Initial Environmental Examination November 2016 People’s Republic of China: Hebei Elderly Care Development Project Prepared by the Hebei Provincial Department of Finance for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 5 October 2016) Currency unit – Yuan (CNY) CNY1.00 = $0.1500 $1.00 = CNY6.5 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank AE – affected enterprise AHs – affected households APS – affected people BOD5 – 5-day biochemical oxygen demand CAB – civil affairs bureau CDRC – County Development and Reform Commission COD – chemical oxygen demand CPB – county planning bureau DO – dissolved oxygen EC – elderly care ECS – elderly care system EHS – environmental health and safety EIA – environmental impact assessment EIRF – Environmental Impact Registered Form EMP – environmental management plan EMS – Environment monitoring station EPB – Environmental Protection Bureau FB – Financial Bureau FSR – feasibility study report FYP – Five-Year Plan GCO – Government Complaints Office GDP – gross domestic product GRM – grievance redress mechanism HCBS – home- and community-based service HPG – Hebei Provincial Government IA – Implementing agency ICT – information and communications technology IEE – initial environmental examination IOT – internet of things LIEC – loan implementation environment consultant ii LRB – Land and Resources Bureau MEP – Ministry of Environment Protection PPE – participating private enterprise PPMO – provincial project management office PPTA – project preparatory technical assistance PRC – People’s Republic of China REA – rapid environmental assessment SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement TCE – tons of standard coal equivalent TEIF – Tabular Environmental Impact Form WWTP – wastewater treatment plant WEIGHTS AND MEASURES oC – degree centigrade dB – decibel km – kilometer km2 – square kilometer kW – kilowatt GJ – 103 TJ m – meter mu – 1/15 hectare m2 – square meter m3/a – cubic meter per annum m3/d – cubic meter per day mg/kg – milligram per kilogram mg/l – milligram per liter mg/m3 – milligram per cubic meter t – metric ton t/a – ton per annum NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. iii In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 3 A. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3 B. Baseline Environment .................................................................................................... 3 C. Impacts and Mitigation Measures ................................................................................... 7 D. Associated Facilities ..................................................................................................... 11 E. Public Consultation and Grievance Redress Mechanism ............................................. 11 F. Environmental Management Plan ................................................................................. 11 G. Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 11 II. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 12 A. Project Rationale .......................................................................................................... 12 B. The Proposed Project ................................................................................................... 14 C. Environmental Safeguards ........................................................................................... 16 III. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK ....................................... 16 A. Policy and Planning Framework ................................................................................... 16 B. Legislative framework for Environment Impact Assessment in the PRC ....................... 17 C. Evaluation Standards ................................................................................................... 19 D. Implementation Arrangements ...................................................................................... 22 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT ..................................................... 22 A. Project Overview .......................................................................................................... 22 B. The Subprojects ........................................................................................................... 23 1. Xinji Parents' Paradise Elderly Care Community Center ........................................... 27 2. Julu County Healthcare and Elderly Care Integrated Service Center ........................ 29 3. Chengde Shuangluan District Haoren Health and Elderly Care Service Center ........ 30 4. Shexian County Binhe Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Center ................................. 31 5. Baoding Lixian County Elderly Care Comprehensive Service Center ........................ 33 Yanshan University Health and Elderly Care Integration Training Center……………..28 7. HCBS Centers – General Description ....................................................................... 35 . V. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT (BASELINE DATA) .................................... 36 A. Regional Environmental Setting ................................................................................... 36 1. Landform .................................................................................................................. 36 2. Climate ..................................................................................................................... 37 3. Hydrology Resources ................................................................................................ 37 4. Air Quality ................................................................................................................. 38 5. Natural Disasters ...................................................................................................... 39 6. Socioeconomic Conditions ........................................................................................ 39 B. Subproject Prefectures Environmental Setting ............................................................. 42 1. Shijiazhuang Municipality (Xinji Parents' Paradise Elderly Care Community Center) 42 1 2. Xingtai Municipality (Julu County Healthcare and Elderly Care Integrated Service Center) 43 3. Chengde Municipality (Chengde Shuangluan District Haoren Health and Elderly Care Service Center) ................................................................................................................ 43 4. Handan Municipality (Yanshan University Health and Elderly Care Integration Training Center) ............................................................................................................................ 45 5. Qinhuangdao Municipality (Shexian County Binhe Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Center) ................................................................................................................................ 45 6. Baoding Municipality (Baoding Lixian County Elderly Care Comprehensive Service Center) ................................................................................................................................ 46 C. Environmental Baseline at Subproject Sites ................................................................. 47 1. Xinji Parents' Paradise Elderly Care Community Center ........................................... 47 2. Julu County Healthcare and Elderly Care Integrated Service Center ........................ 49 3. Chengde Shuangluan District Haoren Health and Elderly Care Service Center ........ 53 4. Yanshan University Health and Elderly Care Integration Training Center .................. 55 5. Shexian County Binhe Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Center ................................. 57 6. Baoding Lixian County Elderly Care Comprehensive Service Center ........................ 61 VI. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES ....... 63 A. Project Benefits ............................................................................................................ 64 B. Project Beneficiaries..................................................................................................... 64 C. Pre-construction Phase: measures to be undertaken ................................................... 64 D. Impacts and Mitigation Measures during Construction Period ...................................... 68 E. Impacts and Mitigation Measures during Operation Period........................................... 73 VII. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION ............... 78 A. First Round Consultations ............................................................................................ 78 B. Information Disclosure and Second Round
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