a project of www.Chabad.org Vayeira 5763 (2002) G-d Revealed Himself to You, How'd You Comment Know It's Him? You're sitting in your room and meditating when you hear a voice. Is it the real thing? Is it another Said the Divine Attribute of of your roommate's pranks? Or just your imagi- nation running wild? How to know? Chessed (love): "As long as Abraham was around, there was Nine, Eleven and Ten nothing for me to do, for he did Essay Where have I heard the numbers 9/11 before? Then my work in my stead." it comes to me. In Sefer Yetzirah, the oldest . Kabbalistic text, a cryptic phrase states: Ten sefirot (Sefer HaBahir) of nothingness; ten and not nine, ten and not eleven People Knocking on my Door Question The mezuzah on our front door seems to act as a beacon that draws charity-seeking individuals to our door at all hours of the evening and night. Frankly, we are considering removing it! Story The Probelm One day, a rich and learned Jew came to one of the great European centers of Torah learning to search for a fitting match for his wise, pious and The Doctor beautiful daughter Why do we go to a doctor? Does a doctor give life? We The Feet We go to the doctor because Inner One way to treat what ails the soul is through the we need to repair not just our head -- talking through the problem. Many are now souls, not just our bodies, but our Dimensions realizing, however, that starting at the other end of world as well. We have made a the body might be equally if not more effective sefirot of nothingness; ten and not nine, ten and not world that brings sickness. That same world must now bring life. Vayeira — Genesis 18:1-22:24 Parsha G-d visits the sick, disguised angels eat bread and meat, Sodom is overturned, Lot gets drunk, Sarah laughs and gives birth, a truce is sworn over seven sheep and a well, and a father and son meet the ultimate test of faith on a Jerusalem mountaintop For more information or to subscribe new material to one of our many insipiring added daily! periodicals log on to: www.Chabad.org This magazine contains sacred Torah material. Please do not discard. www.Chabad.org Comment Divine Throne... and gazing upon the divine wis- dom... the divine spirit will come to rest upon him...” If G-d Revealed (Mishneh Torah, Laws of the Fundamentals of Torah 7:1). Himself to You, Actually, the Chassidic masters maintain that every Divine revelation does come out of the blue — How'd You Know simply because it utterly transcends whatever “preparations” for it are made by the finite human It's Him? mind and heart. Still, in order for that “out of the blue” to happen, the recipient of the revelation must first attain his or her utmost potential. You’re sitting in your room and meditating when you hear a voice (voice? vibe? thought wave?) say- 2) You’re told to do something. As a rule, when G- ing, “Hi there! This is G-d. I’ve come to reveal d speaks to people it is to give them a task. And Myself to you!” chances are that it’ll be a very, very difficult task. G- d appeared to Abraham to tell him to “go from your Is it the real thing? Is it another of your room- land, your birthplace, and your father’s house” and mate’s pranks? Or just your imagination running found the Jewish people — a task that required him wild? How to know? “to be on one side, with the entire world on the other Let me say from the onset that G-d never revealed side.” Moses’ vision at the burning bush was to send Himself to me, at least not quite that way. So I’m not him to take the Children of Israel out of Egypt and much of an authority on how to tell the real thing. lead them through the wilderness to the Promised All I can do is look at the numerous Divine revela- Land (Moses had the sense to turn down the job, and tions reported in the Torah and try to glean some it took G-d seven days and seven nights of pleading general pointers. and threatening to get him to accept it). The Prophets 1) It usually doesn’t come out of the blue. were spoken to so that they should take their very Abraham first heard from G-d after 72 years of unpopular message to the people — a task that searching for the truth, finding it, devoting his life to entailed the risk, and even the forfeit, of their lives. it, and teaching it to the world. Moses first saw G-d The revelation at Sinai was to give us the Torah — at age 80 — that is, after 80 years of being Moses. with its 613 commandments, thousands of by-laws And the greatest Divine revelation of all time (that’s and directives, and millions of pages of (still grow- the one I was at, but I only have a hazy memory of ing!) commentary. it), at which G-d revealed Himself on a mountaintop [A notable exception seems to be the Divine rev- in the presence of the entire people of Israel and the elation to Abraham recorded at the beginning of the souls of all future generations — that came after 220 Parshah of Vayeira (Genesis 18:1): the Torah simply years of G-dly living by the Patriarchs, 210 years of relates that “G-d revealed Himself to him” without refinement in the “smelting pit” of Egyptian exile, stating the purpose of the visit. But our sages are and an intense 49-step process of spiritual advance- quick to find numerous directives and instructions to ment by the people during the seven weeks from the be learned from G-d’s visit, from the duty to visit the Exodus to Sinai. sick (Abraham was recuperating from his circumci- In the words of Maimonides: “Prophesy comes sion) to the greatness of hospitality (Abraham inter- only to a sage great in wisdom and powerful in char- rupted the visit to rush out and offer food and rest to acter; one whose desires never overpower him but three passing Bedouin).] rather always exercises the power of his mind over In any case, in all the recorded cases of Divine his desires; and is possessive of an intellect that is revelation, the person seems to have known that it broad and true. A person who possesses all these was G-d. So I guess that means that if you’re not attributes, and who is whole in body, who enters into sure it is, then it’s probably not. the orchard of divine wisdom... sanctifies himself, Yanki Tauber, [email protected] is content editor and removes himself from the ways of the masses of Chabad.org who follow the frivolities of the times... and whose mind is forever directed Above, focused upon the Comment | Essay | Question | Story | Inner Dimensions | Parsha | Week at Glance 22 www.Chabad.org Essay the indispensable nature and inalienable rights of Nine, Eleven and every human being on earth, by virtue of our con- nection to G-d, who chose each of us to fulfill our Ten unique mission. And it is this Divine ingredient — the dignity of Malchut — that was missing from the demonically distorted religious beliefs of the attackers. Love of G-d is one with love of all people, if for no other rea- son than their being reflections of the Divine Image. 9/11. Nine Eleven. September 11. One can have an elaborate structure of all nine Ruminating on the first anniversary of Tuesday elements — a complete intellectual and emotional September 11, feeling the grief and trauma of my system — but if you are missing the tenth dimen- fellow New Yorkers as they and thousands of visi- sion, Malchut, everything is compromised. tors solemnly gathered at Ground Zero, something Malchut also represents the Divine presence with- rings a bell. Where have I heard the numbers nine in nature and all of existence. At the pinnacle of Yom and eleven before? It then comes to me. In the Sefer Kippur — the conclusion of the Ne’ilah prayer — Yetzirah (Book of Formation), the oldest Kabbalistic we declare that G-d is One and we repeat seven text, attributed to the patriarch Abraham, a cryptic times that “HaVaYaH hu ha’Elokim” — G-d that phrase states: “Ten sefirot of nothingness; ten and transcends all of existence is one with the G-dliness not nine, ten and not eleven.” within all of existence. The ten sefirot (divine attributes) are the basic Religion that believes in a G-d in Heaven but for- building blocks — the spiritual DNA — of all of gets about G-d’s presence on Earth (ten minus one existence. Exactly ten. Not nine, not eleven. Exactly — nine), or annihilates life on Earth (ten plus one — ten, not more, not less. Precision is critical to all sys- eleven), will be fundamentally bankrupt. tems. One missing or extra point in a computer pro- gram, one deficient or additional cell, can wreak 9/11 — and all the events of the past year — devastating havoc. remind us that science, politics, economy, every one of our systems, must include the tenth dimension, 9/11 is a day that shook up our entire system, a Malchut, for us to survive.
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