% l"' 1? b VOL. i. ' ATLIN, B..O., SATURDAY, AUGUST >«,- 1899. NO. 16. justification of his action'iu joining the Gov­ ernment? Could he endorse tho Govern­ McLennan, McFeely and C6.I JOE IS A DEAD DUCKI ment's policy ? Tho thing is ridiculous. Ho would ho luughod ah f (LLMITKD.) • ' , Deserted by His Most Intimate The only hope the Government ovorhad' wus in u coalition. At 0110 tlmo that was Paints, Oils, Varnishes, possible. It,is impossible now. Tlie Govern­ ,, Political Friends. ment is so thouroughly discredited in the Builders' Hardware, country that it is beyond oven tho power of Sash and Doors, its enemies to save it from completo disaster. Semlin Finds Difficulty in Filling Tho Government is doud. How long will Tinware, Grani tew are, Crockery the Governor permit tho corpso to remain iu the Vacated' Office; office,' niid who will be called ii]K>n to form a All kind* of Tinsmith work done." "~" ^—'—~% T . - - Ministry ?—thoso are now the only questions Corner of First and Pearl Street. to be considered. >, Joe Martin is a dead bird. The diplo­ 'The downfall of tho Government is a gi'eiit matic Minister of Finance did the shooting thing for British Columbia> No more med­ .... FRESH NEW GOODS JUST IN.... and after months of trying,work has lunded dlers will bo entrusted with office. There h'is game AU ground that will result iu some­ will be no more freaky legislation. A new thing stable heiii'f done tar British Colum­ policj- will be udopted. Tho country 'v. Ill be bia. > „ I ! ' rescued from tho mire, and its, ufVnir.s put tP. St. Clair Blackett and € o upod a sound business basis. ' .- , ,c , .To every British Columbian it has been 1 ,11 1 * 1 1 -,The Semlin Government, is dead. This is * t 1- apparent' 'that the conditions' existing LARGEST AN», BEST SELECTED STOCK OK great and good news for the people of British for the last six' mouths could not go on Columbia. » without a check-rein being made use of at some time or other. The paralyzed mining Groceries, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils. Boots and industry front Kootenay to Atlin has result­ 9 ed from legislation at tlie bauds of one man. OLD AND ONLY IN THE WAY. Shoes, Rubber Goods and Miners Supplies. backed up by men who hud 110 mind .of their own aud with vision less lengthy ttlutu'theia' The G. P. Navigation Company Out­ IRON" STORE - •'•'...-;- COR. - 1ST AND "TRAYNOR. nose. , ' ' ' lived Its Usefulness.,_ Deserted here,' deserted there. Fighting Joe goes down iu British'Columbia to riye The Canadian Pacific, Navigation Com­ no more. The very men £or whom u spe- pany—commonly known as tho C. P. N.—if ciul-bill was-passed to, provide them wiMi a ;idull, foggy aud antiquated institution. The = Bank -'of- British = North = America!seat s in the Legislature caught'on to' the ,They are out of joint iu this age of activity; Established iii 1830, Incorporated by Royal Charter. - ,' •-...* popular Rosslaud, refrain and-echoed "To buriincies on the wheel of progress, and high hell you white-shirted hobo." , , time the^ were> bouused to the boueyurd, to- ' PAID UP CAPITAI, '••*", $4,866,666,66,. there sleep forever. • "What follows'below ris/ taken from the RK9ERVB ; FrjKD - - ---,.'-/- * " ".- •-' 'il^eb.OOO-OO .'. Victoria Globe of'August 3rd;' . Condition not theory confronts tho busi­ London Office: 3 Clements' Lane, Lombard Street, E, C. " • . The Semlin Government is dead. It is now ness men of our British Columbia cities. - ' , " - .'Head Office in .Canada: Montreal. only a question of du.vs—perhaps hours—be­ Aretuey to continue for all time sacrificing- . H. STIKBMAN, General Manager. <';<:(y'. V, * , fore Mr. Semlju will be {required to hand iu this northern country for the sake of keep­ Branches in all the principal cities of Canada, and agents iii New York, his resignation. , ing two or, three old tubs—one boat that The last faint hope'of the Government that up to this very duy uses caudles iu the San Francisco, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Spokane, Boston, Chicago.. Etc. it might surviye tholcrisl*. 'was 'shattered staterooms—alloai anil tv.vl.if; t<> <l>, business- », Gold dust assayed and purchased at. best rates, the bank's assay yesterday, when H.D/ Helmcken Q.C., re­ with lines thut have electricity iu their office being now in operation. A- general banking business transacted: ! fused to accept the Attorney-Generalship. { make-up. Fancy jourself striking a match . ,,' /J, ANDERSON," Manager, j Atliiv,-B.VC.,}-. yl, ,-i. -. The Goyerwneut''cannot get an Attorney.- and lighting a taper ou'retiring in this,'tlie General,'; Mr, Helmcken has refused. ,15. V. tail end of the nineteenth century. A good Bod well will, not take Ht; neither^ will E-.' P.­ "many people! and justly so, have.dubbed the,, J Davis. 7,Mr, Alex. Henderson wd'uld'of course C. ''P.-N.- the; candle- route. ~ Tl»is companyT"*, m M,B ATLIN?*;;. .i, I-- '• take it. at once, b'ut he could not be re-elect­ lKtssiMy when the Fraser river was their ob-' ed, j lIf proof of, this latter statement is re­ jective point, was' first-cluss; but not now. quired one bus-only to look to the New rhey- filled 'the bill to perfection when In­ GENERAL HOSPITAL | Westmiiwfjer. Columbian, tlie Government dians formed two-thirds the population and organ, which grows quite indignant at the when semi-annual trips were made with • : - ••:'-:•'-' : i, , • >, . .' bare suggestion that Mr. Henderson will be supplies of rum and flint-locks to the —AND— , ' offered the yacant portfolio., Mr. Cotton is various points along the coast. They did also said to be opposed to Mr. Henderson. well in those days. But conditions are dif­ .... .. ... , ferent to-day. If the merchants below don't- The Government is lost., .'It can do nothing feel like giving-the company a bonus to put- FREE PUBLIC DISPENSARY. to save itself from complete disaster. Its on a line that, can compete with others— friends can do nothing, ' There is absolutely the Humbolt and Seuttle for instance—then no hope., V. , ' RESIDENT PHYSICIANS AND SUXGEONS. , \ •'.••..•'.• let them-give the company a double bonus The onl.j' question |uow admijttiug of any to get out of the business. COMf ETKNT NTJtt.SE ATTENDANTS. spequlatiou is: Who will the "Lieutenant- " •' ' '' ' '. ,-,-,.< Governor call upon? ^Ie must act soon'. He This is a mutter that must be viewed from Private apartments atid wards for male or"'feiuale patients! '. « cannot permit things to ooutiuue u« they are a business standpoint. The population of ,( much longer.'; • • , -"- the north is a floating one, and thousands; One of three things miut l)ap4>eu, at once. swarm out iu the summer and fall. • They Vancouver General Store. FOR FINE VIEWS AND PHOTOS First—Mr. Semlin may resign; second—he want"to go out quick; they are not tourists; GO TO may choose.to meet defeat by appointing au they don't want to bask in the sun 011 the We carry a complete stock of; Attorney-General who cannot get elected; deck, of some C. P.,N. boat for seven days- A. C. HIRSCHFELD'S"* " third—the Lieutenant-Governor may ask Mr. and then be landed at a port with no trans- , MINERS' SUPPLIES, . Films, Plates, Etc., ' . Semlin for his resignation. But the defeat continental connection. Most miners have < Developed at Reasonable Rates' of tlie Government is inevitable—it has, in good money aud ure good spenders and « ill J Agency of the B. C. Fruit Can­ Pearl, between rst and 2nd. trutli arrived. lay over at Slcaguuy a couple of days in or ing and Coffee Company, Vancou­ Perhaps before these lines appear in type, dor to avoid tukeu a boat that calls at four ver, B. C. ATLIN B. C the Government shall-have resigned or the or five canneries on her way down. Lieutenant-Governor have ' dismissed the The following was taken from tho Colonist , Agency of the Canadian Rubber Ministry. Indeed, it is difficult to understand , 1 of a late date and was spoken in the Board Company, Montreal. why Mr. Semlin persists in clinging to office of Trade rooms at Victoria: $20 Per Ounce an hour longer. Will be allowed for gold nuggets suitable for, . Mr. A. G. McCandless it was who raised the A call'solicited. ~ He can do nothing. making jewelry, in exchange for as line a1. question. He had recently received a com­ gold watch as ever ticked. No purer gold or The name of W. W. B. Mclnness, M. P., has A. S. CROSS & CO. better English movements made. Also a munication from a prominent resident of beautiful, rare design,, solid gold coral set­ been mentioned in connection with the va­ Skagway, he said, in which this gentleman ting, ladies' set, mn and earrings. This is cant portfolio. It is contended in some vi anted to know if Victoria had gone to /""I ORE, BURNET & CO., something fine. Call »t Medical Hall, Hrst quarters that the Government may offer the Street, Atlin, »leep—or did the people of British Columbia's Attorney-Generalship to that gentleman. capital fail to reulize the importance of the Well, supposing that it does ? Mr. Mclnness CIVIL AND HYDHAULIC BNOIWBEBS, J. Eggert, Jewel&p. Northern trade. As au illustration of what would not get a seat. What could be say in DOMINION AND PHOVINCIAC LAND Victoria is losing, this Skagwayan wrote SURVE Trows. that on one occasion this.spring some 400 MINING PKOFEKTIES HANDLED. HE ARCADE, Klondikers arrived in Skagway, with up­ Office: Pearl .street, above Second, T Pearl street' " " wards of two million dollars in gold.
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