Signatories of the Petition of the Coalition for Free Broadband Now, in Support of M2Z Networks' Application WT Dockets 07-16 & 07-30

Signatories of the Petition of the Coalition for Free Broadband Now, in Support of M2Z Networks' Application WT Dockets 07-16 & 07-30

Signatories of the Petition of the Coalition for Free Broadband Now, in Support of M2Z Networks’ Application WT Dockets 07-16 & 07-30 First Name Last Name Zip State Carrian Arnariak 99501 AK Elmer Bekoalok 99501 AK Dale Snowfield 99501 AK Houston Spires 99501 AK Josh White 99501 AK jacqui bohlken 99502 AK Crystal Evans 99502 AK Angel Osterhaus 99502 AK Jeanette Seaver 99502 AK Marge Wheeler 99502 AK Tamicka Wright 99502 AK Jason Buck 99503 AK Charles Childs 99503 AK George Clifton 99503 AK Harriet Drummond 99503 AK Sande Grimes 99503 AK Jason Troutman 99503 AK Bryan Kirby 99504 AK Donna Kirby 99504 AK Mike Luedke 99504 AK Rose Thomas 99504 AK Michelle Vigil 99504 AK Northern Alpine 99505 AK Stacey Amato 99505 AK lori rogers 99505 AK antonio rogers 99505 AK Toni Mattox 99506 AK melissa webster 99506 AK Steven Blakley 99507 AK Donna DeMonia 99507 AK Shawana Kinzer 99507 AK Robert Kristich 99507 AK Don Love 99507 AK biponh luce 99507 AK Michelle Osmar 99507 AK Loren Quilliam 99507 AK Gretchen Davis 99508 AK Gary Erwin 99508 AK Carole Greer 99508 AK Jessica Sellers 99508 AK Lillian Thomas 99508 AK Mike Yim 99508 AK Lisa Maahs 99509 AK Shawna Hegel 99515 AK Fatmir Ljimani 99515 AK Katrina Stracener 99515 AK Mike Tye 99515 AK Banta Joe 99516 AK sylvia stewart 99516 AK Deborah Voves 99516 AK Roberta Avila 99517 AK RON bartlett 99517 AK Mary BucKingham 99517 AK James Irwin 99518 AK Madson Andrea 99553 AK Jackie Wassilie 99557 AK Quss Brink 99559 AK Kyle jimmie 99559 AK Ben Gardner 99567 AK Pat Vincent 99567 AK Kareena Best 99573 AK Brenda Mulkeit 99576 AK Marina Nelson 99576 AK Jana Lee 99577 AK Brenda Nabulsi 99577 AK Lourdes Rivera 99577 AK Roxanne Ayojiak 99589 AK Desiree Tomaganuk 99604 AK Levi Doss 99611 AK Margaret Jones 99611 AK Colin O'sullivan 99611 AK Amanda Ball 99615 AK Sandra Unruh 99615 AK Bavly yousef 99615 AK Beverly Nierstheimer 99635 AK David Azean 99641 AK Yago Wassillie 99641 AK David Wassillie 99641 AK Adam Adams 99645 AK Michael kindRick 99645 AK Ruth Whitmore 99645 AK Linda Friend 99652 AK Jojean Anderson 99654 AK Natasha Bowers 99654 AK Kathy Caruth 99654 AK Joe cuddy 99654 AK betsie erickson 99654 AK Michael hill 99654 AK Mia O'Malley 99654 AK Olga Perez 99654 AK Starla Thomas 99654 AK Ttina bahl 99669 AK melissa hofbauer 99669 AK Jamie Maes 99669 AK Breezy Stevens 99669 AK Delores Bouchan 99671 AK Michelle Rodgers 99686 AK Elin Carpenter 99687 AK dawn Marquez 99687 AK dixie mobley 99687 AK Allana Gustafson 99692 AK Gail Beltz 99701 AK Dennis J. Dougherty 99701 AK John Johnson 99701 AK Danielle King 99701 AK Mystiek Lockery 99701 AK Chanthala Singkhan 99701 AK Luana Duncan 99702 AK Vernon Bell 99703 AK Matt Dapp 99703 AK Lindsey Woodward 99703 AK Dawn Andon 99705 AK Lewis Foster 99705 AK yolanda jones 99705 AK Edith Kuwanoe 99705 AK Philip Newton 99705 AK Frank peron 99705 AK Lynda Tosland 99705 AK Sig Hopen 99707 AK Kinue Rauch 99707 AK Bobby Kious 99709 AK Wendi Lifto 99709 AK Thomas Lindsey 99709 AK Nicholas Palso 99709 AK Craig Strawther 99709 AK Pam Strawther 99709 AK Judith King 99711 AK Job Koonooka 99742 AK Priscilla Rock 99771 AK Anna Simmons 99780 AK Sonya Villagecenter 99781 AK John George 99801 AK Steven Jaynes 99801 AK Leslie Longenbaugh 99801 AK Florence Pasillas 99801 AK Beth Stewart 99801 AK Rebecca Troutt 99801 AK Lisa Mariotti 99802 AK Evelyn Richards 99802 AK Charlie Carlson 99821 AK Steve Elliott 99824 AK Michael Williams 99826 AK Nick Kokotovich 99827 AK Vereasa St.john 99833 AK carol garcia 99835 AK Josh Lawrence 99835 AK Ricky quint 99835 AK Emi ClayDon 99840 AK david impecoven 99901 AK Erwin Malabanan 99901 AK Misty Nouchi 99901 AK vivian combs 99928 AK Nick Aycock 35004 AL Kimberly Bellino 35007 AL David Cao 35007 AL Meredith Neal 35007 AL Kimberly Bowen 35010 AL Carolyn lovelady 35010 AL Leonora Maxwell 35010 AL John maynard 35010 AL Karan Milam 35010 AL Marilyn Ray 35010 AL April Williams 35010 AL Jody Bell 35016 AL Amy Greer 35016 AL Natalie Hatcher 35016 AL Tammy hayes 35016 AL lori Profitt 35019 AL Mary Bolden 35020 AL Jennifer Castillo 35020 AL amy marshall 35020 AL Brad Douglas 35022 AL melvin sheridan 35022 AL Demetrius Gray 35023 AL Stephanie Hobbs 35023 AL Suzy Wallace 35023 AL katherine vanzandt 35031 AL GWEN BELL 35040 AL Teresa Hartkopf 35040 AL Anna Hartkopf 35040 AL brenda brooks 35042 AL CarolYN LOGAN 35043 AL Katesa Boyette 35044 AL Carolyn Sawyer 35044 AL Tim Shelnutt 35044 AL Taylor Trina 35044 AL JOHN CLECKLEY 35045 AL Wayne Addair 35046 AL Keith Kelley 35049 AL shelia King 35049 AL LAURA PERRY 35051 AL LINDA BLAKE 35054 AL Ben Owen 35054 AL scott adams 35055 AL Joyce Burks 35055 AL Christopher Haynes 35055 AL Stanley Jones 35055 AL Michelle Mickle 35055 AL kimberly vanzandt 35055 AL John radvillas 35057 AL Clyde Bush 35060 AL Mario Brown 35064 AL Latasha Morgan 35064 AL Kristie Brown 35071 AL Lee Minor 35071 AL Anthony Wood 35071 AL Michelle Huckabee 35072 AL Robert Nelson 35073 AL Nikki Bement 35077 AL Phil mathews 35077 AL Laura East 35080 AL Jay Wolfe 35094 AL Dawn Glover 35111 AL Jock Ash 35115 AL Marisa Geiger 35115 AL Brett Quinn 35115 AL Frances Hood 35116 AL Norma Hicks 35117 AL Michael Perkins 35118 AL Misty Ingram 35120 AL Angela Smart 35120 AL Sharon Cooley 35121 AL Ashley Moore 35121 AL Jim Ward 35121 AL Dedra Cagle 35124 AL Luther Foreman 35124 AL Anthony Lydell 35124 AL yvonne nguyen 35124 AL Anthony Olive 35124 AL dennis Smith 35124 AL Cristy Harwood 35125 AL David Henderson 35126 AL Ron Jennings 35126 AL Roger Rice 35126 AL Wendy Craven 35128 AL Pamela Isbell 35128 AL Kellie Miller 35128 AL Pat Springfield 35130 AL Don Wright 35135 AL Jeanine Naden 35146 AL abigail bennett 35150 AL Graley Powell jr 35150 AL Martel Shealey 35150 AL Billy Davis 35151 AL Wendy Davis 35151 AL Fred Ferguson 35151 AL Debbie Conner 35160 AL hargis Jackson 35160 AL Amanda Smith 35160 AL Daniel Calvert 35172 AL angela mccay 35172 AL Vicki Hogan 35173 AL Linda Upchurch 35173 AL Charles Haynes 35179 AL Jim Anderson 35180 AL Selena Whaley 35184 AL ERIC CRAIG 35187 AL Sandra Barnes 35203 AL Charles Price, II 35203 AL Ann White 35203 AL Danita Dunson 35205 AL James Huckaby 35205 AL Lee Schwarz 35205 AL Jonathan Sivley 35205 AL Wally v Torres 35205 AL Ann White 35205 AL David Yarbrough 35205 AL MARY J HOLYFIELD 35206 AL Lisa Marsh 35206 AL Rose Reed 35206 AL Sylvester P Hairston 35207 AL Lisa Jordan 35207 AL Dianne Walker 35207 AL DEBRA WASHINGTON 35207 AL Shontae Madison 35208 AL Kelvin Shelley 35208 AL Monique Shine 35208 AL Charles East 35209 AL Daniel Lane 35209 AL Aurtro SCruggs 35209 AL Gwendolyn Craig 35210 AL Sylvonia Jenkins 35210 AL Patrice Smith 35210 AL Jacqueline Belcher 35211 AL Jerrell Gibbs 35211 AL ike gresham 35211 AL Marcus Melton 35211 AL Harton Ward 35211 AL Conswella Reese 35212 AL Randall Woodtin 35212 AL Cheryl Gardner 35214 AL Delwin Hill 35214 AL Deanquneatta Rozell 35214 AL Laquita Sanders 35214 AL Traci Brown 35215 AL Kelleyne Grant 35215 AL John Green 35215 AL LaTwaunya Jackson 35215 AL Cedrid Kirkland 35215 AL Michael Love 35215 AL Kenya Russell 35215 AL sandra shuler 35215 AL Harold Smith 35215 AL Lynn Stadler 35215 AL Edward Walls 35215 AL Frederick Wooten 35215 AL ami butler 35216 AL juan landaverde 35216 AL Brian Pilling 35216 AL Fredernica Williams 35216 AL Becky Newell 35217 AL Starcricia Scott 35217 AL Rayella Searight 35218 AL TERRI COOK 35219 AL Barbara Dunham 35219 AL Geraldine Morris 35221 AL Natasha Allen 35224 AL Shirley Brown 35224 AL Courtney Carpenter 35226 AL aaron floyd 35228 AL Michael Mitchell 35228 AL April Whitt 35228 AL janet gamblin 35234 AL Barbara Fincher 35235 AL Jason Lisenby 35235 AL Kyle Richardson 35235 AL John T Elmore II 35240 AL Carl Smith 35240 AL Jp Blackwell 35242 AL Chantrice Inge 35242 AL Julia Mortenson 35242 AL Paul Hawley 35243 AL Bernice Bunkley 35244 AL Beth Chapman 35244 AL Steve Haynes 35244 AL PATTY HOGELAND 35244 AL Stephen Moake 35244 AL Kristina Villavicencio 35254 AL Elisha Smart 35265 AL Love Howard 35401 AL Jayson Davis 35404 AL Latonya Hopkins 35404 AL Tony Kizzire 35404 AL rodney logan 35404 AL David Navarro 35404 AL Mary j Pogue 35404 AL LATASHA WilliamS 35404 AL Stephanie Bowden 35405 AL Marcus Johnson 35405 AL Kiara McGinnis 35405 AL Andrew Rypel 35405 AL Mary Saucier 35405 AL chyrest Williams 35405 AL Adrian Rowe 35406 AL Virginia Kizziah 35407 AL Rosilynne Richey 35407 AL deborah toney 35441 AL Awon Hardin 35442 AL Jacqueline Walker 35442 AL James Edwards 35444 AL Luereanna Williams 35446 AL brandon allen 35453 AL Terry R Cooley 35453 AL Victoria Roberts 35456 AL Latonya Foster 35463 AL Denis Banks 35473 AL Ben Borders 35473 AL candice dacis 35473 AL jeanette Royster 35473 AL amanda stillwell 35473 AL heidi wilcox 35476 AL Margaret Phillips 35486 AL clay alpha 35501 AL Melvin Harris 35501 AL Julie Kirk 35501 AL Wyvonna Davis 35503 AL Sarena Davis 35503 AL Matthew Franklin 35503 AL Lawrence Patton 35503 AL Anetra Earley 35504 AL Sue Talley 35504 AL Karen Holmes 35540 AL Sharon Key 35541 AL redeana russell 35553 AL James Franks 35555 AL Leann Spiller 35563 AL Sally Bishop 35564 AL Kathy Harris 35565 AL kevin long 35565 AL Gus Stamos 35565 AL Louise Stamos 35565 AL Thomas Stamos 35565 AL Patricia George 35570 AL Brett Taylor 35570 AL Kayla Berry 35575 AL Libby Prescott 35578 AL RickY BRUNER 35579 AL RickY BRUNER 35579 AL Larry Duvall 35581 AL shelia Thomas 35581 AL Janice Beal 35586 AL Tammy Dison 35592 AL William Langford 35592 AL Talasya Mastin 35601 AL Kristie Vaughn 35601 AL latonya wiggins 35601 AL Debra Bean 35603 AL Nik Davis 35603 AL Marina Garcia 35603 AL Gale Hubbard 35603 AL

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