SERVtNG METUCHEN, EDISON AND HIGHLAND PARK BULK U S POSTAGE PAID BRUNSWICKEAST N J osai6 PERMIT NO 34 KEIUCliEN ^ 0 BHARY 4 B 0 .-i \ ij .< J L METJCHE’^ R£C. NOVEMBER 27. 1985 VOLUME 92 NUMBER 48 University Y project to host marks 12th Sym phony anniversary Hungarian group Countywide sites to present concert provide meals in gymnasium for senior citizens The YWCA’s Nutrition Project for the The Hungarian State Symphony, consid­ Elderly will celebrate its 12th year of opera­ ered the world’s leading exponent of Hun­ tion on Tuesday. garian orchestral music, will appear in con­ Since it began as a program of the YWCA cert at Rutgers University Thursday at 8 of Central Jersey in 1973, the project has p.m. in the College Avenue gymnasium. grown from its original site at the Y to in­ Conducted by Adam Fischer, the sym­ clude seven other countywidc sites. They phony will perform “Dances of Galanta” are located in Carteret. Dunellcn. Edison, and Suite from “Hary Janos,” both by Zol- Helmctta, Perth Amboy and Sayreville. tan Kodaly; Suite from “The Miraculous Kosher meals are provided in Highland Mandarin” by Bela Bartok; and “Hungarian Park for participantds from throughout the Fantasy” for piano and orchestra by Franz county. Liszt, with Jeno Jando as soloist. CONGRATULATIONS The project provides for hot, nutritious This is the symphony’s first visit to North mid-day meals to residents 60 years old or America since 1973. It has toured Japan, the Naval Station New York photographer Ed Van Eckert of Metuchen (R), receives older, five days a week, at all the sites. In Soviet Union and throughout Europe. The the Navy Achievement Medal from Capt. George E. Pierce, Naval Station Com­ addition, meals are served every Sunday at orchestra was founded in 1923 as the Buda- manding Officer in a recent ceremony in t he CD’s office. Van Eckert, a former the Y’s facility in New Brunswick at 51 Liv­ "pest Municipal Orchestra and flounshed ingston Ave. until World War II. It was reorganized in Navy Petty Officer is a member of the 77th Army Reserve Command. 1949 under the new name of Hungarian Most of the participants are either trans­ State Symphony. ported to the sues by Y staffers or use their own transportation. About 15 percent, who Fischer, music director of the noted Frei­ because of health reasons are unable to trav­ burg Theater in West Germany, studied at Weightlifters earn trophies el to a site, are served meals at home. the Bela Bartok Conservatory in Budapest METUCHEN — Mark Barbiche was Dennis Burke, first place; Jim Papernic, “We offer our participants a wide range and the Vienna Academy of Music. of support and referral services,” said Direc­ He has been principal guest conductor of winner of Best Overall in the Metuchen-Ed- second place and Bill Minaeff, third place. ison YMCA’s second annual Bench Press tor Susan Waite, “such as health counseling, the Helsinki National Opera House, assis­ free dental and cancer screening. tant conductor of the Helsinki Philharmon­ Competition for men and women. In Weight Class 198 — Mark Barbiche, first place; Joe Passalaque, second place and “We also help them unravel bureaucratic ic, and chief conductor of the Karlsruhe Op­ red tape regarding Social Security and other era House in West Germany. Other winners were: Womens Female Ralph Ferrera, third place; Weight Class Open — Rosetta Wisdom, first place; 220 — Doug Gumerlock, first place; Pat problems they might have.” In the United States, he has recently con­ She noted that for many people the pro­ ducted the Boston, Chicago and Cincinnati Michele Williams, second place; Weight Drum, second place and Jose Nogueras, Class 123 — Harry Schaeffer, first place; third place; Weight Class 242 — Pablo Or­ ject is the main support system outside the symphonies, the Cleveland Orchestra, the family. “People come to the sites for social­ San Francisco Opera and the Lyric Opera of Pete Ziemba, second place. tiz, first place; Dennis Vaccaro, second place; and Rocco Lania, third place. ization as much as for the meals,” she Chicago. added. Tickets range from $7 to $15, with dis­ In Weight Class 148 — Richard James, first place; John Cupo, second place and In Super Heavy Weight — Bill Halem, The project coordinates its informational, counts for senior citizens, Rutgers alumni, referral and supportive services with other students, faculty and staff. Tickets are avail­ Patrick Barry, third place; Weight Class first place; A1 Dobolo, second place; and 165 — Joe Innamorato and Joe Zajac, first Craig Gadek, third place; Masters Class — senior citizen programs and agencies in the able from the Concert Box Office, Rutgers county. The project also employs a staff nu­ University Arts Services, 358 George St., place tie; Paul Billero, second place; Lauro Ernest Rossi, first place and Bill Krause, Perez, third place; Weight Class 181 — second place, 225. tritionist who conducts nutrition workshops New Brunswick, or call 932-7511 between with the participants and developcs the me­ 12:30 and 4 p.m. through Friday. Tickets nus. will also be sold at the door. Anyone who is 60 years old or older is Holiday decorating contest set eligible to partiepate. For further informa­ Marchers to line up METUCHEN — The Metuchen Organi­ egories; best doorway; best window; bright­ tion, call Ms. Waite at 828-4707. METUCHEN — The 33rd annual zation of Women, along with the Metuchen est; most beautiful; and most outstanding. Christmas Parade, sponsored by the Metu- Chamber of Commerce, will again sponsor New chapter forms a holiday home decorating contest. Deadline for entries is on or before Dec. 24. chen Area Chamber of Commerce, will get A professional women’s chapter of B’nai under way at 1 p.m. Sunday. Grand marshal The contest is open to all borough resi­ The organization will also sponsor a com­ B’rith Women will be formed in the New will be David Belowich of Seldow’s. Rain dents and will be judged on the evening of mercial category this year. Businesses will Brunswick-Highland Park area. The chap­ date is Dec. 8. Dec. 26 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. ter, which will be geared to the interests of be judged on Dec. 19 and those to be includ­ Prizes and trophies will be awarded to the professional, working Jewish woman, groups and individuals, and band awards Residents interested in entering the con­ ed should notify the organization by Dec. will meet Tuesday at a member’s home. will be determined by professional judges. test should send their name, address and 17. With 60 chapters and almost 10,000 phone number to the Metuchen Organiza­ members of New Jersey, B’nai B’rith Wom­ Appearing in the parade will be Mary tion of Women, 25 Qarendon Court. Matas, winner of the annual Miss Merry For further information about the deco­ en has an active public affairs pre^ram, par­ Christmas contest conducted by the C of C. Homes will be judged in one of five cat­ rating contests, call 549-4859. ticipates in many local community service Appearing with her will be Amy De Maria, projects and raises funds in support of the Adrienne Hall, Doris Leaf and Tracy Pfir- Preschoolers will perform Hanukkan songs Anti-Defamation League, Hillel Founda­ rman. tions on college campuses, the B’nai B’rith EDISON — Children in the Jewish school. Music specialist Gail Barcun, who Youth Organization and the B’nai B’rith Santa also will make his appearance, on a Community Center of Middlesex County’s has worked with the preschoolers since Oc­ Women’s Children’s Home in Israel, a resi­ float prepared by the Metuchen Volunteer preschool program will perform a selection tober using instruments, creative dance dential center for emotionally disturbed Fire Department. He will be on hand to of Hanukkah songs at the J.C. Penney/ techniques and creative movement, will ac­ boys. distribute gifts at Borough Hall after the pa­ Hahne’s wing of Woodbridge Center Dec. 4 company the children. rade. Those interested in attending the meeting at 2 p.m. or in obtaining further information, may For further information, call the chamber The musical selections offered are part of For further information, call Preschool call 246-2711 or 828-0625, evenings; or 779- office at 548-2964. the ongoing music program at the JCC pre­ Director Iris Baumgarten at 494-3232. 8881,days. cc UJ o cc o THE COMPLETE MINIATURE MERCHANT 0 NOVELT’S MEN’S aOTHING "EXPRESSLY" FOR YOU Ul AT DISCOUNTED PRICES cc CUSTOM IRON-ONS A LETTERING s 01 MEN 6 BOYS' HANES® UNDERWEAR T SHIRTS MEN'S SHIRTS MINI K BOYS' SHIRTS CM SWEATSHIRTS cc MEN & BOYS' CASUAL WEAR tu SWEATPANTS MEN 0 BOYS' A a iV E SWEAT WEAR (LOCATED IN FOOD PLAZA) CD 2 CUSTOM RHINESTONE UJ DESIGNS & LETTERING • DOLLS • DOLLHOUSES • FURNITURE o> 238-9495 z • ACCESSORIES • WALLPAPER OFF WITH THIS AD N 0 0 The "Only" Place in the Market UNTIL DEC. 15th • COMPLETE LUMBER YARD • KITS far Mens & Days Clothing. PICCADILLY SQUARE • BUILDING SUPPLIES • HARDWARE NEAR FRONT ENTRANCE Located in "The M arket on Kings Highway" • ELECTRICAL • WALLPAPER Deluxe 5 Piece 30% off Drum Set $ A Q Q OAK! OAK! OAK! Reg.»749 N O W ^ ^ 5 7 5 1 1985 Styles or »5 Down •19 per mo. 6 beautiful SUMAR (inlehas to chooee (rom JEWELRY VISA MASTER ENGAGEMENT AMERICAN EXPRESS i ^ I P ^ > CARDS WELCOME RING S from «99 Choose your own diamond from a selection of Solid Ook Table solitaires, pear shapes and marquises in 14kt ★ includes 2 -1 2 ” leaves gold modern settings.
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