• i £ • FIFTEEN CENTS WEEK. NEW ORLEANS, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1849 VOLUME I NUMBER 294. The Bride of the Fiord. to her! She who would have poured out her life WATCHES—JEWELRY. RESTAURANTS, &c. MUTUAL BENEFIT LITE INSURANCE OO. THE DAILY CRESCENT, for that young couple, was now regarded with a JVO. 11 fVJILL STREET. JftuTork. fearful awe by these simple boatmen, who, in their T^HIS COMPANY completed its third year on the lit dar CHAPTER II. ay l nt "'BLFHHED EVKRY IMV—SUNDAYS EXCEPTED- hearts, charged her with it all. She knew it, and «•'*' IttitMJt »'1U UCdltJI III JL»»K1jXVI ,"vnii Holbrook-Osyter Saloon and Restaurant àcioniA-o . : which time the surplus amounted to And at length Olaf has returned from Drontheim PENS, FANCY ARTICLES, and WATCHES F54J.UIO D8, SHOWING an amouut business unparalleled in BY HAYES, M'OLUBE & CO. she durst not come down—durst not speak to them. AS made arrangements to be at all times supplied with the history of Life Insurance. All his preparations have been completed, and the All Jcuelry artrclei repaired at moderate price». "'18 the_finest OYSTERS from Mobi e and C 1'. HAYES..J. E. M CLURE..J. C LARUE..J. O. PIERSON For a few moments longer there she stood—her H Dividends o' profits are decla annually upon all life Saturday's first feast is over, (e) and the Sabbath B^rataria, which will be served ^ policies, which have settled wo or more premiums; the scream responded to by the affrighted sea-birds it W M. S. MO R G A N , up in every style, to suit the pal- " * morn has been opened with its glorious light, and profits draw interest at the rateol per cent, per annum,and e—Wo» 9S Charles street. aroused from their resting places. The ripple, died PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ate. The proprietor has made ran be made available at once, to he extent of two-third» of the waters are calm, the trees green, and nie boat? 37 ( 11. ST fi E KT, Third Dour from. Camp street. •ht l'i'' arrangements to be sunphed with every away—the storm passed as rapidly as it came—but their amount, where the party has paid his premiums in full TERMS Of THE CRESCENT. are all assembled, that are to carry that bridal party ' IMIK subscriber has just received an additional supply of variety of GAME and FISH, in the preparation of which Premiums are payable annually, but may be paid semi 1 the boat or its inmates were never given back to the 1 WATCHESWATCHES. JEW ELRY and FANCY I no pains will be spared to gratify the taste of the most fastid­ ' tntê* FTccfc, ; .-y. !•: lull» I iniin.iiiilj.. to the parish church. And the waters are smooth, annually, or quarterly, and parries taking life policies may r, F:ft I toi' -A ; ?i ycnr - half yearly nn 1 quarterly ât l ious epicure. On his Bill of Fare will always be found if they prefer, give their individual notes for one-half ths surface. And as the boatmen knelt in prayer STEAKS. CHOPS, CUTLETS, every kind of POUT i-'es- in d'lv&nce Single copie«, Five Cent* as is tobe the life of that young bride and bride­ around the senseless Olaf, and over the young annual premium, upon which they will be required to pay# 1 • • will r^fMpt for Mil rihsTiplicms rx'eedinff nne w* * groom. Now the oars strike into the water, and Hunting Cases of M. I. Tobias. TRY, aud, in short, every thing in i per cent, interest. li1. WEEKLY CRESCENT will l>e furnished to singi? subsrrili bride's watery grave, the Fin darted up the heights, Roskell and olher superior makers ; also, fine London Duplex procured- the three boats are off from the hank. The first Statement of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Com­ « -THREE DOLLARS per year ; t., club» of four or more, di- and disappeared from all eyes. Watches; rich Jewelry, of the latest styles, comprising fine FRANKLIN HOUSE. pany, New York, May 1, 1848. • M«MI to the name Post-office, .it Two Dollars Hud Fifty Cent GoliJ Watch Chains, Keys and Seals : Ladies' Bracelets carries Margaret, and her female friends and rela­ It was a strange destiny, though, to a highly Lake end of New Shell Road. This Con- any has issued, since April 15th,1845, ?• tr each ; Postmaster* and other« who may act n* A gen'«, « tives, and they ara dressed in gay attire, and Mar­ Necklaces. Breasi Pins. Gold Pen. ils Ca«es, Finger Rings, HP HE undersigned has just refitted and opened the al>ove to this date, (three years,) 6527 Policies. •eod orders, paid, for ten copie*, will receive one copy in ad>ht superstitious people, easily explainable, that those etc. Also a great variety of FANCY GOODS, selected D> Policies cancelled and expired 819 for their CompriiMution. Payable in all cases in advance. Sui_ garet is all in white, and upon her head she wear.- himself in the Nosthern markets, from the latest Euiopean X well-known and favori'e establishment, and in- r-npers orjinrkn<r«»M, iü wrappers, can he had at the office of pub- three true hearts should perish thus—for perish is a tends to make it, in every respect, worthv of the pat- B|J|i a gilt crown—Norwegian ernhle 11 of a virgin bride. importations, consisting of Work Boxes, Dressing Cases, fine Policies now in force 4708 , No. 95 Ht. Char! word as applicable to those that lived, as to hers Fans. Reticule». Scissors; a fine assortment of SILVER rouage of his friends and those who wish to enjoy a A?)V KPT1SK V l..\TS—not < •-ilin? t e type, Her eyes are laughing, and gay eyes are answer­ pleasant drive to one of the most elegant and salubrious re Amount of premiums on the above #697,445 81 I' t r the :ir*t insertion, : that died. Hers had ceased its «arm palpitations, WARE, pure as coin ; and other fancy articles. Received for interest 21.276 43 for every i ing their meaning looks. At the head of that first All the above art'cles will be sold at the most, moderate treats in the country. The gardens and grounds will be kept «e.'i n. Tho"": of greater length in proportion." No on th and slept beneath the ocean. One, the man's still in the best order; he will have boats out at all times to keep 1 boat sit two youths with pan-pipes, playing their rates. _ jal6 5m_ Total 718.782 04 ;\ige, of ten lines in Pearl type, $1 ».ach ins worked, but, it urged the stream of life through the his table supplied with the finny tnbe, fresh from their ocean Losses and expenses paid, amounting to 176.721 46 * «rtiiefiKiii« pi! 'irhcd wet'kly,semi-weeklv,tri-weekly or monthly, sweetest music ; all arms have laid down their oars WATCHES, JEWELRY AND FANCY G-OODS. home. He will also be at all times supplied with every de­ : re ci. <rge.l $1 per square for evexy insertion. UTA huerai frame, of a senseless idiot. And she who fled, she scription of wild game, and all the delicacies that the New Net proceeds $542.010 58 ' ' ' ' Avenue by the year. to listen to that music, a slight sail has been un­ 'pilE subscribers have just received ar» additional had life, she had reason still, but her simple heart JL supply of very superiorGold and Silver Watches. Orleans market affords, together with choice liquors and y AR11 ACE and OBITUARY Notices«re charged 50c. persqi furled to catch the favoring breeze, and all are wines, with good lemonade for his temperance friends.— The recipients of the amount paid for losses, are had broken. There is no literal truth in the ex­ with Hunting Cases of M. I. ToSia*, Roskell and as follows, viz : happy there—happy as though life had no ills in the pression, " broken heart"—but it is figuratively other superior maker» ; also. Fine London J triple?; "Come one. come all." [d20 8m] DAN HICKOK tVatches, rich Jewelry, of the latest styles, comprising Finc- Widows 38 NEW ORLEANS: future. tr le of that state wherein grief has poured the full MURPHY _ RESTAURANT, Husbands 6 «•. Within the second boat sits Olaf ; he handles no Gold Watch Chains, Keys ajid Seals, Ladies' Bracelets, Bowling and Billiard Saloons—No. 100 ST. CHARLES measure of her poison, through the blood of life, Necklaces, Breast Fins, Gold Pencil Cases. Finger Rings, Children 158 oar now, and around him sit his friends and rela­ STREET, NEXT TO THE THEATRE. Creditors 1 SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1849. and thenceforth all life-things are shadowy, all ap­ &c. Also, a great variety of FANCY GOODS, selected by HE Subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and tives, and some of them carry fiddles, and some one of the firm in the European markets, consisting o! Work 1he surplus of the Company, this day. is $542,010 59 pleasure dies, and enjoyments pall, and T the public that he has made extensive ad­ ROBERT L. PATTERSON. President. carry the rifle, wherewith the Norway peasant is petite for Boxes, Dressing Cases, fine Fans, Reticules and other fancy ditions to his Establishment, rendering it the FARTHER NEWS 11 Y THF. CANADA. are painful on the senses, which, though they still articles. Also, fine Scissors and Needles, Table Knives and BENJAMIN C. MILLER, Secretary. — found tobe expert in killing wolves ami cock ; and most complete and desirable ifi the city.
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