DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR MARATHWADA UNIVERSITY, AURANGABAD SYLLABUS Of M.Sc. II (Semester III and IV) (Forensic Science) Effective from Academic Year 2013-2014 onwards 1 Government Institute Of Forensic Science, Aurangabad M.Sc. II Year (Finger print and Questioned Document) Preamble M.Sc.-II (Sem-III & IV) (Forensic Science) Ordinance ------------:- Title of the Program: - M.Sc.-II (Sem-III & IV) (Forensic Science) Ordinance ------------:-- Eligibility: - M.Sc.-I (Forensic Science) Regulation no. ----------- : Specializations :- Four Specializations viz. Finger print and Questioned Document, Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology, Forensic Biology, Serology and DNA Finger Printing, Cyber Space, IT Security and Cyber Forensic may be offered subject to the availability of students as mentioned in the preceding Para/ regulation. Regulation no. -----------:- Minimum intake capacity for each specialization: - There shall be minimum 25% of the intake capacity of the students for each specialization. Regulation no. ----------- :-Allotment of specialization :- The specialization to the students will be allotted on the basis of choice and merit (M.Sc.-I) of the students. However, if the criterion of minimum intake capacity for a particular specialization as mentioned above is not full filled, in such case the students will be diverted to other specialization strictly based on the marks obtained by him/her at M.Sc.-I examination. In such situation the decision of the Head of the concerned Institution shall be final. Regulation no.-------------- :- Course structure Each semester will have four theory papers and two theory based practical papers. In the fourth semester students will carry out Dissertation instead of one practical paper. Each paper shall be of 75 marks. Total Marks for M. Sc.-II (Forensic Science), III and IV Semester Theory (4 Papers per Practical/ Dissertation Total semester each of 75marks) (2 Papers per semester Semester each of 75 marks) Marks Marks Marks III 300 150 450 IV 300 150 450 Total 600 300 900 2 Government Institute Of Forensic Science, Aurangabad M.Sc. II Year (Finger print and Questioned Document) Specialization-I: Fingerprint and Questioned Document Semester – III Paper Code Title Hrs./ week Marks MFSQD301 Fingerprint Examination 4 75 MFSQD302 Questioned Documents and Photography 4 75 MFSQD303 Document forgery and it’s detection 4 75 MFSQD304 Forensic Linguistics and Stylistic 4 75 MFSQD305 Practical paper-I 4/Batch 75 MFSQD306 Practical paper-II 4/Batch 75 Total 24 450 Semester - IV Paper Code Title Hrs./ week Marks MFSQD401 Advanced document examination and Quality Assurance 4 75 MFSQD402 Methods of Fingerprint development 4 75 MFSQD403 Automated Fingerprint identification System 4 75 MFSQD404 Forensic Accounting, Statistics and Auditing 4 75 MFSQD405 Practical Paper-III 4/Batch 75 MFSQD406 Dissertation 4/Batch 75 Total 24 450 3 Government Institute Of Forensic Science, Aurangabad M.Sc. II Year (Finger print and Questioned Document) Syllabus Semester III Paper-I (MFSQD301): Fingerprint Examination Hrs./week-4 Marks-75 Unit I: History and development of finger prints: Introduction, Evolution and the Elliptical, whorl, Neolithic Bricks, Prehistoric Carvings, Mummies, Fingerprint Imprints on artifacts in antiquity, Grauballe Man, Philosophical Transaction, De externo tactus Organo, William of orange, Thomas bewick. Fingerprint classification, early fingerprint usages in other country structure of ridged skin, morphological plan of volar pads and configurational areas. Development of volar pads, ridges, factor affecting alignment of ridges. Unit II: Basics of taking inked prints, taking inked prints of living and dead: Plain and rolled prints, other devices and material for recording prints. Classification of finger Prints, pattern types, pattern area, single digit and Henry system of classification (Primary to tertiary and key classification) extension of Henry system searching of finger prints, classification system, single finger print, Finger Prints Bureau Unit III: Chance Finger Prints: Latent prints, plastic prints, causes, composition of sweat. Development of latent finger prints: Conventional methods as fluorescent powder, magnetic powder. Fuming methods: Iodine and Cyno-acrylate methods. Chemical methods: Ninhydrin and its analogue silver nitrate, enhancement of latent prints, application of laser technologies, metal deposition method. Biological methods of development of latent prints on skin. Unit IV: Systematic approach to latent print processing, preserving and lifting of finger prints. Photography of Finger Prints, comparison of finger prints: basis of comparison, class characteristics, individual characteristics, various types of ridge characteristics. Automatic Finger Print Identification system (AFIS) and its variants, digital Image processing of finger prints and their enhancement. Presentation of expert evidence on finger prints in court. Unit V: Research Methodology: Meaning of Research in QDFT; Process of research; Identification and criteria of selecting a research problem (Hypothesis); Formulation of objectives; Research plan and its components; Methods of Research and Difficulties fingerprint and questioned document research; Research Proposal and experimental design: Key elements- Objective, Introduction, Design or Rationale of work, Guidelines for design of experiments, Material and methods, Compilation and documentation of data; , Major research institutes related to QD &F in India. A brief idea about government research agencies such as DBT, DST, ICMR, CSIR and UGC. Suggested readings:- 4 Government Institute Of Forensic Science, Aurangabad M.Sc. II Year (Finger print and Questioned Document) 1. H.C. Lee and R.E. Gaensslen eds “Advances in Fingerprint Technology”, second ed. New York: CRC Press, 2001. 2. S.A. Cole, Suspect Identities: A History of Fingerprint and Criminal Identification. Harvard Univ. Press, May 2001 3. Federal Bureau of Investigation. www.fbi.gov, 2002 4. A.K. Jain and S. Pankanti, ªBiometrics Systems: Anatomy of Performance,º IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, special issue on Biometrics, 5. D.A. Stoney and J.I. Thornton, ªA Critical Analysis of Quantitative Fingerprint Individuality Modelsº J. Forensic Sciences, vol. 31, no. 4 6. B. Wentworth and H.H. Wilder, Personal Identification. Boston: R.G. Badger, 1918 7. H. Cummins and C. Midlo, Fingerprints, Palms and Soles. Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1943. 8. C. Champod and P.A. Margot, ªComputer Assisted Analysis of Minutiae Occurrences on Fingerprints,º Proc. Int'l Symp. Finger-print Detection and Identification, J. Almog and E. Spinger, 9. S.L. Sclove, ªThe Occurrence of Fingerprint Characteristics as a Two Dimensional Process,º J. Am. Statistical Assoc., vol. 74. 10. D.A. Stoney, ªDistribution of Epidermal Ridge Minutiae,º Am. J. Physical Anthropology 11. A.K. Jain, S. Prabhakar, L. Hong, and S. Pankanti, ªFilterbank-Based Fingerprint Matching,º IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 12. A.K. Jain, S. Prabhakar, and S. Pankanti, ªTwin Test: On Discriminability of Fingerprints,º Proc. Third Int'l Conf. Audio-and Video-Based Person Authentication Paper-II (MFSQD302): Questioned Documents and Photography Hrs./week-4 Marks-75 Unit I: Forensic Document Examination and its scope & importance; Classification of documents; Care, handling, preservation of documents; Observation tests and their application in handwriting examination; Preliminary examination of documents; examination of paper & inks, Process of comparison of handwriting; Principle of handwriting examination; Importance of natural variations and disguise in hand writing examination; Latest technological developments in the field of document examination with reference to office automation; Quality Assurance in document Examination; Document Expert in trial courts Unit II: Evaluation of Handwriting: Pre-alphabet writing, alphabetical system, Early European development-Medieval period, renaissance, advent of mechanical writing. Variation in writing, Writing Instruments, classification of Handwriting, principle of handwriting identification, variables of handwriting, writing system, Physiological constrains, genetic factor, physical Normal and abnormal state of health, medication, Infirmity, Injury. Intrinsical variables of handwriting. Unit III: Handwriting identification, class or system characteristics, national characteristics ,Individual characteristics, accidentals in writing, fundamental and significant difference in writing, circumstances contribute to the production of apparent difference in writing, Phases of document examination, statistical inference, logic and reasoning of handwriting identification, 5 Government Institute Of Forensic Science, Aurangabad M.Sc. II Year (Finger print and Questioned Document) Language of letter- Discriminating element, element of style: arrangement, class of allograph, connection, design of allograph and their construction, Dimensions, slant or slope, spacing. Element of execution :abbreviation, alignment, commencement and termination, diacritics and punctuation, embellishment, legibility, line continuity, line quality and pen control, writing movement, writing habit-consistency, persistency. Combination of writing habit, lateral expansion and letter proportion. Unit IV: Basic principles and techniques of Black & White and color photography, cameras and lenses, filter and films Exposing, development and printing, different kinds of developers and fixtures, Modern developments in photography, linkage of cameras and film negatives, digital
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