GRAN PREMI TORNEIG de DIPUTACIÓ de BARCELONA 4, 5 i 6 de gener de 2015 BÀSQUET JÚNIOR Complex Esportiu Municipal CIUTAT de L’Hospitalet Nord, L’HOSPITALET 36è avinguda de Manuel Azaña, 21-23 L’ H SLAM DUNK VINE A VEURE les MILLORs jugades, a la millor ciutat. Núria Marín i Martínez Alcaldessa de L’Hospitalet Un total de vuit dels millors equips Un total de ocho de los mejores With a total of 8 teams, between sub18 d’Europa tornen a la pista equipos sub18 de Europa vuel- them the best sub18 teams in Eu- de L’Hospitalet Nord per disputar ven a la pista de L’Hospitalet Nord rope, once again they all will parti- l’apassionant Torneig de Bàsquet para disputar el apasionante Tor- cipate in the Hospitalet Basketball Júnior Ciutat de L’Hospitalet, un neo de Baloncesto Junior Ciudad court for taking part of the always clàssic que enguany arriba a la de L’Hospitalet, un clásico que exciting Junior Basketball Cham- 36a edició. Entre aquests, tres este año llega a la 36ª edición. pionship “Ciudad de L’Hospitalet”, equips catalans: CB L’Hospitalet, Entre estos, tres equipos catala- already a classic appointment FC Barcelona i Joventut de Ba- nes: CB L’Hospitalet, FC Barcelona that this year will celebrate its dalona. y Juventud de Badalona. 36th edition. Between all these teams, 3 of them are from Catalo- A L’Hospitalet hi ha prop d’un En L’Hospitalet hay cerca de un nia: CB L’Hospitalet, FC Barcelona centenar d’entitats esportives i centenar de entidades deportivas and Juventud de Badalona. totes promouen valors fonamen- y todas promueven valores fun- tals per a una convivència basada damentales para una convivencia In Hospitalet there are around one en el respecte i la col·laboració. basada en el respeto y la cola- hundred of sport entities and all of Valors que són molt necessaris boración. Valores que son muy them work ahead the fundamental avui, en una societat diversa i necesarios hoy, en una sociedad communal living values based on plural com la nostra. diversa y plural como la nuestra. respect and collaboration. All these values are really important nowa- A la ciutat practiquem el model En la ciudad practicamos el mo- days, due that we are part of a so- de l’esport de base. L’esport dels delo del deporte de base. El de- ciety with a high level of diversity. clubs, de les entitats i de les es- porte de los clubes, de las entida- coles que aplega els interessos des y de las escuelas que reúne In our city, we are deeply compri- comuns de la gent compromesa. los intereses comunes de la gente sed with sports at the junior high Hi creiem perquè, a més, ens ha comprometida. Creemos porque, level. Sport promoted by sports donat bons resultats. La trajec- además, nos ha dado buenos club, sport entities and in the tòria del CB L’Hospitalet n’és un resultados. La trayectoria del CB schools, all of them include these bon exemple. L’Hospitalet es un buen ejemplo. common interests supported by engaged citizens. We firmly believe, because always have achieved good results, on this compromise. Moreover, a good example of this philosophy and compromise is the successful path made by CB L’Hospitalet. Joan Ramon Patón i Mata Jordi Bertomeu President del Club Bàsquet L’Hospitalet President and CEO, Euroleague Basketball Benvolguts amics, Dear basketball friends, Per al Club Bàsquet L’Hospitalet és tot un orgull i un privilegi presentar l’edició número 36 del Torneig de It is with great pride that Euroleague Basketball and adidas welcome you to the 12th edition of an event that Bàsquet Júnior Ciutat de L’Hospitalet. L’esforç i la il·lusió de tot un club representat pels seus jugadors, entre- celebrates our clubs and all the often-unseen work they do in promoting our great sport among young people. nadors, directius i socis fan possible cada any citar a la ciutat de L’Hospitalet a les futures estrelles del nostre In its second decade, the adidas Next Generation Junior Tournament does more than crown a champion from esport. among the best 18-and-under teams on the continent. Over the course of five months in four countries or more Com sempre, els dies 4, 5 i 6 de gener, i tenint com a escenari el Complex Esportiu de L’Hospitalet Nord, tots every year, the Tournament stands as a symbol of the dedication that Euroleague Basketball’s family of clubs els amants del bàsquet podrem gaudir de tres dies apassionants. have to enriching our sport by perpetuating the values that make basketball great. També volem fer extensiu el mèrit i l’agraïment al consistori de la ciutat de L’Hospitalet, als voluntaris, patro- While the adidas Next Generation Junior Tournament is certainly a showcase of fantastic talent, it also serves cinadors i col·laboradors que fan possible que cada any els Reis Mags ens regalin una nova edició del Torneig. as a unique vehicle for transferring values such as team spirit, commitment, respect, sacrifice, fair play and humility from one generation to the next. Vull aprofitar l’ocasió per desitjar a tots els participants i al públic assistent que gaudeixin d’aquest gran es- pectacle i del millor bàsquet júnior del moment. Our clubs teach those values every day in their youth programs to thousands of children and teenagers. Some of those youngsters will someday thrill us as professionals, but all will learn the values and enjoyment of bas- Moltes gràcies. ketball thanks to the dedication of our clubs. What the Tournament adds to those efforts is a solid platform that lets teenagers from every corner of Europe and often completely distinct backgrounds come together not only to compete, but to understand that their shared passion for basketball make them more alike than different from each other. Apreciados amigos, To introduce basketball to children and develop them as players is a noble mission and the rewards for our Para el Club Baloncesto L’Hospitalet es todo un orgullo y un privilegio presentar la edición número 36 del sport are many: the improvement in the quality of play; the promotion of lifelong healthy living; the advance- Torneo de Baloncesto Junior Ciudad de L’Hospitalet. El esfuerzo y la ilusión de todo un club representado por ment of teaching and learning techniques; and the commitment to local communities that is at the heart of sus jugadores, entrenadores, directivos y socios hacen posible cada año citar en la ciudad de L’Hospitalet a las Euroleague Basketball’s mission. futuras estrellas de nuestro deporte. The adidas Next Generation final tournament serves to reward both clubs and young players for their hard work Como siempre, los días 4, 5 y 6 de enero, y teniendo como escenario el Complejo Deportivo de L’Hospitalet with a one-of-a-kind event that has become a central part of the best weekend in world basketball, the Turkish Nord, todos los amantes del baloncesto podremos disfrutar de tres días apasionantes. Airlines Euroleague Final Four, celebrated this season in Madrid, Spain. También queremos hacer extensivo el mérito y el agradecimiento al consistorio de la ciudad de L’Hospitalet, a Euroleague Basketball is strongly committed to growing basketball across Europe, a commitment inspired by los voluntarios, patrocinadores y colaboradores que hacen posible que cada año los Reyes Magos nos regalen the passion of the many clubs, organizations and institutions that are the true motors of the sport. On behalf of una nueva edición del Torneo. Euroleague Basketball, I thank all of them profoundly, but especially now CB L’Hospitalet, with whom we have Quiero aprovechar la ocasión para desear a todos los participantes y al público asistente que disfruten de este been collaborating on these shared objectives for many years. gran espectáculo y del mejor baloncesto junior del momento. Likewise, our appreciation goes out to adidas for its commitment to youth basketball, the future of our sport. Muchas gracias. Because of all these contributors, our talented young players can take the stage now as the real protagonists of the Next Generation qualifying tournaments. The devotion that defines our game is alive in them, and we are proud to call them part of the Euroleague Basketball family, now and in the future. Many thanks EUROLEAGUE BASKETBALL ADIDAS NEXT GENERATION TOURNAMENT The Euroleague Basketball adidas Next Generation Tournament will mark the 14th edition of a competition that has grown from eight teams and one city in 2003 to qualifying tournaments held across four months in as many countries that offer at least 32 teams the chance to become the junior club champions of Europe. As in previous seasons the Final Tournament will feature the four qualifying tournament winners, the reigning champion from the previous season as well as three wild card invitees competing as a parallel event to the Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four. The two finalists have the honour of playing for the title on the same court where the Turkish Airlines Euroleague championship game is held later on the same day. The Torneig de Basquet Junior “Ciutat de L’Hospitalet” will be held 4-6 January, 2015 in the city of L’Hospitalet, Spain. The qualifying tournament to be played at the Complex Esportiu L’Hospitalet Nord will see five Spanish teams compete against three international teams. Fiatc Joventut Badalona and Real Madrid of Spain reached last year’s Final Tournament in Milan. The other teams competing in L’Hospitalet in early January will be ASVEL Lyon Villeurbanne of France, Union Olimpija Ljubljana of Slovenia, Galatasaray Istanbul of Turkey, Baloncesto Seville, FC Barcelona and L’Hospitalet all of Spain.
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