WEEKLY PAPER: DO NOT DELAY—MAILED: 12-7-07 # American FreePress AFP Volume VII #51 December 17, 2007 americanfreepress.net $2.50 CHRISTIANS BRUTALIZED IRAN INVASION PUT ON HOLD U.S. Intelligence Says Iran Abandoned IN HOLY LAND Nuclear Weapons Aspirations in 2003 bout 200 Christians visited the Israeli Knesset to “repent before you for crimes n explosive new report showing the Bush adminis- committed against the Jewish people tration knew that Iran halted its nuclear weapons throughout history.…” But despite the program in 2003 has embarrassed the warmonger- A ing neocons. But the planned invasion of Iran is whimpering, physical attacks on Christians, their A symbols and institutions continue unabated in merely “on hold,” not cancelled. And Israel, which has been Israel. Physical attacks on priests, pastors and agitating for a U.S. invasion of Iran to further its interests— Christian possessions are “more the norm than the not those of the United States—joins the Bush administration exception.” in insisting that Iran remains a nuclear threat to the world. See ATTACKS, Page 10 See U.S. INTEL, Page 6 RUDY GIULIANI & PATRIOTS FIGHTING NEW CHOICE FOR BATFE THE ‘RUSSIAN’ MOB Gun stores, manufacturers being wiped out Former New York Mayor’s Image enate confirmation of Michael Sullivan as director of As Crime Buster Tainted by History the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has been held up in the Senate and gun deal- ormer New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani ers want your help in killing his nomination. BATFE hopes to ride into the White House on his S has been harassing gun dealers by nitpicking insignificant reputation as a “crime buster.” But he actu- reporting errors in an effort to shut them down. Their plan is to Fally brought in another Mafia to replace kill the Second Amendment by forcing dealers to close shop the one he chased out when he was building this and, thus, kill the firearms manufacturing industry. reputation as U.S. attorney in Manhattan years ago. Unfortunately, these bureaucrats have enjoyed great success See page 3. See RUDY, Page 11 See ACTING DIRECTOR, Page 3 THANKS TO CANDIDATE RON PAUL, The Inside Scoop: • Personal from the Editor. Page 2. • News You May Have Missed. Page 2. ‘TABOO SUBJECTS’ OUT IN OPEN • BATFE acting director hits confirmation snag. Page 3. ep. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign is serving the country by forcing • Win or lose, Paul’s good for America. Page 4. debate on subjects his rivals would rather shun. Meanwhile, the Texas • U.S. spy agencies: Iran no nuclear threat. Page 6. Republican keeps getting booster shots the major media are unable to • Spotlight on Congress: ignore. For example, he won a straw poll at a gathering of more than 600 • Congress has unfinished business. Page 8. R • More problems found in health bill. Page 8. Virginia Republicans by landslide proportions. Ron Paul “is the only candidate that • Patriots fighting sovereignty loss. Page 8. PAUL the Founding Fathers would claim as one of their own,” a supporter said. • Veteran on the ballot in Chicago. Page 9. See WIN OR LOSE, page 4 • Catholic Church acts to protect children. Page 9. • Attacks on Christians increase in Israel. Page 10. • Rudy Giuliani and the ‘Russian’ mob. Page 11. THE GOLEM! • China flexing military muscles. Pages 12-13. New book launched • Judge makes decision in 9-11 widow’s case. Page 14. By Piper,AFP. • Charley Reese: Samuel Colt’s legacy. Page 17. • Letters to the Editor. Pages 18-19. See pages B-1 to B-4. • Paul Craig Roberts: Headed for the trash can. Page 19. 2 AMERICAN FREE PRESS • December 17, 2007 PERSONALFROMTHEEDITOR NEWS Congress Not Doing Homework Scouts Standing Firm in Philly hy are members of Congress YOU MAY Philadelphia had ordered a local Boy Scout so ignorant? Do Democrats HAVE MISSED unit to admit homosexuals or forfeit the Beaux- and Republicans conduct idiot W Arts building it had leased from the city for $1 a contests and nominate the winners? For year since 1928 (AFP, Dec. 2007). Well, the DREAMING OF GREEN CHRISTMAS the first time since WWII, most lawmak- Scouts refused to buckle. “We’re ignoring the In more proof of the worsening economic sit- ers have never worn their country’s uni- (December 3) deadline,” said Mark Chilutti, a uation, Sears, one of America’s oldest retail out- form but are quick to send our service- Scout executive. lets (which recently merged with Kmart), has men to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. reported a 99% loss for the third quarter of 2007. The loudest voices in the House call- HOT AIR CONFERENCE The retail giant blames increased competition, ing for an immediate withdrawal from About 15,000 politicians, bureaucrats and lob- slower consumer spending, a global credit crunch Iraq are Reps. John Murtha (D-Pa.) and byists flew to Bali, Indonesia to fret over “global and the weather. As a result of the bad news, con- Ron Paul (R-Tex.). Murtha is a decorated warming.” Many arrived by private jet and the cerned investors ran for cover, resulting in Marine combat veteran and Paul was an total flying emitted 100,000 tons of carbon diox- Sears/Kmart stock plummeting by almost 15%. Air Force flight surgeon. Nobody seems ide—on par with the annual emissions of the more eager to spill American blood than African state of Chad. Among the doomsayers OUT-SAVAGING SAVAGE those who have never fought. PERLE FINALLY ADMITS OBVIOUS was former Vice President Al Gore, who loves to Smarting from the sharp loss of advertising I spent more than an hour recently fly in private jets and spends more than $35,000 a NEVER LACKING IN NERVE, one of the revenues after the anti-Islamic comments he made with Rep. Jim McCrery (R-La.), ranking year for electricity in his immodest home. most vociferous voices and active partici- on his radio program, pro-Israel fanatic Michael minority member of the House Ways and pants in getting the U.S. involved with the (Weiner) Savage is now lashing out at the organi- Means Committee. His ignorance was CLINTON, BUSH BOTH WRONG ON IRAQ war in Iraq has admitted that the invasion was zation that enlightened U.S. corporations on his appalling. He was good on his special “Good evening,” the president said in an illegal. Richard Perle, a Bilderberg luminary unenlightened comments. CAIR, the Council on issues: yes, he wants to make the Repub- address to the nation. “Earlier today, I ordered the called by many “The Prince of Darkness,” American Islamic Relations, is named as the lican tax cuts of 2001 and 2002 perma- nation’s armed forces to strike military and secu- recently commented: “I think in this case defendant in a suit filed by Savage for “copyright nent, which we applaud. rity targets in Iraq. They are joined by British international law stood in the way of doing infringement’ as a result of the group’s reprinting I asked McCrery if he saw any First forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq’s nuclear, the right thing,” noting that “International of Savage’s comments that preceded advertisers Amendment problems with so-called chemical and biological weapons programs and law… would have required us to leave dropping him. The uproar began after Savage was “hate crimes” legislation, considering its military capacity to threaten its neighbors. I Saddam Hussein alone.” By definition, that quoted on his broadcast advocating that Muslims that Congress has never defined a “love have no doubt today, that left unchecked, Saddam makes the invasion of Iraq a war crime. forcibly convert to Christianity or be kicked out of crime” and the Thought Police are re- Hussein will use these terrible weapons again.” the country. quired to determine if mugging was moti- These words were spoken by President Bill said obscenities were OK because of the current vated by greed or if “hate” was a factor. Clinton, nine years ago, on the eve of the House “culture.” But the white reporter was warned not HOLOCAUST HERO ACCUSED He paused, looking confused, then vote to impeach him. to offend the foul-mouthed punk or he would be Aron Bielski, said to have been behind the said “intent” has to be proven in all crim- arrested. Aren’t “hate crimes” laws wonderful? biggest armed rescue of Jews by Jews during the inal cases. Yes, but intent is normally LAX LAW ENFORCEMENT “Holocaust” and whose story was chronicled in proven by actions, not words, or peeking “[I]t shall not be lawful for any person or per- NATION’S MURDER CAPITAL books, a documentary and a Hollywood movie. is inside someone’s mind: killer draws gun sons to curse, swear, or make use of any profane Washington had two murders within two hours now the subject of another tale—grand theft. and aims gun at victim’s head and fires. language or indecent or obscene words,” reads the of each other December 3, police reported. So far, Along with his wife, he is charged with swindling His actions prove intent. city code of the nation’s capital. But enforcement there have been 172 homicides. Before Wash- a 93-year-old woman out of more than $250,000. He was asked to comment on the fact is in reverse. An AFP reporter was trying to pick ington imposed strict gun controls more than According to police, after getting power of attor- that hate crime laws are redundant, as all up lunch at a hamburger factory to bring back to three decades ago, the city was relatively safe.
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