Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1985-1989 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 8-11-1988 August 11, 1988 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_85-89 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons No 'Temptation'! Arkansas ft~P.tist In This Issue Cover Story Koreans Have membe:rs had g2thered on Frid2:y nights for seven weeks, pr2ying about the proposed Successful Trip trip, before the team appUed or had pc.r­ by Eric MUler sunallnJcrviews. A commissioning service SBC f01'elp MJulon Board and a day of fasti ng and pra.yer preceded RJCHMOND, Va . (BP}-A group of 16 the trip. Korean Baptists from Texas prepared for a 1Wo hours after their plane landed, the mission trip to a Centhl American coun­ team hit the streets. Surrounded by try like they were training for a marathon. downtown beer halls, the team sang, in­ And their preparation paid off. The troduced each other, did tricks with ropes, Koreans led 130 people to faith In Christ gave testimonies, performed a skit and during two weeks of preaching, singing preached. Ten from that audience made MH~/Mwtc Kelly and sharing testimonies in prisons, professions of faith in Christ, Lee said. hospicals, churches and at sporrs activities The Koreans happened upon students 'Friends Forever' ....... 11 in Belize. playing basketball at Belize Technical Col­ Senior high youth at Music Arkansas per­ The team of young adults from Korean lege and spotted a witnessing opportuni­ f anned a contemporary musical which Finn Baptist Church in Dallas met three ty. They lost the game but won severa.l of deals with relationships, both with others hours every Sunday afternoon for seven their opponents to Christ through and with j esus Christ. weeks to prepaie for the june trip, said Tim testimonies and one-on-one witnessing. Hyun-M o Lee, education minister at the 1\vo days of basketball and volleyball net­ Editor's Page . ........ 3 church. ted 10 new believers. The Dallas group prepared for their trip Before the ream left, abom 20 of the 130 b)' sharing Christian testimonies and ex­ new believers enrolled in churches. Speak Up amining ways of telling people about jerry DeOliveira, ethnic relations consul­ y;ou'll Be Glad To .Know ... 4 Christ, using gospel tracts, fo !Jowing up tant for the Southern Baptist Foreign Mis· with new believers and conducting out­ sion Board who worked with the group in Letters to the Editor . 4 door evangeli stic meetings. making trip arrangements, said he was im· Today's Issues . .. 4 A half-hour prayer meeting fo llowed pressed with their preparation. He believes Early Reflections ......... 5 each trai ning session, lee said. Church their success was due to prayer. Food & Fellowship ....... 5 Faith At Work Clown! ..... ........... 6 Seizing Life's stifle an adventurous spirit ~ Christians must detach themselves from a past which limits Supreme Purpose o r destroys. & Local State Philippians 3:12-16 A dedication to thefidure(vv. 13-14)­ Headed For A New Home .. 7 Note the challenge Paul felt at the thought that Christ seized him on the Damascus Arkansas All Over: . .. ... 8-9 Paul expressed life's supreme purpose as laying " ho ld on that for which also I was Road to fulftll a purpose, a dream, a vision. ' ... To Be Like Him' ..... 9 laid hold on by Christ j esus" (v. 12 , ASV). He determined to seize that purpose in No 'Temptation'. .. 10 Seizing that purpose requires: return and bring it to fruition. Paul's rela· A dissatisfaction wilb the present (v. tionship to God was not unlike that of Springdale Ranks First .... 10 12)-Though the tally of Paul's ac­ Israel standing at jordan across from the SBC Bible Conference ... 11 complishments grew daily-churches he Promised Land. The land was legally theirs the moment God uttered the promise, but Campus Omitted . 11 had established, epistles he had written, cities he had visited, lives he had it became theirs experientially o nly when Seminary Studies . 11 influenced-he never felt that he had ful ­ they personally possessed it. ly " laid hold" o f Christ's purpose. Se lf· Note the concentratio n of all of Paul's Nation dissatisfaction li es at the root of man's powers on the task before him. He describ· noblest ac hievement. It drives the teacher, ed himself as "stretching forward to the Premiums To Increase . ... 12 the artist, the statesman, and the Christian things which are before" (v. 13, ASV). This PAC Voices Support ...... 12 to ever greater heights of achievement. is a picture of a runner racing hard for the A detachment from tbe past (v. 13)­ finish line with his eyes on the goal and Some things are sure ly worth every fiber of his body straining to max­ Lessons . 13-1 4 remembering-the sacrifices of our imize its potential. forebears, the value of freedom, the price NOte Paul 's single-minded commlt­ World of satvation, the blessings of love and ment-''this one thing I do" (v. 13). If one friendship. But others things should just as is to seize the purpose fo r which Christ Parrishes Don't Doubt .... 15 surely be forgotten: past accomplishments seized him, total commitment is necessary. Worried About Future .. 16 which stand in the way of future Nbpted Crolll " ProclaJm," Aptii·June 1980. CopyrlaJU achievements, past differences and 1980 Tbe Suncby Sdlool Board o C the Southe rn B:ap1l11 MK Prayer Calendar .... .. 16 Con"FCntloQ. All riaJlU ruervcd. UKd by pcrmlnlon. Fl:lr disagreements which obstruct progress, I Ub JCrlptlon lnCornutlol:l,. • rite to Material Servlcu past defeats and disappointments which Dept., 117 Nllllh AYC. Nonh, N:athvlllc, TN )7134. Page 2 ARKANSAS BAPTIST NEWSMAGAZINE it will become 2 part of us. Finally, a Christi2n should not be involv· ed In things which will promote evil. Throughout the Scripture, we arc in­ structed to ''abhor that whlch is evil.'' This, ]. EVERETT SNEED in some instances, Is the most difficult of the principles to be used in determining what is right because, often, evil mas­ querades as righteousness. ln many instances, it is easy fo r a Chris· In recent days it has come to light that tian to make the right decision. The Bible the unsavory activities of TV personali ties cleArly instructs us not to kill, steal o r and base religious sects have received a cheat. Yet, there arc occasions in which great deal o f money from Christian people there is no clear instruction in the Scrip· under false pretense. The list is lo ng and ture. The ChristiAn is alw.~ys obligated to includes such people as Jim Jones, Jimmy do that which is in keeping with God 's Sw;aggart, Oral Roberts, Jim Bakker and w ill . But how can one know the right thing others. The question arises, " How can to do when there is no direct command in Christians protect themselves against the Scripture? The Bible docs lay down ccr· religious hucksters?" Certainly Christians tain principles to be applied in the day-by­ should not withdraw their support from day decision making process. God·called pastors, reJigious leaders, and First , a Christian should be directly in· evangelists. Protection comes by an in· volved in those things which will glorify refra in from them. dividual giving hi s money where there is God. Christ ians arc to reflect God to the Third, a Christian should not be involv­ accountability. When money is given to a world. The daily activ ities and life-style of ed in things w hich wilt harm his body or local Baptist church, the congregation Christians will either enhance or detract his mind. P:lul said, "Know ye not that ye detennines its use. There is always accoun­ from the cause of Christ. arc the temple of God , and the Spiri t of tability for money spent on the denomina­ Even good things can be misused so that God dwdleth in yo u?" (I Co. 3:16). tional level. they fail to glorify God. For example, Chris­ God ·created our bodies, and we are The New Tesumcm carefully lays down tians are repeatedly instructed to pra)'. BUl responsible'Cl) him for proper care of them. guidelines regarding the kinds of in­ even prayer can be used in a way as to e.x· This means we are not to take anything in· dividuals to be set apart for leadership in alt self, not God. to our bodies which will harm them. It also Christian vocational minis try. If a church Jesus to ld of two men who went to the means that we are to obtain proper rest and learns that it has set aside a scoundrel as Temple to pra)'. One was a religious man recreati on. One can be so over-involved in a Christian worker, the individual should (a Pharisee), and the other was a hated tax doing good things that he sins by over­ be dealt w ith. collector (a publican). The religious man working his body. Life is made up of choices. Even what ap· thanked God that he was better than We are responsible fo r the proper care pears, at the time, to be a small decision others, particularl y the tax coll ecto r. The of our minds. We are to study those things may have far reaching effects. It is essen· publican prayed, "God be merciful to me which wilt build up our minds. Essential­ tial that a Christian utilize practical Biblical a sinner" (Lk .
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