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MAY 1995 A Newsletter Published by th'e Journalism Department of Columbia College Grad Students Produce Cable Forum The graduate division of Chicago's involvement In Inter­ Jennifer Keiper covers the Columbia's j·department. which national business: \Valer Tower visitor center. She normally focuses on writing for Craven will take viewers on a will also be shooting at Navy prtnt, Is offertng a new t,vtsl to guided tour through the heart of Pier, now being renovated. which Its currtculum this year--a two Chlcago·s business district-­ will not only serve as a draw for semester broadcast joumallsm LaSalle St. tourists, but will also serve as a course teaching both broadcast Kale McLe!Jan's segment fo. convention and meellng facility. writing and production sklUs. cuses on the lntcmational Vlsi· All of the graduate students In conjunction with the lnter­ tors Center (IVC) and will an­ are producing and editing thel.r nallonal Visitors Center of Chi­ swer the queslton, "\Vhat brings own pieces and Shorr is respon­ cago and the Chicago Office of International visitors lo Chi­ sible for producing the intJ·o· Tourism. four j·department cago?· ductory segment. featuring graduate students and one j · McLellan. who also serves as Jayne Beu. executive director of department undergraduate slu· an Intern for Ch. 2·s Pam the IVC. and Marguerite Tully. ( dent are producing a half hour Zckman. will be Interviewing executive director of the Chi· forum on Chicago as an lnlema­ Tania Bell the visitor center's cago Office of Tourism. Shorr llonal attraction for tourism and coordinator. will also produce discussion seg­ business. The IVC of Chicago, adminis­ ments throughout the show ty· "The Idea was proposed as a tered by the United States lnfor­ ing all the pleces together as well way ofcreating an lntemshlp for matton Agency. Introduces for­ as ove1'Seeing the production of an undergraduate student.· says eign business. education. health the entire project. Steve Corman. director of broad­ and science professionals to the "This project will be good for cast joun1alism. The program United States and promotes everyone." says Conna.n. •An also offers graduate students an Chicago as a center of commerce undergrad gets an Internship opportunity to build an audition and learning. and the grad studentsget a tape." tape. Working on this report "helps --Don Woolf Senior Sally Shorr will pro­ students gain expertence," says duce the show, "Chicago: An McLellan. lntemational Gem," scheduled Peter Buors segment will fea­ for regular rotation on cable sta­ ture Chicago's arts and human!· tion Ch. 23 at the end of May. lies community. Inside ShorrwiU becoordinat!ngwith Buol. who has worked as a this issue grad students Kate McLellan. field producer fo r the Sports Peter Buol. Karen Craven and Channel. Is dividing his segment Jennifer Keiper. each of whom between exhibits at the Art In­ .,, Internships will produce segments highlight· stitute and a forum al the Goethe ing Chicago's attraction to for· Institute. eign visitors and businesses. ·working on this project has .,, Science Writing Craven iS covertng Chicago·s fi. been very worthwhile,· says nancial scene. Buol. "It's more like working ./ Freelancing (_ "My package ,vt!l begin with than going to school. The em­ the Chicago Board otrrade... says phasis Is on going out and cov­ Craven. "It's a symbol of ertng a story: New Chicago Arts & Communication Award ( When you were five. what do you remember doing? Playing and kindergarten were Just a couple of everyday activities aJob seeker,llke yourself: then. But Chicago Arts and Com· ~ ln,the newsr<l9Jll." • race or ethnicity munfcat!on Is different from a ~are~~are • SOcial/ econorhlc class typical five-year-old. For Its ~ !lkely to 11,gure prom!· • culture fifth birthday. the 1994 Issue ®P,!IY, In~j(IQ ~ for: an, •'native or ~tstatus of the J·department's magazine entry-level Jowi1allsrri job In was recently named regional 0hlcagQ. • civilian or mllitru:y stafus "Best All-Around Magazine· In :;r!ie ~W,~rds£;O.mn;tonly, • gender the Society of Professional e.llcll t ir,o, frust(afetl JTe• • sexual 11t1entat1on Journalists' annual awards. ' SJJ;Qnses ljy'job eeek'el'.!I, one: • manta! status The region compromises three '"D,tverslt:y- means f o ~tll • age states: Illinois, Indiana and males ~eed a'pp.ly:,'" ~e Kentucky. other: "Dtvers)~I I ffiou~t I • reltglo.n In early March. Georgine was req~ 1:0 ~ tll.11,t • ablll~/dlsabllity Panko. editor-In-chief. ac­ rm. the ~e as ev~ other • pol1uca1 phllosop.hy: cepted lhe award al a ceremony cand\date--,tliat ~'d 'ftt In.' • ~ ducatlonal baclcgrdund held In Indianapolis. "There Now !'Ve gdt to show in,: ldif. • i:ilace of reslde.!1ce were only two magazine awards .ferentl?'" In my'oplnlon, ea.cl! given: ours and 'Best Feature.' response Is a barrier to ef!ec­ • pastemployment/lifeslyle The rest of the awards were for tlvely marJceUOg '.)'oi.irse/f (o a newspapers. Panko says that ( hiring editor. or news dll:ec- STEREOTYPES entry Into the national , to,. competlton Is automatic. "fo get b\!Yond such barrt­ N)ltqlpate what s tereo­ .. Those awards wor1't be an­ ers, consider the fo~loMng ~es and <18$Ufl\'ptlons the nounced until summer... says app.roach. employer mlght make at 0.rst Magazine Director Don Gold. glance about who you.are and ·a·s the eighth prize we've SELF-KN0 WLEDGE where. you come from. De­ won so far and we·re not stop­ cide how you wlll'coUl'lter and ping.· Gold continues. Maklng dlverslt:)"aw~.­ cancel possible negatJ.ve or Besides the award from SPJ. ness work foryou starts with destructive assumptions. Chicago Arts and Communica­ self-knowledge about what 'Th.en, develop how you will tion is up for a Columbia Scho­ skills, ablfitles and ba<:k· encourage and supPQrt as­ lastic Press Association award. groundyoubringtolheparty. sumptions that l\elp deOne The 1994 issue made It to the Tn effect. y,ou've got to know yoururilqueness. lfyou t,:an.s­ ·medalist· level of the critical who you are anti where you late y,out unr9ue set of skills. evaluations and Is on to the come fmm, abU!Ues and bacl<ground ex­ Gold Circle Awards competi­ Take an Inventory of your pertences lnlo specific ben­ tion. says Gold. The evalua­ talents, eiq,ertences. connec­ eO\s to the employer, you tion of the magazine gave It tions. affiliations, Insights. Ukely will get a fau, Interview 999 points out of 1000. In the vtew:poln,t.~. environments-­ --or. perhaps, a Job on-er. past the J-department publica­ any aspect of yourse,lf t>iat ··hula Eulianb tion has won a Sliver Crown could enrtc,h t):le n,ewsroom award. or news product. Human Paula is the j·deparlm.ent's -- Chris Seibel resource prps commo/1,ly use ooreer advisor. Seek her outin the foJlowing ·aspects' to the Career Planning & Place· Identify what Is unique about menlOJ]lce. WabashSuitc300. 2 The Chronicle Issue "Read ll and weep· Is what some students and faculty do when they pick up the Cclwnbia Chronicle. In fact, accusations and complaints about the Chronicle range from shoddy grammarand editing to bad man­ agement. and some J-students refuse even to write for il. ·r think it's one of those things that you love to hate. If il wasn't there AS A Jans to you'd have nothing to bitch Student Aid ""- ~ .. - ... ;.<M, about: says Victoria Shertdan, --«.....-- . ...fw-.,........... ,loo,..... r.,-.-.-;s c.o , .. an editor of the Chronicle. "But , ... ...,,. .. ·-· ... 011•___•_·- ·~-·1, ,.. .........- " ....... 11,, V<.t •• 1:po .......: ~-.,-· .~.... - - _,.,-. ... ~ ,c. ll'sastudent newspaper and we're ,if, - ..... _ _ ~ -·'-'--"' still learning. and it's not going to ,.,,,~.,-·M<(- .,.,... ... ..,,....,A_ <-.-,-......."' ... ~---n..~, --,¥ .. _.;.¥ -*---~~~..... ··~· ·- ,..r..,,_..,...,._, _<l>~ .. (\o,;_n, - • -~•~--,,'l-">_....,.1 -·- _,.,._.~,. ..- x..,1,11, - ..,...-...~ ... , .,.. ,.,, °"',.. ... _..)O a- Wi be perfect," ~,::-.:..--:,, __ , =-~~~1::::: Med"ia orksh op Gives Dalev an _.,,..a,,_..,,cw.. •. ~ w ..... o('I.. .._ J Some students say that some .,,._ .. i:...,.... - -·... 1,, ... 1 lnstn,ctors trash the paper. and ~~;;.=~ st~·..·=;,-:-:. "A" for Effort, ''C" for Deliverv ........ ...... _.. ~ • •.., 0oc...u..- i,t,1,<..-"" ., this has a highly negative effect _._""'"' " , ... ... ' · "'----..... .~. ... (..,;J\. ·--......__ · -.-.._,,. .. "" .. • , ••~ ..- · o,,.!,, on those working for It. The paper ,i,, .... ~ ...... ...,., ..,_.,., .. ...,._ - ...,.i,~---· 41.,:1,,,n_,;.,..,,.,..... -·---..-e···-~·-~.. ,. - .. _,,., ..,,t __ _,.,.,_,..,,.,,. ~ - _ -,,.,_,,.,_.,.. _,,..,,, .._., ._,,.MM;- .~,,..,.._,.,.,,... w,.,,-"'u ,..:..- -·- . "· --·' ., ,.._.... "' ~,,, ..-.,.. , o,t Is written by J-students who are , ...·...----. ...i.- .........._ ..,_- ..· ---··.,...,..,, .....,,.,,.. ---.. - .. ~~!!"''.•·--!""'....... ..._"':'-.,,.,!_. ,,.....,.. - .., ~.,,... --1o1 ,&,,_,....... -_,...,__,_.-... .... .. ,....,;. ... -...., t,ylng to get expertence and clips and hearing their work trashed there's a problem with a story. be producing work for the without rationale or explanation u,e first recourse Is always to uy Chronicle. ( Is dlscouragtng. contacting the wrttcr lo verify in­ "\Vhatalso helps.· adds Vlctorta ·r think the Chronicle has suf­ formation or clarify a thought. Sheridan. "is when people like fered an image problem and right "In most cases.· says Robinson.
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