MADHYA PRADESH ROAD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED (Govt. of M.P. Undertaking) 45-A, Arera Hills, Bhopal – 462 011, Madhya Pradesh 0755-2765196, 205, 213, 216 (EPBX), Fax : 0755-2572643, Website : www.mprdc.nic.in NIT No.9431/269/B.T.Renewal/Procu./MPRDC/2015 Dated: 21/09/2015 NOTICE INVITING TENDERS Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation Limited (MPRDC) Bhopal invites online sealed tenders for B.T. Renewal works of following roads on Percentage Rate basis. Sn. Name of Work PAC Value Bid Security Cost of Bid Period of System (in INR (EMD) Document Completion (i/c No. Lacs) (in INR (in Rs.) rainy season) Lacs) Biaora-Maksudangarh-Sironj Road. 1 6.61 15,000/- (Total Length = 25.00 Km.) 330.66 3 months 331 Biaora-Maksudangarh-Sironj Road. 2 15,000/- (Total Length = 19.00 Km.) 251.30 5.02 3 months 332 Betul-Paratwada Road. 3 171.94 3.43 12,500/- 3 months 333 (Total Length = 13 Km.) Katni-Barhi-Tala-Manpur-Jaisinghpur- 4 395.82 7.91 15,000/- 3 months 334 Janakpur Road.(Total Length = 30 Km.) 5 Satna-Amarpatan Road. 3.37 12,500/- (Total Length = 12.2 Km.) 168.81 3 months 335 Khalghat-Manawar Road. 6 295.26 5.90 15000/- (Total Length = 17.7 Km.) 3 months 336 Indore-Depalpur Road 7 108.43 2.16 12,500/- (Total Length = 6.50 Km.) MDR 3 months 337 Khargone-Banher Road. 8 166.82 3.33 12,500/- 3 months 338 (Total Length = 10.00 Km.) Khargone-Badwani Road. 9 433.72 8.67 15,000/- 3 months 339 (Total Length = 26.00 Km.) Khilchipur-Susner Road. 10 351.82 7.03 15,000/- 3 months 340 (Total Length = 26.60 Km.) Agar-Sarangpur Road. 11 79.36 1.58 10,000/- 3 months 341 (Total Length = 6.00 Km.) Pachore-Ashta Road. 12 310.82 6.21 15,000/- 3 months 342 (Total Length = 23.50 Km.) Manasa-Rampura-Bhanpura Road. 13 171.94 3.43 12,500/- (Total Length = 13.00 Km.) 3 months 343 Manasa-Rampura-Bhanpura Road. 14 338.59 6.77 15,000/- (Total Length = 25.60 Km.) 3 months 344 Shivpuri-Sheopur-Pali Road (SH-6). 15 366.99 7.33 15,000/- (Total Length = 22.00 Km.) 3 months 345 Shivpuri-Sheopur-Pali Road (SH-6). 16 233.54 4.67 15,000/- 3 months 346 (Total Length = 14.00 Km.) Jabalpur-Amarkantak Road (SH-22) 17 246.83 4.93 15,000/- (Total Length = 17.75 Km.) 3 months 347 Jabalpur-Amarkantak Road (SH-22) 18 290.98 5.81 15,000/- (Total Length = 22.00 Km.) 3 months 348 Sagar-Rehli Road. 19 211.62 4.23 15,000/- 3 months 349 (Total Length = 16.00 Km.) Simariya-Gaisabad Road. 20 119.04 2.38 12,500/- (Total Length = 9.00 Km.) 3 months 350 Tikamgarh-Orchha Road. 21 105.81 2.11 12,500/- (Total Length = 8.00 Km.) 3 months 351 Tikamgarh-Shahgarh Road. 22 158.72 3.17 12,500/- 3 months 353 (Total Length = 12.00 Km.) Sn. Name of Work PAC Value Bid Security Cost of Bid Period of System (in INR (EMD) Document Completion (i/c No. Lacs) (in INR (in Rs.) rainy season) Lacs) Panna-Ajaygarh Road. 23 181.88 3.63 12,500/- (Total Length = 11.40) 3 months 354 Panna-Ajaygarh Road. 24 256.59 5.13 15,000/- (Total Length = 19.40) 3 months 356 Katni-Pawai-Amanganj Road. 25 365.05 7.30 15,000/- 3 months 358 (Total Length = 27.60 Km.) Katni-Pawai-Amanganj Road. 26 277.75 5.55 15,000/- (Total Length = 21.00 Km.) 3 months 359 Pawai-Saleha-Nagod Road (SH-52). 27 277.75 5.55 15,000/- (Total Length = 21.00 Km.) 3 months 360 Amanganj-Malhera Road (SH-10). 28 357.11 7.14 15,000/- (Total Length = 27.00 Km.) 3 months 361 Amanganj-Malhera Road (SH-10). 29 330.66 6.61 15,000/- (Total Length = 25.00 Km.) 3 months 362 Pawai-Saleha-Nagod Road (SH-52). 30 383.56 7.67 15,000/- (Total Length = 29.00 Km.) 3 months 363 Simariya-Mohendra-Pawai Road 31 238.07 4.76 15,000/- (SH-52). (Total Length = 18.00 Km.) 3 months 364 Simariya-Mohendra-Pawai Road (SH- 32 264.53 5.29 15,000/- 52). (Total Length = 20.00 Km.) 3 months 365 Hirapur-Bamnora Road (SH-37). 33 243.36 4.86 15,000/- (Total Length = 18.40 Km.) 3 months 366 Lukwasa-Isagarh-Chanderi Road. 34 410.16 8.20 15,000/- (Total Length = 31.00 Km.) 3 months 367 Pichore-Dinara-Datia Road. 35 92.58 1.85 10,000/- (Total Length = 7.00 Km.) 3 months 368 Guna-Fatehgarh-Paron Road. 36 119.04 2.38 12,500/- (Total Length = 9.00 Km.) 3 months 369 Datia-Seondha Road. 37 357.11 7.14 15,000/- (Total Length = 27.00 Km.) 3 months 370 Seoni-Chiraidongari Road (SH- 38 333.63 6.67 15,000/- 11A).(Total Length = 20.00 Km.) 3 months 371 Balaghat-Nainpur Road (SH-11). 39 264.53 5.29 15,000/- (Total Length = 20.00 Km.) 3 months 372 Mandleshwar-Kasrawad-Khargone 40 104.53 2.09 12,500/- Road.(Total Length = 10.00 Km.) 3 months 373 Khalghat-Karsrawad Road. 41 213.41 4.26 15,000/- (Total Length = 17.70 Km.) 3 months 374 Banher-Bistan Pal Road. 42 111.50 2.23 12,500/- (Total Length = 10.00 Km.) 3 months 375 Agar-Sarangpur Road. 43 46.07 0.92 5,000/- (Total Length = 5.00 Km.) 3 months 376 Jabalpur-Amarkantak Road. 44 294.85 5.89 15,000/- (Total Length = 32.00 Km.) 3 months 377 The dates for purchase, submission, etc. are mentioned in the key dates. Tender forms can be purchased online only upto 1730 hrs. on 12/10/2015 from website www.mpeproc.gov.in. The bidders have to submit the Financial Bids online only. The Addendum/Corrigendum (if any) shall only be published on the website of www.mpeproc.gov.in only. If holiday is declared by Govt. of M.P. on the date of physical submission or on the date of opening, the same will automatically be shifted to subsequent working days. MPRDC reserves the right to accept/reject any/all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Managing Director MADHYA PRADESH ROAD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED (Govt. of M.P. Undertaking) 45-A, Arera Hills, Bhopal – 462 011, Madhya Pradesh 0755-2765196, 205, 213, 216 (EPBX), Fax : 0755-2572643, Website : www.mprdc.nic.in NIT No.9431/269/B.T.Renewal/Procu./MPRDC/2015 Dated: 21/09/2015 fufonk vkea=.k e/;izns’k lM+d fodkl fuxe fyfeVsM] Hkksiky }kjk fuEufyf[kr ekxksZ ds ch-Vh- fjU;woy dk;Z gsrq izfr’kr nj ij vkWu&ykbZu fufonk,¡ vkeaf=r dh tkrh gSA . का नाम धरोहर करने लागत (लाख ) का (लाख ) ( ) ( ) 1. C;kojk&edlwnux<+&fljksat ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 25-00 330.66 6.61 15,000/- 3 ekg 331 fd-eh- ½ 2. = C;kojk&edlwnux<+&fljksat ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ 19-00 251.30 5.02 15,000/- 3 ekg 332 fd-eh- ½ 3. cSrqy&ijrokjk ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 13.00 fd-eh-) 171.94 3.43 12,500/- 3 ekg 333 4. dVuh&cjgh&rkyk&ekuiqj&t;flagiqj&tudiqj ekxZ 395.82 7.91 15,000/- 3 ekg 334 ¼dqy yackbZ = 30.00 fd-eh-) 5. lruk&vejikVu ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ =12.2 fd-eh-) 168.81 3.37 12,500/- 3 ekg 335 6. [ky?kkV&eukoj ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 17.7 fd-eh-) 295.26 5.90 15000/- 3 ekg 336 7. bankSj&nsikyiqj ekxZ ¼yackbZ = 33.00 fd-eh-) ,eMhvkj 108.43 2.16 12,500/- 3 ekg 337 ¼dqy yackbZ = 6.50 fd-eh-) 8. [kjxkSu&cUgsj ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 10.00 fd-eh-) 166.82 3.33 12,500/- 3 ekg 338 9. [kjxkSu&cM+okuh ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 26.00 fd-eh-) 433.72 8.67 15,000/- 3 ekg 339 10. f[kyphiqj&lqlusj ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 26.60 fd-eh-) 351.82 7.03 15,000/- 3 ekg 340 11. vkxj&lkjaxiqj ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 6.00 fd-eh-) 79.36 1.58 10,000/- 3 ekg 341 12. ipkSj&vk"Vk ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 23.50 fd-eh-) 310.82 6.21 15,000/- 3 ekg 342 13. euklk&jkeiqjk&Hkkuiqjk ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ= 13.00 fd-eh-) 171.94 3.43 12,500/- 3 ekg 343 14. euklk&jkeiqjk&Hkkuiqjk ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 25.60 fd- 338.59 6.77 15,000/- 3 ekg 344 eh-) 15. f’koiqjh&’;ksiqj&ikfy ekxZ ¼,l,p&6½ ¼dqy yackbZ = 366.99 7.33 15,000/- 3 ekg 345 22.00 fd-eh-) 16. f’koiqjh&’;ksiqj&ikfy ekxZ ¼,l,p&6½ ¼dqy yackbZ = 233.54 4.67 15,000/- 3 ekg 346 14.00 fd-eh-) 17. tcyiqj&vejdaVd ekxZ ¼,l,p&22½ ¼dqy yackbZ = 246.83 4.93 15,000/- 3 ekg 347 17.75 fd-eh-) 18. tcyiqj&vejdaVd ekxZ ¼,l,p&22½ ¼dqy yackbZ = 290.98 5.81 15,000/- 3 ekg 348 22.00 fd-eh-) 19. lkxj&jsgyh ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 16.00 fd-eh-) 211.62 4.23 15,000/- 3 ekg 349 20. flefj;k&xStkckn ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 9.00 fd-eh-) 119.04 2.38 12,500/- 3 ekg 350 21. fVdex<+&vksjNk ekxZ ¼dqy yackbZ = 8.00 fd-eh-) 105.81 2.11 12,500/- 3 ekg 351 22.
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