tilll KITAB AL SALAAT rf r r(!ir of PRAYFR) (]ON1PILED BY: NA] IJIIiI\\1A ADA]VJ ,aaaaaa ,a.laaaa 'aaaaaa 't,'aaaa ,ataata 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aiaaaa 'aaaaaa 'a,tataa 'a,taaaa 'aataaa KITAB 'aaaaaa 'aaiaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa ,aaaaaa 'a)aaaa 'aaaaaa 'aataaa 'aaaaaa AL- SALAAT 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa ',taaaaa 'aaaaaa 'taaaaa 'aaaaaa (THE OF PRAYER) BOOK 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aafaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa COMPILED 'aaaaaa BY: ',taaaaa 'aaaata 'aaaaaa NATHIFJAMA ADAM 'aaataa ,aaa+aa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaa,ta 'aaaaaa 'aaataa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa ,taataa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaea 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'aaaaaa 'liitfi COOPERATIVE OFFICE FOR CALL AND GUIDANCE UNDER SUPERVISION PRESIDENCYOF ISLAMIC RESEARCH IFTA AND PROPAGATION P.O. Box: (20824)RIYADH 11465 TEL.4030251- FAX. &30142 PermissionNo. ll73lM On 22/2/t4ll H This book may not be reproduced without prior written permission from the office PREFACE PRAISEbe to "Allah 6Wn "who ordained As Salaat (Prayer)as an act of worship on His servants, and may the utmost peaceand blessingsof Allah(SWT) be uponHis prophetwho taughtthe Ummah (Muslim nation) how best to performthe prayer. I do not intendtowrite a longpreface, but I merelywish to makea briefexplanation of my reasonsfor undertakingthis work. lt is natural that by virtue of its importance, many bookshave in the pastbeen written on the Sa/aatby different muslims in different parts of the world - may Allah 6WD reward them all for their efforts. And,while a largenumber of the works so far carriedout onSalaathave generally been well appreciated,it is however no secret also that many books on this subject suffer serious shortcomings which notably may be summarisedas follows: (1 ) Apparent lack of subject comprehensivenessin mostbooks. While, certainly, no single writer can comprehenda subject aswide as Salaat, but it is true that many books on this subjectonly make scantytouch on it. (2) The unfortunateexistence in many of the books of various matters such as recitations,supplications and even acts purportedto be part of the prayer but which cannotbe correctlytraced to having been recited and/.or performed by the Prophet(PBUH) or even by his rightly guidedCaliphs (successors). (3)Theabsence of arrangementand order in most bookswith regardto the various mattersrelating to the prayer. (4) The virtual absencein most booksof 2 TRANSLITERATIONto the various supplicationswhich a person needs to recite in the course of the Prayer. Needlessto say, but, the importanceof transliterationto the non-Arabicspeaking Muslimscannot be over-emphasised. It is in view of the foregoing that the thoughtof compilinga more appropriate treatiseon I lat aroseto me and it is by the graceoI Allah 6Wf ) that it is now in our handsalthough I am quiteconscious of how unequalI am to a subjectsuch as this one to which a man of muchgreater capabilitiesthan myselfwas required.I am, however,sustained bythe conviction that the readers will overlook mY shortcomings and treat them with indulgence. In compiling this treatise, lhave endeavouredto touchover almost all the importantaspects of the prayerand there is perhapsno other bookwhich provides such an elaborateaccount of the subject although,as mentionedearlier,Salaat is just such a wide subjectthat even this treatise is still in want of much other informationon the samebut which, Insha - Allah,shall be takeninto accountin the next reproduction. How far I have succeededin this work is not for me to say but it is my sincerehope that it will, lrshaAllah,go a long way in f ulfilling the gaps and shortcomings found in other books written so lar on the subject.The book,however cannot and, is not meant to be a substituteto the other works on the .g/aaf but rather complementive.Meanwhile, man isto err and this work may not necessarilybe free f rom errors whether tech n ica I, typographicalor otherwise.Hence, I make a kind appeal to all those who maY discoversomething incorrect in this work to communicate the same to the publishersfor due correctionin the next re-print. Compilingsuch a work, did not onlY require my referenceto a wide range of booksincluding the HolyOur'an, Hadith booksand Fiqh(jurisprudence) books but also to seek the help of other learned muslim brethrenand in this regard,my appreciationgoes to SheikhHamoud M. Al lahimand brother Abdalla Karshe both of Riyadh- maythe AlmightyAllahbless themfor their continuous counselling and advice.Similarly, this work would not havebeen complete had it notbeen for the tireless efforts of brother Muhammed AmeenCave of the Co-operativeoff ice for Call and Guidance,Riyadh who not only did the system data entering but even helpedso much in the f inalproof-reading - may Allah reward him for his shareof contributionin this work. NATHIFJ. ADAM RIYADH,21st May,1991 In this Book the words (SWT) inserted after the name of Allah stand for ,,SUBHANAHU WA TA'ALA" WhiCh means "The Glorified,the Most High"; while, the words(PBUH) inserted after the nameof the Prophetstand for " pEACEBE UPONHIM". 6 AS-SALAAT (PRAYER) INTRODUCTION Salaat (PraYer) is one of the main obfigations which "Attah 6Wn" has ordainedon His servants.lt is the first act of worshipdecreed on the Muslim Nation (Ummah) bY "Allah 6Wn " and was ordained on the night of the Prophet's (PBUHlascensionto the sevenheavens. lt is the secondof the five pillarsof lslam after the proclamationof the "Shahada" (the words of witness)' It is enjoined on the Muslims as an obfigatory act by" Allah 6wff'as can be noted from the following verses of the HolyOur'an: ,'ESTABLISHREGULAR PRAYERSAT THE SUru'S DECLINE TILL THE NIGHT, AND THE DARKNESS OF THE '(Our'a MORNTNGPRAYER"" "' n 17:781 I In anotherverse "Allah 6Wn" says: ..AND ESTABLISH REGULAR PRAYERS AT THE TWO ENDS OF THE DAY AND AT THE APPROACHES OF THE NIGHT.'' (Our'an11:114!. The importanceof the Salaat has also been explicitly expressed by Allah's Messenger(PBUH), as can be notedfrom the followingsayings: "What lies between a perfect man and disbelief is the leaving of prayer". (Related by lmamsAhmed and Muslim) The Prophet(PBUH) also said: "The obligation which separates us from them (the non-believers)is the prayer and he who renounces it becomes a disbeliever." (Relatedby lmams Ahmed and Muslim) The abovequoted Our'anic commands by "Altah ,Swff'and the honouredsayings of the Prophet(PBUH) clearly indicate the importanceof Salaat such that it is unanimously agreed bY all Muslim scholarsthat renouncingit is regardedan act of disbelief(Kufr). THEVIRTUES OF PRAYER Salaat(Prayer) performed genuinely with humilityand submission to "Allah(SWf)" hasunlimited virtues and benef its. lt isthe noblestexpression of faithand the surest way of thanking "Allah 6wfyfor His unlimited favours. lt is the way to obtaining Allah's mercy, generosity, kindness,blessings and a sure way to paradise."Allah (SWf)" says in the Holy Our'an: ''PROSPEROUS INDEED ARE THE BELIEVERSWHO ARE HUMBLE IN THEIR PRAYERS". (Our'an 23:1-2l, 3 It is a deliverance on the Day of Judgementfor thosewho usedto observe it well. The Prophet(PBUH) says: "The first thing that the servant of "Allah (SWT)"will be calledto accounlfor on the Dayof Judgementwill be the prayer;and if it was goodthe person'sdeeds will have been good,but if it was bad,the person's deedswill have been bad". (Reportedby lmambhukari) Prayer purifiqp the soul, refines the character and inculcatesin man the excellentvirtues of truthfulness,honesty and modesty.lt keepsone who performsit from falsehood and from all forbidden actions as is categoricallyconfirmed by the following verseof the Holy Our,an: "...VERILY, PRAYER REFRAINSFROM INDECENCYAND EVIL..."(Our'an 29:45) 4 WUDHU(ABLUTION) Prior to entering Salaat,the person is requ ired to underta ke a certain purification procedureknown as"W udh u" withoutwhich, the person'sprayer would not be acceptablein the sight of "Allah (SWT)."Allah, the AlmightY,saYs: ,'O YE WHO BELIEVE. WHEN YE PREPARE FOR PRAYER, WASH YOUR FACES AND YOUR ARMS TO THE ELBOWS; RUB YOUR HEADS (WITH WATER); AND (WASH) YOUR FEET TO THEANKLES..." (Our'an 5:6) And the Prophet(PBUH),said: Prayer without ablution /s invalid". (Reportedby lmam Muslim) CONDITIONSFOR THE PERFORMANCE oF wUDHU (ABLUT|ON) There are variousconditions required to be fulfilledin the performanceof Wudhu which are as follows: 1. Acceptanceof the lslamicFaith. 2. Sanityand consciousness. 3. Intention(Anniyah) to performWudhu as an act of worship. 4. Purifying oneself from urine, excrementand all otherkind of impurities beforeperforming Wudhu. 5. Ensuringthe purityof the water to be usedfor the Wudhu 6. Ensuringthat water is not prevented from reachingthe partsof the bodywhich needto be washed in the performanceof 6 the wudhu. 7. Being conscious and keePing the Wudhu in mind. ESSENTIALACTS OF WUDHU 1. Washingthe entireface once. 2. Washingeach arm once. 3. Wipingthe entirehead once. 4. Washingthe feet uptothe ankles' 5. Ensuringthat the above 4 acts are performedin the givensequence. 6. Performing the Wudhu acts continuouslyand without unnecessary let-upsuntil comPletion. VOLUNTARYACTS OF WUDHU Besides the above essential acts of Wudhu,there are alsosome voluntary but recommended acts in the Wudhu procedure.These are as follows: a. InvokingAllah (SWT)at the start of the Wudhu. b. Washingof both handsupto the wrists. c. Rinsingthe mounthwith water. d. Sniffing of water in and out of the nostrils. e. Passingof water outsideand insideof the earlobes. HOWTHE WUDHU IS PERFORMED The essential and voluntary acts discussedabove shall now be integrated to demonstratehow the prophet(PBUH) 8 usedto performWudhu: 1. Makingthe intentionto performWudhu as an act of sincerehomage and worship for the pleasure of Allah 6Wn' The intentionneed not be utteredbut it should be kept in mind duringthe the Wudhu' 2. fnvokin g Atlah (SWT)atthe startof the Wudhu bYsaYing: '' - ". - BI S M ILLAH I -R -RA H M AN I -R RAHI I M (ln the name of Allah, Most Gracious' Most Merciful). 3. Washingthe handsupto the wristsfor three times, while rubbing them and letting the water reach between the f ingers.
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