Mailed free to requesting homes in Douglas, Northbridge and Uxbridge Vol. V, No. 8 Complimentary to homes by request ONLINE: WWW.BLACKSTONEVALLEYTRIBUNE.COM Friday, December 9, 2011 Jim Sarkisian photo After starting the season at 3-5, the Northbridge football team won its final five games, TTwwiiccee iiss NNiiccee including a 20-7 victory over Southbridge in the Central Mass. Division 4 Super Bowl. NORTHBRIDGE DOWNS SOUTHBRIDGE TO CAPTURE SECOND CONSECUTIVE TITLE BY JIM SARKISIAN State University on Dec. 3. We both made some mistakes — I made a lot of “I know coach doesn’t like it when I do SPORTS CORRESPONDENT The win gave Northbridge their second con- mistakes — but my teammate picked me up that,” Phelan said about running the ball, “but WORCESTER — Northbridge junior quar- secutive Super Bowl title and a bounce back and we got the win today.” I love contact and I love running the ball and I terback Matt Phelan showed that he is a threat from a tough 3-5 start, as they finished the sea- Phelan was 14 of 24 passing for 145 yards like that coach gives me the chance to do that.” as a passer, runner, return specialist, and even son with five consecutive victories. and a touchdown, while rushing another 15 Northbridge coach Ken LaChapelle credited a punter as he helped the Rams to a 20-7 victo- “It feels great,” Phelan said about the cham- times for 111 yards and a pair of scores. He his quarterback on rebounding from throw- ry in the Central Mass. Division 4 Super Bowl pionship win. “Southbridge comes in as a also kicked a 61-yard punt that was downed on ing two interceptions on the day and how at Coughlin Field on the campus of Worcester newborn rival and it was a hard-fought game. the 3-yard line in the fourth quarter. Turn To SUPER BOWL page A10 Weaner wins Superintendent’s Award ‘I WAS JUST HONORED TO BE RECOGNIZED’ BY ADAM T. SILVA club. Despite only being a freshman, TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER he was cast last minute as Danny NORTHBRIDGE — Northbridge Zucco in “Grease” and has found suc- High School senior Dalton Weaner cess with many leads in several plays was recently announced as the recip- at the school. ient of the Massachusetts “When I came in as a freshman, I Superintendent Certification of just wanted to be involved with Academic Excellence Award by everything, so I started off joining Superintendent Susan Gorky. any club I could,” he said with a “I first found out about the award slight laugh, as he submitted an when Principal Gauthier called me impressive two-page résumé or the down to his office and told me I was award, listing the close to three nominated,” said a smiling Weaner. dozen activities and clubs he has “I didn’t know a lot about the award been involved in and out of school. other than it is the highest honor “After freshman year, I started nar- that a senior at Northbridge High rowing down the activities that I Gus Steeves photos School can receive. I was very hon- really enjoy and I really found a Northbridge and Uxbridge firefighters receive their “Meritorious Group” award for ored that I was even one of the three home in the music department.” their response to an August drowning. that were nominated, since the other He enjoys playing alto and bari- two are great students and great peo- tone saxophone and singing bass in ple. I was just honored to be recog- the school’s a capella chorus. He has Adam T. Silva photo nized as a finalist.” made quite an impact singing, as he Dalton Weaner was recently announced He will be on the Gordon soccer made the Central District Chorus, Tornado response as recipient of the Massachusetts team, as he has played on the the top singers in central Superintendent Certification of Northbridge varsity team since his Massachusetts, in his freshman and Academic Excellence Award by freshman year. He also runs spring senior years. Superintendent Susan Gorky. track and is a member of the drama gets state awards Turn To HONORED page A6 NINE AFFECTED FIRE FORCES, NTA announces ‘no confidence’ vote against Gorky TWO OTHERS HONORED BY ADAM T. SILVA dence in Gorky is based on several highly respected TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER “district-wide low staff staff who have left for other BY GUS STEEVES trying time, everybody stepped up. STONEBRIDGE PRESS STAFF WRITER NORTHBRIDGE — The morale, a pervasive atmos- districts or other jobs with- Barring any other kind of emer- Northbridge Teachers Association phere of mistrust, staff in the district as a result of WORCESTER — Fire depart- gency we’ve encountered, you isn’t happy. members’ fear of reprisals not feeling supported in ments from the tornado-hit towns don’t believe an F3 tornado would By their suggestion, the NTA for expressing opinions their roles, ongoing con- were singled out by the state for a ever touch down here.” Executive Board has brought before that counter those of the cerns about misplaced pri- special award commemorating Of course, as we all now know, it their entire membership a vote of no superintendent, initiatives orities, including the their service June 1 as part of the can. Around 5 p.m. June 1, the tor- confidence in Northbridge School that are begun then micromanagement of cer- 22nd annual Firefighter of the Year nado formed in Westfield and Superintendent Susan Gorky. stopped or modified with- tain staff and issues, broad ceremony Wednesday, Nov. 30. rolled through nine communities According to a press release by the out any articulation of the Susan Gorky concerns including student “It was a good recognition of before vanishing into the sky again board supplied to the Blackstone underlying principles and staff safety that have team effort,” said Southbridge Fire near Guelphwood Road in Lt. Jason Cantara. “During a very Valley Tribune, the vote of no confi- guiding the changes, departure of Turn To GORKY page A6 Turn To AWARDS page A6 A2-3 ...................................... LOCAL A8 ....................... SENIOR SCENE A4-5 ..................................... OPINION A10 .............................. SPORTS CONTACT THE TRIBUNE EDITOR AT A7 .................................... OBITUARIES B8 .....................GETTING IN TUNE AMINOR STONEBRIDGEPRESS COM INSIDE @ . 2 • Friday, December 9, 2011 BLACKSTONE VALLEY TRIBUNE Board mulls FEMA flood zone changes BY ADAM T. SILVA Anderson did not come before the into. Selectman Daniel Nolan sug- mainly pros. If the Board decided to what exterior work needs to be TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Board for an endorsement, but more gested the Board take an additional against the extension, the license done to the Town Hall. The town NORTHBRIDGE — The town is of an agreement that this decision is week to review the information, talk would automatically be seized by received a $15,000 grant matching moving forward on agreeing to sup- a good idea before sending the appli- to abutters of the area and then the Board, who is the governing grant to conduct this study, as the port a measure that would lower cation to FEMA. bring the matter up again at the body in this situation. town has agreed to put up the pre- Northbridge’s flood zone by two feet While Anderson did not have an next Board meeting. Selectman James Marzec moved liminary $15,000. by FEMA standards. exact amount, the decision would With the closing of China Pacific that the establishment be granted Marzec proposed that a light Mark Anderson, of Heritage save businesses thousands of dol- restaurant this past August, owner an additional six months and was should be placed illuminating the Design, met before the Board of lars in insurance money each year. Fuan Wing Lee has been in the approved unanimously. American flag at the new Selectmen at their Monday, Nov. 28 Once submitted to FEMA, the process of selling the business. He Paul Bedigian was appointed to Northbridge Vietnam Memorial and meeting, stating the current level of decision will not be made quickly. currently has two perspective buy- the Building, Planning and will be discussing the matter with 312 feet above sea level is inaccurate. Anderson estimated that it would ers and since the restaurant is Construction Committee, who had a the Veteran’s Council in the near “I am fully confident that lower- take between six to nine months for known for being a liquor-serving vacancy. future. ing the level by two feet is a good FEMA to conduct their hydrolic cal- establishment, he asked the Board Town Manager Theodore Kozak No executive session was held idea,” said Anderson. “Three hun- culations and agree that it’s been for a six-month extension of the announced that pending snow after the meeting. dred and ten feet is a much more done properly. liquor license. storms, the town will continue leaf accurate number. The flood zone Chairman Thomas Melia agreed Melia noted that the business was pickup for the first two weeks of Adam T. Silva may be reached at comes into buildings, into Arcade that the move would be pro-business in town for many years and the deci- December. 508-909-4050 or by email at Pond and many businesses.” and something the town should look sion had both pros and cons to it, but The town is conducting a study as [email protected]. Town to pursue CDBG applications for road projects BY ADAM T. SILVA announced on Nov. 14. needs in town, specifically in Rockdale and ernment through HUD Housing Urban TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER “[Selectmen opened] the public hearing for others in Linwood.” Development, which provides money to NORTHBRIDGE — Strong improvements updating our community development strat- In order to become a target area, the town states each year.
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