ijcrb.webs.com SEPTEMBER 2012 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS VOL 4, NO 5 STANDARDIZATION OF CHILDRENS YALE – BROWN OBSESSIVE – COMPULSIVE SCALE (II) TO SCREEN OF STUDENTS AFFECTED BY OBSESSION IN ESFAHAN. MOJTABA, MOZAFARI, MASTER OF GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY MOHAMADREZA,ABEDI, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF ISFAHAN Abstract: The olim of this research to study of standardization at children yale – Brown obsessive – compulsive disorder scale (II) to screen of students affected by obsession in Esfahan. Study method was descriptive and standardization. For that, 1200 students were chosen as clustering, multistage and accidental. Relaibility coefhcient of questionnaire in cronbach’s * and split halves method was 0.91 and 0.86 , respectively. Data analysis and questions, test were performed using descriptive and inferential statistic. According to data, in previous position, in elementany schools , Tiran with average of 13.45 and koohpayeh with average of 8.9 had the highest and lowest risk. In secondary schools , Tiran with average of 15.97 and shahreza with average of 7.9 had the highest and lowest risk respectively. In high schools, kashan with average of 14.6 and Naien with average of 7.35 had the highest and lowest risk of obsession , respectively. At the present situation, in elementary school, Mobarakeh with average of 16.5 and chadegan with average of 11.65 had the highest and lowest risk, in secondy schools, Mobarakeh with average of 20.37 and chadegan with awerage of 11.70 had the highest and lowest risk and in high schools, Mobarakeh with average of 21.9 and Tiran with average of 9.25 had the highest and lowest risk of obsession, respectively. Keywords: STANDARDIZATION ; CHILDRENS YALE ; BROWN OBSESSIVE ‘ COMPULSIVE SCALE (II) ; SCREEN OF STUDENTS AFFECTED BY OBSESSION ; ESFAHAN. Introduction: Obsession in children has debilitating process, but it has been neglected. Indeed, obsession has mistenious and hidden nature and regarding to its interaction with growth process, has made a complex phenomena which leads to difficult treatment. Since 19 the century , western psychiatrists have paid attiontion to the disorder. At first. In 1838, Esicrol intruduced compulsory COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 457 ijcrb.webs.com SEPTEMBER 2012 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS VOL 4, NO 5 obsession disorder which didn't change. According to the fourth revised edition of recognition and static guidance of nourosis, obsessive – compulsive disorder is defined as compulsory obsession disorder which is cause of distress and disturbes the life. Regarde to this fact that most of children performances are in the field of education, study and homework, the students whom are affected by this disorder, his / her study disruptes by distress and he / she can't spend his / her time to study and homework, so it leads educational failure. The severity of the disorder has effect on student social performances and makes isolation, withdrawal, lacking interaction in classroom, depression and stereotype behaviors for them. Considering this disorder at the onest of deaseas and under consideration of pationts prevents disurder development and sometimes treats it. Therefore, it can decrease the costs for family and society (Bereg, 1989). The goals: The goals at this study includes: A: Determination at tables for cluldrensyale brown obsessive compulsive disorder (II) B: Determination at validity for cluldrensyale brown obsessive compulsive disorder (II) C: Determination at stability for cluldrensyale brown obsessive compulsive disorder (II) Reseach questions: 1- How are scale standard tables for 6 – 18 years old? 2- Regarding to maudsely inventory correlation, how is the test validity? 3- How is the test reliability using cronback's and split halves methods? Research method: COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 458 ijcrb.webs.com SEPTEMBER 2012 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS VOL 4, NO 5 Research method which is used is descriptive and standardization method. Society and statistical sample: Society: Research society was all of students in elementary, secondary and high schools in Esfahan. Sample: Sampling was accidental and multistage. At first , Esfahan devided to five parts: North, South, East, West and central. The north part included educational districts of kashan and Emamzadeh south part included mobarakeh and shahreza, east part included koohpayeh and Naien, westipart included Tiran and chadegan,and in central part, khoomeinishahr and education district no . 2 were chose. At the second slage, three girl schools and three boy schools in level of elementary, secondary and high schools were chose, accidentally. 20 students were chose in each of schools, accidentally. Totally, 1200 students participated in our research. Research instrument: Research instrument was "childrens yale – Brown obsessive – compulsive scale" II . Students should answered to 73 questions in two lists: Obsessive thoughts and obsessive performances. Each question provided in two previous and present positions and totally, 146 questions should be answered. Validity: Scale validity was confirmed by Scahill, Riddle, Mcswiggan, Hardin, art,kins, Goodman and leckman(1997). In another research, Goodman, Price, Rasmosen, Mazour, Delgado, Higenz and charni (1999) Confirmed this validity again. COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 459 ijcrb.webs.com SEPTEMBER 2012 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS VOL 4, NO 5 In this research , to measure of validity, simultaneous validity method was used. According to results , "childrens yale – Brown obsessive – compulsive scale" has not correlation with maudsely inventory. For that, 100 subjects were chose and two tests were provided for them, simultaneously. Then correlation for two tests was estimated. In total obsession, checking and washing obsession there were negative, negative and positive (0.086) correlations, respectively. After that, in previous and present position, high correlation between subtests was obtained which confirms scale validity the negative correlation for two scales is related to lacking validity of maudsely inventory. Reliability: Scale reliability was confirmed by scahil, Ridel, Mac Swigen, Hardin, ort, king , Goodman and linkman (1997). In another research by Goodman, price, Rasmosen, Masour, Delgado, Hinser and charri (1999) this reliability was confirmed again. To measure of this scale, two methods split halves and Cronbach's - were used. At first, 40 respondences were chose, accidentally. Then reliability was calculated by spss software. Reliability coefhcient was estimated using cronbach's (91%) and the correlation between split halves was 85%. Maudsely obsessive inventory: This inventory includes 30 items with two options (true and false) and each participant answer to it. It has a score for total obsession and four categories for obsession indexes – checking , delaying – repeat and doubt – and duty sense. The validity and reliability of test for four categories is estimated equal 0.8. (Hachson and Rakman, 1997). COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 460 ijcrb.webs.com SEPTEMBER 2012 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS VOL 4, NO 5 Data collecting method: Data collecting was individually and as group. At first, the method at using questionnair – individually and as group – was teached to copperators. In elementary schools , data collecting was individually, because the participants couldn't read and answer the questions. In individually position for questionnair, each question was read for subject and in present and previous position of obsessive behavior, he / she was answered the question and tester was registered it. In secondary and high school, data collecting was as group. For that , at first tester was provided information about questionnair questions and as explained the method of answering. Then , the questionnairs were distributed. Aswer to questionnair has no time limitation. The method of statistical analysis. To provide of standard tables, using unlinear changing, data changed to Z scores, then changed to T score. For estimation of scale reliability, chron bach's and split, halves were used. Multivariant variance analysis was used to study the effect of different variables such as education course , sex and educational districts. COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 461 ijcrb.webs.com SEPTEMBER 2012 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS VOL 4, NO 5 Results Standard tables for test and subtests are provided. Q1: How are scale standard tables for 6 – 18 years old? Total standard tables in previous and present position Table 1 Table 2 Total obsessive table (present) Total obsessive table (past) COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 462 ijcrb.webs.com SEPTEMBER 2012 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS VOL 4, NO 5 According table 1 , T score between 60- 70 and less than 60 are affected obsessive– compulsive and are in standard position (at the present) , respectively. On the other hand, according table 2, T score less than 60 , between 60-70 and more than 70 show standard, alittle obsession and obsessive – compulsive (at past) behavior , respectively. COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 463 ijcrb.webs.com
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