TOXMERCIAf. ADVERTISER bjlabeel ThnnJy Morsslaar, at Six Rtcrr ! AdTaaeci to. aiBERS in rcr PraM OMtuariea.advert.;funeral invitation isyand no conn trie will be 27 personam, Intended our to benefit as indivMttur bafima, wiU rrsfiwrded t :eiiro if-.- ehara Americas go aad the expense of forward-- B M aftvcTtitrmenta, Mrn the ssts tnwat, Ml . from Uie omee of pubtatioo- - All papers for American AlverUseaBcnta dlsptajn U larger O'P 4a art para, will ha' American postage stamps oo them, Jact to nearier cbarKe. any postage being collected oo jBubeulpUon for the CoanaenHal AdrertiMr mad Advert ,,U pfmmt Aaieriaui -- ' Hrrry. Foreign subscribers, wboprrfer It, can havetheir rr i tr iaeawnU am paraola larAaiaatT i anraacak . i : -, wUl through the Hawaiian mails, and wfll be requir- 8 IJ-- tnuuutsut aUTerUsaeoU be inMttU now rr tk, wand post of Sl 04 at tbe Honolulu post office, fl ram. Ir-o- ajwar joi to the above charge of $7. ri C7 Convapondencc all part of tbe Paolo wifl be very acceptable. ; ; :. i C7U at waicn nmnsann win. bb cbabces. iri kaieat sd vertiseseotj (first Inaertioo) per line 10 eta. (ach obaeqarat do.) ieta. COMMERCIAL PRIXTIXO OrFICK. V cards, (not exceeding S Hoes) per annum Si 00. , Each additional line) " - 60 , PUMH AND FANCY f et. " ' UT Payable always in advance. X - BOOK AND JOTt PRINTING AtVtl A " fc UCD novrumi wimion - ev cis. BOOKS, PILLS OF RXCRAHOK, ' r Advebtisbb will be charged at the following rate CATALOGUES, . KILLBOF LADIXG, y navame at we ena M eacn quarter : BILL HXAD9, , CONSULAR BLANKS. (quan (or twenty lines) per quarter soo i - CIECULAR8, BLAKKDKXD8, .' i Vwrth of a column per quarter - - suoo ArCTIO.f BILLS, HAKD BILLS. ' - a eemmn per quncr - -- S2O00 . " PAUPnLETS, BHOPBILI-- f half of - W column per ouarter . ... - A37 60 CT VISITING, BC8INKS8, ANU ADDRJLaS CARM -p- nntod ou a MYankee Card IYea," In the btfbeat atyle of Jl.a art. ... - ' jonimercial Advertiser. pffiyBB3vssfKY. i SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, 28, 1S58, 1VOU III, Net. 18. WHOLE Nh I2t, Zi OaIfr.cn. Atlaaii Caktlc ' Tb 1 d BT was. a. a. Vasa. TfwVaSfntrtfcc starts, gtocilingsyfa., la Set.- gral shtt for Salf. To tko Owsrrsi sl id Perooao later sets lis Puc.-- Shoot, Albion ! ahoot o'er the aea, A. Whaleships in he c Cttaii. Cohunbia! hore P. EVERETT, GEORGE CLARK, Jo TO LET. ! - weaier in ary and Fancy Goods, Valuable Real Sale Rail-B- oa ghoot back again, land of tbe free Hotel street between Kuuanu Estate for Orrics or tie Pabaxa Cootabt, I . ana Jlaunakea streets. Honolulu, S. X. 11 THE FOLLOWING ROOMS AXD OF. SO, ta one Joint jubilee, . Honolulu, tf flees In the FIRE PROOF BRICK BUILDING, corner of New Yoas. Joty 1B7. Yaw tooj Oahn, B. I. Rail-Ro- svaanumana THE RESIDENCE OF V. Oilman The Panama ad Company tabes this sasuird wide ware between yoa may roar. ana uueen streets, vu t R. SPEUm luisrsslsij Xhdogtt GEORGE Tbe second floor, at present occupied by D. C, Waterman A Co. Dfc.N, situated on the aikiki Road, two miles outwl ef informiec those la the WhaUng bunt' J. F. COLBURN, G.HOWE. The of Honolulu. The premises contain about of advantages oBeraa ay tna svauromi tnmb5r Merchant, yard corner of Queen third floor, over the office of Messrs. C. A. A H. F. Poor, FOURi. ts Down, down, in the mthomleas deen, and Nuuanu streets on The office on the second floor, directly over the Savings Bank. ACRES of well fenced Land, Dwelling Houe, and all other ne- across the Iabmns of Panama. Ibr the shipment f ss-i- runcnaru premises. 1--tf cessary trees-Peac- hes, tutfBway far tboofht ye hare made, y UOTIOWEIlKaahnmana street, Honolulu, , . July The Cellar of the above building, capable of storage There is also a great variety of fruit Oil from the Pacific to the Cnited fltaass, and for sending on" A Oahu. of 1500 Apples, Apricot, Nectarine, Mulberry, SHIP CHANDLERS, parreis-- ' - . Cherry, Mango, fits and supplies from tbe United States to Panama. Orer maay a bright coral ateep. ( Possession given Immediately. Terms Quince, and a variety of native fruit, Coooanuts, etc. There are . The Railroad has been in regular and successful operation r loot marinera aleep c. n. moderate. Apply to on where 119-t- five fisb ponds premises, containing 20,000 transportation fraree A. P. EVERETT, levers; f- ." CHAS. BREWER, the about fish, of LAHAINA, S. I. more than two years, and Its rapacity for the 0er Lumber 2d. Ae.-ha- s and building St. 1-- tf one are use. The path tut tbe Uhtninj laid. COMMISSION materials,Fort Honolulu. Jy which fourth nt for The ponds are supplied by a every description of merchandise, inctadmg 00, Provisions, MERCHANT. never failing stream of mountain water. The land is all In good been fully tested. The attention of several Captain 4 anion's new block, Queen TO J street, Honolulu, H.f. HAWAIIAN' FLOUR LET. cultivation, and bounded with Shade Trees of every description A. whaleships has recently been turned to the sabiect of shlppiw The East and the Wert clap their hands COMPANY, WELL-FINISHE-D OILMAN CO. ARE 100-- tf A. P. EVERETT, Treasurer Agent. AMI TWO NEW. NEAT. adapted to this climate. I'erttona desirous ol purchasing, would tbeir oil from Panama to New York during the present sea5o. .; ahaU rejoice s REFERENCES. and Cottages, outbuildings now receiving their Rail-Roa- The Islea of the tea Av with complete, near the Method idt ao wen to can ana examine ui?e premises. , ... and tbe Panama d Company has asade arrangement tpeedeth to tur-dist- land, Messrs. Saxpsos A Tarraa, - Boston. Episcopal Church. Apply to Terms easy. Title fee simple. to afford every facility which may be required far the heersr Light AGENT 100-- tf ' E. D. Bkicbam A Co . FOR THE J. T. WATERH0USE. For particulars, Inquire of R. V. SPEIDEN, - FALL STOCK plislimeot of this Important object. A feet long, k While the past time listening stands ' Pier, 40 Ywrlt wT . , : the of which " Bctlbji, Kbits A Hill, Board UaderwrheN. ' On the premises . PER SHIPS , been built In the bay of Panama, to end Frelrld the coming ahall otter its voice. The undersigned cargoes Ughtors er vessels ii Till Honolulu, July 1, 1867. &3-- tf takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters, TO LET, Or A. J. CARTWRIGHT, Cars are ruu to receive from lj r " Ac--, 114-- " ' - St - that he has been duly appointed as Agent for the tf Honolulu. Harriet Jessie, alongside, and deliver the same alongalde of ressnle at Aspir- Wour to world ; COTTAGE AND PREMISES IN U , lines shall go forth the oaaa. a. nraor. wx. A. aldbicb. - m.nm wwu oi . nuerwriters. THE recently occupied by Dr. White. Tbe building Jlonntaiu Wave, walL Teasels of from 200 to SOOtonsean BsatlheFisr I Yoor words to the ends or the earth i Ac 1S,1F ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT. is 22 by 30 feet, with verandahs in frrait and rear, and pantry, ! safety, grounding in the mud at low water. BISHOP CO., Coffee Plantation for Sale Yonuc Greek, to and from Asplnwall are fastening brig, 1 Vji unfurled servants' house, cook house, bath house, and other outbuildings. The vessels the banner of Christ b Bankers. Uffice in the east corner of Makee'a Block on THE CELEBRATED . Major, Ball-Roa- On premises several very superior grape am Fannr longing to the d Company, and the Company Is are Kaahnmanu street. Ilon ilulu. AGENT FOR the are vines in full Mew Thererer the blue wares curled, THE bearing. Apply to X. AX and Srrea, pared to receive oil at Panama and deliver It tn Tor Will receire depos.U, discount first-cla-ra business paper, and J. EKHOUSE, Honolulu. yTrrcoMB of On the mors of millennial birth. LiverDOOl Underwriter A BlnpialiAn 100-- tf Or to DICKINSON, coffee plantation, mnder hroatali Bills of Looaos atMw sate sen so oouecons, 112-- tf 'I'M .M. - 1 . , mm . H. Lahaina. WHICH THEY OFFER' FOR SALE ON AS FAVORABLE i-- aiicou etc nml OH ""TS" n. AT HAN A LEI, KAUAI, eenU per gallon, if received at the Pier, and eight cents per go o " njiuy jiercnanta, snip owners. ' j -- up- TERMS AS ANY ESTABLISHMENT 09 THE ISLANDS." Irani ship's tackles, eharglBg f Vben about tut yoor white cliffs shall riog, K uw uo. ww recciTea uie appointment ol Is offered for sale. The Land of the Plantation comprises Ion if received in tbe harbor f 11. W. FIELD, AGENT at these Islands for LIVERPOOL TO LET. wards of A and has upon it Cwtfee the capacity of tbe casks, without allowing for wantage. T the UNDER 1050 errs, 60,000 A large assortment of - And fling every flag to the breese : ' Ship Cbaaallery, one-ba-lf pooad. Commisaion Merchant, llano)ui a, Oahu, gandwich Islands. WRITER'S ASSOCIATION. THE FOLLOWING OFFICES AND Trees, The land is well adapted to the cultivation of sugar Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Clothing, whalebone, one and eenU per This char.- swing 1--tf ROOMS, in the brick building, corner of Queen and by New York, tn cr. Aluft our proud Kagle shall By July ROBERT C. JANION. ne. The estate is unencumbered, and will be sold Fee Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoes, . eovers every expense from Panama to permission, he refers to Kaahumanu streets, generally known as the Makee At Simple Title. For full terms of inquire of oil is sent through Superintendent or Commercial Agert To the song ye exnltuigly sing particulars and sale, ! Crockery, Cordage. the tbe C. W. CaarwaioHT, President of Manufacturers' Insurance Authon building, via, t lW--tf , M.
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