BMC Public Health BioMed Central Study protocol Open Access The relationship between effectiveness and costs measured by a risk-adjusted case-mix system: multicentre study of Catalonian population data bases Antoni Sicras-Mainar*1, Ruth Navarro-Artieda2, Milagrosa Blanca-Tamayo3, Soledad Velasco-Velasco4, Esperanza Escribano-Herranz4, Josep Ramon Llopart-López4, Concepción Violan-Fors5, Josep Maria Vilaseca- Llobet6, Encarna Sánchez-Fontcuberta6, Jaume Benavent-Areu6, Ferran Flor- Serra7, Alba Aguado-Jodar7, Daniel Rodríguez-López7, Alejandra Prados- Torres8 and Jose Estelrich-Bennasar9 Address: 1Directorate of Planning, Badalona Serveis Assistencials SA, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain, 2Medical Documentation, Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain, 3Psychiatry Department, Badalona Serveis Assistencials SA, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain, 4Directorate of Planning, Badalona Serveis Assistencials SA, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain, 5Jordi Gol i Gurina Primary Health Care Research Institute, IDIAP, Barcelona, Spain, 6GESCLINIC – Corporació Sanitària Clínic, Barcelona, Spain, 7Directorate of Primary Health Care, Consorci Sanitari Integral, Barcelona, Spain, 8Health Sciences Institute of Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain and 9Primary Health Care Management of Mallorca, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Email: Antoni Sicras-Mainar* - [email protected]; Ruth Navarro-Artieda - [email protected]; Milagrosa Blanca- Tamayo - [email protected]; Soledad Velasco-Velasco - [email protected]; Esperanza Escribano-Herranz - [email protected]; Josep Ramon Llopart-López - [email protected]; Concepción Violan-Fors - [email protected]; Josep Maria Vilaseca- Llobet - [email protected]; Encarna Sánchez-Fontcuberta - [email protected]; Jaume Benavent-Areu - [email protected]; Ferran Flor-Serra - [email protected]; Alba Aguado-Jodar - [email protected]; Daniel Rodríguez- López - [email protected]; Alejandra Prados-Torres - [email protected]; Jose Estelrich- Bennasar - [email protected] * Corresponding author Published: 25 June 2009 Received: 27 May 2009 Accepted: 25 June 2009 BMC Public Health 2009, 9:202 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-9-202 This article is available from: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/9/202 © 2009 Sicras-Mainar et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract Background: The main objective of this study is to measure the relationship between morbidity, direct health care costs and the degree of clinical effectiveness (resolution) of health centres and health professionals by the retrospective application of Adjusted Clinical Groups in a Spanish population setting. The secondary objectives are to determine the factors determining inadequate correlations and the opinion of health professionals on these instruments. Methods/Design: We will carry out a multi-centre, retrospective study using patient records from 15 primary health care centres and population data bases. The main measurements will be: general variables (age and sex, centre, service [family medicine, paediatrics], and medical unit), dependent variables (mean number of visits, episodes and direct costs), co-morbidity (Johns Hopkins University Adjusted Clinical Groups Case-Mix System) and effectiveness. The totality of centres/patients will be considered as the standard for comparison. The efficiency index for visits, tests (laboratory, radiology, others), referrals, pharmaceutical prescriptions and Page 1 of 7 (page number not for citation purposes) BMC Public Health 2009, 9:202 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/9/202 total will be calculated as the ratio: observed variables/variables expected by indirect standardization. The model of cost/patient/year will differentiate fixed/semi-fixed (visits) costs of the variables for each patient attended/year (N = 350,000 inhabitants). The mean relative weights of the cost of care will be obtained. The effectiveness will be measured using a set of 50 indicators of process, efficiency and/or health results, and an adjusted synthetic index will be constructed (method: percentile 50). The correlation between the efficiency (relative-weights) and synthetic (by centre and physician) indices will be established using the coefficient of determination. The opinion/degree of acceptance of physicians (N = 1,000) will be measured using a structured questionnaire including various dimensions. Statistical analysis: multiple regression analysis (procedure: enter), ANCOVA (method: Bonferroni's adjustment) and multilevel analysis will be carried out to correct models. The level of statistical significance will be p < 0.05. Background validation in geographic and cultural settings and care The main factor determining the use of health services is models other than those for which they were created); 2) the pattern of disease of the population, as shown by clinical interpretation of the patient categories identified many studies in different geographic settings, care levels by ACG and their potential use in clinical management and health organization models [1]. In the hospital set- and, 3) physician distrust of the application of tools ting, nearly 20% of the variability in the use of health serv- aimed at objectively measuring and quantifying patterns ices is explained by the clinical characteristics of the of medical practice. population attended [2]. In primary health care (PHC), the explanatory power of the descriptive variables of the The technical requirements necessary for the application type of disease is still greater and may justify half of the of ACG have improved substantially. Although not yet a variability in the use of resources, measured by frequency complete reality, advances in computerizing medical (visits or contacts), indirect consumption (referrals to spe- records in PHC mean large databases in different geo- cialists) and direct costs (diagnostic tests and analyses and graphic settings are now available. In addition, systems drug prescriptions), rather than age, which is normally for automatic coding of diagnoses according to the Inter- used to adjust resource distribution [3,4]. national Classification of Diseases (ICD-9-MC) have been developed. Patient classification systems (PCS) were introduced more than 20 years ago in order to measure patient characteris- The team who designed and validated ACG [9] has devel- tics. Of those developed for the hospital environment, oped new methodological approaches to categorizing the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) are the most widely disease types that are closer to the global conception of reported and used internationally [5]. DRG have been the health status of PHC physicians and to the determin- adopted by most public Spanish health administrations ing role that chronic disease may play in the use of services for planning and management for more than a decade [6]. and its clinical management. In addition, predictive mod- However, in the PHC setting, these instruments are still in els of utilization have been designed that can identify the research phase in many aspects, although they are population groups who are potentially very-high consum- beginning to be used in some regions (Aragon, Catalonia, ers of resources [10,11], classify the types of patients Basque Country) as an aid to clinical decision making, attended, and allow cost forecasts to be made. At present, health resource planning, economic distribution and epi- these are the best-validated method of risk-adjustment in demiological research, as they allow more reliable and the Spanish health context. accurate comparisons to be made between physicians than demographic population characteristics alone [7]. ACG can be used for more precise and equitable financial Of the different systems developed for PHC, Adjusted decision-making and evaluate the efficiency of the use of Clinical Groups (ACG) [8] is the most widely used. health resources [12-14]. Currently, in Spain, some man- agement groups promote the separation of financing, pur- However some factors still limit the widespread applica- chasing and provision of services, but require more tion of ACG. These include: 1) technical requirements accurate instruments to measure care activity. In recent (computerized medical records, the normalization and years, there has been increasing interest in the use of codification of medical terminology, the level of develop- financing per capita as a mechanism for the allocation of ment of the classifications systems themselves and their care resources [15-20]. Page 2 of 7 (page number not for citation purposes) BMC Public Health 2009, 9:202 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/9/202 Spanish health authorities are not convinced that PCS are tion between the indices of effectiveness and efficiency able to respond to the management needs of PHC: there (by PHC centre and physician): b) To determine the is still no normalized Minimum Basic Data Set (MBDS- aspects conditioning the development and application of PHC) in Spain and there seem to be doubts on the efficacy case-mix adjustment in PHC: c) To explore strategies for of PCS and their adjustment to the characteristics of a implanting ACG and, d) To determine the opinion of health context different to that for which they were
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