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Andere Tijdschriften. Buikpotigen En Tweekleppigen

4646 SPIRULA - Nr. 355 (2007) Tijdschriftartikelen Journal papers W. Faber Artikelen over mariene weekdieren in andere tijdschriften. Buikpotigen en tweekleppigen in redactionele perfamilie alfabetische volgorde. [] opmerkingen. marine in in Papers about molluscs other magazines. Gastropods and bivalves per family alfabetical order. [] editorialnotes. Caecum * GENERAL/ALGEMEEN maori, new name for Caecum solitarium HEIMAN, E.L., 2006. - Staphylaea limacina * VAUGHAM, B. & T. EICHHORST, 2006. - Oliver, 1915 (non Meyer, 1886) [with (Lam., 1810). - The Strandloper No. 283: - 4-8. Thoughts on Species & Speciation. English abstract] - Boll. Malacol. 42(1-4): * - Amer. 13-14. - Plenoplasticity. Conchologist OMI, Y., 2006. Comparison between a 34(3): 26-29. variety of Mauritia maculifera (Schilder, CALLIOSTOMATIDAE 1932) that lacks basal blotches and Mauri- * REGIONAL / REGIONAAL TRIGO, J. & E. ROLAN, 2006. Calliostoma tia depressa (Gray, 1824) collected from * Booi, C. & B.S. GALIL, 2006. - Nuovi conulum (Linnaeus, 1758) in Galicia, Yonagnni Island, Japan, [in Japanese with ritrovamenti lungo le coste Israeliane. northwest Spain. - Novapex 7(4): 111- English abstract] - Chiribotan 37(3): 120- 123. [with English abstract] - Notizario S.I.M. 114. * 2006. - A 24(5-8): 16-18. POULIQUEN, C., propos de * KOULOURI, P. ET AL., 2006. - Molluscan CERITHIIDAE Coquilles aberrantes. [also in English] * L. 2006. - Taxo- - No. diversity along a Mediterranean soft bot- GARILLI, V, & GALETTI, [Mauritia mauritiana] Xenophora tom sublittoral ecotone. - Scienta Marina nomical characters for distinguishing 117:24. * 70(4): 573-583. Cerithium lividulum Risso, 1826 and C. ROBIN,A., 2006. - Le peuplement du Golfe * M. LEGAC & T. 1884. - Basteria de Gabès Erosaria turdus. in ZAVODNIK, D., GLUHAK, renovatum Monterosato, par [also 2006. - An account on the marine fauna of 70(4-6): 109-122. English] - Xenophora No. 117: 28-29. - Pag Island (Adriatic Sea, Croatia). Natu- ra Croatica 15(3): 65-107. CYSTISCIDAE * - FABER, M.J., 2006. Marine gastropods POLYPLACOPHORA (Class) from the ABC islands and other localities * - 11. The and Pesicu- DELEMARRE, J.-L., 2006. Lepidochitona genera Pachybathron furtiva (Monterosato, 1879), un Chiton la. - Miscellanea Malac. 2(2): 25-39. peut-être moins furtif qu'il n'y paralt. - XenophoraNo. 117: 25. ELLOBIIDAE * MARTINS, A.M.F., 2007. - Morphological GASTROPODA and anatomical diversity within the Ellobi- - idae. Vita MalacoligicaNo. 4: 1-28. * - REGIONAL / REGIONAAL RAVEN, H. & J.J. VERMEULEN, 2—7. * NW Borneo CUNEO, F., A. MARGELLI, E. CAMPANI & M. Notes on molluscs from and COPPINI, 2006. - Gastropoda e Scaphopoda Singapore. 2. A synopsis ofthe Ellobiidae. dei fanghi litorali di Livorno. - Moll. - Vita Malacoligica No. 4: 29-62. a. Cerithium lividulum h. 17.5 f. C. renova- , mm; Malacol. 5-12. — 42(1-4): tum h. 22 mm. Basteria 70(4-6): 110. * - HUF., 2007. Gastropod biodiversity in the waters of Sabah (Malaysian Borneo) - TentacleNo. 15:23-24. CERITHIOIDEA (Order) * * J. & - KIRSCH, D., 2006. - New Shell Records for SALGEBAK, E.SAVAZZI, 2006. Con- Florida. - Amer. Conchologist 34(3): 17- structional morphologyof cerithiform gas- 19. tropods. - Paleont. Res. 10(3): 233-259. ACMAEIDAE CONIDAE * T. & * J.P. & NAKANO, T. OZAWA, 2006. - Habitat MARAIS, A.P., 2006. - Conotoxin of Erginus sybariticus (Dall, 1871) and "10,000 times more potent than morphin". No. Lepeta caecapacifica Moskalev, 1978. [in - The Strandloper 281-282: 18-20. Cassidula nucleus (Gmelin. 1791). Brunei. H 21.9 * - Chiribotan 109-111. 2006. - A First Look at Conus Japanese] 37(3): TOVE, M., CollectieHan Raven. — Vita mm. Malacologica milneedwardsi and Jousseaume, 1894, No. 4: plate 4, fig. 35a-b. BUCCINIDAE Conus bengalensis (Okutani, 1968. - * HERTZ, J. & K.L. KAISER, 2007. - New El Amer. Conchologist 34(2): 4-9. Salvador distributional record for Solenos- EPITONIIDAE * - teira anomala (Reeve, 1847). - The Fes- CORALLIOPHILIDAE GARCIA, E.F., 2006. Gyroscala xenicima * tivus 39(1): 3-6. See under Muricidae. (Melvill & Sanden, 1903) found in Texas. * YAMAZAKI, T., R. MIZUSAWA, K. NAKAYA - Amer. Conchologist 34(2): 3. * & S. GOSHIMA, 2006. - A sinistral Nep- CYPRAEIDAE GARCIA, E.F., 2006. - A southern extension * tunea intersculpta with notes on the mor- CRAM, D., 2006. -jNotocypraea: the piperi- of Gyroscala xenicima (Melvill & Sanden, phology ofthe radula. [in Japanese with ta-comptonii complex. - Amer. Conchol- 1903). - Amer. Conchologist 34(3): 25. English abstract] - Chiribotan 37(3): 147- ogist 34(2): 8-13. * 151. HEIMAN, E., 2006. - About Luria isabella EULIMIDAE * - controversa (Gray, 1824). - Amer. Con- NISHIMURA, K.., 2006. Notes on Thyca CAECIDAE chologist 34(3): 4-8. crystallina from the Ogasawara Islands. * - PIZZINI, M. & B. RAINES, 2006. [in Japanese]- Chiribotan 37(3): 132-134. SPIRULA - nr. 355 (2007) 4747 * FASCIOLARIIDAE typhis. [Typhis labiatus] - Xenophora No. KANO, Y., 2006. - Diversity, ecology and * POWER, A.J. & R.L. WALKER, 2007. - Lab- 117: 30. evolution of the Neritiliidae. [in Japanese] * oratory Growth of Hatchling Florida GUERRA, J. & E. ROLAN, 2006. - Casos - Chiribotan 37(3): 135-146. Banded Tulips, Fasciolaria lilium hunte- extremos de variabilidad en la protoconcha ria - The de Nucella - (G. Perry, 1811) in Georgia. lapillusen Galicia. Noticiario OLIVIDAE * Veliger 48(4): 309-312. SEM No. 46: 27-30. TERZER, G. & P. RYALL, 2006. - Riscoperta * KARTAVTSEV, Y.P., N.I. ZASLAVSKAYA, e posizione sistematica di Oliva ancillari- A. 1850 FISSURELLIDAE O.V. SVINYNA & KIJIMA, 2006. - Allo- oides Reeve, ed Oliva zenopira Duc- * ELS, M., 2006. - A scarceendemic fissurel- zyme and morphometric variability in the los, 1835. [with English abstract] - Boll. lid.-The StrandloperNo. 283: 18-19. dogwhelk, Nucella heyseana from Russian Malacol. 41(9-12): 111-113. * - waters: ROLAN, E., 2006. Nueva informacion and Japanese evidence for a single sobre Cranopsis asturiana. - Noticiario species under different names. - Inverte- OVULIDAE * SEM No. 46: 23-26. brate Systematics 20(6): 771-782. SASAKI,T. & Y. OMI, 2006. Phertacovolva * MAROELLI, A. & E. CAMPANI, 2006. - hirasei (Pilsbry, 1913) collected fforn off HALIOTIDAE Coralliophila trigoi Marottini, Smriglio & Osezaki, Suruga Bay, Japan, [in Japanese] * 2007. - Black abalone 2005 in italiana. - Chiribotan 118-119. ROACH, J., withering Rolan, acqua [with Eng- 37(3): towards scientists - Tenta- lish - Boll. Malacol. 15- extinction, say. abstract] 42(1-4): cleNo. 15; 4-5. 16. PYRAMIDELLIDAE * - * MERLE, D. & D. FILIPOZZI, 2006. Truncu- AARTSEN, J.J. VAN & J. GOUD, 2006. - HARPIDAE lariopsis trunculus (Linné, 1758) unenou- Indo-Pacific migrants into the Mediter- * - cöte WIERSMA, J., 2006. Review of the recent velle espèce invasive sur la atlantique ranean. 6. Syrnola lendix (A.A. Adams, species of the genus Morum. - Gloria franfaise (Bassin d'Arcachon, Gironde). 1863).-Basteria .70(4-6): 164-166. * Maris 45(5): 122-139. [with English abstract] - Xenophora No. ROBERTSON, R., 2006. - Bloodsucking 117:7-8. pyramidellids. - Am. Conchologist 43(4): * JULIIDAE SMRIGLIO, C., F. SWINNEN & P. 407. * MARAIS, J. & A., 2006. - A gastropod MARIOTTINI, 2006. - Coralliophila bivalve or a bivalved gastropod. - The juliamoralesae Smriglio, Mariottini & SKENEIDAE * StrandloperNo. 283: 12-13. Engl, 2002, from the Eastern Atlantic BUZZURRO, G. & A. CECALUPO, 2006. - I * - ROBERTSON, R., 2006. Bivalved Gas- Ocean. - Basteria .70(4-6): 129-130. Molluschi lessepsiani di Ta$ucu (Turchia tropods: Berthelinia and Julia.. - Am. Con- sud-orientale): de Parviturbo dibellari. chologist34(2): 4-6. [with English abstract] - Boll. Malac. 42(1-4): 27-32. LITTORINIDAE * ANDRADE, S.C.S. & V.N. SOLFERINI, 2006. STROMBIDAE * - The influence of size on the radula of MONSECOUR, D. & K., 2006. - A further Littoraria angulifera. - Malacologia distributional record for Dolomena hickeyi 49(1): 1-5. (Willan, 2000) - Miscellanea Malac. 2(2): * JONHNSON, M.S. & R. BLACK, 2006. - 41-43. * Effects ofmode ofreproduction on genetic PRELLE, G., 2006. - Descrizione di una divergence over large spatial and temporal nuovavareta di colore di Strombus (Cana- scales in intertidal snails of the mutabilis 1821. - Mala- genus rium) Swainson, Bembicium Philippi. - Biol. J. Linnean cologiaNo. 53: 16. Mariottini * Soc. 89(4): 689-704. Caralliophilajuliamoralesae Smriglio, YOUNG, L.A., 2006. - Expansion ofthe dis- & Atlantic. Scale bars — Engl, 2002, E. 1 cm. Bas- tribution of Strombus persicus, first docu- teria 70(4-6): 130. LOTTIIDAE mentation from Saronikos Gulf (E. * GILMAN, S.E., 2007. - Shell Microstructure Mediterranean) [aussi en franipais] - of the Patellid Gastropod Collisella scabra NASSARIIDAE XenophoraNo. 117: 26-27. * (Gould): Ecological and Phylogenetic BRUNETTI, M.M. & S. Soccio, 2006. - Implications. - The Veliger 48(4): 235- Osservazioni su Nassarius strobelianus TEREBRIDAE * 242. (Cocconi, 1873), specie poco nota del WIENRICH, G., 2006. - The Genus Stri- * See under Acmaeidae. Pliocene italiano. [with English abstract] - oterebrum Sacco, 1891 in the Hemmoori- Boll. Malacol. 41(9-12): 85-88. an and Reinbekian (Middle Miocene) of MARGINELLIDAE the Norh Sea basin. - Cainozoic Res. 5(1- * GARCIA, E.F., 2006. - Report of left-han- NATICIDAE 2): 3-12. * ded Dentimargo eburneolus (Conrad, GREY, M., P.G. LELIÊVRE & E.G. BOULD- 1834) ffom Bahia de Campeche, Mexico. ING, 2007. - Selection for Prey Shell TONNIDAE * - Amer. Conchologist 34(3): 25. Thickness by the Naticid Gastropod Vos, C., 2006. - Tonna berthae, Vos 2005. the - Euspira lewisii on Bivalve

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