDWHO\KHFWDUHVRISXEOLFO\DFFHVVLEOHRSHQVSDFH number of listed buildings of distinctive designs and is adjacent to the YLEUDQWPL[RIXVHVZLWKLQ%ULFN/DQHGLVWULFWFHQWUH What are the implementation considerations? Development is envisaged to begin between 2015 and 2020. What are the design principles for the site? The current supplementary guidance for the Bishopsgate Goods Development should accord with the design principles set out in the <DUGLGHQWL¿HVWKHSRWHQWLDOIRUGLIIHUHQWSKDVLQJDSSURDFKHVWREH latest supplementary guidance for the Bishopsgate Goods Yard. Spe- considered as part of an application. FL¿FDOO\DQ\GHYHORSPHQWVKRXOG The local park, above the Braithwaite Viaduct, should be an inte- gral part of an early phase. 5HVSHFWDQGEHLQIRUPHGE\WKHH[LVWLQJVFDOHKHLJKWPDVVLQJ The Idea Store should be delivered within or adjacent to the Brick DQG¿QHXUEDQJUDLQRIWKHVXUURXQGLQJEXLOWHQYLURQPHQWWRWKH lane district centre. north and south of the site. 'HYHORSPHQWVKRXOGDFFRUGZLWKDQ\ÀRRGPLWLJDWLRQDQGDGDSWD- Focus larger scale buildings around Shoreditch High Street Over- tion measures stated within the borough’s Level 2 Strategic Flood ground Station with scale decreasing to the east and west. Risk Assessment (2011). Walking and cycling routes should be improved to, from and cre- ated within the site to establish connections to Shoreditch High Street Overground Station, the new local park and Brick Lane Key Spatial Policy Area designation(s) 'LVWULFW&HQWUH7KHVHVKRXOGDOLJQZLWKWKHH[LVWLQJXUEDQJUDLQWR Central Activities
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