May 23, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 10 13781 Ms. Deborah Cohn is a graduate of The tiles, centuries before Christ. The presence of Jewish community almost vanished during American University and George Mason Uni- Jewish community in Thessaloniki, the cap- the German occupation of Greece? versity School of Law. She began her career ital of Macedonia, goes back to the 2nd cen- The unique historic perspective of the Jew- tury B.C. ish people guarantees that the issue of Mac- at the USPTO in 1983 as a trademark exam- The most important sites of Christianity edonia is well understood. After all, one of ining attorney, was promoted to senior attor- in the Holy Land are under the supervision the most ancient and flourishing Greek-Jew- ney and then managing attorney, and then of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate. It is a ish communities is in Thessaloniki. Jews joined the Senior Executive Service as a unique and the most ancient surviving insti- from Macedonia who after WW II emigrated Trademark Law Office Director in 2001. Ms. tution on earth. to Israel or the U.S. are proud for their Cohn was named Deputy Commissioner for Over the years, Greece has forged strong Greek inheritance. Trademark Operations in 2005 whereby she ties with Israel. Bilateral relations are at a History transcends national borders. It be- longs to all of us. Political differences can- currently oversees the examination and proc- very good level. Political, economic and cul- tural relations have gained their own dy- not justify the distortion of history in any essing of applications throughout the trade- namic. form. Greeks and Jews understand that. mark operation and works with other USPTO (B) HOLOCAUST f business units in achieving agency goals. Throughout her legal career at the USPTO, During the Second World War, Greek Jews IN HONOR AND MEMORY OF ARMY shared the fate of their fellow Jews all over Ms. Cohn has been involved in work-life im- the continent in the hands of the Third SERGEANT CASEY W. NASH provement initiatives. She is a former Council Reich. of Excellence in Government fellow where she According to the Central Board of Jewish HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER first began developing the TWAH program. Communities in Greece: ‘‘When, during the OF MARYLAND Ms. Cohn is a sought after resource, speaker, German occupation, the hateful campaign IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES against the Jews started, their Christian and expert on the development and manage- Wednesday, May 23, 2007 ment of telework programs. compatriots showed compassion and soli- I ask my colleagues to join me in com- darity.’’ Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Madam Speaker, I Archbishop of Greece Damaskinos de- memorating Ms. Cohn’s efforts in making the rise before you today to honor Army Sergeant clared: ‘‘We are all Jews.’’ He filed to the Casey W. Nash, who died the eighteenth of USPTO’s telework program the most success- German Authorities 2 petitions asking them ful program within the Federal Government. I to stop the persecution of the Jews. The peti- May two-thousand seven in support of Oper- also ask my colleagues to join me in cele- tions were undersigned by 29 leading cultural ation Iraqi Freedom. brating the 10th anniversary of the Trademark institutions and professional bodies of the Sergeant Nash and two other soldiers were Work at Home program. country, including the Academy of Athens. killed by an improvised explosive device in Many ordinary Greeks in rural Greece and Tahrir, Iraq. He died of serious injuries when f big cities risked their lives and the lives of the roadside-improvised explosive device det- CONGRATULATING THE AMBAS- their families by sheltering Greek Jews. onated near his unit. Sergeant Nash enlisted SADOR OF GREECE TO THE Fortunately, the decimated Greek Jewish in the Army in February 2003, shortly after UNITED STATES, MR. community with the assistance of the state graduating from Eastern Technical High and energized by its unique spiritual inherit- ALEXANDROS MALLIAS ance survived the massacre of the Holocaust. School, where he played football. Casey was Today the Greek Jews have reclaimed their assigned to the 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry HON. SHELLEY BERKLEY rightful position among the most dynamic Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st OF NEVADA and progressive segments of the Greek soci- Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, Texas. Casey ety. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES served as a fire support specialist and his du- The message of the Holocaust: Never ties included mapping coordinates and driving Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Again. a Humvee. He was serving his second tour of Ms. BERKLEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to (C) INDICATIVE MEASURES ADOPTED BY THE duty in Iraq. congratulate the Ambassador of Greece to the GREEK STATE. Casey Nash was born in Pasadena, Texas, United States, Mr. Alexandros Mallias, who First post World War II Greek Government and moved to Middle River, Maryland with his was recently honored by the B’nai B’rith Inter- was the first among European countries to family when he was a child. He attended Vic- national Center for Jewish Culture for his com- pass legislation for the restitution of the tory Villa Elementary School and Middle River property confiscated by the German occupa- mitment to advancing Jewish-Greek relations. tion Forces. Unclaimed property did not re- Middle School before attending Eastern Tech- As part of its ‘‘Odyssey of the Jews of vert to the state but was given to the Jewish nical High School. Casey moved to Essex, Greece’’ series of cultural events, B’nai B’rith Community. Maryland with his mother, Sandra Nash, and International recognized the efforts of Ambas- Designation by Law 3218/2004 of the 27th of his sister while he was in high school. sador Mallias in working with American Jewish January as the day of Remembrance of the The Eastern Technical High School alumnus organizations to promote a closer relationship Holocaust. Legislation was praised by many is succeeded by his father, Lewis Nash, his between Greece and Israel. B’nai B’rith Exec- members of the U.S. Congress. mother, Ms. Sandra L. Nash, his sister, Sara utive Vice President Dan Mariaschin ex- Greece became a full member of the Task Nash, and many family members in Middle Force for International Cooperation on Holo- pressed the organization’s gratitude to Ambas- caust Education, Remembrance and Re- River and Essex, Maryland. sador Mallias and highlighted the long history search (Cracow Session 12–18 November 2005). Madam Speaker, today I ask that you join of the Jewish people in Greece. Memorials have been erected in many cit- with me in honoring the life of a man truly On a personal note, my own family was part ies throughout Greece. dedicated to serving his Country. of that history. My great grandparents and ma- Public TV often shows documentaries and f ternal grandmother emigrated from Greece to historical series on the Holocaust. PERSONAL EXPLANATION the United States, and many of those family Since school year 2005–2006, the Holocaust members they left behind in the Jewish com- is included in the curriculum of the third grade Lyceum (age 17–18 years old) entitled HON. JOHN B. LARSON munity of Thessaloniki perished at the hands ‘‘War crimes—the Holocaust’’ and students OF CONNECTICUT of the Nazis during the Holocaust. are tested at the end of the school year. I would like to congratulate Ambassador An extensive revision of textbooks is being IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mallias, and insert his remarks into the undertaken by the Pedagogical Institute. A Wednesday, May 23, 2007 RECORD. new textbook and teachers’ guidelines will Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Madam be issued next year. Textbooks of primary (A) RELATIONS BETWEEN GREEKS AND JEWS Speaker, I regret that I did not vote on rollcall THROUGH THE CENTURIES and secondary education are also being re- vised. vote No. 400, on May 22, 2007. Had I been Greeks and Jews are connected by history, (D) HISTORIC PERSPECTIVE present, I would have voted: ‘‘Yea’’ on rollcall geography, monotheistic religions, philos- No. 400 on the motion to suspend the rules ophy, trade, social sciences, arts. Greece has firmly condemned pronounce- The two peoples have been interacting ments by the Iranian President calling for and pass H.R. 2399, to amend the Immigra- since the beginning of recorded history. Israel to be wiped-off the map and denying tion and Nationality Act to combat the crime of There is recorded presence of Jews in the the indisputable fact of the Holocaust. How alien smuggling and related activities and for Greek world, what Jews first named Gen- would anyone deny this fact when the Greek- other purposes. VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:57 May 18, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E23MY7.000 E23MY7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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