Selected bibliography on the right to development Part One - General Contents Part I. Situating the right to development: historical context Part II. Understanding the right to development: underlying principles A. Self-determination of peoples and sovereignty over natural resources B. Participation C. Equality, non-discrimination and fair distribution D. Human rights-based approaches to development E. Democratic governance F. Poverty G. Women and gender H. Indigenous populations and other vulnerable groups I. Global governance J. International solidarity Part III. Cooperating for the right to development: global partnership A. Human rights and the Millennium Development Goals in general B. Aid C. Trade D. Lending and debt 504 REALIZING THE RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT E. Access to medicines and technology in developing countries F. Climate change Part IV. Implementing the right to development: monitoring and action A. Monitoring B. Indicators of human rights relevant to measurement of conformity with the right to development C. Strategies for action BIBLIOGRAPHY 505 Part I. Situating the right to development: historical context Aguirre, Daniel. The Human Right to Development Angulo Sánchez, Nicolás. El Derecho Humano al in a Globalized World. Aldershot, United Kingdom: Desarrollo Frente a la Mundialización del Mercado: Ashgate, 2008. Conceptos, Contenido, Objetivos Y Sujetos. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Políticos para América Latina y Alston, Philip. Conjuring up new human rights: África, 2006. a proposal for quality control. American Journal of International Law, vol. 78, No. 3 (1984). Barsh, Russel. The right to development as a human right: results of the Global Consultation. Human Rights __________. Human rights and basic needs: a criti- Quarterly, vol. 13 (1991). cal assessment. Revue des Droits de L’Homme, vol. 12 Baxi, Upendra. The new international economic (1979). order, basic needs and rights: notes towards devel- __________. Human rights and the new inter- opment of the right to development. Indian Journal of national development strategy. Security Dialogue, International Law, vol. 23 (1983). vol. 10 (1979). __________. The development of the right to devel- __________. Making space for new human rights: opment. In Human Rights: New Dimensions and Chal- the case of the right to development. Harvard Human lenges. Janusz Symonides, ed. Dartmouth: Ashgate, Rights Yearbook, vol. 1 (1988). 1998; Paris: UNESCO, 1998. Bedjaoui, Mohammed. Droit au développement __________. Revitalising United Nations work on et jus cogens. Annuaire de l’A.A.A (1986) [Associa- human rights and development. Melbourne University tion des auditeurs et anciens auditeurs de l’Académie Law Review, vol. 18 (1991). de droit international de La Haye]/Yearbook of the __________. The right to development at the inter- A.A.A./[Association of Attenders and Alumni of the national level. In Third World Attitudes Towards Inter- Hague Academy of International Law], vol. 54-6 national Law, Frederick E. Snyder and Surakiart Sathi- (1984, 1985). rathai, eds. Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Martinus __________. Some unorthodox reflections on the Nijhoff Publishers, 1987. right to development. In International Law of Devel- opment: Comparative Perspective. Francis G. Snyder __________. The shortcomings of a “Garfield the and Peter Slinn, eds. Abingdon: Professional Books, cat” approach to the right to development. California 1987. Western International Law Journal, vol. 15 (1985). __________. The right to development. In Interna- __________. ed, People’s Rights. New York: tional Law: Achievements and Prospects. Mohammed Oxford University Press, 2001. Bedjaoui, ed. UNESCO and Nijhoff, 1991. Published in French as Droit international: Bilan et perspectives. __________ and Mary Robinson. Human Rights Pédone and UNESCO, 1991. and Development: Towards Mutual Reinforcement. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Bello, Walden. Le consensus post-Washington: l’ef- filochement d’une doctrine du développement. In Quel Andreassen, Bård-Anders. On the normative core développement? Quelle coopération internationale? of the right to development. Forum for Development Geneva: Centre Europe-Tiers Monde (CETIM), Centre Studies, No. 2 (1997). de recherche et d’information pour le développement __________. Shifting notions of development: (CRID), Centre national de coopération au développe- Implications for the right to development? In The Right ment (CNCD), 2007. to Development: Reflections on the First Four Reports Bennouna, Mohamed. Droit international du dével- of the Independent Expert, Franciscans International, oppement: tiers monde et interpellation du droit inter- ed. Geneva: Franciscans International, 2003. national. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1983. __________ and Stephen P. Marks, eds. Develop- Chandra Birla, Subhash. Law and right to devel- ment as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic opment. Paper presented at the 18th Conference on Dimensions. 2nd edition. Antwerp, Oxford and Port- the Law of the World, 21-26 September 1997. Doha: land, Oregon: Intersentia, 2010. World Jurist Association, 1997. 506 REALIZING THE RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT Brietzke, Paul H. Consorting with the chameleon, Claude, Richard P. and James C. Strouse. Human or realizing the right to development. California rights development theory. In Research and Law Western International Law Journal, vol. 15 (1985). in Sociology, vol. 1, Rita J. Simon, ed. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, Inc., 1978. Brownlie, Ian. The Human Right to Development. London: Commonwealth Secretariat Human Rights Colliard, Claude-Albert. L’adoption par l’Assem- Unit, 1989. blée Générale de la Déclaration sur le droit au dével- oppement. Annuaire français de droit international, Bulajic´ , Milan. International protection of intel- vol. 33, No. 1 (1987). lectual property in the context of the right to devel- opment: comment on the German proposal. In The Colloque de Dakar sur le développement et les Right to Development in International Law, Subrata droits de l’homme. Revue senegalaise de droit, Roy Chowdhury, Erik M.G. Denters and Paul J.I.M. de No. 22. Dakar: A.S.E.R.J, September 1978. Waart, eds. Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1992. Cross, Nigel. The Sahel: The Peoples’ Right to Bunn, Isabella D. The right to development: impli- Development. London: Minority Rights Group, 1990. cations for international economic law. American Desai, Prabodh Dinkarrao. Right to development: University International Law Review, vol. 15 (2000). improving the quality of life. In The Right to Develop- Cardol, Goosen. Ontheemd, vreemd en minder- ment in International Law, Subrata Roy Chowdhury, jarig : het recht op ontwikkeling van de alleenstaande Erik M.G. Denters and Paul J.I.M. de Waart, eds. minderjarige vreemdeling in (inter)nationale wet- en Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1992. regelgeving. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005. Dias, Clarence J. The right to development: back Carletti, Cristiana. L’article 37 de la nouvelle on center stage where it belongs. In The Right to Charte arabe des droits de l’homme: quel niveau de Development: Reflections on the First Four Reports of promotion du droit au développement? In La nouvelle the Independent Expert. Franciscans International, ed. charte arabe des droits de l’homme—Dialogue ita- Geneva: Franciscans International, 2003. lo-arabe: Actes de la Table ronde italo-arabe. Claudio Donnelly, Jack. The “right to development”. how Zanghi and Rafâa Ben Achour, eds. Messina, Italy, not to link human rights and development. In Human 17-18 décembre 2004/Giappichelli, 2005. Rights and Development in Africa. Claude E. Welch and Ronald I. Meltzer, eds. Albany: State University of Carrillo Salcedo, Juan Antonio. El derecho al New York Press, 1984. desarrollo como derecho de la persona humana. Revista Española de Derecho International, vol. 25 __________. In search of the unicorn: the juris- (1974). prudence and politics of the right to development. California Western International Law Journal, vol. 15, Carty, Anthony. Third world claim on economic No. 3 (1985). self-determination: economic rights of peoples: theo- retical aspects. In The Right to Development in Inter- __________. Theology of the right to development: national Law. Subrata Roy Chowdhury, Erik M.G. a reply to Alston. California Western International Denters and Paul J.I.M. de Waart, eds. Dordrecht: Law Journal, vol. 15, No. 3 (1985). Nijhoff, 1992. __________. Third generation rights. In Peo- Centre for Development and Human Rights. The ples and Minorities in International Law. Catherine Right to Development: A Primer. New Delhi and Thou- Brölmann, R. Lefeber and Marjoleine Zieck, eds. sand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 2004. Dor drecht: Nijhoff, 1993. Chauffour, Jean-Pierre. The Power of Freedom: Dunne, George H. The Right to Development. New Uniting Human Rights and Development. Washington, York: Paulist Press, 1974. D.C.: Cato Institute, 2009. Dupuy, René-Jean, ed. Le Droit au développement Chowdhury, Subrata Roy and Paul J.I.M de Waart. au plan international : colloque, La Haye, 16-18 octo- Significance of the right to development: an introduc- bre 1979/The Right to Development at the Interna- tory view. In The Right to Development in International tional Level: workshop, The Hague, 16-18 October Law. Subrata Roy Chowdhury, Erik M.G. Denters and 1979. Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands: Sijthoff Paul J.I.M. de Waart, eds. Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1992. and Noordhoff, 1980. BIBLIOGRAPHY 507 Ekema, Robbie. Right to Development: Le Droit au Herrera, Rémy. ALBA
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