Union College Union | Digital Works The Concordiensis 1915 The Concordiensis 1910-1919 6-10-1915 The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 27 Richard E. Taylor Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1915 Recommended Citation Taylor, Richard E., "The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 27" (1915). The Concordiensis 1915. 18. https://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1915/18 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The Concordiensis 1910-1919 at Union | Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Concordiensis 1915 by an authorized administrator of Union | Digital Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~~i';:!~?;:::""f:':"' '>:~~S,._:;]:f:='~?F="'"'""5··;;r::.:· = .. =====·=· ·== ======· if~ ;~d The e e oncor eDSI.S ' l i' ' ; ' f l I., .. I ' \ . ·' '; ' ' . ,.' ' ' ·, j Published Weekly by the Students of Union College : ' l' : I Commencement Number ) l : I ' I' ' VOL. 38 JUNE 10, 1915 NO. 27 l . ' • I .· l \ [i]IS.. :=5:5:555:55555555555::::::1· f!1 j ! ,, I . \ I \ . UNION UNIVERSI CHARLES ALEXANDER RICHMOND, D. D., LL.D .. Chancellor UNION COLLEGE CouRsJt t.I:ADING TO D:EGREJt o:r M. S. E. E.-This The college offers the following undergraduate course of one year of graduate study consists of at1d graduate courses : lectures, laboratory practice and research work. 1. c;,eu:r•e• leading to the degree of A. D. CouRSE LEADING To D!GRJtE oF PH. D.-This course of two years of graduate study requires for admis· CtASSIC.AJ... CouRs~ A.-Greek is required for ad­ sion the degree of M. E. E. or an equivalent. m.ission to this course. French and German are in~ · eluded in addition to the ancient languages. For catalogues or other in formation address F. C. BARNES, Secretary, CtASSIC.Ar... CouRslt B.-Students may, at the close . Schenectady, N. Y. of the Sophomore year, elect to become candidates for the degree of A. B. They will then be required DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE !O study Qr!!ek for two years. Proficiency in Latin fl prerequtslte. ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE-Instruction b)' lectures, recitations, clinics, laboratory work, prac­ 2. CJour•e leacllag to the degree of Ph. D. tical demonstrations and operations. LATIN-Scr~NTI1IC CouRsit-This course offers Hospital and laboratory advantages excellent. Latin without Greek, for which is substituted addi­ Catalogues and circulars containing full informa­ tional work in modern languages and science. tion sent on application to: a. Cou.rae leading to the degree of B. 1. W :U,i,IS G. TucKER, M. D., Registrar, ScntNTIPIC CouasJt-This course is based upon the Albany, N. Y. study of mathematics and the sciences. 4. Cou..rae leacllng to the degree of B. JD. DEPARTMENT OF LAW G:ttNl:RAt ENGINEI!;RING CouRsJt-· This course offers AMASA J. P ARK!tR1 ] • NEWTON FIJtR(), the foundation of a broad engineering education, . President. Dean. comprising mathematics, the sciences, the funda­ ALBANY LAW SCHOOL-This department of mental principles of the special branches of the pro­ the university is located at Albany, near the state fession and some training in history, economics and capitol. It occupies a building wholly devoted to its modern languages. use. The course leading to the degree of LL. B. is three years ; each year is divided into two semesters. SANITARY ENGIN~ERING CouRsE-This differs from the general engineering course in substituting special Expenses: Matriculation fee, $10; tuition fee, work in sanitary engineering for some of the general $110. For catalogue or other information, address: engineering studies. }OHN C. WATSON, Registrar, Albany, N. Y. E~~CTRICAI, ENGINEERING CouRSE-This course is intend~d to give a broad and thorough engineering DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY education with the special instruction requisite for · electrical engineering. ALBANY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY-Graded course of instruction comprising two terms of sevem a. Cou.raea lea.lag to gra4aate degree•• months each. Fees, $90.00 per term. Coui<sJt ItEADING To DI!;GKEl: oi' M. C. E.-This For catalogue giving full information, address: course of one year of graduate study consists of 43 Eagle St., Albany, N. Y. lectures, laboratory practice and research work. AL1RED B. H UESTED, Secretary, L. V. Herrington • 'Everything for the College Man except Es•m•,. Groceries •. Tobacco, News, Confectionery GUNNING ;16 SW.EA TERS, MACKINAWS, PENNANTS, Phone 2925-W BANNERS AND PILLOW COVERS 727 Nott Street Across from College Gate Middle Section, So. Col1ege Phone 1472-W Fink's Pharmacy The College Smoke and Drug Shop Just Across from the Green Gate - LATEST STYLESas·MEN'S French, Shriner & Urner Shoes $6.00 to $8.50 Known wherever Good Shoes are worn. TRADE MARK All styles and leathera LINDSAY BROS. CO. COR. STATE AND WALL STS. The Guarantee The Cain's Leading exponents of Modern Dancing in Schenectad~ and Vlcln· of ity. New Pupils received every Mon­ Excellence day, Wednesday & Saturday, 3 to 5 and 7:30 to 9 p. m. Pri· on vate Lessons b y appointment. Goods Assembly on Monday at 9, at Electrical ARCADE HALL Res. Phone 1920 Hall Phone 2710-W til Fellows come down and get acquainted with General Electric NICKLAS r~9nia;3~:~:; CompanY EXCLUSIVE HATTER and FURNISHER Largest Electrical Manufacturer E. & W. Shirts and Collars, Fownes' Gloves for all occasions, Opera and in the world Silk Hats, Canes, Bags and Suit 3759 Cases. Everything for well dressed men. See the New Spring Styles at Babbitt's See the splendi,d display of Babbitt Clothes as made by Rogers-Peel· See the wonderful ·''Fra·nkel Fifteens'' the finest clothes tailored for $15.00 in America. We are sole agents in this tri·cit~ territory for these two makes A J:bany' s Greatest Clothiers BABBITT & CO..-:~~ ..... .., ~ 451-453 BROADWAY ( Drawin~ Inlca ·. Eternal W ritin~ Ink 1 En,Jtrosainal Ink I Taurine Mucilage ') Photo Mounter Paste Higgins' . Drawing Board Paate Liquid Paste Office Paste l. V eatetable Glue• etc. ARE THE FINEST AND BEST INKS AND ADHESIVES Emancipate yourself from corro­ sive and ill-s·mell ing inks and adhe­ sives and adopttbe HIGGINS' INKS AND ADHESIVES. They will be a THE PAST AND PRESENT revelation to you, they are so sweet, Keep abreast with the times. We . are .not clean, well put up, and withal so living in the stage-coach decade, at whtch t1me efficient. the mentioning of flying machines would have been taken as an idle jest. In the present cen­ tury you wouldn't think of traveling as olfe , AT DEALERS did in by-gone days. Neither would you hav- · ing your shoes repaired by the old style hand method way,. if you knew the superiority in our CHAS. M. HIGGINS & CO. up-to-date machine way of repairing. Manufactures BALL'S QU!CK SHOE REPAIRING WORKS Branches, Chicago and London 525 State Street Opposit~ Waiting Room Free Order Service Telephone 3456 271 Ninta St. Brookly-n, N. Y. The Sign of the GL)lden Robin TEA ROOM CANDIES PARTY AND DINNER FAVORS 31 Steuben Street, Harry Lauder World ·famous Scotch 'Comediaa, says: · ••Tu:xedo For mildnesa, ;purity and lragr~nce, THE tobacco for me. With my pipe filled witla good oltl TUXEDO, all my troubles go up ita :smoke. In all my world-IIJide trav• els rve yet to find it:s equal as a alow-burning, cool-tcrstiTig, sweet• flavored tobacco. TUXEDOsatis• fies me completely. '' Tuedo Keeps the World in Good Humor Here is the man whose life work is to make millions of people happy. In pursuing his call, he travels the wide world over. He is a great lover of his pipe, and in all sorts of comers of the earth he has tried all sorts of tobaccos. What is his unqualified statement in regard to Tuxedo~ Read it again: ~'I've yet to find its equal.'' This is the frank and candid opinion cf thousands and thousands of experi­ enced, judicious smokers. Tuxedo is absolutely the best all-around tobacco that modern tobacco science can make. The Perfect Tobaoco for Pipe and Cigaref.le Uncorking a tin of Tuxedo is like lifting the lid on con­ centrated sunshine. And then,. when you fire up I Well! The first puff's a revelati()n, the second's a revolution, the third just gets you happy.. like I Then you're off-just as sure as you'll see the green giass and hear the birds sing neirt Spring. The exclusive "Tuxedo Process" brings out the· unsur­ passed mildness, delicate fragrance and mellow :flavor of the Burley leaf in a way that has never been successfully imitated. At the same time it refines the tobacco until every trace of harshness and "bite" disappears. YOU C.AN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERI! Convenient,. glassine - wrapped, 5C Famous green tin, ~vith gold } o moisture-proof pouch • • • • lettering, curved to fit pl)cket C In Tin Humidor3, 40c and 80c lnGlassHumidors,50cand90c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY . I I i £STABLt5tiED 1818 i: You have the Science :i And we the Appliance --- Have you seen our line ·of Our Representat.ive, Mr. Gorman, .i will be at the Edison Hotel on :' Gas Fired Industrial Ap· SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1915 pliances? Blow Torches,, with samples of ready made garments, Furnishings, ·' Sold e rin:g and .Heating Hats and Shoes :I!: Boston Branch 1Vewport Branch Furnaces, Brazing Tools, 220 Bellevue Avenue 1: 149 Tremont Street Soldering Iron Heaters,. ---------------- ::j: We Solicit Your Patronage. You Need · Etc. Attach to any gas ;· ,i Our Guarantee. I opening and they're at :: your servtce.• Cluett &Sons. One Price Piano House. EVERY THING MUSICAL. I MOHAWK GAS co. PHONE 2500 508 State Street, Schenectady :. ·. Pictures and Picture Framing, Art Sup- •·.
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