L’CHAYIM www.JewishFederationLCC.org Vol. 41, No. 11 n July 2019 / 5779 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Our origin story 6 Our Community By Brian Simon, Federation President 7 Jewish Interest very superhero has an origin to start a High School in Israel pro- people 25 years old or younger to trav- story. Spiderman got bit by a gram, and they felt they needed a local el to Israel to participate in volunteer 8 Marketplace Eradioactive spider. Superman’s Federation to do that. So they started or educational programs. The Federa- father sent him to Earth from the planet one. The program sent both Jews and tion allocates 20% of its annual budget 11 Israel & the Jewish World Krypton. Barbra non-Jews to study in Israel. through the Jewish Agency for Israel 14 Commentary Streisand won a Once the Federation began, it (JAFI), the Joint Distribution Commit- 16 From the Bimah talent contest at a quickly grew and took on new dimen- tee (JDC) and the Ethiopian National gay nightclub in sions – dinner programs, a day camp, Project (ENP) to social service needs 18 Community Directory Greenwich Vil- a film festival and Jewish Family Ser- in Israel, as well as to support Part- 19 Focus on Youth lage. vices. We have sponsored scholarships nership Together (P2G) – our “living Our Jewish and SAT prep classes for high school bridge” relationship with the Hadera- 20 Organizations Federation has its students (both Jews and non-Jews). We Eiron Region in Israel. 22 Temple News own origin story. stopped short of building a traditional In the comics, origin stories help n Brian There had already Jewish Community Center. explain a character’s motivation, and Simon been a United The one constant has been sup- the hero grows over time as he or she Jewish Appeal effort in Lee County. Liz port for, and connection to Israel. The gains new responsibilities. In real life, Shevach and Sheila Laboda wanted Joseph Horowitz Travel Grant assists it works the same way. Senior Lunch Bunch update By Jodi Cohen, Senior Outreach & Food Pantry Coordinator 2 he senior luncheon started over from time to time. There The Jewish Federation’s three years ago as an opportu- is always a short program Annual Meeting Tnity for isolated Jewish seniors after the lunch. Previous to have a meal and be in community programs have included together. This free monthly event has talks from rabbis, a magi- transformed into cian, a slide show from an what I can only artist, and a speaker about describe as a safety. monthly simcha, The vibe is friendly a joyous occasion. and warm. From the mo- 3 The senior lun- ment you walk in and get Yom HaShoah Holocaust cheon has become your name tag, you are en- Remembrance Program a festive gathering veloped in the communi- for people who ty. We try to assign “lunch n Jodi Cohen have just moved buddies” to those who are to town, feel like spending time with attending the lunch for other Jewish seniors, are isolated; and the first time. Volunteers for people who want to volunteer by are available to get food driving someone to the lunch, bringing and drinks for those who dessert, helping with set up and clean need assistance. It is very up, and who want to visit with seniors fraylach. I keep expect- 5 during the lunch. ing someone to get up and Israel Scouts rock Fort Myers Lunches rotate between syna- start dancing the hora at at Temple Beth El gogues and senior living facilities in some point. and around Fort Myers and Cape Cor- If you would like to al. Jason’s Deli is our main community attend the lunch or volun- partner, providing delicious sandwich- teer, please contact me at es, soups and desserts. We have pizza [email protected] or 239.481.4449 x2. 11 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis plants roots in Israel Have an item you’d like to share? Need to reach the editor of L’CHAYIM? NEXT SENIOR LUNCH BUNCH: Send an email to Thursday, July 18 at 12:30 p.m. LChayim36@ Amavida Senior Living, 7650 Gladiolus Dr., Fort Myers RSVP by Friday, July 12 to gmail.com. Jodi Cohen at 239.481.4449 x2 or [email protected] 9701 Commerce Center Court POSTMASTER: NONPROFIT ORG Fort Myers, Florida 33908 DATED RELIGIOUS U.S. POSTAGE VISIT THE FEDERATION ONLINE AT: NEWS ITEMS. PAID TIME SENSITIVE– FT. MYERS, FL PLEASE EXPEDITE! PERMIT NO. 175 DELIVER TO CURRENT RESIDENT OR www. JewishFederationLCC.org social service philanthropy culture L'CHAYIM JULY 2019 2 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties OUR FEDERATION Program notes To donate to By Debbie Sanford, Program Director By Jodi Cohen, Senior Outreach & Food Pantry Coordinator ne Wednesday in May, a cli- n May, the Jewish Federation held its Annual Yom HaShoah Holocaust Remembrance Program ent called about coming to the Meeting at FineMark Bank (see photos below). Thank you to our partner, Temple Judea, for hosting food pantry, but said that first the Federation’s Just a day before Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel Inde- the Annual Yom HaShoah Holocaust Remembrance I heO had to figure out if he had enough pendence Day, the Federation went all out to cele- Program on April 28. Jewish organizations and indi- gas to get here and back. I told him that brate Israel’s birthday. With Is- viduals from all over came to commemorate and hon- if he could make it raeli music and delicious food, or the six-million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Annual Campaign, to the Federation, guests also had the pleasure of This year we were very fortunate to have with us I’d be able to give viewing a new short film by as a guest speaker, Holocaust survivor Renee Bed- him a gift card for Oscar-winning director Guy douk, a hidden child from France. Renee told the call 239.481.4449 gas. I gave him Nativ. audience how her family paid for a safe passage for the card as soon A new slate of Board of Di- her to live with a non-Jewish family for a few years. as he arrived and rectors was introduced, and we They saved her life and she would later build a rela- or visit he threw his arms welcomed new board member tionship with them. Both of Renee’s parents perished, around me and n Robert Thomas. Brian Simon, but Renee was fortunate to have connected with other Debbie cried. While his JewishFederationLCC.org Sanford Federation President, welcomed family members over the years. Renee was married disability claim has been approved, guests and remarked on a great year of programming, and enjoyed a wonderful life, most of it spent in New payment hasn’t started. He’s been out thanked the hard-working Federation staff and execu- York. of work for a few months, and has gone tive director, and gave a preview of what the future The event (see photos on next page) concluded through his savings. While wiping his holds for the Jewish Federation. with a candle lighting ceremony and the beauti- OUR MISSION eyes he said, “You have no idea how Special thanks to FineMark Bank for your hos- ful voices of the Temple Beth Shalom’s adult choir. much this helps.” To strengthen and enrich the Jewish pitality and talented chef Jill for the delicious falafel Thank you to all who contributed to the program. One food pantry client who comes Community by providing and supporting and Israeli treats. philanthropic, educational and social every month said, “My brother died service programs locally, in Israel and quick. Thank you for this food because throughout the world. Federation’s Annual Meeting now I am feeding his kids too.” People on fixed incomes struggle OUR VISION when rent or the cost of medicine in- creases. One client who hadn’t been to A Jewish Community that is based on the pantry in months came in recently, Jewish values such as Tzedakah (benevolence), Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and K’lal Yisrael (taking responsibility for one another). L’CHAYIM Federation board members: Robert Thomas, Karin Fine, President Brian Simon, Michele Laboda, Barbara Siegel, Sara Krivisky, Jewish news published monthly by Sylvia Simko, Rozzi Osterman, Marsha Kistler, Jerry Greenfield and Andi Horowitz (photos courtesy Naomi Thompson) Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties 9701 Commerce Center Court, Fort Myers, FL 33908 (239) 481-4449 • Fax: (239) 481-0139 Online at www.JewishFederationLCC.org n July 2019 • Volume 41, Number 11 n President: Brian Simon Board: Paul Bartrop • Karen Fine • Carolyn Gora Jerry Greenfield • Andi Horowitz Linda Idelson • Marsha Kistler • Sara Krivisky Michele Laboda • Rozzi Osterman • Barbara Siegel Sylvia Simko • Robert Thomas • Sherri Zucker Executive Director: Alan Isaacs Guest Speaker Renee Beddouk Program Director: Debbie Sanford Executive Assistant: Lori Ramos Jewish Family Services: Jodi Cohen n Editor/Designer: Ted Epstein (239) 249-0699 Advertising: Jim Lewin (239) 634-6923 n L’CHAYIM invites correspondence on subjects of interest to Jewish people. Partisan political opinions will not be published, but opinions on subjects affecting the Jewish community are welcome. All inquiries regarding copy for L’CHAYIM should be Mindi and Brian Simon Betty Rubinstein and Barbara Siegel directed to the editor. All news material must be very clearly printed or typed (not in all-capital letters) and double-spaced. Electronic submissions encouraged. The editor reserves the right to edit for space and content. Photographs should be clear, black-and-white or color prints. If you wish a photograph returned, include a stamped, self-addressed envelope of appropriate size. The Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties disclaims responsibility or endorsement of the views expressed by the writers and claims by advertisers.
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