Bever Abfahrt Partenza Departure Départ Live-Anzeige 13

Bever Abfahrt Partenza Departure Départ Live-Anzeige 13

Bever Abfahrt Partenza Departure Départ Live-Anzeige 13. Dezember 2020 - 11. Dezember 2021 04:00 07:00 10:00 13:00 Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis R 04:55 RE Landquart 3 U 07:05 R St.Moritz 3 10:05 RE St.Moritz 3 13:01 RE Landquart 3 La Punt C. 05:00 - Madulain 05:02 - Zuoz 05:06 - Samedan 07:08 - Celerina 07:12 - St.Moritz 07:16 Samedan 10:08 - Celerina 10:12 - St.Moritz 10:16 Zuoz 13:09 - S-chanf 13:13 - Zernez 13:29 - S-chanf 05:09 - Cinuos-chel-B. 05:14 - 07:16 Sagliains 3 10:16 Scuol-Tarasp 3 Susch 13:36 - Klosters 13:56 - Küblis 14:15 - Zernez 05:25 - Susch 05:32 - Klosters 05:51 - R R Schiers 14:25 - Landquart 14:37 La Punt C. 07:21 - Madulain 07:23 - Zuoz 07:26 - La Punt C. 10:21 - Madulain 10:23 - Zuoz 10:26 - Saas 06:06 - Küblis 06:12 - Jenaz 06:19 - S-chanf 07:29 - Cinuos-chel-B. 07:34 - S-chanf 10:30 - Cinuos-chel-B. 10:35 - 13:16 Scuol-Tarasp 3 Schiers 06:25 - Grüsch 06:32 - Seewis-P. 06:34 - R Zernez 07:46 - Susch 07:53 - Sagliains 07:56 Zernez 10:47 - Susch 10:55 - Sagliains 11:01 - La Punt C. 13:21 - Madulain 13:23 - Zuoz 13:26 - Malans GR 06:39 - Landquart 06:43 07:18 Chur 2 Lavin 11:04 - Guarda 11:08 - Ardez 11:13 - S-chanf 13:30 - Cinuos-chel-B. 13:35 - IR Ftan Baraigla 11:19 - Scuol-T. 11:23 Zernez 13:47 - Susch 13:55 - Sagliains 14:01 - 05:00 Preda 07:29 - Bergün 07:46 - Filisur 08:00 - Lavin 14:04 - Guarda 14:08 - Ardez 14:13 - Tiefencastel 08:14 - Thusis 08:30 - Reichenau- 10:38 Pontresina 3 R Ftan Baraigla 14:19 - Scuol-T. 14:23 Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis T. 08:51 - Chur 09:04 Samedan 10:42 - Punt Muragl 10:51 - 6 £ 13:38 Pontresina 3 05:13 R Chur 2 U 07:33 S-chanf 3 Pontresina 10:57 R R Samedan 13:42 - Punt Muragl 13:51 - Bergün 05:39 - Filisur 05:51 - Alvaneu 05:58 - La Punt C. 07:38 - Madulain 07:40 - Zuoz 07:43 - 10:55 St.Moritz 2 RE Pontresina 13:57 Surava 06:02 - Tiefencastel 06:09 - S-chanf 07:46 Samedan 10:57 - Celerina 11:03 - St.Moritz 11:09 Thusis 06:26 - Cazis 06:30 - Rodels-R. 06:32 - T 13:47 Klosters Platz 3 07:43 Pontresina 3 RE Rothenbrunnen 06:37 - Rhäzüns 06:43 - R 11:00 Zuoz 13:55 - S-chanf 13:59 - Zernez 14:18 - Samedan 07:46 - Punt Muragl 07:51 - Bonaduz 06:46 - Reichenau-T. 06:52 - Susch 14:33 - Klosters 14:53 Ems Werk 06:54 - Domat/Ems 06:57 - Pontresina 07:57 Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis Felsberg 07:00 - Chur 07:05 08:00 11:01 RE Landquart 3 14:00 U 05:16 Scuol-Tarasp 2/3 R Zuoz 11:09 - S-chanf 11:13 - Zernez 11:29 - Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis La Punt C. 05:20 - Madulain 05:23 - Zuoz 05:26 - Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis Susch 11:36 - Klosters 11:56 - Küblis 12:15 - S-chanf 05:29 - Cinuos-chel-B. 05:35 - T 14:07 St.Moritz 3 U 08:08 St.Moritz 3 Schiers 12:25 - Landquart 12:37 RE Zernez 05:46 - Susch 05:53 - Sagliains 05:56 - R Samedan 14:10 - Celerina 14:14 - St.Moritz 14:19 Lavin 06:02 - Guarda 06:06 - Ardez 06:11 - Samedan 08:11 - Celerina 08:15 - St.Moritz 08:19 11:16 R Scuol-Tarasp 3 14:16 Scuol-Tarasp 3 Ftan Baraigla 06:17 - Scuol-T. 06:23 08:16 Scuol-Tarasp 3 La Punt C. 11:21 - Madulain 11:23 - Zuoz 11:26 - R R S-chanf 11:30 - Cinuos-chel-B. 11:35 - La Punt C. 14:21 - Madulain 14:23 - Zuoz 14:26 - La Punt C. 08:21 - Madulain 08:23 - Zuoz 08:26 - U 05:53 IR Chur 2 Zernez 11:47 - Susch 11:55 - Sagliains 12:01 - S-chanf 14:30 - Cinuos-chel-B. 14:35 - S-chanf 08:30 - Cinuos-chel-B. 08:35 - Preda 06:03 - Bergün 06:20 - Filisur 06:32 - Lavin 12:04 - Guarda 12:08 - Ardez 12:13 - Zernez 14:47 - Susch 14:55 - Sagliains 15:01 - Zernez 08:47 - Susch 08:55 - Sagliains 09:01 - Alvaneu 06:40 - Surava 06:43 - Ftan Baraigla 12:19 - Scuol-T. 12:23 Lavin 15:04 - Guarda 15:08 - Ardez 15:13 - Lavin 09:04 - Guarda 09:08 - Ardez 09:13 - Tiefencastel 06:50 - Thusis 07:07 - Ftan Baraigla 15:19 - Scuol-T. 15:23 Rothenbrunnen 07:18 - Bonaduz 07:27 - Ftan Baraigla 09:19 - Scuol-T. 09:23 11:38 R Pontresina 3 14:38 Pontresina 3 Chur 07:42 7 08:33 m S-chanf 3 Samedan 11:42 - Punt Muragl 11:51 - R R Pontresina 11:57 Samedan 14:42 - Punt Muragl 14:51 - U La Punt C. 08:38 - Madulain 08:42 - Zuoz 08:45 - 05:56 R S-chanf 3 T Pontresina 14:57 La Punt C. 06:01 - Madulain 06:03 - Zuoz 06:06 - S-chanf 08:48 11:48 RE Klosters Platz 3 14:55 St.Moritz 2 S-chanf 06:10 08:44 Pontresina 3 La Punt C. 11:53 - Madulain 11:55 - Zuoz 11:58 - RE R S-chanf 12:01 - Zernez 12:19 - Susch 12:33 - Samedan 14:57 - Celerina 15:03 - St.Moritz 15:09 Samedan 08:47 - Punt Muragl 08:53 - Klosters 12:53 06:00 Pontresina 08:57 15:00 Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis 08:44 IR St.Moritz 2 12:00 Samedan 08:46 - Celerina 08:56 - St.Moritz 09:01 Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis V 06:09 R Chur 2 Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis 15:01 RE Landquart 3 Preda 06:19 - Bergün 06:36 - Filisur 06:49 - 09:00 T Alvaneu 06:57 - Surava 07:00 - 12:06 RE St.Moritz 3 Zuoz 15:09 - S-chanf 15:13 - Zernez 15:29 - Tiefencastel 07:07 - Thusis 07:23 - Cazis 07:31 - Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis Samedan 12:08 - Celerina 12:13 - St.Moritz 12:17 Susch 15:36 - Klosters 15:56 - Küblis 16:15 - Rodels-R. 07:34 - Rothenbrunnen 07:38 - 12:16 Scuol-Tarasp 3 Schiers 16:25 - Landquart 16:37 09:01 Landquart 3 R Rhäzüns 07:44 - Bonaduz 07:46 - Reichenau- RE La Punt C. 12:21 - Madulain 12:23 - Zuoz 12:26 - 15:16 R Scuol-Tarasp 3 Zuoz 09:09 - S-chanf 09:13 - Zernez 09:29 - T. 07:52 - Ems Werk 07:54 - Domat/Ems 07:57 - S-chanf 12:30 - Cinuos-chel-B. 12:35 - La Punt C. 15:21 - Madulain 15:23 - Zuoz 15:26 - Susch 09:36 - Klosters 09:56 - Küblis 10:15 - Felsberg 08:00 - Chur 08:05 Zernez 12:47 - Susch 12:55 - Sagliains 13:01 - S-chanf 15:30 - Cinuos-chel-B. 15:35 - Schiers 10:25 - Landquart 10:37 06:11 Sagliains 2/3 Lavin 13:04 - Guarda 13:08 - Ardez 13:13 - Zernez 15:47 - Susch 15:55 - Sagliains 16:01 - R 7 m La Punt C. 06:16 - Madulain 06:19 - Zuoz 06:22 - 09:10 R Celerina 3 Ftan Baraigla 13:19 - Scuol-T. 13:23 Lavin 16:04 - Guarda 16:08 - Ardez 16:13 - Ftan Baraigla 16:19 - Scuol-T. 16:23 S-chanf 06:25 - Cinuos-chel-B. 06:30 - Samedan 09:13 - Celerina 09:17 12:38 R Pontresina 3 Zernez 06:45 - Susch 06:52 - Sagliains 06:56 8 09:10 RE St.Moritz 3 Samedan 12:42 - Punt Muragl 12:51 - 15:38 R Pontresina 3 R 06:31 R St.Moritz 2 Samedan 09:13 - Celerina 09:17 - St.Moritz 09:23 Pontresina 12:57 Samedan 15:42 - Punt Muragl 15:51 - Pontresina 15:57 Samedan 06:34 - Celerina 06:39 - St.Moritz 06:43 09:16 R Scuol-Tarasp 3 12:55 RE St.Moritz 2 15:48 Landquart 3 U 06:43 R Pontresina 3 La Punt C. 09:21 - Madulain 09:23 - Zuoz 09:26 - Samedan 12:57 - Celerina 13:03 - St.Moritz 13:09 RE Samedan 06:46 - Punt Muragl 06:51 - S-chanf 09:30 - Cinuos-chel-B. 09:35 - La Punt C. 15:53 - Madulain 15:55 - Zuoz 15:58 - Pontresina 06:57 Zernez 09:47 - Susch 09:55 - Sagliains 10:01 - S-chanf 16:01 - Zernez 16:19 - Susch 16:34 - Lavin 10:04 - Guarda 10:08 - Ardez 10:13 - Klosters 16:54 - Küblis 17:14 - Schiers 17:25 - U 06:57 R £ m Samedan 2 Ftan Baraigla 10:19 - Scuol-T. 10:23 Landquart 17:37 Samedan 07:00 9 09:32 R , m Bergün/Bravuogn 2 Spinas 09:37 - Preda 09:44 - Bergün 10:02 09:38 R Pontresina 3 Samedan 09:42 - Punt Muragl 09:51 - Pontresina 09:57 8 09:47 RE Klosters Platz 3 Zuoz 09:55 - S-chanf 09:59 - Zernez 10:18 - Susch 10:33 - Klosters 10:53 Bever Abfahrt Partenza Departure Départ Live-Anzeige 13. Dezember 2020 - 11. Dezember 2021 16:00 19:00 21:00 T Samstage, Sonn- und allg. Feiertage U Montag - Samstag, ohne allg. Feiertage Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis Zeit Linie Zielort Gleis V Sonntage und allg. Feiertage : 16:06 RE St.Moritz 3 19:16 R Scuol-Tarasp 3 21:05 R £ Samedan 2/3 Samedan 16:08 - Celerina 16:13 - St.Moritz 16:17 La Punt C.

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