1 15 December 2010 AFGHANISTAN REVIEW Inside This Issue Economic Stabilization This document is intended to provide an overview of relevant sector Governance & Participation events in Afghanistan from 01 December–14 December 2010. More Humanitarian Assistance comprehensive information is available on the Civil-Military Overview (CMO) at www.cimicweb.org. Hyperlinks to original source material Infrastructure are highlighted in blue and underlined in the embedded text. Justice & Reconciliation Security Social Well-Being For further information on CFC activities related to Afghanistan or inquiries about this publication, please contact the Afghanistan Team Manager: Valeria Davanzo, [email protected] or the Afghanistan Editor: Amber Ram- sey, [email protected] ECONOMIC STABILISATION Steve Zyck, [email protected] / +1 757-683-4275 Back to top Headlines this past week were dominated by the perspective on the prospects of saffron cultivation signing of an agreement concerning the Turkmeni- in Afghanistan, an article by the Institute for War stan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Natural Gas and Peace Reporting (IWPR) claims that insurgents Pipeline Project. United Press International (UPI) have recently attacked saffron cultivation projects in reports that, while questions concerning natural gas Herat province. The destruction of numerous hec- pricing remain un-settled, officials from the four tares of saffron fields and an attack on two trucks countries signed an agreement to move forward with carrying saffron bulbs to Herati farmers has report- the pipeline at a meeting in Ashgabat, the Turkmen edly undermined the willingness of many farmers to capital, on Saturday, 11 December 2010. While sig- grow the crop, says IWPR. nificant in demonstrating the four countries‟ contin- ued support for the TAPI project, the New York In other news, Afghan officials are continuing ef- Times described the agreement as “preliminary“ and forts to attract investors to their country‟s private "an early step” given concerns regarding security sector. The Afghanistan International Investment and financing for the pipeline infrastructure, which is Conference (AIIC), which was held in Dubai in late estimated to cost up to USD 10 billion. Pajhwok Af- November, brought together representatives of 500 ghan News adds that the Afghan government could companies to consider investment opportunities earn between USD 350 million and USD 400 million related to agriculture, railways, and mining within annually in natural gas transit fees if the pipeline is Afghanistan, reports the Associated Press. The Af- eventually built. ghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA) took the opportunity to propose an international invest- According to Tolo News, farmers in the Daman dis- ment fund for Afghanistan which would pool re- trict of Kandahar province have begun to switch sources to promote development and economic from illegal poppy cultivation to higher-value saffron growth. cultivation for the first time. An official from Daman indicated that "[b]ecause it is possible to earn a lot Such efforts may be paying off, as Tolo News re- with little work, the people have turned to saffron ports that an industrial zone in Herat province is set cultivation." Another article from Tolo News noted to receive approximately USD 1 billion in investment that the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Live- as part of the construction of 800 industrial facili- stock (MAIL) is planning to expand saffron cultiva- ties. One of the key achievements in attracting for- tion throughout the country and market Afghan saf- eign investment into Herat has been the clarification fron internationally. Meanwhile, providing a different of complex land ownership issues, which had previ- 2 ously discouraged some would-be investors, says day from the Angot oil fields in Sar-e Pul province. Tolo News. However, Analysts interviewed by The Washington Post questioned whether Afghanistan‟s mineral re- Afghanistan's Ministry of Mines (MoM) has awarded sources will foster peace and economic growth or what The Washington Post has labelled a exacerbate existing internal divisions and violence. "potentially path-breaking" contract to an Afghan oil (Comments? Click here) firm. Under this contract, Ghazanfar Neft Gas will begin pumping approximately 800 barrels of oil per FOR MORE DISCUSSION CLICK HERE GOVERNANCE & PARTICIPATION Anne-Catherine Claude, [email protected] / +1 757-683-4368 Back to top In the latest developments on the September parlia- ing to the article, Karzai has not yet endorsed the mentary elections, Deputy Attorney General Rah- election results, which saw his traditional Pashtun matullah Nazari has called on the Supreme Court to allies lose many of their parliamentary seats (see 23 annul the election results, according to Tolo News. November CFC Weekly Afghanistan Review, Gov- Nazari also called for certain individuals to be put on ernance and Participation section). The Associated trial for their involvement in election irregularities Press also reported that Karzai has met with several and fraud. Both the Independent Election Commis- groups of parliamentarians to discuss the issue but sion (IEC) and the Electoral Complaints Commission has made no move one way or the other. However, (ECC) have strongly rejected the Attorney General‟s according to Pajhwok Afghan News, following a Office (AGO) involvement in the elections. The IEC meeting with MPs on 14 December, Karzai agreed went as far as issuing a press statement emphasis- to inaugurate the new Wolesi Jirga on 21 January. ing that under article 156 of the Afghan Constitution, the IEC is the only legally mandated body to certify Reuters has reported that a new national identifica- and announce election results. Meanwhile, Reuters tion card is being developed for Afghanistan in an reports that Fazal Ahmed Manawi, the Chair of the attempt to improve security and access to services IEC, claimed the AGO had “expressed various irre- by Afghan citizens. The Minister of Communications sponsible statements” that could lead to a political and Information Technology (MoCIT), Amir Zai crisis. Nazari retorted saying that the AGO was only Sangin, unveiled the electronic card to reporters on concerned about the respect of the law and not the 12 December, explaining that the new card will con- political consequences certain statements could tain an electronic chip with each individual‟s drivers have. During a press conference, President Karzai‟s licence, vehicle registration, voter registration and spokesperson, Waheed Omar, gave assurances that signature. The Minister added that the new technol- the ongoing dispute between the AGO and the IEC ogy will assist in reducing fraud and corruption in would not lead to a political crisis, adding that ef- future elections. The Afghan company Grand Tech- forts are underway to find a solution. nology Resources was awarded the USD 100 million contract to create the cards and the MoCIT esti- Agence France-Presse reports that more than 100 re mates that it will take 3-5 years for everyone in the -elected Members of Parliament (MPs), under the country to receive a new ID card. (Comments? name of the Administrative Board of the Parliament, Click here) have called on President Karzai to inaugurate the new parliament on 19 December. However, accord- FOR MORE DISCUSSION CLICK HERE HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE Erin Foster, [email protected] / +1 757-683-4233 Back to top The United Nations, led by UN Deputy Emergency aster risk reduction.” The 2011 Humanitarian Ap- Relief Coordinator and Assistant Secretary-General peal launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- for Humanitarian Affairs, Catherine Bragg, launched Moon further requests USD 7.4 billion for the provi- an appeal on 05 December for USD 678 million for sion of assistance to more than 50 million people in humanitarian assistance programmes in Afghanistan. 28 countries worldwide. Reuters adds that the visit According to the UN, Afghans‟ access to basic ser- by Ms. Bragg was an attempt to place the humani- vices is limited due to years of conflict and recurring tarian situation of Afghans at the forefront of global natural disasters. Therefore, the 2011 priorities discussions while advocating for access of humani- listed in the appeal include “providing life-saving tarian organisations to victims of disasters no mat- assistance to populations affected by conflict or ter their location. Meanwhile, the International natural disaster and contingency planning in accor- Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) claims that the dance with the Hyogo Framework Priority 5 for dis- humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is worsening 3 as the conflict spreads to other parts of the country. (UNHCR). Afghan asylum seekers attempt to reach In response to this deterioration, the organisation Europe, Australia, Canada and the United States via has opened five new sub-offices since 2009. Pakistan and Iran, with Australia and several Euro- pean countries reporting an increase in refugee In an effort to meet the growing humanitarian need numbers as well as deportations, according to The in Afghanistan, the US Agency for International De- Washington Post. The Integrated Regional Informa- velopment (USAID) Office of Foreign Disaster Assis- tion Network (IRIN) adds that Afghans are increas- tance (OFDA) will provide more than USD 47 million ingly willing to face financial risks and the danger- for emergency food assistance as well as humanitar- ous journey
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