www.ukrweekly.com Supplement to the SVOBODA, Ukrainian Daily Published by the Junior Department of the Ukrainian National Association. No. 9. Jersey City, N. J., Friday, December 1, 1933. Vol. L THREE UKRAINIAN PROFES­ THANKSGIVING PAY SORS IN ONE AMERICAN THE NEW DEFENDERS OF UKRAINUKR/ E The last Thursday in November UNIVERSITY During the World War every belligerent country loudly called is observed in nearly all the states It has recently come to our upon the world to bear witness to the noble fact that it was fight­ as a legal holiday. Our annual notice that the University of Min­ ing in order to create a world peace and freedom for tiic oppressed festival of thanksgiving corres­ nesota has on its faculty ' three nationalities. When the smoke of this great conflagration had ponds .with the merry harvest professors of Ukrainian descent, cleared away—so to speak—what did we find? We found that festivals of other countries, It namely, Dr. A. A. Granowsky, Dr. peace was further away than ever before; and that the largest of is the commemoration of £he suc­ Mikoja Haydak, and Prof. Yakiw these oppressed nationalities—the Ukrainian nation, a forty cess of the Pilgrims to conquer Kyslanko. million people compactly inhabiting a vast territory—Was thrust hardship. This is but further evidence of into a worse slavery than even before the war. Ukraine—which In the fall of 1621, three hun­ the fact that the Ukrainian im­ believing in the "self-determination'! cries of the Allies had dred and twelve years ago, the migration in America is under­ created the Ukrainian National Republic only to have it overthrown first thanksgiving was held by a going at the present time a period principally because of the aid furnished by these self-same pro­ little group—the Pilgrim Fathers. of a readjustment in its class pagators of the '•self-determination'' phrase—today finds itself It was in celebration of their sur­ status. From being a practically divided among four powers each of whom is doing its utmost to vival of the hardship in their pure laboring class at its arrival denationalize the Ukrainians and make good communistic Russians, small setlement. Lloyd Morris, a at these shores, it is beginning to Poles, Roumanians and Chechoslovakians 'respectively out of them. lecturer in Literature at Columbia remodel itself to a more natural No one can tell today definitely how long the enslavement of University describes the first and balanced social order: an or­ Ukrainian people is going.to last. It may perhaps, be possible Thanksgiving well when he says, der based upon the proportionate for the various oppressors of Ukraine to stifle for quite a time her "It was dedicated not to the ce­ lebration of plenty but to the presence of all classes which go demands for freedom. This has happened at times during the ! into the make-up of a modern na­ centuries-old struggles of the Ukrainian people to free themselves, gratitude for the slender margin tionality. and it can happen again. by which famine and death had And yet, in the face of these gloomy prospects there is one been averted. It commemorated a dark hour when life hung in the GLOUCHENKO—A RENOWNED consolation, one cheer which we can draw from the present situation of the Ukrainian people. And that is — that there is balance until a meager harvest 'UKRAINIAN PAINTER assured future existence. The d&- A catalogue of the paintings of one mighty voice which can inner be stilled nor quieted, one which, shall always and unceasingly expose before the world's eyes the vout New England colonists of­ the renowned Ukrainian painter fered thanks for the assurance terrible conditions in Ukraine, and which shall always demand Glouchenko has appeared recently . that "life would go on." That day in Paris, some copies, of which for Ukraine that winch is rightfully hers, namely.—Freedom. And . was not a merry harvest festival; have come to these shores. that clarion-like voice is none other than that of the Ukrainian it was a day of divine worship. The booklet, which incidentally immigration in America, particularly that of us—young American- Such celebrations were repeated is written in French, besides con­ Ukrainians. For the first time in its"entire history Ukraine finds during the course of/years. Since taining a number of miniature re­ itself in the providential position wherein it has outside its own the yeas 1863 the Presidents have productions of some of the better borders strong and true defenders of the Ukrainian liberties. always issued proclamations desig­ known paintings of Glouchenko, We, the American-Ukrainian youth, are among the strongest nating the last Thursday in No­ contains an account of his life, of these defenders of Ukraine. I* or—we have been raised in an vember as Thanksgiving Day. excerpts from critics' comments atmosphere of freedom and tolerance, and we can therefore better A place is reserved in every which wax eloquent in their praise appreciate the lack of them—as in Ukraine. For us the freedom American heart for those brave of this Ukrainian, painter, and of the Ukrainian people is worthy of our best efforts. The cause Pilgrims who heroically sacrificed some biographical data. of the Ukrainian nation has been sanctified over and over again, themselves and unbendingly de­ We learn from it that Glou­ and is being'sanctified before our very eyes, today. We.shall, voted themselves to an idea). chenko was born of peasant par­ therefore, in the name of this cause, in the name of the self-saiiie Let us show the same,spirit as ents in the very heart of Ukraine principles upon which are based these United States of America the honored Pilgrim Fathers had in 1901, and studied in many give the very best that is in us. our idealism, our education, our shown during their years of countries, particularly in Germany. talents and energy, in our endeavors to acquaint the world of Uk­ hardship. For only until then will At the present time he is residing raine's terrible plight, and also in an endeavor to help create we be able to climb on an upward and further studying in Paris. a free and independent state of Ukraine. trend hi financial and econo"mical | His' paintings, which have met matters. Pessimistic, gloorhy, and * with the highest praise of art discontented people won't drive critics, are exhibited in the lead­ the country out of an economic ing art salons of Paris, and have A SUCCESS and political rut. Only faithful, also been on exhibition in the The Ukrainian anti-Soviet demonstrations held throughout optimistic and cheerful people can. various other European art cen- America, protesting against the Soviets' deliberately instigated and Let us be in this category. ters such as Berlin, Ostend, Milan, fostered famine in Ukraine, have been a success in that they MARY KUSY. Rome, Stockholm, Bucharest, Kiev, brought vividly before the consciousness of America the fact that Lviw, as well as in the United there is a certain nation kpown as Ukraine, which although ob­ States—in Philadelphia. scured, persecuted, denationalized, and deliberately starved by its TALK GIVEN ON UKRAINIAN oppressors, maintains intact nevertheless its nationality, and is POETRY AT SLAVIC PROGRAM UKRAINIAN DANCING COURSE determined more than ever before—nolwithstnading the tremen­ On a program devoted to Slavic INSTITUTED IN NEW YORK dous sacrifices made—to. achieve that to which it is rightfully studies given under the auspices entitled—freedom ?nd independence. of the International Culture Club Fast on the heels of the opening Contributing greatly towards this success has been the important of a Ukrainian school for the of Akron, Ohio, Miss Betty Ki- part taken in these protest demonstrations by our American youth nash, daughter of Rey. Kinash of older df the American-Ukrainian of Ukrainian descent. We all saw how this youth—boys and youth under the auspices of the Yonkers, N. Y., and a member of girls as well as young men and women—marched side by side the International Institute—gave Ukrainian Civic Center of . New with the elders, how together with the other speakers it addressed York, City comes the announce­ a lecture last Saturday evening in the protest mass meetings, and the active part it took in the vari­ the local Y. W- C. A. auditorium ment that the Ukrainian Dancers ous preparatory protest committees. Club of New York City under the on the subject of Ukrainian poets direction of the well known expo­ it becomes increasingly evident to all of us, therefore, upon and poetry. nent of the Ukrainian folk dances seeing the gradually Increasing role played by our youth in these Miss Kinash illustrated her talk —Michael Herman, has opened up and other Ukrainian manifestations and activities, that our youth, by quoting excerpts from Ukrai­ a Special Course in Ukrainian having had its imagination and sympathies captured by the ideal­ nian poetry translated into the Folk Dances which began last ism of Ukraine's struggle for freedom against overpowering odds, English language, among which Saturday, November 25th. The has become more interested in the Ukrainian cause than ever be­ were Taras Shevchenko's "Day classes meet at the Ukrainian Na­ fore in the entire history of the Ukrainian immigration in Amer­ after day", and Ivan Franko's tional Home of that city once ica. And this feeling of our youth seems also to have been trans­ "Eternal Revolutionist" and ex­ every two weeks; and the entire mitted to the American people, whose attention being directed to cerpts from "Moses". course will extend over a period Ukraine's fight for freedom by these protests and by the part the of three months.
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