SOCIAL REPORT 2015 1 Embrapa's 2015 Social Report 1) Calculation basis 2015 (R$) 2014 (R$) 1.1) Net Operating Revenue (NR) * 2,911,471,047.52 2,777,242,612.59 1.2) Operating Incomet (OI) (456,683,936.12) (37,115,761.50) 1.3) Gross Payroll (GP) 1,686,938,544.16 1,511,291,445.38 1.4) Independent Contractors 65,751,262.75 62,298,644.03 Amount % of Amount % of 2) Labor indicators (R$) GP NR* (R$) GP NR* 2.1) Meals/Meal vouchers 103,841,467.05 6.16 3.57 98,956,213.63 6.55 3.56 2.2) Compulsory Payroll Taxes 465,299,440.33 27.58 15.98 404,368,761.44 26.76 14.56 2.3) Private Pension Plan 113,019,694.95 6.70 3.88 99,339,744.47 6.57 3.58 2.4) Occupational Welfare, Health, and Safety 50,834,590.92 3.01 1.75 44,648,438.37 2.95 1.61 2.5) Professional Education and Training 134,679,574.13 7.98 4.63 123,992,784.39 8.20 4.46 2.6) Daycare centers or allowances 9,491,683.29 0.56 0.33 8,577,324.00 0.57 0.31 2.7) Other Benefits 27,547,724.60 1.63 0.95 26,069,898.36 1.73 0.94 Total Labor Indicators 904,714,175.27 53.63 31.07 805,953,164.66 53.33 29.02 Amount % of Amount % of 3) Social Indicators (R$) GP NR* (R$) GP NR* 3.1) Taxes (excluding Payroll Taxes) 7,168,129.18 0.42 0.25 4,335,099.89 0.29 0.16 Total Social Indicators 7,168,129.18 0.42 0.25 4,335,099.89 0.29 0.16 4) Technologies Developed and Transferred to 25,967,537,330.37 1,539.33 891.90 22,882,846,832.53 1,514.13 823.94 Society 5) Social profit (2+3+4) 26,879,419,634.82 1,593.38 923.22 23,693,135,097.08 1,567.74 853.12 6) Staff Indicators 2015 2014 6.1) Number of Employees at the End of the Period 9,733 9,818 6.2) Number of Admissions during the Period 5 124 6.3) Number of Interns and Junior Apprentices 8,682 9,952 6.4) Number of Employees over 45 Years of Age 5,994 5,801 6.5) Number of Women who Work in the Corporation 2,948 2,969 6.6) Percentage of Management Posts Held by Women 30.24% 30.99% 6.7) Number of Black Staff Members that Work in the 3,947 3,103 Corporation 6.8) Percentage of Management Posts held by Black 33.39% 24.11% Staff Members 6.9) Number of Employees with Disabilities 107 109 7) Relevant Information Regarding the Exercise of 2015 2014 Corporate Citizenship 7.1) Ratio Between the Highest and the Lowest 16.2 15.4 Remuneration in the Corporation 7.2) Total Number of Occupational Accidents 98 175 7.3) Actions of Relevant Social Interest ** 1,056 1,151 Type of Action 7.4) Number of new jobs generated in the year by the 71,787 66,255 Technologies Developed and Transferred to Society 7.5) Percentage of Actions of Relevant Social Interest 34.74% 49.26% that promote gender and/or racial equality 7.6) Social and environmental projects are defined by ( ) Directors ( ) Employees ( ) Beneficiaries ( x ) Directors, Employees, and Beneficiaries 7.7) Health and safety standards in the work ( x ) Directors and ( ) All employees and the IAPC (Internal Accident Prevention ( ) Directors environment are defined by managers Committee) ( ) Directors and 7.8) The private pension plan includes ( ) Directors ( x ) All employees managers 7.9) As for employee participation in volunteer work ( ) does not get (x) supports ( ) organizes and encourages it schemes, the Corporation involved it 8) Notes 8.1) Embrapa does not share profits or income. It is a Public Corporation whose capital stock belongs entirely to the Brazilian Government Union. Embrapa does not employ child or slave labor, has no involvement with prostitution or sexual exploitation of children or teenagers, and is not involved with corruption. The Corporation values and respects internal and external diversity. 8.2) In spite of operational accounting losses, important benefits were supplied to society, as shown in sections “Labor Indicators”, “Social Indicators” and “Technologies Developed and Transferred to Society”. Such benefits are expressed by the total Social Profit of R$ 23,693,135,097.08 in 2014, and of R$ 26,879,419,634.82 in 2015. 8.3) *Net Operating Revenue (NR) refers to revenue from sales and services; to operating revenue (transfers received, other operating revenue and partnerships); and to the result of revenue minus budgetary and extra-budgetary expenses, deducting any discounts, sales taxes and service taxes (ICMS and ISS), refunds, adjustments made on the gross revenue from sales and services, federal tax rectifications, and other fiscal deductions. 8.4) ** All the Actions of Relevant Social Interest are available on http://bs.sede.embrapa.br/2015/acoes/html/busca2015.html. Susy Darlen Barros da Penha - CRC/DF 007472/O-2 - CNPJ Embrapa 00.348.003/0001-10 The value of partnerships Recognized for its contribution to the devel- (Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira - PAB), and opment of tropical agriculture, Embrapa is an the excellent results from the Coffee Research institution that at every opportunity highlights Consortium. In the public policy arena, in addi- that the results it has achieved are largely tion to contributing with a rural basic sanitation due to the establishment of partnerships with system, Embrapa complemented this edition countless institutions. For instance, the imple- with participations in 44 partnerships at feder- mentation and modernization of Embrapa's in- al, state, and municipal levels. frastructure as well as the training for technical One should note that there are partner- staff in its first years of existence derive from ships established by Embrapa's research cen- agreements established with different national ters that have had the Corporation triple its sci- and international institutions that foster agricul- entific production in the last 15 years. Similarly, tural research. Moreover, the development of citations of the knowledge it has generated Brazilian agriculture is the product of a set of and published in the most renowned period- institutions that pledged to make Brazil a better icals of the scientific world have significantly country, a country that can provide food securi- grown. Embrapa today is among the top ten ty for itself and for other corners of the planet. institutions in Brazilian scientific production, In view of this joint effort, Brazil has be- thanks to partnerships of the highest relevance come the main world reference in research on with more than 2,000 national and international tropical agriculture. That has imprinted a strong public and private universities and institutions. conviction onto Embrapa: with regard to part- Results like those are compelling evidence nerships, the whole is always greater than its of the value of partnerships, but they are not re- parts. Embrapa is aware of its role in the de- stricted to the short-, medium-, and long-term velopment of projects and joint actions aimed economic, social, and environmental results at promoting social and economic welfare in presented in this publication. In addition to different regions of Brazil and of the world. The financial investments, partnerships create hu- results from such partnerships are embodied man, cultural, and institutional capital. Achieve- in the social actions and the success stories ments like those have turned Brazil into an im- depicted in this Social Report. This edition portant actor in the world scene, largely due to spotlights the Milk Network, the new seedless the success of its agriculture. They comprise table grapes, the eucalyptus genotyping chip, not only Embrapa, but also the partners with the family peach palm production system, the which the corporation has been sharing the ex- integrated agroecological production system, perience of attempting to make this planet a the Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Research better place to live. Embrapa's Executive Board 1 Essential impacts on Agricultural R&D Photo: Rui Faquini Agricultural research and development (R&D) strated that investing in technology really pays have a fundamental role in the promotion of off: the social profit/net revenue ratio in 2015 economic growth and food security in a coun- was 9.23. Even though it cannot be interpreted try. To a large extent, R&D implementation as a traditional cost/benefit relationship given stems from the elaboration of policy, whose the fact that the benefit derives from past in- results are increasingly more demanded by vestments, the relationship between the 2015 the State and by society. As for accountability, revenue and the social profit, in the context of the year of 2015 was very fruitful for Embrapa the Social Report, provides an indication of the and partners. As it can be concluded from the occurrence of returns to society. text that follows, a lot of work was carried out This return is even more evident when one towards providing Brazilian society and public considers the costs of generating the technol- managers with relevant data for decision-mak- ogies that have been monitored and evaluat- ing in agriculture. ed since 1997, the year the Social Report was Among the main results Embrapa achieved created, as opposed to the benefits they gen- in 2015 is the social profit of R$ 26.87 billion. erated. The different tables presented in this This figure was obtained from an assessment Social Report 2015 inform the internal rates of of the economic impacts of 104 technologies return for such investments, which averaged and of nearly 200 cultivars that were devel- 39.1%.
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