August, 2007 Knights of Columbus Washington State Council Bulletin Page August, 2007 Knights of Columbus Washington State Council 2007-2008 Bulletin Experience of a Lifetime Inside This Edition 2006-2007 State Membership State Deputy Messages 2 Vice-Chaplain Message 3 2006-2007 Circle of Honor State Advocate Message 4 567 Members Net Gain—103.3% College Council Message 4 Karl A. Hadley, State Deputy Membership Message & Standings 5-7 General Program Director 7 2006-2007 Council Overall Membership Winners District Deputy Director Message 7 500% Gain Net Gain 31 Members Fr Treunet #3611 Webmaster Message 8 Colbert #8872 Anacortes Essay Contest Winner 3rd Place 8 Grand Knight John Roeker Grand Knight Dennis Wilson Affirmation Of Life Dedication 9 Pro-Life Message 9 2006-2007 Council Division Membership Winners NCD/RT East & West Message 10 Bulletin Editor Message 10 Division Net Gain Net Percentage Knights to Christ 11 7 Members (140%) 7 Members (140%) Historian Message 11 Prince of Pearl #12002 Centennial #8079 I Exemplification Fund Fee 12 Belfair Des Moines Love and Respect in Family 12 Grand Knight H. Wayne Tachell Grand Knight Edward Stanley Family Message 13 22 Members 300% Ceremonials Message 14 St John the Evangelist St Rose #9145 II K of C Dinner and Ball 14 #12983,Vancouver Cheney Fourth Degree Exemplifications 15 Grand Knight Ronald Deibert Grand Knight Jackson Martin Important Dates to Remember 16 260% 14 Members Holy Trinity #11789 Military Affairs & VAVS 17-18 III Bellingham #829 Bremerton Vocations, RSVP, PFH 18 Grand Knight Christopher Keller Grand Knight William Paxson New Assembly Development 19 Happenings arount the State 21-22 21 Members 212.5% St Nicholas #9238 Fr Blanchet #2999 IV Summer Leadership Meeting 23-25 Gig Harbor Camas-Washougal Special Olympics 25 Grand Knight Jack Michel Frand Knight David Casteel Council Newsletter Contest Rules 26 30 Members 86.7% John E O’Brien #3361 Death & Illness Notices 26 V Richland #3307 Oak Harbor Grand Knight David Ward Directory Changes 27 Grand Knight Maynard Hoing Insurance Messages 28-29 L.I.B.K Supporting our Priests and Bishops for 125 Years Aug 1—Service Program Personnel Report #365 DUE Did you succeed in recruiting new members with the Officers and VIP Club Challenge during the Aug 11-19—Family Week month of July? We are now celebrating Family Month, and we once again Challenge you to re- Aug 15—Council Semi-Annual Audit DUE cruit your Family members…Sons, Fathers, Uncles, Grandfathers, Son-in-laws, Father-in-laws. Aug 25-26—Special Olympics in Lyn- Ask them once again to join our Order! The benefits for family are great with membership in the wood, Everett, and Renton Knights of Columbus! Page 2 Knights of Columbus Washington State Council Bulletin August, 2007 Message from State Deputy John Walker “WELCOME TO A NEW YEAR” .Worthy Brother Knights: Other goals set were to have reports submitted prior to their due date, every council would be member- I want to thank all of those councils and council ship active (that is a minimum of one new member), officers who attended the Summer Leadership all Third Degrees will be held as scheduled, all Meeting in Pasco, July 14-15. This meeting seminarians will be supported, and the state mem- brought together State Officers (7), Past State bership will be at 17,000 or close to it by June 30, Deputies (11), District Deputies (25), State Chair- 2008. man (15), Grand Knights (64), Financial Secretar- ies (30) and other council members (37). Also Comparable goals were suggested for each grand attending were Supreme Director, Fred Abraham knight and district deputy. and Regional Program Consultant, Frank Pulice. We placed special emphasis on our spiritual devel- The annual meeting was an opportunity for broth- opment by providing information on how to obtain ers to share ideas and start their initial plans for the 2007- the Knights of Christ Devotion booklet. 2008 fraternal year. Your attendance at the meeting is a good Numerous presentations were provided on membership recruit- indication that you and your council are committed to having ment and retention, insurance promotion, ceremonials, new a successful year. Wives of members were also in attendance council development and round tables, PFH/RSVP, Columbus and enjoyed the Wine Tour (42) and the Sunday ladies coffee Charities, Military Affairs, and program activities. The Grand program (45) with guest speaker Peggy St. Hilaire. There Knight’s Handbook, the 1000 Pt. Club, Awards, and monthly were also 15 or more children in attendance. We always en- reporting were reviewed. courage Knights to bring their wives and children and enjoy the fraternalism that we are famous for. Everyone indicated A special highlight was the talk by PSD, FSW Hal Westby on that they enjoyed the meeting and were able to take back ex- “The Leader as Servant." As always Hal did an excellent cellent ideas that will help them get off to a great year. There presentation. Supreme Director and PSD, Brother Fred Abra- is always room for improvement, so if you have any sugges- ham and Regional Program Consultant, Frank Pulice gave en- tions for ways that we can better conduct these meetings, couragement to all to live up to the standards of the Knights of please submit your feedback to me. Columbus. For Grand Knights who were unable to attend or did not have Prizes were presented for membership, Columbus Charities, and a representative present your District Deputy should have a PFH leaders from fraternal year 2006-2007. packet of information for you. If he has not delivered it to The installation Mass was one of the special moments of the you, please contact him. This packet included two state di- Leadership Meeting. Bishop of Yakima Carlos Sevilla, our rectories for each council – one for the Grand Knight and one State Chaplain was the celebrant for the mass. Concelebrant for the Financial Secretary (if none was present) and also a was Msgr. Desmond Dillon with Deacon Bill Mich assisting. CD for the Grand Knight’s Handbook and other valuable in- The Honor Guard was eighteen strong and as always very im- formation to help you as you begin your year. pressive. Following Mass the installation of State Officers and For those Grand Knights who were not in attendance (that District Deputies was conducted by ISPD Karl Hadley. was over half of you), you missed a lot. Below are some of I, as your freshman State Deputy, encouraged all to move from the highlights: being a Good or Very Good council to being a GREAT Coun- • Each Grand Knight and others in attendance received the cil this coming year and in the years to come. Councils are the new state pin. back bone, the grass roots of our Order, and only through your commitment to the goals of Charity, Unity, Fraternalism and • Our State Chaplain, Bishop Carlos Sevilla was present Patriotism will the Knights of Columbus continue to flourish and opened each of the meetings with a prayer. and grow. I wish to thank all who contributed with their time, talent and sacrifices to make the Summer Leadership Meeting a • The state goals from Supreme for the year were re- success!!! viewed: 3 new Councils; 60 Round Tables and Net Mem- bership Growth of 569 (a 3.5% increase). However, the Vivat Jesus! State Deputy’s Membership Growth was set at 750 to ex- John L. Walker ceed the goals set by Supreme. State Deputy August, 2007 Knights of Columbus Washington State Council Bulletin Page 3 by Fr. Wilmar O Zabala Hospitality: A Doorway to Transcendence I recently returned from a wonderful this invitation is issued to strangers, vacation in Hawaii. It wasn’t really a people Abraham doesn’t really know. vacation because I had to work one It seems to suggest that we aren’t really day! A couple from our parish asked hospitable disciples of Jesus until we me to witness the marriage of their extend that invitation to people we son. They paid for my travel expenses. don’t particularly know or like, to peo- I simply couldn’t resist the offer! ple other than those who regularly What can I say? People just love me! come to our homes. Isn’t that what we STATE CHAPLAIN One memorable thing about this trip is see in the parable of the Good Samari- STATE VICE-CHAPLAIN MOST REVEREND the hospitality of the local people. tan we read the previous Sunday? I THE REVEREND CARLOS A. SEVILLA, S.J. That inspired to write about hospital- think it is! It’s also very consistent WILMAR O. ZABALA ity in this column. Writing about hos- with the gospel message to love our pitality is still very appropriate. Some neighbors as ourselves. of us are still planning on going on Secondly, Abraham gives his best to his guests. Even though he that long-awaited vacation. Others are doesn’t really know these three strangers, he treats them as if he still visiting relatives or attending indeed knows them personally. And he provides them with every- weddings and anniversaries. Whatever thing that’s very best. How do we know that we’re truly being the reason we are on the road for, hospitable disciples of Jesus, according to this second thing that what we expect – or what people seem stands out in the story? If we open – without resentment – that to expect from us – is good hospital- expensive bottle of wine we’re saving for our boss when poor ity. We choose which hotel to stay in Uncle Bill visits us unexpectedly! If we barbeque – without re- based on its hospitality ratings.
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