Th. Weather ~ Fair aM wanner war. We4a .... ' ...riI, eIetI., ... wanaer. Wah ....,.. 13: lew, n. Hlth Xoad." at owan II: lew, .1. Eat. 1868, - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto. UP Leaaed Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Tuesday, June S. 1951 - Vol. 85. No. 204 '~l(.. 'se ' Regrc)lip In ('enter; Koussevitzky, ,76, Dies Supreme(ourt Upholds; :'0 .. "', I . Lead Boston Symphony .- ,.-! Bunkers Stall -UN Advance <k:.':::::"d":;':f~::;:'~~~symphony orchestra, died Monday .~' '(omm' unl·sts' (onYI·(tl~on ' 'tOKYO (TUESDAY) (11'1 - A at the New England medical ceO'er regroup Chinese Communist army Q 20 ' at the ag() ot 76. slowed the 1).1lied advance to a HAW:' "",l;S. The death of the Russian-born crawl, In centr~i 'K9rea M?nday, musician came as hc prepared for * * * but in the eastt)rn sector United the sumlJler mu~ie festival at ' 6· 2 Decision , " " . .' Tan!(lewood in the Berkshircs Other Rulings Nation,s. troops [org4Td ahead five where he headed the Berkshire mjJes lor the .biuest one-day .gain center music school despite his re­ tiremen~ from active direction of Gives 11 Men of .the war's "new phase." By High Court 1IllUed tanks and infantrymen the Boston orchestra. smacked into the enemy's maIn Kouuevltzlly It'd the Boston orchestra fo, nearly a quarter of a WASHINGTON (IP) - The Su­ Rl!ssia,,-planQ,cd def~nse line on century and durlnr the later years preme C:>urt ruled 5 to of Monday s· Year Terms the approaches ,to ~e "Iron Tri­ waa renera.lJy conceded to be the cities may compel their employes WASHINGTON I\II-The supreme angle" area apove the 38th parallel. balion's foremost symphoDlc con­ to take loyalty oaths as a protec­ court, In a historical 6 to 2 deci- tion against subversion. StUf Co~mullist re~istance from ductor. sion, today upheld the conviction, The high court also uphcld the solid-rock . bunker~ forced the UN Joining the orchestra in 1924, he I ol 11 Commun.lst party leaders on lifted it out of the musical dol­ power of cities to outlaw an oid trodps to me~s ure their gains In charges of conspiring to teach and drums with his biting criticisms American traditlon-door-to-door Opposing Judges y!lrds. .f ' I . and demands lor perfection and peddling-lo protect housewives advocate the overthrow of the 'An El6hth army, ~po.esman said lived to sec it descrlbed as the from invasion of privacy, peace * * * United States government by and quiet. tM ba&lereel (lommuriillt tro"" bad "most highly perfected and sen­ Communist Leaders force I nd violence. ~H' suoc.-,uib and we!;e sitited sYmphOnic ensemble in the Both decisions have far reach­ The momentous deCision, while &0 Koussevitzky Ing effects. Many states and cities .wl*ehlnr frQm delailnr aeUorU world." Court Decision not outlawing the Communist A~ale 4efeblMe . ·.. cUes around Koullllevlt.lly lived for his art have passed, or are planning, loy- Say tile Oborwod-J;umhwa.Poyon.­ I alty oath requirements. The jus­ party, brands It a tool for antl­ aDd attempted to further It by American conspiracies instead of ,lIilr; ~lIntal"~r~m'~d lorareu In operatlnr a Publlshlnr house for tices were told more than 4~ 'Won't Break Party' eentral Norah Korea. Allies Meet Heavy Red Resistance Iran Oil Crisis cities havc banned door-to-door an ordinary poUtical party and I • symphonic composers and en­ paves the way for prosecution of On the fl.!!xible estern front, eoura,lnr them by performln, peddling and these acts were in NEW YORK IU'! - The Com- UN TROOPS BATTLE REDS In furious flcbtlnr, Allie' forces jeopardy. other Red leaders. Communists retreated for the sec­ munist party will as~ the supreme (soUd arrows) forred ahead Monday In North Korea aralnat Reds their works. Thourh H sometimes Attorney Gencral J. Howard ont! strail~ht day to escape the clos­ (open arrows) who put up sUff resistance and counterattacked &0 drew thft wrath of crltlcls. he in­ The court wound up its current court for "an immediate rehearing" McGrath, halUng the verdict as a Eased, Premier term, begun last October, with an ing jaws of an 'Allied ' pince'l'$ protect· tIIelr "Iron trianrle" based on Chorwon, Pyonrpnr and sisted on ~r,ormlnr works of men of the conviction 01 11 party Iead- "good day tor ioyal citizens and a crlipching dO~p. ~rom the east and Kumhwa, Communl.sts aUa.cked at newly Won Yonchon, at Chall he thourht showed mtr". outpouring of other rulings which held: crs for conspiring to teach and bad day for the conspirators," west. UN trQOPs in that area re­ and Younronr, JUlt north of the 38th parallel, and northwest of Born in RUssia July 26, 1874, ;tstered gains up to five mllcs, advocate an American revolutIon, hinted that the 1I0vernment will ot ~wichon. Koussevitzky left home despite his Delays Siezure 1. Persons who break up meet­ proceed soon against other na-' a ,enerel headquarters commllni­ father's objeCtlons and went to ings called to discuss public at­ EU/lene Dennis, Communist general tional. state and local Communist que repQrted. Moscow when a boy. He won a TEHRAN (ll'I-The Iranian oil lairs may not be sued for dam­ and one of the defendonts, an- otlclaIs. musical scpolarship and after crisis eased Monday when relIable ages under federal laws prohibit­ nounced Monday night. The tu,h eoUri't ruU., attlnued ing violation of civil rights. I(~~~~~s~~:;:~«;:~~~~~~ ~~~ A.l!hesonl, ,Bombing Manchuria cramming II few-year-course into sources reported that the govern­ Only if the court reverses itseif &be eoDlUtuUonallt, of &he Smith. Communist dtfense ben In central \t _ 2, Ubor UniON mar not strike five months became leading ment hljd decided to put oU in­ Korea was believed based on a or plcRct against contractors or t;ould the convicted men avoid jail Act IIf U.', UDder whleh tbe double-bass player at the imperia~ definitely the seizure of the sentences. Oemmuailta were C9nvle&ecl la opera. At this time he married and Anglo-Iranian oil company. subcontractors merely to torce them to canoel contracts with a Dennis issued an otficlal party 1949. Tbe law makes It Illeral to · ~~8~r~1 b~:st~at~~~ca~~~~tla~~: M' _llg·h.1 Br'llng Russia 10 Wa, r divorced a ballet dancer. Premier Mohammed Mossadelh statement which said that "In an advee4te &be over1llrow .f the ro(!lintain j;tdes vlrfuaily .astride In less than a decade he was third party which the unions seem agl'eed, responsible informants to penaUie. atmosphere ot war hysteria tl1i! .0verllJDent b, ferce or to 0'­ t~e 38th parallel. ' WASHINGTON l1l'i _ Secretary I Acheson made tho statetnent af- Europe's greatest bull-fiddle vir­ said, to delay the transfer of con­ Truman court majority voted to ,aalle aa, "oup tor that par- The bUDkfl'll "were prepared 3, The JUJUce department I, en­ tuoso, but SUddenly his interest SUbstitute the Smith throught pose. IMet, tbe SU-.fvISIOII of 'Runla. of .'Sta,te Dean Acheson said Mon- ter giv,~ng the committee ~n "ex- trol of the company p<lnding thc tilled to a review of a contempt ......~_ durin,' «!Ie pr,e-" ;ar 80vl,et "a"'( ' "hiHhl bable" Rus ia tended report on the admmlstra- switched to conducting. He or­ outcome of negotiations. control for the constltution's first The defendants now face five· '" - '" . " .. J 1 IS .... Y pro 5 tion's China policy. He Slii<i con- ganized fantastlc trips with full order Issued by the U.S. court of amendment ... " year jall terms and flnes of _nation ot Nfr&h Kerea. already bas agreed to come to cessions granted RUssia at Yaita orchestra, sailing down the 2,300 The shift of control was sche­ appeals here in the compiex dol­ duled (or this week under the re­ Gilbert Green. chairman of the $10,000 each, except Robert G. ',Allied forees liil)ed up' to three th~ aid of Communist China if were designed to bring her into mile stretch ot the Volga river to lar steamship Line case. By the Ulinols Communist party and one Thompson who received the same roUes -In the se'n$.lllve sector be- bring' symphOny music to those cent nationalization of Iranian oil order the court of appeals sought f~e thllY hit the .ij.ed . "~a,iriot ~is counfry e)(pands the Korean the Pacific war Il!1medla ely and fields' by the government. of thc II convicte<i patty leaders, fine but only three years. The Tiil,e." Alte!- that fhev were bit py war by bombing the Manchurian forestall still bigger laqd grabs who had never known it before. to force the government to turn said Monday that "no supreme others are Eugene Dennis, general "1 1 railroad. by the Kremlin later. Lack of s)'lI\Pathy with the BoI- It still ap~ared certain that over $68, million In stock of Am­ t court decision can break the Com- secretary, and John B. WilUam- ' ~ bitter cou"ter-i1 tack.s and in He al.. &old &he aenate eom- He denied tllat these eODceulons shlvlk re~ne forced Koullfevitzky' the government eventually would erican president steamship llnes munlst party, we're here to stay." son, Jacob Stachel Bojamin I. ~~ ;;;;. ~a~~~~ ?o~ more than IIllt"'e htvesti,a\lnr qen. Dourlas had anythlnl"to do with t~e «!owu·. to ~me to America and he Im- take ovcr the oil fields, but top­ to the dollar interests. DJlvU, Jr., Henry Winston, John - "NOrth of 'tile Hanlan river a1\d MaeArthur" dlsmi8lla.1 tha.t to ex- (all of Chiao, Kal-8he~ ...
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