IIIHHHHHHHHHIIIHIII USOO538785A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,318,785 DeStefanis 45 Date of Patent: Jun. 7, 1994 54) BENZOYL PEROXIDE TO IMPROVE THE 56) References Cited PERFORMANCE OF OXDANTS IN BREADMAKNG U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2,978,331 4/1961 Ferrari .................................. 426/99 2,978,332 4/1961 Ferrari.................................. 426/99 (75) Inventor: Vincent DeStefanis, Erie, N.Y. 2,992,111 7/1961 Ferrari...... ... 426/96 3,640,730 2/1972 Rolland. ... 426/91 (73) Assignee: Elf Atochem North America, Inc., 3,954,999 4/1976 Vidal ..................................... 426/6 Philadelphia, Pa. 4,657,769 4/1987 Petrofsky et al. .............. 426/653 X Primary Examiner-Joseph Golian 21 Appl. No.: 14,958 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Stanley A. Marcus; Royal E. Bright 22) Filed: Feb. 8, 1993 (57 ABSTRACT An improvement in dough compositions comprising the replacement of bromate improvers in conventional Related U.S. Application Data doughs with compositions comprising ascorbic acid, (63) Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 798,373, Nov. 26, azodicarbonamide, and mixtures thereof in combination 1991, abandoned. with peroxy compounds such as benzoyl peroxide and hydrogen peroxide in the presence or absence of fungal (51) Int. Cl. .......................... A21D 2/04; A21D 2/20 enzymes such as fungal alpha amylase and processes for (52) U.S. C. ........................................ 426/20; 426/22; their use are disclosed. 426/62; 426/653 (58) Field of Search ...................... 426/22, 20, 653, 62 13 Claims, No Drawings 5,318,785 1. 2 fore, evident that identification of oxidative improvers BENZOYL PEROXIDE TO MPROVE THE suitable for use in bread making, capable of approximat PERFORMANCE OF OXDANTSN ing the improver action of bromates, particularly potas BREADMAKING sium bromate is of value. The amount of oxidant required by the baker depends CROSS REFERENCE TO PRIOR on the bread making process employed. The most com APPLICATIONS mon method, the so called "Sponge and Dough' This application is a continuation-in-part of applica method, requires only about 15 to 20 parts per million tion Ser. No. 07/798,373 filed Nov. 26, 1991 now aban by weight (p.p.m.) of potassium bromate in the dough. doned. 10 Other doughs require up to 75 p.p.m. potassium bro mate (the legally permitted maximum concentration) BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION and sometimes even bromate must be supplemented This invention relates principally to the art of the with up to 100 to 200 p.p.m. of other improvers such as chemistry of bread making, particularly to novel com L-ascorbic acid (ascorbic acid - "AA') Azodicarbon positions as improvers of the properties of dough for 15 amide ("ADA") has long been approved as a rapid bread making, more particularly to novel compositions acting improver for specialized purposes. containing oxidant improvers of the properties of dough In an effort to replace bromate, the baking industry and the breads prepared therefrom, still more particu has been experimenting with mixtures of AA and ADA. larly to novel oxidant containing compositions capable Neither AA nor ADA at their maximum legal usage of replacing bromates in dough and bread improvement 20 levels is able to meet the oxidation level required by and to processes for their preparation and use. certain types of baking, e.g. "No Time", "Frozen CITATION OF ART Doughs", "Cuban' and the like. I have found that ADA reacts strongly with AA and U.S. Pat. No. 3,954,999 to Vidal et al describes a reducing substances released by yeast and gluten prote method of explosion proofing and fireproofing, using 25 selected hydrated inorganic salts, of mixtures of strong ins. By reacting with AA, a reducing agent, and reduc inorganic oxidizers, including bromates, and calcium ing substances from yeast prematurely, the oxidative peroxide, with various organic materials such as azodi capacity of ADA is reduced by transformation of the carbonamide and other amides, amino acids, enzymes, ADA to biurea that is less effective as a dough in organic peroxides and ascorbic acid. Nothing teaches or 30 prover. Therefore, less oxidant (ADA) is available for suggests that selection of a particular combination of gluten proteins modification at the dough mixing stage. the organic ingredients listed will provide a substitute It is the action of the oxidant on the proteins that results for the bromate or other strong inorganic oxidizers in in a dough improving effect, hence, bread of good qual doughs. ity. U.S. Pat. No. 3,640,730 to Rolland et al describes 35 One way the bread improving action of ADA may be treatment of white flour with various conditioning preserved is by encapsulating the ADA to prevent pre agents including benzoyl peroxide and azodicarbonam mature reaction with AA or the reducing substances ide. Even when flour is conditioned with a mixture of from yeast. See my copending application Ser. No. those two materials, the benzoyl peroxide decomposes 07/738,968 filed Aug. 1, 1991 now abandoned. rapidly and is substantially completely gone by the time This invention provides an alternative means of doing the flour is incorporated into a dough. SO. U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,978,331; 2,978,332 and 2,992, 111 disclose encapsulation of inorganic phosphates, sulfates SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION and strong inorganic oxidants to prevent their prema The invention provides in a first composition aspect a ture reaction with other ingredients during the bread 45 composition comprising a peroxy compound selected making process. Nothing in these references suggests from benzoyl peroxide, hydrogen peroxide and mix any reason for the encapsulation of other ingredients in tures thereof and an oxidant selected from azodicarbon the breadmaking process much less that encapsulation amide (ADA), ascorbic acid (AA), or mixtures thereof. of a particular one to the exclusion of others will permit Special mention is made of compositions wherein the omission of bromates and other strong oxidizers from 50 peroxy compound is benzoyl peroxide. conventional bread dough. Further mention is made of compositions wherein the Commercial baking of bread requires the use of oxi oxidant is ADA. dants ("improvers') at low levels to optimize or im Still further mention is made of compositions wherein prove the complex balance of properties of dough the peroxy compound is an aqueous solution of hydro which provide baked bread of high quality. The com 55 gen peroxide. mon improvers are bromate salts, iodate salts, azodicar Still further mention is made of compositions wherein bonamide and ascorbic acid. the ADA is encapsulated in accordance with copending For many years because of their presumed safety at application Ser. No. 07/738,9681 now abandoned (en the normal levels of use, their relatively slow action and capsulated ADA). their tolerance to mixing, bromate salts of calcium and The encapsulants in said application are selected from potassium, particularly potassium, have been the im the group consisting of wheat protein, wheat flour, corn provers of choice. Given the assumed overall satisfac gluten, hydrocolloid gums, fats and fat derived material tory nature of bromates, there has been no commercial having a melting point from about 40 to about 68 C. incentive to replace them with any other improvers. and mixtures thereof. Recently, however, reported animal studies suggest a 65 Fats and fat derived materials having a melting point linkage between bromates and animal cancer. Proposi from about 40' to about 68° C. are hydrocarbons ap tion 65 in California has also placed bromates under proved for baking, triglycerides, monoglycerides, so close scrutiny as a possible health hazard. It is, there dium and calcium steroyl-2-lactylate, diacetyl tartaric 5,318,785 3 4. acid esters of mono and diglycerides, polysorbate 60 dant improver composition is present at a concentration and mixtures thereof. providing at least 20 ppm peroxy compound based on Still further mention is made of compositions where flour weight to said dough. the ADA is unencapsulated. Still further mention is made of compositions wherein DETALED DESCRIPTION the oxidant is AA or mixtures of encapsulated ADA Traditionally, benzoyl peroxide is used for the pur and AA. pose of bleaching the pigments in flour to achieve a The tangible embodiments of this aspect of the inven whiter appearance. The addition is made at the flour tion possess the inherent physical properties, when the mill. The peroxide disappears after bleaching within a peroxy compound is benzoyl peroxide, of being amor 10 few hours to 24 hours, depending on the temperature. phous powdery solids or liquids easily commingled When benzoyl peroxide is used in this traditional man with other ingredients for making a dough or readily ner, only trace levels or none of it is present during blended individually or as a mixture into an already breadmaking. This invention describes a way of deriv prepared dough. The tangible embodiments when the ing an improving action from a peroxy compound (ei peroxy compound is hydrogen peroxide are normally 15 ther benzoyl peroxide or hydrogen peroxide) by adding liquid compositions and are blended in standard fashion it, as an ingredient, during breadmaking at the bakery. appropriate to such compositions. The compositions of the invention may be prepared The tangible embodiments of this aspect of the inven by mixing or blending of the ingredients. Blending of tion possess the inherent applied use characteristics of the ingredients into a dough either as a mixture of both being improvers for bread and bread dough which 20 when employed in the proper proportions in the pres ingredients of the first composition aspect of the inven ence of yeast and AA provide dough which bakes into tion, of all three ingredients of the second composition bread of quality comparable to that obtained from aspect of the invention or by adding one or more of the equivalent dough improved with potassium bromate.
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