I MPLEMENTATION OF Oftrrr.re OpEN COMPETITIVE BID (ocB) FoR SECOillDAIlI VOCATIONALISATION OF SECONDARY AND HGHEN EDUCATION IN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHANc|SUNclLoFsEcoNDARYEDUcATlolN (RcsE) of BrD from quarified entities irr the field RCSE invites oNLTNE OPEN CrOMpETrrvE VoCATIoNALEDUCATI9Spftol3RAMMEINGoVERNMENTSENIoRSECoNDARYSCHooLS forimplementationin863existingschoolsinRajasthanunderphaseltoV. Bid from : www'riairmsa'nic'in & please download the detailed online open competitive http://sPPP.raiasthan.sov'in : ONLINE OPEN COMPETITIVE BID IISSUC StATt DAIC BID Submission Last Date: ONLINE OPEN COMPETITIVE - (,[-- The,State Project Director Councilof Education .,. ,l: Raiasthan council of School Educatiol-# No' 5' llnd Floor' Sankul, Block : orem S. Radhakrishnan Shiksha l\\ YEAnt 0t "- cErE n^lllc JalPur ffiMITA Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg Date : os I tol Loro No. F. 7 ( )RCScE/Acctt'/Yoc' F'du'l'2020-2ll ).63Y Nrs----Q-6-lzozo-zr particulars ury State Project Director L ftllmlliil tfll'lilflL [r ffflillflRl llulnTl?il (RcsE) GOVERN MENT OF RAJASTHAN DETAILED ONLINE OPEN COMPETITIVE BID (OCB) FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF" VOCATIONALISATION OF SECONDARY AND HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAMME"IN 863 EXISTING SCHOOLS lntroduction : projects at 1.1 Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education, (hereinafter referred to as "RCSE") has implemented various quality Government Senior Secondary Schorrls level under the umbrella of 'samagra Shiksha' to provide education to the students. 2Ot4-15,220 from 1.2 RCSE is currently implementing Vor:ational Education Programme in 905 (70 Schools from F/Y Fly2}!5-76,3g0 from Fly 2ot6-!7,110 from FIY 2011-75 and 185 from F/Y 2018-19) Government senior secondary Schools for students of class lX to Xll. EDUCATION 1.3 RCSE invites Online Open Compeliitive Bid from qualified entities in the field of "VOCATIONAL (herein referred as PRoGRAMME tN GOVERNMENT SE:NIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS" for 863 existing schools after "The Project"). 2. Broad Scope of Work: and Higher The Government of lndia had brought out a centrally sponsored Scheme of "Vocationalisation of secondary The scheme is secondary Education" by integrating enrployability education into School Education in Septernber 2011. educational operated within the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF), which establishes a sy:stem of clear pathways from school to higher edur:ation while providing certification of vocational skills. The project will be implemented across 863 existing schools in Government senlor secondary Senior Secondary schools, of Rajasthan lvith the goal to make students employable when they complete course content education. The schogls have already beern approved by the MHRD. The Project will adopt new curriculum, its progress as and pedagogy, hire and train qualified teachers, introduce the program in schools, monitor arrd evaluate per the guidelines and norms of MHRD-GOl. The curricula, teacher handbooks, student handbooks are being developed National by pSSCIVE (pSS Central lnstitute of Vocational education, Bhopal), based on the relevant Qualification Packs / Occupational Standards of respective Sector Skill Councils' job roles The Courses in the following sectors job role are being introduced in Rajasthan for existing 863 Schools these are given below. List of Existing Sectors for Vocational Education, SmSA, Rajasthan: Xll Sl.No Trades / Sectors Job Role for Job Role for Class Xl Job Role for Class Class lX-X Old Pattern t Automobile / Automotive Automotive Service Automobile Service Automotive Service Technician L-4 Tr:chnician Technician L-3 Fashion 2 Apparel made-ups & Sewing Specialized Sewing Assistant home furnishing Machine Machine Operator Designer ( Apparel) Operator 3 Agricu lture Solanaceous Micro-irrigation Micro-irrigation Crop Cultivator Technician Technician 4 Beauty & Wellness Assista nt Beauty Therapist Assistiant Beautician Beauty Therapist Domestic APPliances 5 Electrical & Electronics Field lnstallation / Electronics & Tech nician- Technician - Technician llardware .LD 4;- 2 <24 appliances Computing and Peripherals 6 Health Care Home health Aid General Duty General Duty Assistant Assistant 7 Security Unarmed Security Unarmed Security Guard Guard 8 Travel & Tourism / Food & Beverage Food and Beverage Tour !'ssistant Tourism & Hospitality Service Trainee Service - Steward 9 Telecom Optical Fibre Optical Fibre Splicer Technician 10 Plumber Plumber Plumber (General) (General) 1322 Vocational Trainer in 863 Existing Schools for 10 Sectors are given below: Estimated Estimated No. Agency Reimbursable Reimbursable Vocational Administrative S.no Sector Trade Amount for Amount for / Trainer in Charge Vocational Vocational Schools (Estimated Cost) Trainer Coordinator Apparel Made ups & LL1 Home Furnishings 1 280.80 33.69 Beauty & Wellness 349 2 837.60 100.51 Automotive / 109 Automobile 3 26L.60 31.39 Electronics & Hardware/Electrical 4 and Electronics 178 427.20 51.26 Agriculture 62 5 148.80 220.32 17.85 6 Plumber 10 24.OO :2.88 7 Telecom 15 36.00 ,1.32 8 Healthcare 332 795.80 95.61 Tourism and Hospitalityfiravel 61 and Tourism 9 746.40 17.56 Private 89 Security/Security 10 213.60 2s.63 Total 1322 3172.80 220.32 380.73 Note: 1% EMD has to be submitted for every applied trade .+w $-,- FP 3 Scope of work 2.1.1 Vocational Training Provider (VTF): The Vocational Training Provider (VTP) will be responsible for and expected to:- a) Provide Vocational Trainers and Vocational Coordinators as per the requirement of the project. b) A full time Vocational Trainer, is to be deployed in each school, allocated to the Training Partner, as per the Sector/ Job role. The qualificatirons of the Vocational Trainer should be as per the norms prescribed by PSSCIVE, Bhopal / State, as provided in A,nnexure- 06. c) To understand the curriculum and course content prepared by PSSCIVE and ensure lts delivery through its vocationaltrainers, within stipulated time (provided Competency Based Curriculum (CBC)from PSSCIVE Bhopal) and meet the quality parameters. d) To ensure & conduct the internal formative assessment Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) of students as per the norms of tlre Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan. e) To ensure that theoretical & practical classes are conducted as per Scheme guidelines. f) To ensure that internal assessment of the students is conducted with the help of school Principals/Nodal Teacher 'Kaushal Mitra' of Vocational Education of the schools. g) To ensure mobilization of students, parents, teachers at community level underthe guidance and consultation with the concerned schools Principals. h) To provide guidance and counselling services to the students and their parents,/ guardians as and when req u i red. i) To arrange relevant industrial r,risits (minimum of 3 industrial visits in a year) for class 9th and 10th. On the Job Training (OJT) for class 11th arrd 12th for 80 hours for the practical exposure and real- life work experience, in an academic year. j) As per law, only those persons who are above the age of 18 years can be employed full time. Some students in schools with vocational education course are not eligible for the job as they are underage. The VTP should ensure to provide apprenticeship to at least 70% of the interested students, who are below the age of L8, and thereafter a job. The VTP should ensure job to at least 70% of the interested students who are of 18 years and above. k) To provide one Vocational Coordinator (VC) for 30 schools. Each Vocational Coordinator (VC) will visit minimum 22 schools in a month and visit all schools at least twice in a quarter (3 months). VC shr:uld submit their quarterly visit plan and report to RCSE Jaipur (State/District Office) and concerning schools, in 10 days advance from the commencement of the next quarter. Note: lf existing VTP get the additional schools (ln current year) the VCs and schools visits (as above mentioned) will be adjusted as Per the norms. l) ln case of vacations in schools, Vocational Coordinator will report to District/State o{Tice. m) DuetoCovid-lg,iftheschoolsarenotopenedforthestudentsasperthestategovernmentdirections,inthat case, the e-content for the relevant trade and class is to be prepared /taught through electronic media. 2.1.2 Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education (ncsr) RCsE is the implementing organization and will be responsible for activities such as:- Sponsored Scheme of a) Budgeting and expenditure - Obtain and manage the MHRD funding as per Centrally Vocationalisation of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, and the State funds for tl^re project implementation. Allocate budget and sanction expenses in view of the sanctioned plan per school for thr: activities / interventions identified and entrusted to Service Provider/Vocational Training provider. Selection by the State Government is subjected to availability/approval /rel,:ase of funds by the Central and State Government' b) ldentification of districts/ schools - The Selection of Districts / Schools/ Trade or Sector, e4. \,ly KD c) Communication and marketing plan: To create awareness, stakeholder engagement and bringing in the right talent into the NSQF program. counselling of students & parents to enroll into the program. d) ldentification of Training Provider: The State Government will identify Vocational Training Provider for trades/sector through the selection process prescribed in the Online Open Competitive Bid issued by the RCSE on for 2O2O-21 e) Advisory Group: To establish advisory/management groups at the various levels for monitoring/feedback/regular
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